The girl who broke his heart (2)

"This hotel is really weird." he can't help but exclaim.

It was lighted with a combination of red of yellow, and the designs of the interior looked romantic.

"Just forget it, I need to find that room fast." he whispered in the air. Room 143 is in the 16th floor. When he got out of the elevator, his feelings were so elevated. He's so happy that it feels like he's inside a bubble.

"Room 143? This is it." he said and took out the spare key of the room. This was gave to him by the employee on the desk. He bought this room for her.

He opened the room using the spare key and what he saw was not what he imagined. He saw several clothes scattered in the floor like they're  tossed without any care. Not  just female clothes. There were also a black coat and a shirt.

Doubt and consciousness entered his system. But like a corrupted computer, he fought so hard. He can't conclude anything unless otherwise proven... he kept reminding himself. There could have something urgent that happened.

"Yeah.... Lili will not do that to me." he assured in his mind. Although he tried to calm down, he can't help but feel uneasy. He is nervous as hell, heart pounding like mad. He is silently praying while walking towards the dining room.

Even the bed is messy...

He stopped in front of the dining room... Stopping halfway and mustering his courage. He knew that it might shatter him but he kept convincing himself that Lili can't do that to him. He breathed deeply and then opened the door.

When he finally opened it, shock slowly registered in his eyes. He tried to blink multiple times to prove if it was real.

Lili is there... Dining with a man, the man is pale and gorgeous. Almost unreal. He's also more masculine than him. Worst? They are only on their robes. His grip on the flower loosened as if his energy shot down from 100 to 0. She is smiling sweetly at the man, totally clueless of his presence. His heart clenched. She never smiled that way to him.

'Don't assume rashly. Ask him first.' he lectured himself.

He might not realuzed how foolish he is in those moments. He's been slapped with evidences but he still don't want to believe it.

"Lili..." he tried to cheer up his voice, although it almost cracked. He might looked silent and aloof but his heart is soft and fragile... Easily broken. He tried his best to endure the pain.

He endured. He stood there. Unmoving. Ready to hear her out. She slowly turned to him, shock is written all over rhis face. And why would she be shocked? The man just sat there unmoving, looking at him.

In the corner of his eyes, a teardrop formed. It took forever to stand and approached him.

She's anxious, and her eyes carry an indescribable guilt.  "Lili, who is he?" he tried to be cheerful, while he also tried to flicker asl those tears rapidly forming and threatening to fall any moment.

She didn't spoke. She started to cry... She teared up, tears falling one after another until her crying turned into weeping. He patted her back and tried to console her up. He's hurt like hell but he chose to restrain himself. 'Calm down Beam, hear her out first...'

"Please... I-I love you... Just answer me will you??" he begged her. He begged her to speak because her silence is enough to kill him.

"Beam... I'm sorry."

He shook his head. Continuously. As if she's going to take back the words she said earlier. Just an apology, and it manage to shatter all the confidence he tried so hard to muster. Not just his confidence, his heart and his mind.

Every pumping of the organ in his chest brought pain. Still, he can't leave. He don't want them to end.

"Please... Just lie to me..." he begged while the tears he's holding back continuously fell down. He's holding her hand tightly.

"Just lie to me. I'll believe you. I will act like nothing happened. Please..." he begged like a kid afraid by being left alone at home. Begging for his parents to come and bring him with them.

She didn't denied it. She kept crying and apologizing.

This is the first time he loved someone so deeply. And this is also the first time he ever felt this pain. The pain of watching your dearest with another man. Isn't it ironic? You're happy with her, but she's happy with another?

Being pricked by needles is too easy, being stabbed is more humane... Better than this kind of pain. This pain is slowly killing him from the inside.... Took all the words from his mouth and dissolved them.

He could not ask why. He can't speak. He just smiled sadly and watch her look at him pitifully. All the pain seems to turn into tears.

He hates crying. He's always been a crybaby. But being in this kind of situation with no return... The pain is unutterable.

He regretted going there this day. Of all days why did he chose this day? Can't it be another day?

Today is his birthday. His birthday and first heartbreak is on the same day.