
Chapter 18 – Gift? Hazel, Port Kiar

"Here you go." Hunter passed Aile to Duke White.

Duke White placed his hands on the tattoo of the man on Aile's chest and nodded twice.

"It seems that the sealing was successful." Smiled Duke White.

At this moment, the little dot that The Voice gave him before leaving left his soul and passed through the little man and got into Duke White.

Aile was hoping that Duke White would not notice it and he was thinking about how the dot would affect him. The Voice did not tell him what that dot was.

He was wondering if somehow Duke White absorbed a "gift" that The Voice gave him.

In this case, it would be more troublesome as Duke White would search for more "gifts" and what would he do in that case.

Duke White not noticing anything removed his hand.

Aile was panicking because if Duke White notices something, there is no telling how he would react.

Seeing Duke White have no particular reaction, he calmed down a little.

"Seeing how you will spend a lot of time with us, you should have a name," Said Duke White while looking at Aile.

He thought for a while, then said, "We will call you Aile… Aile White."

"What do you think? Hunter?" He asked Hunter.

"That is a brilliant name!" Hunter chuckled, "Hello, baby Aile."

Aile realized what that dot was now. It was a suggestion for a name, and now he can be called by his given name in this world. He smiled at how thoughtful the Voice was.

Seeing Aile smile, Hunter laughed, "Seems like this little guy also approves of the name."

Duke White also had a smile on his face.

After that, they quickly buried the bones that were left after the meal, to prevent attracting beasts at night. Then, everyone went to their tent. Hunter took Aile with him.

Once Aile entered the tent, he noticed that the area inside was much larger than he guessed; the tent was probably a treasure.

Aile looked around. There was a bed, a side table that had 3 books stacked and some light stones that brightened the tent up.

There was a leather skin rag on the floor and an armchair at the side. The room had a simple design and uniform walnut colour.

The tent was not luxurious but had a homey feel to it.

Hunter came and picked up Aile from his cradle. "Little guy, do not worry, you are safe now and should sleep." He was stroking Aile's back while saying this.

"Kids need a lot of sleep to grow up, and you have been through a lot today, but that does not mean you should not sleep…" Hunter said with a kind and soothing voice, trying to coax Aile to sleep.

Aile noticed that his behaviour was indeed not like a child, as they usually sleep most of the time.

So he acted tired and yawned. He was actually really tempted to sleep.

However, he wanted to see if he can control his senses better tonight.

Seeing the sleepy, tired state of Aile, Hunter put him on the bed and created a barrier from the pillows and placed in between to prevent him from falling down.

Hunter then went to the chair and took one of the books from the side table to read.

Aile, who had been placed on the bed, started his experiments.

He first experimented with his sense of touch. After a while, he noticed that some areas of his body were naturally more sensitive than others.

He found out that the surface of his hands, his face and bottom of his feet were more sensitive than other parts.

He tried to control their sensitivity, and after an hour, he managed to make them a little more sensitive, when he concentrated on the feelings in his hands.

After 3 hours, he could even make his other body parts as sensitive as his hands, with his concentration on full.

At this time, he looked at what Hunter was doing? He noticed that he had switched to meditation and cultivation.

He felt a little more at ease, knowing that Hunter will be concentration on his cultivation. He can experiment more boldly, for the next 3 hours he can test his other senses.

After his training, he was mentally drained from focusing too much. As he was lying down, he felt drowsy and drifted to sleep.

The next morning Aile woke up when he had an enjoyable sensation throughout his body.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Hunter had placed his hands on his back and was transferring energy to him.

As Hunter and Duke White could not feed Aile anything, they just transferred energy to him to ensure his survival.

They travel throughout the day again.

Hunter and Duke White would converse from time to time.

Aile had been trying to control his senses throughout the journey.

By now, he had figured out the way to strengthen his senses and weaken them to a slight degree.

The day came to an end again, on the next day, Aile had woken up early after the energy transfer.

"Hunter, we will separate here, take Aile with you to Ferli make sure no one sees you on the way. Go to Hazel and gave this letter to her she will understand and leave Aile with her." Said Duke White.

"OK Duke, have a safe trip to the capital. If possible hurry back, Miss Hazel would want you to be there for the joyous occasion..." Said Hunter with a smile.

Duke White nodded, "Hem!"

Then Hunter and Duke White separated. Duke White went to the capital with the Revitalizing grass and Hunter took Aile and went towards Ferli.

The Journey to Ferli was full of surprises for Aile. They passed through a small desert and an enormous river and after one day of travel.

Aile had knowledge of a lot of things but had not seen them with his eyes, thus when he saw the desert and the river and how they behaved he was really absorbed by them.

He wanted to feel and experience the sand and water with all senses, but he could not do it now. He made a mental note that once he grows up, he will definitely come back here to experience them.

After reaching close to Ferli, Aile noticed a giant wall and a gate. From afar it looked very domineering.

As they got closer, he saw a group of people lining up to enter.

However, Hunter did not wait in line and just passed it.

When he reached close to the door, two guards shouted, "Halt!!!"

Hunter held Aile under his robe at the moment, so he could not see much.

Hunter did not talk to the guards, and the guards had not recognized him, as he was covering up with a robe.

He quietly took out a token similar to the one Duke White gave to Marcus.

The guards bowed, "Welcome Sir."

Hunter nodded and entered the city with Aile and the two extra horse-like creatures.

They first went to an area that looked like a barn, and Hunter left the three horse-like creatures there.

Then on foot, Hunter carried Aile under his robe.

Aile did not like this, but he knew that Duke White had told Hunter to not allow people to see him.

Aile heard some more guards talk to Hunter, but he could only hear mumbling.

After a while, Aile heard.




"Who is it?" Came a charming voice.

"Lady Hazel, It is Hunter I brought a piece of urgent news from Duke White!" Said Hunter with an inaudible and cautious voice.

"Come in!" Came the voice again with a calm tone.

Hunter entered, bowed a little, and passed the letter to Hazel.

Hazel opened the letter and read the content.

Hazel then looked at Hunter, "I understand everything. Leave Aile here and prepare the horses we will travel to the southern town - Port Kiar."

"Ok, Miss," said Hunter obediently.

Then Hunter removed his robe, and little Aile popped up.

When Aile looked at Hazel, he saw a beautiful young woman. She had purple eyes, beautiful long jet black hair and a proportional face with a tinge of red, making her appear very charming.

She had an attractive wide-smile on her face, making her seem very caring, at the same time she gave off a dominating aura.

Aile looked back at her and could not help but smile.

Hunter brought Aile to her, and he quietly left.

After Hunter left, Aile noticed that she had a bulge in her stomach and reckoned that she would give birth soon.

Her motherly feeling kicked in, and she hugged Aile.

After the hug that lasted a few minutes, she quickly examined Aile's body.

She used her extremely powerful spiritual sense to examine Aile.

Spiritual sense is an ability to examine things from afar, through the energy in the atmosphere. One can cultivate a spiritual sense once they reach the 6th level in cultivation.

From her examination and aura, Aile felt fear and extreme submission. She was stronger than anyone Aile had seen so far, apart from The Voice.

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