
Chapter 97 - Laila has deceived everyone?

The new law that he has comprehended has been called many things from fate to premonition to psychic energy. He can now predict to an extent what will happen to people and things around him. Not only did he get this new law, but he also seemed to drain the lady of all her power. As she was barely standing up. She looked at Aile and his eyes and said, "You are not from here... But how do you not have the gates mark on you?"

He looked at her and formed a symbol of a tree with an eye on its trunk. This was created from the multi-coloured energy of fate. Aile looked at the lady and said, "Accept it or die!" She nodded, and the symbol connected to her head.

All the lines and energy clouds around her that he saw through his eyes of fate, made a connection to the symbol Aile just created. This was an ability Aile got from his law comprehension, he then said, "From now on, you are forbidden to harm anyone related to me."

She looked at Aile, and in a confused tone, she asked, "Is that all?"

Aile nodded, "You could have killed them and taken Laila with you, but you did not, and you came here to negotiate with me. Although I disagree with how you tried to force me to give up on her, I did not sense any malice from you. So, there is no need." What Aile did not tell her was that there was a deep connection between her and Laila. From his comprehension of fate law, he knew that she will play a role in Laila's life. Aile also looked at Laila, she too had a connection to her, and it was not marked with an ominous colour. Therefore, he conjured that it would be something beneficial to her.

"What do you want now?"

"You said that you can help Laila, how can you do that?"

Sigh, "You know she is not blind?"


"You can ask her."

Aile looked at Laila and asked her, "Is that true?"

Laila said in an uncertain voice, "Yes, I can see, but not what everyone else sees."

Aile looked at the woman expecting an explanation.

She continued, "Her eyes are special, they are called the eyes of time. What she sees is not present, but either the past or the future. Thus, she might as well be blind if she cannot control them. At the current stage, she cannot see people either."

"You can help her control her eyes?"

"No, that is not something she can control now, or anytime soon. But I can help her. That way, she can see when it is needed, and with her talent, she will definitely become powerful."

"Will this method damage her eyes for her future use?"

"You do not understand, right now, they are a problem for her. When Laila looks at a building, it is either not there as it is not built yet or she sees a completely different structure of the future. When she fights, these anomalies become a hindrance to her. What I was planning was to seal her eyes. She will be in control of the seal, and the seal will be able to give her 10 minutes to see the real world every day. This will not affect her as it can be unsealed at a later date. But, if she does not seal it, it is more likely she can get control of her eyes sooner. However, if it is sealed, people generally only rely on the 10 minutes every day and not focus on training without it. In fact, if she does not train properly and relies on the 10 minutes, if a fight takes longer, then she would lose due to the reliance."

Laila interjected, "Will I be able to see people if you seal my eyes."

The lady replied, "Yes, but only for 10 minutes every day."

Laila looked at Aile's direction and said, "Can I?"

"The decision is yours."

"Thank you, do not worry Aile, I will put extra effort to control my eyes so that I can make up for it now."

Aile nodded and smiled at her, "Whatever decision you take, I will support you."

Laila nodded and gave a beautiful expectant smile.

Aile asked if the lady could perform the sealing technique on Laila. She nodded.

She knew that Aile did not place a severe restriction on her, only one that would protect him and his wives. Thus, she had no qualms with helping him. She also was in no position to deny him, as most of her energy was drained and she was under a fate seal.

With the little energy she had, she created a pentagram seal and placed it on one of her eyelids.

Then she created another similar seal and placed it on her other eyelid. Laila looked around and started to see blurry shadows of people. Then she closed her eyes. After a few seconds, she opened them again after a few attempt, she looked at everyone in surprise. She muttered in a low volume with anticipation, "I-I can see."

Laila then acted like a kid looking at everything in the room and then at Leia for the first time, then at Aile. All this excitement baffled her, and she looked at Aile then touched his face to make the connection between what she feels and now sees. Laila similarly touched Leia's face and then curiously observed. However, the 10 minutes was soon up, and she was dejected.

She then asked the lady, "Can I use the seal for one of my eyes and once that runs out, use the one on the other eye?"

The lady in the red thought about it for a while and nodded.

Then a beautiful smile blossomed on Laila's face.

Aile looked at the lady with the red mask and asked, "Why did you want to take Laila in?" Aile was worried that some other people might also notice Laila's special-eyes, so he wanted to find out everything about them.

"I wanted her to help me up there." She pointed her finger up. Aile knew she was referring to different places in the universe where the opportunities were better. He had some knowledge of this from his inherited memories.

"Why do you need help there? You can take your time and slowly climb. There is no need to rush it?"

Sigh, "So, you do not know?" She said.


"After a firework that covered the whole universe lit the sky, the sects got some sort of news and started to hunt people with talent. The people they target were forced to join the sects, or they were killed. Only people that have form groups of at least 10 can survive and grow without being attacked. Only when there are 10 strong individuals can one be considered safe without joining a force..." She explained how the life of solo cultivators up there after the firework that was responsible for his birth got worse. He also realized that the person that those searches are targetting are people like him, those that inherited soul pieces.

"Oh I see, thank you for the information, this will be helpful for me later on. If I can help you in any way, let me know. I have some influence in here." Aile knew that she was powerful, and having an ally of her calibre was useful to him. If he manages to at least form a decent relationship with her, he would have an easier time in the future.

She hesitantly looked at him and finally gathered up the courage and said, "Can I ask if you are from there?"

"Something like that," Aile replied.

"Are you planning to go back?"

Aile looked at her and nodded.

"Can I join you? I saw your eyes and know that you are probably related to a force. As long as you protect me under you or your force's name. I can help you down here. I can see that you have not reached a high level of cultivation here." Aile realized that she had misunderstood him, and due to his eyes, she assumed he is related to a powerful family up there. Families and clans up there usually had an advantage physically, such as his eyes, these traits were the reason for them to dominate an area.

Aile shook his head. She became disappointed. Then she heard him say, "I am not with any force? So I do not think I will be able to help you up there."

Her voice became cheerful, "In that case, can you help me when we go up?"

"If you want to team up sure, but it will be a long time before I reach that level."

Aile then discussed with her some of the stuff that happened there. He also found out that she has come down to the lower levels to form a team so that she can be safe once she goes back up. She also said that there opportunities here and certain groups require unique materials and will pay hefty sums making her stay here possible.