Chapter 6: Free caring sister

When she retracted her hand from his forehead, a hand held tightly onto hers.

"Mom, no dont leave me..." the sleeping Lu Sheng said in a pleading tone to her. He had a frown on his face, it was as if he was keeping himself from bursting into tears.

After being 'unintentionally' called "Mom" by the sleeping Lu Sheng, she frowned. She looked at the hand holding onto hers tight and forcefully took back her hand, surprising the boy.

Because of her action, the boy was now fully wide awake. He abruptly sat up and looked at her with wide eyes.

"Ouch!" he winced in pain. He held the wound on his back that opened because of his abrupt action, his blood mixed with his sweat from his back now drenched the gauze covering his wound. He looked at her with a pale complexion, 'What is she doing here?' was clearly written in those black orbs of his.

"Im too young to be your mom." she told him with a cold gaze. And that left him confused as he looked at her with a curious look on his face.

'what?"mom"?' he said inside his head but didn't dare ask her because of the deathly glare she was giving him, so he decided that it was better to keep his mouth shut.

"You have a cold, so stay there." She said while she pushed him down on his bed, making him lay down on his back. After doing that she got out of the room.

"Did I just unconsciously called her 'mom', and she's offended by it?" he whispered to himself in bewilderment.

Minutes later, she came back to his room, holding a bucket of water, towel on her hands while balancing the first aid kit on her head as her hands were already full.

Lu sheng frowned slightly. "You dont have to do this, just ask someone else." He told her.

"No need, they're already sleeping so let's not disturb them. Besides I could do it by myself." she told him as she pats his shoulders reassuringly.

Lu Sheng now had a deeper frown on his face, he couldn't shake off the feeling that it was as if she was treating his as a newly found pet. So he couldn't help but tell her seriously.

"Im not a pet." He said to her straight on, a conflicted look etched on his pale, but still handsome face, while he watches her squeeze the wet towel on the bucket of cold water.

She raised her eyes to look at his. "Your my brother." she said without any hesitations, and focused on the wet towel once again.

"'Older' brother." he put emphasis on the word 'older' to state his meaning.

"A 'wounded and sick' older brother." she said without even giving him a glance. And with her word he couldn't argue more and just let her be.

She folded the towel perfectly then she proceeded to gently damp it on his sweaty forhead, cheeks, neck, and then as she was about to take of his drenched shirt, he held her hand.

"S-stop, I'll do it." He said, taking the towel from her hands while his face was facing another direction.

She raised an eyebrow at his actions then she pointed at his bleeding back, "No, I should." she said while raising the clean gauze that she was holding with the other hand.

After looking at his open wound, he was now completely helpless and then finally gave up. He just laid there looking at her, as she focused on his body.

Because her head was lowered to the level of his bed, he could slightly see her flawless skin underneath her baggy pajamas. He just saw her perfect collar bone and slightly the lower part of the collar bone and nothing more because he quickly shifted his face to the other side.

Then a sudden thought came to his head. Why was her body not full of scars? Wasn't she from a ruthless place where they were basically tortured and all?

So putting the perverted thing he did aside, he asked her.

"Why dont you have any scars?"

She was quite taken aback from his question, so she stared at him for quite a while before answering him with a question.

"Have you peeked at me in the shower?"

"No-no I didn't! It's just that the other day when you were wearing a robe I didn't see even a single scar." He explained himself.

"Oh.." she then continued what she was doing, and said to him without raising her head to look at him.

"I just heal well." she simply said.

"No normal human could heal without leaving a scar." He urged on her.

"Well, I do."

It is obvious that what she said was unconvincing because of the look that he gave her, he kept his gaze on her for a long time, not even once averting his gaze. So in the end, she was forced to tell him the truth.

"Besides us being killing tools, we are also just some lab rats to them." she looked at him in the eyes, but what he could see was just indifference inside those beautiful eyes on hers, it's just as if she was telling him a nobody's story and not hers.

"Drugs, poisons, weird stuffs they fed us often more that a parent giving their children their daily dose of vitamins...." she stopped for a second then continued, "Those things were lethal.*chuckles*" her lips slightly curved to a mocking smile.

