
Chapter 12 – Lessons? Gift?

By the time I get enough comprehension from the soul pieces, my body and soul could rest, allowing them to heal.

However, things did not go as I planned. My soul pieces that got cut apart to be sent and live different lives mutated with the help of the artefact and were no longer disintegrating over time and were not under my command. They turned into a life form of their own; they got their own personality and skills, which are the things in your soul. They became independent souls without bodies, and that is how you were formed.

This was not an obstacle to my plan, as I could still observe and understand mortality through their experiences. But this created a weird relationship between me and the soul pieces. After the mutations, they were independent souls and at the same time a part of me. So in a sense, you all could be considered my offspring.

I said that I had two reasons for helping you. One, I am responsible for you as a parent. Two I need your help to learn mortality, and I want you to live a fulfilling life, which I could get enlightenment from."

The dark soul had gotten a lot of information to digest. First, the artefact gave these painful gifts. Thus the Voice really had not contributed to his development or the pain he received. Second, the Voice needed him to stay alive, whether it is for his advancement or his responsibility. Third, he possibly has an enemy that is formed due to his association with the Voice.

The dark soul took his time and was contemplating.

The dark soul had already expected an answer, but he asked anyway, "Is that all you want from me?" The dark soul felt close to him, but there was still a barrier between them. After all, he had just felt pain, he knew that perhaps the Voice was not responsible for it. However, he had simply made a connection between him and the pain, and it was not easy to dissociate it without concrete evidence.

He had also noticed that the Voice still mentioned the soul pieces in a third person. This behaviour made it look like that the Voice does not want any familial association with the soul pieces. Thus, he just wanted this to finish so he can continue with his life.

Unaware that all his thoughts have been read by the Voice. The Voice really had not focused on a life other than seeking power for a long time. Thus his speech and talking seemed distant, but he did feel a connection to the soul pieces and was not against forming familial-connections with them.

So he said, "I understand that I have not been kind and informative to you. But you have to understand as a person who has been through many ventures, I have understood what allows someone to climb and strengthen and what would lead to one being used. As you all are now my responsibility, I do not want you all to be used, and so I wish to teach you survival essentials."

Hearing this, along with the explanations the Dark Soul had a weird feeling, and this opened him up, he finally found someone that cared for him. And slowly the two conversed and bonded.

The two talked, and he had finally gotten used to this relationship. Although there was some apprehension in the dark soul's heart. However, seeing how the relationship progressed, it was slowly shrouded and went out of focus.

During this time, the dark soul also learned a lot about human behaviour and possible problems and solutions people face. He also learned about human emotions and desires and how most people behave and what to look out for and pay attention to, to avoid being cheated or used.

At this moment, it felt like a genuine father teaching his son. What to do, how to behave and what to look out for.

As the Dark Soul was getting more and more comfortable, he asked a few more questions to expand his knowledge. The Dark Soul asked about what the Energy Laws were as he did not get enough explanation initially.

He got his explanation through an analogy, "That if you consider using fire element the more energy you input to it the hotter it will get. Until it reaches a point that it can no longer get hotter even if you put more energy into it. This limit is set by the world. If one learns the law of fire energy, you can change this limit which will allow the power of the fire to get stronger.

Similarly, other laws behave the same way. There are also special laws that would allow one to use the energy to manipulate time, space, life, death, souls, fate, and many more things. He had also said that these laws are far more complicated, and each person can find unique ways to utilize them.

This brought joy to the dark soul as these laws are difficult to learn, and he already has the seed for these laws. Making him lucky enough to learn at least three of them.

The dark soul also asked about the Voice's enemies. As he expected, his enemy is a group that has connections in most of the world, and they will most likely try to find him and target him. Thus he needed to keep his vigilance high.

The Voice also emphasized, "You should keep a low profile and try not to use skills from the book in your soul and if someone sees them, make sure that they can not spread it." At this point, killing intent was leaked out and the whole area shrouded in murderous intent. This was an indirect persuasion to not let enemies and let possible problems fester and that he should deal with them harshly from the beginning.

He continued, "If my enemy catches wind of it, they will ensure that you die, even if they do not have certainty that you are related to me. They will kill many innocent not to let their target go. They do not value human life.

They could either intervene themselves to kill you or use their connections to manipulate the powerhouses in your world.

They can simply give a reward that would be insignificant to them. However, for the powerhouses in your world, it would be a great treasure enticing them to their bidding: whatever it may be.

I recommend that you only utilize the passive skills and cultivation from the book that is in your soul. Try to find the fighting techniques from your world as they are tailored for the world's characteristics and would not draw too much attention to you. Even without my enemy's intervention, if you show any skills that catch someone's attention, they will target you to take it from you."

The dark soul had been listening attentively. At this moment, a thought popped up in his head. Which was what had happened to the body, he took over while he was here. Thus, the idea of leaving here started to dominate his consciousness as he did not want to deal with another problem once he returns.

The Dark soul was a bit reluctant to leave, but he did not know what would happen to the body, he had taken over while he is not there and was getting more and more worried.

At the same time, the Voice understood his dilemma and made it easier for him and told him, "Well, I think our time of the meeting will come to an end soon. You should not worry about the body you have taken over. Time flows slower here, and the amount of time that passed outside is only a fraction of the time that passed here. So do not worry, as only a few minutes have passed in the outside, but this does not mean that we can remain here. It will be soon time for us to leave."

The dark soul had forgotten that his thoughts can be read by the Voice, and he understood how the very question that was bugging him was answered immediately.

The Voice continued, "Before you leave, I have a few things to tell you, and I have a gift for you."

The dark soul immediately became tense when he heard the word "gift."

The Voice laughed, "Haha, do not worry, the gift that I will give you is not painful. Those gifts that you previously received are part of the mutation by the artefact. Thus the assimilation was painful and unique to you."

The dark soul calmed down, but he was still vigilant.

The Voice noticed that the dark soul's vigilance was not dropped even in this situation. This made him contented that the dark soul actually took his words into his heart. Seeing that he is always prioritizing safety by remaining vigilant, he was happy. The Voice continued, "Well, let me gift it to you so that you can calm down because we need to talk about some serious stuff."

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