The girl who broke his heart (1)

After he finished washing clothes, he went to cook. Acer doesn't allow him to go out on his own late at night, instead they would buy vegetables and fruits together.

Say something, I'm giving up on you

I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you

Anywhere, I would've followed you

Say something, I'm giving up on you

He sung as he cooked food. It was the song. There is a thing about Beam... Whenever he felt strange and sudden emotions, he always automatically think of a song. That day... It was that song that accompany him to his wretched heartbreak.

He absentmindedly finished cooking. He got out of the kitchen to call him but he found him fallen asleep in the bed, his phone is still open and the application is still running. He stared at him in the distance. He is lying by his stomach and his head is leaning sideways which expose his face clearly. He kneeled beside the bed.

He marveled the side of his face before his eyes. From the perfectly crafted brows to his long and thick lashes... His narrow and pointed nose then his pouty and manly lips. His jaw is well defined, as if carved by a sculptor. With his face, no wonder he could find a gorgeous girlfriend and circled with many friends and peers.

He assessed himself. Him? He got a girlfriend.. But she cheated on him. What a low life... He couldn't help but to think that he would be a monk forever.

[monk- an idiom which means males who stays single for a long time]

"Don't stare for too long, or you might fall in love with me."

The man kneeling beside the bed is startled when he spoke. His eyes are still close so he thought he's asleep.

'This man is seriously full of sick thoughts on his head.' he thought to himself.

"Wake up and eat." he said sarcastically and then got up from the floor. When you have a sarcastic roommate, it could be contagious.


"Pinky, do you have a girlfriend"

Beam halted from eating after hearing that question. Past memories began to pour with that simple question. Sudden reminiscences reflected on his face, Acer noticed but he didn't say anything. Beam answered by shaking his head, his eyes still on the food. He chewed the food slowly than normal, remembering that painful encounter once again.


The man held a big bouquet of roses in his hands. In his face is a beautiful smile, highlighting his gentle and caring demeanour. Many people often looked at him when he entered the five-star hotel where he's suppose to surprise his girlfriend. Today is his birthday and he wanted to surprise her girlfriend, he brought her a gift and the ring for their engagement.

People often mistook him as a boy group star because of his beautiful yet handsome face, his pink hair is also a big factor. His hair is totally his brother's fault. Reed is an artist. He beseeched him to accompany him in dyeing his hair. His naturally brown hair turned into combination of pink and white. White is the base then pink as the main color. He looked like a feminine Jack Frost! So because of that hair, he became the center of attention. On his previous school, it is not hidden that his brother, Reed Shizuki a.k.a Reed Z. is an artist. However, it was hidden in his new school. He doesn't want to be the center of their attention again. But thanks to his hair, he's getting more attention than ever. His classmates on the music faculty keep asking him if his a KPOP star. He does not even know what KPOP means, let alone be it.

He learned from his brother that KPOP means Korean pop. 'I'm not Korean, I'm Japanese...' he mentally cried in his thought. Now he's climbing up the stairs because the elevators are all full. His every step is hurried, like he's very excited about something. His coming here is a surprise. This is where his girlfriend is staying.

Lili Xu is an ideal girl for him. She is a pretty girl, studying in the same university as him. Lili came from an influential family, although not that powerful as those giant companies, they still have say in business. She is average in height, a shoulder length black hair. She have big round eyes that reminds you of a life sized doll and a small and thin pale lips. She has an air of cheerfulness and innocence in her, thing that she carry around anywhere goes. When he told his parents that Lili like him... They almost sold him to the Xu family. They want to engage them ina whim, if that happened the Xu corporation and the Z International will be in good terms.

But he don't want to rush. They are still young, he still want to make sure that he likes Lili back before becoming his fiancee. He's been thinking about it for a long time now, and they're in a relationship. Lili is not hard to like. She is caring and sweet,  considerate to what he feels. So here they are... Dubbed as the most ideal couple in the university. He excitedly glanced at the keys on his hands.

Room 143... 143... 143? What a weird number.