
Chapter 13 – Memories and Knowledge… "Aile"

As The Voice finished speaking the energy around the dark soul started to gather and concentrate on a single location.

The energy was first in a gaseous state. Then it slowly condensed more and turned into a water-like liquid, the liquid-energy was compressed.

It kept on compressing until the energy began to take a solid form. It resembled the formation of a crystal.

It started with a small sand-grain solid, located at the centre of the liquid. Then there was a sharp-bright light, and the whole liquid-energy cloud that has gathered around the solid grain turned in a beautiful spherical crystal orb.

The crystal orb was coloured white and released a ferocious pressure. The pressure slowly became weaker and weaker until the crystal orb no longer held its lustre or domineering aura. It was now a simple white ball.

This white ball floated towards the dark soul, seeing it approach him, the dark soul became flustered. This was just too familiar a sight, and every time it ended in pain.

He did not have any mean to dodge it, and he resigned himself. The white ball of light came close to him and stopped just a little distance away from him.

Then the white ball of light in front of him turned into little strands of light and gently seeped into the soul. It was surprisingly comforting, unlike the Dark Soul's previous experience. He got a refreshing feeling, and the Dark Soul was calmer now. Then he noticed he had extra information added into his subconscious, it was a cultivation method called Internal Spirit Ascension.

This was a sort of cultivation that would empower someone with World Energy.

The Voice said with a pleasant tone, "What I gave you is not the best cultivation method, but it is the most unique cultivation method that I have found.

During the many years of travels and exploring unique sites and location, I found this, and I had discarded it until recently. When I was in the soul form, I was analyzing things that I had acquired over the years to find enlightenment or gain a new understanding of things.

Here I found out this cultivation's otherworldly uniqueness. I would have cultivated it, but my body was damaged."

"What makes this cultivation unique is that it uses the blood vessels as a medium to store, utilize and channel the world energy.

The other cultivation uses energy channels. Thus, if one wanted to use multiple cultivation methods, it would be pointless as the energy channels of the specific element would already be in use. The cultivations would interfere with each other.

Multiple cultivations are usually done on specific unique cases.

One of the cases is when one has two polar opposite elements: light and dark, ice and fire and etc. Their difference is polar-opposite, and so is their energy channels. Thus, if one wants to cultivate both of them, they would need two unique cultivation-methods.

In the cases, where they are not polar-opposite, there usually is interference between the elements and cultivating both will not be successful.

However, this cultivation does not use energy channels and use blood vessels. Thus, it will allow you to cultivate unique energy in your blood vessels, making you 2 times stronger than other people. This unique energy will improve mind, body and soul and have other improvements and like other cultivations will allow you to increase your life span."

The dark soul became excited and could not wait to go back to the body and start this cultivation method. Because he really wanted to try this method, as it would clearly and distinctly be able to make him unique and give him an edge compared to others.

Especially since his body and soul connection would take 15 years to establish, which would not allow him to cultivate diligently during this time, making him lag behind others. With this cultivation method, he no longer has to worry about this lag.

Seeing the excited state of the soul, the Voice felt elated.

He continued speaking with a happy tone, "This cultivation is similar to the other ones, as it too has many stages. If you can reach the first stage, then you do not need to actively cultivate it any more, as it will happen automatically. You will only need to actively cultivate it in some cases, that there is not progress. I hope you like my gift."

The dark soul said excitedly, "Yes, I do really like it."

The Voice then started to remind him of some essential things.

"One, The gift that you have previously received are not simple, and they are at a very high level. Thus, it will not be easy for you to claim them, and each one has a test. You need your body to be in a safe location to take these tests. As they will test your soul, and during this time, you can not control your body."

"Two, for the Auxiliary Field knowledge, you need to find the field of study through the soul connection and complete each of its levels to 70 percent mastery and comprehension. Then the auxiliary soul connection will aid you by sending you the complete knowledge at that level, giving you 100 percent mastery and comprehension."

"Three, the book in your soul does not require a test, and you just need to brand it with your soul by simply connecting with it. It is a simple process, and then you can use it. Do not forget to take advantage of this, as it is very useful."

Noticing the direction of the conversation, the dark soul knew that the meeting was coming to an end, so he was listening attentively.

"You need to be aware of people's schemes… nothing is for free, and every action of people is tied to a profit or a way they can benefit. Know the people and the profit they seek before you get close to them. Knowing this will also allow you to manipulate them if it is needed…" the voice continued on about the nature of people.

"I know that this little bit of effort will not amount to much as I will no longer be able to meet you for a long time. However, I hope you manage to utilize these gifts, survive and thrive so we can meet again…"

"From this point onward you will face a lot of challenges. Also, as you have faced many problems since you were born, these are things you should not have to face. However, unfortunately, the circumstances are forcing you into this, and I am sorry for that.

From these situations, you will get a lot of negative emotions, memories and experiences. All of these emotions, memories and experiences can affect your personality, so I hope that you meditate as I thought you. Meditation will help keep your mind calm and help you develop a solid and more stable mentality and personality." The voice calmed down by the end of this, then suddenly he remembered something and continued.

"Well, I will not be able to act like a good father to you, but I will fulfil one of my responsibilities and give you a name… from now on you are called "Aile" I hope you can keep this name and make it famous. The meaning of this name is "wings." I hope from this moment onward, you can open up your wings and take flight making the worlds hear your name..."

Aile was thrilled at this moment. He finally had a name. This made him gain a semblance of being normal. He felt like everyone else. Aile chuckled as he thought, "I also have a name."

The voice had paused, hoping to see a positive response from Aile. He felt his happy emotion. He wanted to make Aile feel more normal, but he knew that he did not have much time with Aile. So he tried to pass as much information as possible to him.

"Our enemy has many subsidiaries, and in the most worlds, these are usually the top powerhouses and overlords. These powerhouses act like their dogs, so you will face many adversities. There is a good chance that you will end on the opposite side of the strongest powerhouses in your world. So please make sure you can protect yourself, things and people dear to you before making any move."

"Their group's symbol is a black and white throne with multiple strokes of different colours around it. If you see this anywhere, make sure you get away from them. Although I have enmity with only one fraction of the organization, it is better to not associate with them as it can be perilous."

The voice had a bitter, self-deprecating laugh, "I am sorry that I cannot be there to protect you Aile, and worst of all I have already made enemies for you…"

Aile was overwhelmed, and he had listened to everything attentively. He knew that that making enemies were inevitable, especially since he choose the path to become strong and dominate others.

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