
Chapter 43 – Cape Tie

Sara realized that Sophie could face danger at Port Kiar.

Sara then said in a sad voice, "So Sophie is in danger? We should go back and tell her to be safe."

"Do not worry, Sophie is smart if the bandits come, she will hide."

Sara thought about what Aile had said, and after some time she nodded and said, "Yeah, she is very good at hiding, I could not even find her for a whole day once."

Aile and Sara continued with their conversation, and they started talking about random things. However, Hazel and the head guards got a foreboding feeling.

They realized that the points Aile made about the security of Port Kiar were genuine problems and a cause for concern. They knew that there were loopholes that could be exploited.

They realized that Port Kiar could possibly face danger, and decided that once they are back, they would immediately patch the security risks and loopholes. They hoped for nothing to happen while they were away.

Aile and Sara kept on chatting while everyone else had a worried expression. Time flew, and it was soon lunchtime. All the horse-like creatures came to a stop. After settling down and ensuring the area was safe. They started to think about lunch.

The head guards were bothered by Aile's comments. They knew that nothing could be done now. Thus, they wanted to lighten the mood and have fun. They decided to trouble Aile a little for their entertainment.

The guards were given a job each, and as planned, one thing remained. There was no one to start a fire, and Aile became responsible for it. Three head-guards would act as scouts, and the other two went hunting.

Noticing their friendly banter, Aile smiled at them. He sneakily drew a fire gathering rune on the ground and placed some dried leaves and pieces of wood on top of it.

No one was able to detect it, as the energy from his Spirit Surmounting Cultivation consisted of all elements. Thus it resembled the surrounding environment, and unless one made physical contact with it, it would not be detectable. The guards and Hazel were far away, so he managed to cheat with ease.

In a matter of seconds, a fire was started, and it burnt the leaves and wood. Since he managed to start it so quickly, he needed to sustain the flame until the guards get back from hunting. Thus Aile and Sara; who had just approached him, gathered more from the surrounding.

Once the two guards came back with a hunted beast, Aile and Sara made fun of them for being late and celebrated their victory over them.

The three guards that acted as scouts laughed at the other two and the atmosphere livened up a little.

They quickly had the meal and continued on the journey.

Throughout the journey, the guards kept on challenging Aile and even Sara, only to see them overcome them. These challenges made everyone a little bit cheerful.

Soon it was night time, and everyone pitched in their tents. However, Aile did not have one as he expected one to be given to him.

Sara offered her tent and even asked Aile to share one with her. However, Aile had never planned to sleep. He felt grateful for how considerate Sara was. He just hoped for it to not rain at night.

At night the guards had a rotation system, the three guards acted as scouts and every 2 hours one of them would be replaced by one of the two that was sleeping. After 6 hours it would be the first guards turn again in the rotation.

Aile went away from the tented location and continued his training with the blade under a tree.

He closed his eyes and imagined the content of the scrolls and started to follow their instruction by swinging the blade in the specific methods and sequences.

This continued on for a long time after entering another mindless state. When it was past midnight, Aile finally woke up and he stopped training with the blade and started to meditate and connect with the energy channels. These two actions would also function as his rest.

Although it would only be 80 percent effective compared to sleeping, it still was enough for him. He closed his eyes once again and focused internally and time passed.

Soon it was morning, and the ride continued.

During the day he similarly spent it with Sara and occasionally bantered with the guards. Nothing major happened, and another day passed.

The guards had initially thought that he had started the fire by fluke. Thus, they had given him the task many more time only to see him accomplish it with ease. Therefore they gave him a more difficult task.

At night, the guards made Aile responsible for finding water.

Aile could have used Runes again but decided to make it harder for himself.

He decided to locate water and bring it in, this way it would be more satisfying. So he used his amplified sense of hearing to search for the sound of running water.

Aile concentrated for a bit, and soon he managed to hear the trickling sound of water.

He followed the sound, in his hand was a water container that he needed to fill.

Soon he reached a hilly area and noticed a giant crack on one of the hills. The sound of the running water was coming from inside it.

The crack was big enough for two people to enter side by side. There was natural light, and Aile felt little droplets of water as he walked deeper. The Air felt fresh, and the crack seemed inviting and vibrant with life.

There was fresh hydrating energy coming from the crack, and the trickling sound of the water was calming to hear.

He reached inside and saw a small waterfall at the height of 2 meters. The water coming from it was very little, like a small stream. Aile then put his container under the waterfall so that it could be filled and he started to observe his surrounding.

After observing the waterfall, Aile's eyes start to shift and examine the surroundings.

He noticed 4 bright red mushrooms.

After seeing it, its information popped into his head. It was a rare form of mushroom. This surprised him a little that something like this was not picked.

Then he thought it was reasonable that no one had picked it up, as very few people would know how to use it. Most would assume that even touching it would poison them, as the colourful mushrooms have a reputation for that.

Aile knew that it is completely harmless unless it comes in contact with blood or is mixed with wildland grass.

If it touches blood or is mixed with wildland grass, it becomes extremely-hallucinogenic.

He recognized that it could have many uses, and he did not want to leave it here.

He picked the mushrooms and placed it in his upper garment by folding the bottom into a pouch.

He traced back his steps and soon returned with the water, which surprised the head guards again.

Locating water is a survival skill, and they did not expect Aile to know it. At least not to find it this quickly.

Aile did not bother mocking them today. Even though he had a great opportunity. They had only found a rabbit-like creature that does not taste good which most people avoid hunting if there is another beast available.

He left them and placed the mushrooms in his bag. They ate the food, and after it, he continued training. Soon the three days passed, and the outline of a wall was visible in the horizon.

It looked shiny and reflective from afar.

Once they got closer, the wall had become more colourful. As it was made of shells, different coloured glass, rocks and seaweed that made it look like a bouquet from the sea. It gave a feeling of leisure and calmness. They had finally reached their destination.

This was Cape Tie one of the most prominent leisure destinations for the kingdom and the location of the princess's birthday. The group quickly reached towards the beautiful wall and followed it for some time until they reached the gate. There was a giant gate with friendly guards that let people enter with smiles.

Their unthreatening natures of them brought the scorn of Hazel's head guards. However, Aile was surprised to see them because he felt much more danger from them compared to Hazel's guards. They did not seem to have a high cultivation level, but they gave off a deadly aura.

Aile calmed down, and after a few minutes of conversing with the guards, they managed to get into the town. The town was clean and full of rich-colours.

The houses were organized in an orderly fashion, the streets were broad and looked very durable and clean. There were expensive carriages and extravagantly dressed people walking around. Smug, pretentious and noble smiles were seen in everyone's face.

The shops were eye-catching and every 100 meters a tantalizing smell would waft in from the many food shops.