
Chapter 42 – Good Bandits?

Sara became curious about Aile's blade and examined and touched it, trying to inspect it in many ways.

The next few minutes of the conversation revolved around the blade and how Aile got it.

30 minutes passed, and everyone was ready. The horse-like creatures were set and packed for the journey. Everyone saddled in.

Hazel then looked at one of her head-guards and nodded.

Hazel had 7 trusted guards that were stronger than the rest, she referred to them as head guards.

The head-guard then whistled.


The path in front of them opened, and Aile, Hazel, Sara and 5 head-guards rode on their mounts and started their journey.

They headed towards the western gate.

Cape Tie was three days journey to the West. The mounts with their riders proudly towards the gate.

At the gate, the guards were organized neatly, showing their dominance, they then allowed them to pass without inspection and journey towards Cape Tie.

After a few minutes of riding the head-guard shouted and said: "We are now in the pirate and bandit areas, Stay on guard and be ready for a possible battle."

Everyone quieted down, and the guards spread out a little more to act as scouts. Hazel, Sara and Aile remained in the centre. Sara had shaken up a little, and every time there was a bit of noise, she would be frightened.

Aile noticed it but did not interfere, he wanted her to conquer this fear by herself. Aile remembered that 5 years ago when she was kidnapped, she was brave throughout the ordeal. Thus he expected her to get over this initial fear quickly.

As he expected, after a couple of minutes, Sara's expression turned resolute, and she moved her mount towards Aile and said: "Hey, Aile."

"Hey, Sara."

She said, "What do you think the bandits look like?"

Her movement and the fact that she got over the fear of bandits did not go unnoticed by Hazel and the head-guards. They were all curious about her and impressed by her quick recovery. They never expected a 10-year-old to get over her fear this quickly.

They were not really worried about a bandit surprise attack. As the group was the top powerhouses of Port Kiar and they would be able to get out alive even if they face the whole group of bandits and pirate at the same time. Not to mention Hazel was here; at least a 6th level practitioner according to Aile's estimation.

So they were curious about Sara and Aile, and they wanted to listen to them for entertainment.

Aile thought about her question and replied, "They would be like normal people in Port Kiar?"

Sara was curious and asked, "Really?"

Aile smiled and nodded.

"Why do you think they do all the bad things and scare people?"

Aile had a pondering expression and said, "They all have different reasons for it."

Aile then started to remember some of the inherited memories that he had experienced.

At a point, the Voice was forced out of the city by a noble. Without food and money, his only choice was to join a bandit group to survive. Aile then started to contemplate on the memories.

Sara's next words woke Aile up from his reminiscence, "I know I will never become a bandit?"

Aile chuckled and slightly shook his head.

Sara seeing his expression, became surprised and asked in a questioning tone, "You think I will become a bandit?"

Aile nodded, "Anyone can become a bandit if they are forced?"

Sara vehemently shook her head, "You are always right, but this time I know that I will never become one."

Aile smiled back and did not oppose her.

Sara was quieted down for a bit. Then she showed a little fearful expression and asked again, "Are you sure that anyone can become a bandit? How can I become one? You always explain things to me, why did you not do it this time?"

Aile sighed, he knew that once Sara wants to know something, she will not give up. So he asked, "What do you want to know?"

"How would I become a bandit when I grow up?" Sara had a resolute expression when she asked this.

Aile understood the way she thinks, he assumed that she wanted to know this to make sure that she does not end up in that path.

Aile sighed and said, "Imagine that you grow up, and someone steals all of your money when you are in a desert."

Sara nodded.

Aile then continued, "Then you find a little girl in there that is sick and you see a caravan pass through, and you ask them to treat the girl. However, they say that you need to pay them for medicine.

If you do not get the medicine for the little girl, she will die. Would you steal the herbs from them to treat her and become a bandit?"

Sara listened to the logic and argument and nodded her head. She then said, "That is not fair? Of course, I will save her."

Aile then chuckled, "Why is it not fair?"

Sara said, "Because I am doing a good thing so I can not be a bandit."

Aile smiled at her then asked "What if you are hungry and need food? Would you steal?"

Sara nodded.

Aile gave her a couple more examples where it was morally hard to judge a person for stealing to survive or doing a minor evil for the greater good.

Sara then thought for a while and said, "So the bandits are good people?"

Aile just realized that he just made her believe that the bandits were good people to make a point.

He quickly corrected himself and said, "These are just some of the cases where there are good people that join the bandits.

There are a lot of people that become bandits because they are immoral and just steal because they do not work themselves. They are lazy, and they want to take other's things."

Sara nodded, "How do we know which one is good and which one is bad."

"If anyone plans to harm you, they are bad.

If they ask for your help first and they need genuine help, you can try to help them.

If they do not seek help and want to harm you, you can consider them bad."

Sara smiled and said, "OK."

She understood that it will not be so simple. However, this conversation allowed her to grasp that anyone could be led to such a path.

The guards and Hazel were surprised once again at Aile's insight at such a young age. They did not expect such an answer from him. At the point where Sara started to believe that all bandits are good, they all wanted to interfere and stop her from thinking in that line. However, they could not come up with a proper solution as quickly as Aile.

They continued their journey and Sara remained silent, she was pondering something.

After a while, Sara came close to him again.

Everyone started to pay attention to them.

This time Hazel was much closer.

Sara then asked, "If the bandits can be like us...and they could enter the town. Then is Sophie safe at home?"

Hazel interjected, "Do not worry Sara, everyone is checked and questioned by the guards when they enter the town. The bandits would not be able to enter the town."

Aile, hearing this shook his head but did not say anything.

Sara had a smile on her face, but she did not get a confirmation from Aile. So she turned her head and asked, "What do you think, Aile?"

Hazel was a bit annoyed that Sara valued Aile's word more than hers. She was not sure whether to laugh or cry.

Aile said: "I do not think that the town will be safe once we are gone."

This comment had infuriated everyone apart from Sara.

Hazel was in charge of the town. She believed that it was secured and anyone that said otherwise would be doubting her.

The head-guards were her most loyal and trusted subordinates. Based on their recommendations, the current security measures were put in place at Port Kiar. Thus Aile's comment questioned their experience and advice, and they became defensive.

Sara curiously asked, "What about the guards?"

Aile had felt the looks from everyone, but he really did not care. He said, "Well, do you remember how we got out?"

Sara nodded.

"Did they check and search our group?"

Sara shook her head and said, "But we are not bandits."

Aile chuckled, "Yes, but do you know that there are many influential people in the town and the guards let their carriages pass too without checking.

If any of them work with the bandits, then the bandits can come in and out of town, and the guards will not know."

"But they will not do that right?"

"What if they are greedy and the bandits give them money

and also imagine if it is night and little light and the guards are tired from working all day. Then the bandits can slowly sneak in with the carriages, and no one will see them."