
Chapter 112 - Leia's "Training" for Aile

Aile asked Leia, "Why do you think that I do not like you?"

"Well.." her eyes darted around and then said meekly, "You... you... I know that you kissed Laila, and she told me to.. to expect it, but you.... never..., and I always smelt different people from your clothes... now that Sara, Sophie and the others are gone... you still have a different smell... so I know... you do not like me, but you like others..."

Aile said ashamedly, "That is wrong... I really like you, but I did not want to take steps forward with it... I always had to cultivate and did not want you to think that I just took advantage and run away."

"But I worried that you did not like me."

Aile kissed her lovingly.

"Do-do you want to continue?" said Leia with a cute tone.

Aile decided to tell her about his dark and light element. He was not planning to tell her about Diana but everything else. After Leia heard about it, she said curiously, "That is why you stopped just now?"

Leia had a deep sigh in relief, once she found out that he did not stop being intimate with him because he hated her, but due to the dark part of his soul. With his genuine expression, she believed him.

Aile nodded, and she hugged him again.

Then she said, "You know, the way you are dealing with it is wrong."

Aile curiously looked at her.

"This way is too dangerous, what happens when you use all of your light element energy. Then your dark side will rampage again, and you will not be able to stop it. You need to learn to control the dark side too."

Aile too came to the realization that he would be too vulnerable if his light element runs out and he does not have another means to stop himself.

Simply trying to stop thinking about something in the middle of an act will be very hard. Especially if intensified anger or blood lust is triggered in the middle of a fight.

Aile then said, "Thank you."

Leia nodded and mutter in a low tone, "I am your wife, of course, I will help you."

Aile felt more guilty for not paying enough attention to her, he thought of a way to make it up to her. He then said, "After the expedition of the Sacred Mountain, me and you will go for a little adventure. You can draw during the day, and we will watch the stars from high in the mountain at night together."

This made Leia realize that he had indeed not forgotten her and still remembers her interests. On the first conversation they had, she had mentioned about her hobby of drawing and watching the stars.

This made her reluctant about a plan that she had just come up to annoy him. But then she remembered how he had danced around the topic of whos fragrance was on his body, so she had a devious smile.

Aile then looked at Leia, who was grinning and looking at him with her big blackish-brown eyes, and he asked, "What is it?"

"I think I have found a way to help you control your emotions better."

This had been on Aile's mind, and he diverted all of his attention to her.

Then began one of the most torturous processes for Aile. Leia would guide his hand throughout her body and, as soon as, lust appeared in his eyes, she would stop and tell him to control the dark element in his soul.

After 2 hours of this, which felt like years to Aile, she stopped and was blushing profusely.

Aile at a point had figured out that this was also a punishment for him but seeing her expression he knew that she too had faced a hard time. Aile had figured out how to control the dark element part of his soul a little, to not intensify the emotions. Aile then gently touched her face and kissed her forehead as he said one of the most heartfelt thank yous.

Leia then just hugged and nestled into him. Aile had been used to this and felt comfortable like this. After a long while, Leia fidgeted a little and asked, "Is it, Zero?"

Aile was not sure what she meant and looked at her to explain further.

Leia said shyly, "The person that you like.. or is it Luna... or maybe Xue?"

Luna was the name of Fiona's assistant whom she left to take care of merchant hall and business, while she was in Fort Bot.

Aile did not know how to answer her.

Leia looked up and noticed his expression and said, "I-I just want to be closer to them and get to know them... nothing more."

Aile felt more guilt and held her closer and whispered, "Sorry, Leia."

After a while, Leia shook her head and said, "Me and Laila already knew that there will be more people in your life. Duke Noland, my father, had 9 consorts, so we understand. I just want to know her so that we can have a better relationship."

After talking for a bit more, Aile decided to tell her about Diana. He was not planning to make Diana feel unwelcome, he had noticed her reluctance. He thought perhaps when she realized that he cares enough for her to tell Leia, she would feel confident about herself and their relationship.

Leia became really surprised when she found out and then just snuggled more.

After a while, they talked again, and Leia was happy that Aile no longer has to spend most of is time with whatever he was doing. She became excited and tried to make plans, but then Aile told her that he will be leaving tomorrow to the Sacred Mountain.

She was disappointed and wanted to go with him. But Aile told her that it would be dangerous because most likely higher level cultivators may be invited by the White Clan and Royal Clan. If they notice her dual-element, they may force her to join their side. Leia then got up and opened the lock on the door, as she was shy and did not want people to assume anything happened. And also so that Diana can wake up Aile if he did not wake up early in the morning. Aile did not really care as he always got up early in the morning, but if it made her comfortable, he would not stop it.

Leia was disappointed that she could not accompany Aile to the Sacred Mountain. But she understood Aile was afraid of losing her, so his concern made her feel better. Leia decided to train more, so she does not get left behind. The fact that Laila, Sara, Sophie and Fiona went without her had really affected her, and she was on the fence about her newfound power.

Seeing her expression Aile heart hurt and told her that he will find a way to conceal her presence so that she can join him next time. He decided to find a method that would be suitable for all of them to hide their elements from prying eyes.

Noticing his care, she smirked, and with a happy smile on Leia's face, the two of them fell asleep. Soon after, Zero came with dinner, and she looked at Aile and Leia hugging so intimately. She stared for a few minutes, then she moved the blanket and covered the exposed leg of Aile. She did not do the same for Leia's hand.

Taking the dishes with her, she went to the training room. Where she had it with Diana, and then they both started cultivating the new cultivation that Aile gave them.

Aile was peacefully sleeping with a worry lessened, and it was one of the most comfortable sleep. Leia's intimate hug also contributed to that. Soon the rays of light entered the room, and it woke Aile up. Aile knew that in the afternoon, the different groups would be leaving to the Sacred Mountain, so he was not in a hurry. He looked at Leia who still had a happy smile on her face, and he could not help but hug her tighter into his embrace seeing her cute sleeping face.

He then gently touched her bright face and muttered, "How could I not like you?"

Soon she started to move a little more, and he slowly woke her up. After waking up, Aile flirted a little with Leia, and she was being shy. Once he turned her into a red tomato, he then took a bath. He wanted to get dressed by her as usual, but she ran to the bathroom, knowing that he had other intentions.

Before she was out, Zero came with breakfast. Aile quickly had the breakfast with Zero and Leia, once she was out. He then asked Zero to call One, Two, Three and Four. Zero like always immediately left to make sure that she gets her mission done quickly for Aile.