"So maybe the side effects of those drugs made me heal like that." she looked at him with a face saying 'Get it?'.

He just slowly nodded at her, not daring to ask anymore questions and just kept quiet there.

Minutes later she finished changing his pajama and he was already ready for bed.

"Thank you." He gave her a dashing thankful smile.

"Its ok." she said while walking to the soft couch near his bed. It seems like she was going to stay there.

"You dont have to take care of me all night, go to your room and rest."

"I'll go back when your already sleeping, so sleep." she told him while she moved into different positions on the couch, finding a comfortable position to sit.

Knowing her persuasive personality, he gave up and gave her a last glance before he drifted off to slumber.

On the other hand, Lu Fan, who said that she was going back when he's already sleeping didn't move an inch from her comfortable position. She just laid there feeling at peice with a person with her. Throughout the whole night, she still haven't slept.

Before the sun raises, she went back to her room and took a cold bath and dressed. She looked at the sleeping cub at the side of her bed. It was already near seven in the morning but it still slept there leisurely on its stomach, showing no sign of getting up.

She just let the cub rest a little more and left it there in her room then she headed straight for her brother's room to check on him.

Upon entering the room, what greeted her was a scene of her teary brother holding the back of his head with both of his hands, and their grandfather berating him. It seems, it was him who slapped her brother in the head.

"Yes, I wont let that happen again." her brother said in a pleading tone to their grandfather.

"Hm, thats right." Lu Gao said to his grandson sternly. After having a "good talk" with his grandson, did he just saw her by the door.

He turned to her with an amiable smile on his face, "Are you here to check on your brother?"

Lu Sheng rolled his eyes inwardly at his grandfather who is clearly biased between them. He's clearly another person infront of her! And he was clearly the one who they should be thankful of because he just sacrificed his body to save his sister!!!

Lu Fan looked at her brother's dejected look, she quite pity him, so she walked near them and smiled at him.

"Good morning brother and grandfather." she smiled at both of them. She just now notice that their father wasn't there so she asked.

"Where's father?"

"He went to the company earlier because of somethings that needs his presence. Xiao Fan do you want to eat now?" Lu Gao asked her gleefully, completely ignoring his grandson on the other hand. But Lu Sheng didn't bother with his either, because his beautiful sister was now here, so his attention was fully onto her.

The three of them went downstairs, with a maid supporting Lu Sheng because he wasn't fully healed yet, and ate their breakfast peacefully.

After that, the family doctor, He Qiao, arrived to give a check up to Lu Sheng. While Lu Fan was busy playing with the cub on their garden.

A week later...

Lu Sheng has now slightly recover from his wound, but there would still be some occasional pain coming from his back but it didn't hurt that much like before. So he is now free to do whatever he wanted again.

He went to look for his sister, who was always at the garden, and saw her sleeping on the table outside. They don't get to meet each other these days, because he was busy recuperating as fast as he can, but unfortunately he isn't some sort of mutant who could heal that fast so it took him a week.

Walking near his sister, he saw the cub playing with a butterfly beside her, and the cub saw him too but was too busy playing with the butterfly who kept landing on his nose so he didn't mind him. He wasn't shocked to see the cub because he already knew that his sister adopted it, but he does still question her taste for pets.

Sun shone at his sister, who seems to get prettier day by day that he couldn't get used to it, and would always be in a trance just looking at her. The sun made her flawless skin look paler so he adjusted the patio umbrella to cover her from the sun, and moved the chair across her as quietly as he can and sat on it.

Just watching her sleep gives him pleasant pleasure, so he didn't mind waiting for her to wake up. As he watched her sleep, he was reminded of that day when his grandfather scolded his cruelly because of being a nuisances to his sister, and making her carry him princess style. It seems that since his sister came, his standing in the family was getting lower by the day and the corner of his mouth twitched just because of thinking about it. But he didn't mind treating her like a queen, even though they only met for a short time, it was as if he was ready to give her all of him, without her asking for it...