
Chapter 78 – Hazel and the Nala Clan

"I guess the seven people that almost killed us were my imagination then," Aile said coldly. He had enough of her, carrying her wounded body, and the poor Laila had to take Sara while she could not see. Here she was not even willing to tell him who it was they were facing. After all, he had almost died not long ago.

"Seven? What were they wearing?"

Aile ignored her.

"Please," she said in a whimper.

"Green and yellow stripes with a mask."

A few tears rolled down her eyes. "How did we get away?"

Aile ignored her and just observed the surrounding. She was not willing to answer his question, why should he answer hers, no way.

She repeated herself again, but Aile had no plans to answer.

They continued to ride as Hazel slowly started to sob.

After a while, her hands started to vibrate and shake. Although Aile planned to not give her more information, it did not mean that he would just ignore her completely. He held her hand gently with both of his hands and smoothly soothed her.

Hazel did not mind it, it gave her somewhat of a support. Aile did not want to stop her from venting her emotions. He knew that sometimes it is better to get all the negative emotions out with the tears.

After some time Hazel held his hand as she closed her eyes. It looked like she was going to rest. Seeing that she was calmer, he sighed.

Aile looked at Leia and Laila and felt sorry that he had to put them in such a tense situation right of the bat. He was really impressed by how well they handled it.

Without Aile's realization, Hazel's eyes open and soon came her gentle voice, "When I was 12 years old, my life changed. I had already felt the energy outside. I remember my parents and family were so happy, I became the genius of the Nala Clan.

Everything I wanted was given to me, I was so thrilled. When I reached 14, I started to cultivate. Each time, I reached a higher stage, there would be a big celebration, and everyone adored me. When I saw people were sad, I worked harder to improve so that they could always be happy like they were during the celebrations.

Soon I reached the 5th stage of cultivation, they told me that a lot of people proposed marriage to me. I, of course, denied, I only liked cultivation and celebrations. They listened to me and stopped bothering me and allowed me to cultivate more.

When I reached the 6th stage, my parents came and told me that I have to marry. I rejected, but they said if I marry, then there will be an alliance and the whole clan will benefit.

They told me what use would a single person be when you consider their value against the whole clan's. I did not care, I did not want to leave, and I said no. Everyone soon became rude to me and told me that I was selfish and only cared about myself.

For months no one talked to me, and they did not even let me cultivate in peace. Everything that I had, the high-quality food, money and everything else were taken away.

I really hated that I was good at cultivation, I just wanted to live happily. I wondered how it would be if I was so carefree like the other people. I had always thought why my grandfather had left the clan, as they were caring. However, when I saw how they treated me after I did not listen to them, I understood his choice of leaving the clan.

I no longer liked all those people. But I was sad all the time, then came Duke White and told me that he had a way to make everyone happy.

I was curious I did not want everyone to hate me. Duke White said if I married him, he would give me a cultivation method which makes everyone believe that we are married. I could go back to cultivation, and the clan people would be happy because of an alliance, and I would be free. He even made a vow like the ones done by Laila and Leia, proving that he will only marry me for the alliance.

So I agreed. Then everyone was happy with me again and appreciated me. I knew that I did the right thing. My parents spoke to me again, then I was married to Duke White, he gave me the cultivation and did nothing else.

After one year, I managed to cultivate that art given to me by Duke White. Then I received a letter, it was from my grandfather. In the letter, he made me the magistrate of Port Kiar. He wrote to not side with any factions in the political party, and if there was ever a request from the king to use the port, I should allow it and that is it. The last line was that no one else should gain full control of the town, and I should not leave the post until we meet.

Then I moved to Port Kiar. After I learned the technique that Duke White gave me, and I reached the third stage of it, I got a bulge in my stomach. Nine months later, I gave birth to Sara. Ever since then, I could not cultivate and somehow I am linked to Sara. We share the pain and any emotion that is too heightened.

Although I lost my cultivation, I got Sara, so it was not bad. However, Duke White wants her now. My family wants the town.

Why do they want me to have nothing?

I gave up my life.

My family.

My dreams.

My cultivation.

Then they wanted Sara.

Now, they also want my life."

Aile kept on holding her hand, and her tears started to flow down her eyes even more. Aile sighed it seemed she finally opened up to him, but he did not know how to reply now. After all, it seemed that her life was miserable. But what really surprised Aile was what she said about Sara. So Sara is born from cultivation, and the fact that they seemed to be linked could only have something to do with the soul.

Aile had the most understanding of souls, he had the law seed. So he wanted to see what is happened and if he could help them both.

If they are linked together, it would be dangerous for both of them if one is hurt the other remains immobile. People can take advantage of it.

Aile said, "let me have a look."

Hazel was very emotional and did not fully comprehend Aile's words and just nodded.

Aile put his hand over her smooth and soft forehead and used his soul to enter hers and check it's condition.

Once he entered her soul, he noticed dark and gloomy energy everywhere. Some tentacle-like things made of similar evil energy was holding an incomplete soul in the shape of a woman. The woman representing Hazel was her soul, it was missing parts of its body, and now the evil energy had filled the missing areas.

Aile understood what happened here the cultivation somehow divided her soul, creating Sara. However, the problem was now her soul is damaged, preventing her from cultivating, and the dark stuff is taking over her soul. Aile realized that Duke White has planned this. He had taken out the competition, and at the same time, he had created an alliance with her family. If he gets Sara it would be as good as taking control of her and Sara would be controlled through her.

Suddenly Aile felt the soul circle in his soul get a sense of hunger, it seemed to want to devour the evil energy.

Aile let it devour a tiny bit of the evil energy and noticed the soul seed swallowed it with ease, and he could feel that it strengthen.

So he could get devour the energy, the question was can he try to fix her soul and break its connection with Sara. He then went and touched her soul and tried to see if he can heal it. After all, he had seen the process of healing once his soul was injured. He was just trying to replicate that but on a much smaller scale.

The area he was trying to fix was smaller than the head of a needle. He first absorbed the dark energy that covered the small hole. Then he used his soul energy trying to heal it. The circular tattoo on his soul glowed, and the area was recovered. Just when he was happily celebrating, he was forced out. He noticed that his body was pulled close by Hazel, and she had a dreamy adoring gaze. She then gave him a quick peck on the lips.

Her dreamy gaze switched soon after, and she asked, "What did you do to me?"

"Nothing!" Aile replied seriously.

Hazel could not detect his soul because his soul now has the space-time law barrier. Thus to her, he just touched her forehead, and the next thing she knew was she was about to kiss him.

Aile realized that tweaking people's soul comes with consequences, and he stopped.

Aile then said, "Let me try to see if I can break the soul connection between you and Sara."

"No, do not touch me again."