
Chapter 11 – Reconciliation? The Gifts? And the Story

Thus, he took this opportunity to start investigating the things that have entered his soul.

Time passed, and he could not come up with any conclusive ideas or answers. But he did not give up, he continued to evaluate them in from different angles.

Unbeknownst to him, someone was watching him and his every action. He had seen his expression change from pain, to despair, to the betrayed feeling and confidence to succeed and not give up in the dark soul. He was satisfied with his reactions.

He gave the dark soul some time to settle into his new mindset, and as to not undo his plan of hardening him for the dog eat dog world.

While the dark soul was reexamining the red object shrouded by a murderous and sharp aura, he finally heard the Voice.

"So you have not given up, that is not disappointing at all," said the Majestic Voice.

The dark soul extended his senses and was happy to hear the Voice.

This was because he had come up with a plan. This plan was not to get his answer from the Voice but to simply convince him to get him out of here and leave this world back to the little boy's body. He would find his own solutions because he really did not trust the Voice after all the pain he had put him through.

The dark soul simply replied, "Yes,"

He continued, "Thank you for bringing me here, now I would like to return." His tone did not come off natural at all, he really had a lot to say to the Voice. However, he did not want to offend him because he was powerless.

He could not afford to offend him. He just wanted to leave. Without his help, he could not do anything.

This was another sort of pain that he felt, happily smiling to the person and his source of pain and asking for their help. This affected his mindset, making him really feel helpless, and his stubbornness kicked in, he did not want to be in this situation again.

"Haha haha," the Voice laughed.

"Did you not have a lot of questions?"

"Are you going to leave without their answers?"

The dark soul was stunned "…"

The Majestic Voice continued, "So you realized that you are trapped here and now want to get out?"

The dark soul was ashen "..."

The Magnetic Voice continued, "let me tell you, I was really disappointed when you got here. You had just seen the nature of humans from Duke White and you still just trusted me, someone who you have never known…"

"What was really disappointing was that there was not even a little bit of hesitation when you followed my order…"

The dark soul was surprised and nodded in understanding, he knew that he acted too naively when he got here. Remembering the fate of the people that acted-naively in front of Duke White, the dark soul understood his blunder. He was glad that he had felt the pain now and understood his shortcomings here, rather than facing this problem in front of the ruthless Duke White.

Noticing that the Voice referred to Duke White brought him a confused state.

The dark soul muttered, "How do you know Duke White?"

"You really think that you can hide things from me, little soul."

"I can read your thoughts easily."

"Hehe hehe," the Voice laughed, remembering something, "You thought I would need to turn you into a puppet? Haha, why would I need an insignificant puppet?"

The Dark Soul felt that his existence was inconsequential in front of the Voice and felt useless, but none the less asked: "Then why did you put those things in my soul?"

"Did I not say that I will gift you before?"

"They are invaluable and will help you greatly?"

"Gift?" Thought the dark soul confusedly.

This slightly piqued the dark soul's curiously, "Then what are they?"

The Voice started to explain.

"The one at the centre of your soul, giving off a murderous and sharp aura is a weapon intent, it will help you master a single weapon…"

"The one that made a soul connection with you is an auxiliary knowledge field... Apart from empowerment through world energy, competent people take an auxiliary-field that they specialize in. These fields could be Alchemy, Formations, Runes, Healing, Poison, Puppets and many more… this soul connection will not teach the knowledge field but only empower the field of knowledge.

This is a sort of auxiliary connection that would fill in gaps in your knowledge once you reach a certain level of understanding in the field. The soul connection would determine the level of competence.

I recommend that you initiate contact with it as soon as possible. So you know which field to continue studying, as it will ensure that you reach a high level of understanding at it, with the least effort compared to others."

"The 3 energies that imprinted in your soul are energy laws…"

"The book that sank into your soul is a treasure that would offer you methods of empowerment through world energy, to put it simply a cultivation method. It can also connect to your conscience and optimize any cultivation methods that you find. To remove what is not needed and offer you an improved version of the cultivation method for better practice. You will understand it better once you use it."

The dark soul's mentality was chaotic. He had assumed that somehow he was being used or possibly turned into some sort of puppet. However, once reality hit him, he knew that he valued himself too highly. As someone who can bring him to a different world, would an entity like that need a newborn soul. Even if that is the case, would they go through all the trouble to do this? What value could he offer him then?

The Dark soul calmed down and asked: "Thank you for the explanation, but why would you help me, and what do you want from me in return?"

The Voice replied in a happy tone, "Smart!!! In this world, nothing is free, and there are always prices that need to be paid. The fact that you learned this is quite pleasing…"

He continued, "As for why I am helping you, there are two reasons for that… Firstly, I am helping you because it is my responsibility. You had asked me who I am? Well, when I answer that I am you, I was not lying.."

The Dark Soul replied, "ha?"

The Voice continued, "Well have you not wondered why you were born without a body, and why did you have knowledge of things that were happening around you? While the newborn kid's body that you took over was completely clueless?"

The dark soul could not reply because he indeed had not thought about it.

"To understand that, let me tell you my story… I had cultivated to a very high level and to advance further, I needed to understand mortality to progress to true immortality.

Mortality is understood by the feelings, desires and way of life as well as its difficulties.

However, throughout my life, I had avoided living a life that involved feelings, desires, friends or any other thing, that would get in the path of seeking power.

Having had a clear and straight path that I developed through my fists, I finally faced a problem that I could not solve and advance in my cultivation. Life had played a cruel joke on me. Because what I wanted was power and strength, but to get that I had needed to have lived a life with desires, feelings, setbacks, friends to understand mortality and advance.

So I searched for a solution or a method to circumvent this and allowing me to advance. After years and years, I finally managed to come up with two viable solutions. One was to start over with my cultivation and live as a mortal and this time face the challenges while enjoying life. But that option was no longer feasible for me, as I developed an enmity with a group and they wanted me dead. To weaken myself in front of them would be just suicidal.

The second method was to find an ancient treasure that would split my soul and allow me to live through the split pieces temporarily, as they would die down over time. I would get my desired comprehension and ascend in cultivation through them.

After a lot of effort, I managed to find the treasure and started to study it. It was a happy occasion for me, and I was getting ready to use this treasure.

When most of my preparation was complete, I visited a few friends that I had gotten in search of enlightenment into mortality. I went to them to say my goodbyes as the process of comprehension takes a long time.

After going there, I was betrayed, and my enemy was waiting for me. I fought my way out and learned that my enemy has somehow found out about my treasure, and they wanted it for themselves.

I was injured physically, and so I decided that I would continue with my experiment.

As my soul would be injured with the usage of the artefact, to heal both my body and soul injuries at the same time would be more efficient.

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Patr-eon.c0m / Shadow_Novel