
Chapter 77 – Running

Aile was not sure how badly he had injured those two with the stones, and if they were in good shape, there is no way he will get out of here alive. Then the person that came out of the bushed started to approach him.



Once he was close enough, Aile could finally see a malice smile on his face.

He said, "You will pay for this, you have destroyed our team. I will make sure to torture you for a few days, and then I will make you starve, offering your family and wives corpses to eat!"

"Once I kill you, I will cut you to pieces and feed you to these damn animals."

However, he saw a smile on Aile's face and no response.

Then he noticed the fire energy was concentrated around Aile's hand. He did not know what was happening, but he felt that whatever Aile was doing was extremely dangerous.

Before he could dodge it, a torrent of fire rushed towards him. Aile saw a beautiful column of fire consume everything in front of him. Rushing in front of him like a giant wave in the sea, clearing everything in a straight line.

This was the talisman that he had taken from Duke White's son.

It needs a while to charge up. Therefore, Aile could not use it in the fight against the 3 people as they would not allow it to charge.

However, now this person had blabbered and had given him enough time to use it.

Aile looked ahead and saw charred things all over the place. Not even a trace of the bald man was visible. He was surprised at how effective the talismans were and decided that he will try to get a few as a protective measure. He then looked around with his half-closed eyes.

Aile got to his blade that was reflecting a little bit of sunlight. He picked it up and walked around a little to find his location.

Then headed towards the direction where he last saw the two people, that he threw stones at and injured them. He went there and saw them still lying down as before, after all, not much time had passed. Without checking them, he stabbed both in the heart and then in the head.

He searched them and near them, and he found a few bottles of pills.

He opened the bottles and examined them, it had a repugnant smell and were coloured red. He felt a bad omen from them and decided to not take them.

Aile went to their mounts and searched them. He found a few more bottles of pills and some ropes and other supply. They were useless to him, and he did not want to risk it with the pills.

Then he found a relatively better mount of theirs and sat on it while directing it in the direction of Laila and the others. He could not run fast enough to catch up with them, as is.

However, he was not too worried. The person that followed them had his mount injured, Because of this, he would definitely not catch up to them in a few hours. While the mount took him in the direction trailing them, he sat down and started to meditate. Once he was calmer, he started his cultivation. He made the energy move faster in his body, getting the absorption rate higher then replenishing.

This will help him heal faster, but he will lose a lot of reserved energy. Currently, with all the injuries he had, he could not do anything, so he was not worried that his reserves would be used. After all, he would be able to replenish it in a few days.

Time passed, it had been around 2 hours since he was separated from them. He was now healed enough to run faster than the mount and move his body freely. He tied the mount in a way to make it feel that there is someone behind it, and he made it run in a different direction to create a distraction if anyone else followed them.

He readied himself and got off the mount, running in the direction of Laila and the others.

After 30 minutes of running, he saw ahead of him Laila, Leia, Sara and Hazel and their two mounts that were going considerably slower. They seemed tired. Followed by the injured mount and the attacker who had was only 500 meters away from them.

It seemed that Leia had made the mounts run fast initially only to make them tired now. Aile sighed, he knew she could not be blamed, who would not want to get out of such a situation in a hurry.

He soon arrived next to the attacker stealthily and chopped off his head with the swing of his blade. After all, he was not paying attention behind him. He kicked him off and took control of the mount and shouted, "Leia, slow down."

She looked back and saw Aile, who was bloodied and looked different, but she had recognized his voice. She was convinced it was Aile and had a sigh of relief, but she had to ask, "Who are you?"

Aile looked at himself and noticed his clothes and face were all red and bloodied. So he shouted back, "It is me, Aile. You told me you like spicy food yesterday night."

Aile wanted to get rid of any uncertainty that Leia had and gave her a detail only the two of them would know.

Leia slowed down the mount gradually, and Aile caught up with them. Aile then made the other mount go in a different direction to create another misleading trail and then he jumped back at the mount behind Hazel. Before anything else, he stripped and cleaned himself with a cloth and changed clothes.

Then, he gave a quick, less gruesome recount of what happened to Laila and Leia. He was tired and had not fully healed. He still had the urge to vomit more blood. He told them that he was tired and did not release the mounts connections because he was planning to rest and heal. Aile also told them to slow down the mounts and just head in that direction in moderate speed. This way if something happens, the mounts would have enough energy to speed up and help them escape.

Aile closed his eyes as he focused his mind on gathering energy from the environment while circulating it around his body to expedite the healing process. He had drifted in a mindless state, and after a while, he felt better and woke up from it.

He was very comfortable, and before opening his eyes, he stretched his hands and rubbed himself in the soft surface. Once he opened his eyes, he met another eye right in front of him. It was Hazel's. She had a gentle gaze at him, which was unlike the looks he had gotten before, and a little red appeared in her cheeks once Aile looked at her. To Aile, this was quite a unique site. So he had maintained the looked for a while. Seeing this made Aile forget that he was snuggled on Hazel's body while he was sleeping. Aile then gave her a smile and asked, "How are you feeling?" As he looked at her left upper waist that was bandaged.

With a gentle tone came a reply, "It is better!"

"That is good to hear."

She was laid down on the back of the mount facing Aile. Her gaze was at everything that passed behind them. While Aile was seated in the saddle looking ahead but he was attracted back to her eyes every few minutes.

"Can you tell me what happened?" Aile finally asked after their eyes met again.

"What do you want to know?" Said Hazel sadly.

"How did you get hurt, and what happened to Sara?"

"I got hurt while I was investigating something. Sara will be fine." She said with a tone laced with anger and bitterness.

It seemed she was not going to open up, Aile was surprised after all he had risked so much to get them out. She should let him know what or who they were facing. He wanted to probe her one more time.

"To hurt someone over the sixth stage of cultivation, it does not seem so simple!"

She was surprised, "How do you know that?"

Aile could not tell her that he knew since he was a child. So he said, "I heard it."

"What else do you know?"

"You were once the genius daughter of the Nala Clan, and after your marriage, with Duke White, you have stagnated in your cultivation. Making this the 10th year. Well, that is all I know."

Hazel looked at the sky as her eyes became watery, "Why do you want to know?"

"If it happens once it will happen again, we should be at least more ready."

"Now that I am injured, they will not bother anymore. So do not worry."

Aile snorted.

"What?" Hazel asked curiously. She had only seen Aile act friendly to her. This was the first time she had seen such a condescending gaze from him.