Chapter 5: She's far from normal

Lu Fan got through the maze garden easily. Nomally, for other people they could get lost or take a long time for them to get through that maze even if they stayed in the mansion for years, but she remembered the way by just going there a single time. If anyone knew this, they would be struck dumb again by her.

She carried her brother princess style towards the mansion. Seeing their new young miss carrying their young master full of blood, the servants panicked.

"Y-young miss what happened." One maid asked, panic within her eyes.

"Where's father and grandfather?" She asked in a calm voice.

The maid answered immediately, "At the living room!"

She headed to the living room where their father and grandfather were, while her brother still in her arms, unconscious.

As she entered, both greeted her with smiles but suddenly changed into worry when they saw the bloodied Lu Sheng.

"What happened? Are you wounded?" Lu Pei asked her. She was quite baffled why they were worried about her, but somehow that brought warmth to her heart.

"No, but brother is." she answer without and emotion on her face nor her voice, but they didn't mind because they accepted what she is. Thats what family is, right? (You should accept your family even if they have face paralysis.😔)

She gave her unconscious brother to their father for him to check. He laid down his son on the couch, that costs hundreds of thousands dollars, having it stained with blood. "Flip him over, the wound is on his back." She informed them.

Lu Pei flipped his son over gently, reveling the unsightly wounds on his back. Looking at the wound, he concluded that a ferocious animal attacked him. "Xiao fan, what happened?" he asked her with worry in his eyes.

She didn't answer but walked towards the behind the door where a little cub was hiding. She noticed that it was following them for quite a while already, but she couldn't be bothered to deal with it because her brother's life is at stake. So she just let it follow her here, because, for her is couldn't be seen as much of a danger, she could just kill it by snapping its neck that easy.

She took the shivering cub by the back of its neck ang lifted it up to show them. "Its because of this guy, its mother just died and it thought we were going to kill him." she explained.

Lu Gao who kept quiet all this time look at his granddaughter who took the tiger cub by its neck without fear, its like she was just dealing with a little harmless mouse. Looking at her, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

"Xiao Fan let go of that thing, it might bite you!" he reprimanded her in a loud voice. Lu Fan didn't get angry because she knew that he was just worried about her. So she gently put down the cub, letting it stand on its feet.

Lu Gao quickly called the maids and guards to throw out the cub but it scowled at them and attempted to bite their hand if they touch him. It then ran behind Lu Fan, but it was quiet useless because they could still see its little tail.

"Hm, grandfather I think I'll have to take care of it." she sofly said to her grandfather with a slight smile on her face, looking quite amused to the actions of the little cub.

She took the cub by the back of its neck again, while she caried it outside. Carrying it all the way to the place where they first saw it, she then, again, saw the corpse of its mother that she forgot to inform the maids about. Its mother has already died so it really has no one to go back to. She look at the cub, and the cub looked at her with his green orbs.

"*Chuckle* You think you could hook me with your cuteness?" she asked, amusement danced in her tone. Then she held the cub properly with both hands.

As if it could understand her words it tried to look cuter as it licked her hands. And again, the cub didn't fail to amuse her. She looked at the cub with a gentle smile on her lips. "Hmm, maybe you could."

Lu Fan went back to the mansion with the cub in her hands. Then she spotted a maid that wasn't quite busy so she called her over.

"Clean it up." she ordered and she handed her the cub. But the cub bared its fangs towards the maid in attempt to scare her of, which worked eventually so Lu Fan had no choice but to bathe the cub herself.

"Just ready the things. " she said while she looked at the naughty cub in her hands.

The maid straight away ran to the back garden, where there was the hose, and readied the things that was necessary for bathing the tiger. Then just right after she finished she went back to Lu Fan who was being entertained by the hyper cub with its cute appearance.

"Ms., you can bathe it at the back garden." she said as she kept her head lowered. The maid then led the way to the back garden and stayed there to assist her.

Lu Fan put down the tiger at the tub and she started to wash it from head to toe. And it was clear that the tiger seemed to enjoy it, especially when it was his favorite human who washes him.

Throughout the whole process of washing the cub, it stayed obedient and didn't move that much so Lu Fan didn't have a hard time washing it. Then after that, she dried it up and brought it to her room first.

She just laid in her bed quietly as she watch the cub curiously look and run in her room. And they did that for the whole after noon.

Hours passed by and it was already near dinner time so Lu Fan decided to go down stairs because she still hasn't checked if her brother was already fine.

Upon arriving at the dinning hall she didn't see her brother so she cast a questioning look at the two people at the table.

"The doctor said that he have to recuperate for a few days before he's back to normal, dont worry." Lu Gao said to her reassuringly. He wasn't that worried from the start because that seldom happen in their family, especially to the younger generations. Because its quite normal for families like theirs to attract danger such as things that could actually take one's life. All they could do is be on their guard and strengthen themselves.

Lu Fan slowly nodded at his reasurance as she sat down on her chair and ate leisurely.

"Hm. Xiao Fan, I heard that you wanted to take care of that cub?" Lu Pei asked raising one eyebrow at her, while wipping his lips with the napkin elegantly.

"Yeah, can I?" she said raising her head at her father, asking for his permission.

"Its okay, do whatever you want, just dont let that thing hurt you or I'll be the one who kills it. Okay?" He seriously looked at her, looking like a father to her, that he should be. As his daughter, he wishes for her safety twice as he put importance to his son's.

"Hmm." she replied lightly but there was a noticeable smile on her face.

The dinner continued on while they make some small talks, and they completely forgot about the wounded guy who was eating all alone in his room, AKA Lu Sheng.

Their dinner ended somehow late because they had taken advantage with their little precious time with her, thats why it took quite a long time.

Right after dinner, she went straight to her bedroom where she find the little cub pleasantly slept on it's stomach just beside her bed. She didn't have to bother feeding it because she already asked the maid to do so.

She took some pajamas from her walk in closet, that was just fixed earlier that day, and proceeded to the bathroom.

After taking a cold bath, she laid in her bed silently looking at the ceiling. She laid there motionless, like a doll having no one to control her. Her breathing was peaceful, having no more of that suffocating feeling, but somehow she still cant be at rest.

For some time she continued on that way, not even moving an inch, until she heard grunts just from the next door.

It was from her brother's room, Lu Pei had her take this room meant for the younger generation of the family, because after all she was one of them.

Normal people could hardly hear what was going on inside one's room, but she was far from normal. And with her keen sense of hearing, she heard her brother's cries.

And the sleeping cub also heard it thats why it cautiously looked around.

She looked at the tiger who was already awake as she slowly stood up, not making any loud noise, heading to her brother's room with the cub.

When she entered the room, she saw her brother struggling in pain, while her keeps himself from letting out any cries.

She watches him from the door silently, as he keeps on enduring the pain. It didn't look like he was awake, but rather he was having a nightmare.

He kept on struggling from something, just as she approaches his bed side slowly. Upon having a clearer look at him, he was covered with cold sweat all over his forehead, it was as if he was bathing in his own sweat.

She raised her hand, touching his sweaty forehead to check his temperature.

And after checking his temperature, all she could say was that he really does have fever, and its a high one.

After confirming that he had a fever, she retracted her hand but then a hand held onto hers.