A smile different from usual

Acer stayed with Beam in the same dormitory room. The room is not that big but is quite decent.

Beam's parents want him to stay in a hotel so they can be assured that he's safe but he refused. He wanted to go out and live independently. Even if he's not that social kind of person, he still wanted to see the world.

Acer and Beam's staying in one room isn't that harmonious.

"Pinky, wash my clothes for me." he ordered while playing game at his phone, not even sparing a glance at the guy doing his homework. He's lying in his bed half naked. In gratitude for saving him in an almost-raped situation, he agreed to become his servant for 3 months.

100 days before the break up.

"Don't overdo it." Beam sneered at his bossy roommate. He acts like a total asshole these days. Although he became his servant by his own will, it looks like he's bullying him. The more they stay together, his bullying worsens. While he's still the same, gentlest as ever... Innocent like a little bunny.

Beam's appearance is mainly the reason why his classmates are dissing him.

"You should get yourself a husband, not a wife..."

"Can you even throw a punch?"

"Does a girly like you knows how to play instruments? You fit more in the culinary department."

"How can a man be so feminine?"


They throw him useless words in attempt of dissing him as their past time. He's wondering sometimes, there are many gays in his department. They are even more feminine than him, as in wearing feminine clothes and even make up... But why are they always teasing him? Although it's not that serious and he can ignore them, he just can't help but notice all the attention he's getting. Except for being dissed by almost all of his male classmates from his previous school, he's flirted by almost all of the gays and girls. He still remembered the worst experience he had on his previous school. A gay and a girl asked her out at the same time, without even waiting for his response, the two fought in front of him like a violent rabid cat. He's so frightened and he didn't know what to do, his stupid friend, Hei Xuo, just laughed at his side watching the two fight. While the two were fighting, he took that as a chance and grabbed Reed's hands and ran away to escape.

He puts down his guitar and stood up to get the bin filled with dirty clothes. Filled to the brim.  Some are even scattered to the floor. As a neat freak... Beam's eyes is sensitive to dirt.

"Are you usually lazy like this?" Beam asked curiously. After staying with this guy for a while, he becomes comfortable with him... And he's usually frank to those people he's comfortable with. But his frank statement isn't intimidating at all, when he's using that same gentle tone, he does sound intimidating nor reprimanding at all.

"Hmm. I'm always busy with practice and training. Besides, there are also homeworks. I'm too lazy to wash them." he answered while laying on his stomach, playing Player Unknown Battleground on his phone.

'He really admitted he's lazy.' Beam can't help but snort in his head.

He tried to think of his situation as an athlete. Classes usually finishes by 5 pm sometimes even later, after that he would go to the gym to practice. If there is homework or projects, he will do it after practice. He sighed to himself.

'Being an athlete must be tiring...' those words supposed to be in his head was unconsciously said out loud but he didn't realized it yet. He didn't notice the small smile in his mouth when he heard him say those words. He went out to  the laundry to wash the clothes, Acer put down his phone and look at his tiny figure walking away, stumbling with the big bin filled with clothes. The clothes is blocking his sight and that almost made him stumble in the way.

"He looked small— so cute. Like a bunny." he said out loud and then smiled once again. That smile is definitely different. It was a small, gentle and mesmerising smile.