
Chapter 163 -  Surprising Discovery

"Are you sure it is ok what you have done?" said Hazel nervously.

"Well, we have had a good relationship, leaving now will be ideal. Who knows for sure what will happen once the demon lady gains a body and wakes up. I am too weak at the moment to risk it. Leaving is optimum." Aile thought she was referring to taking everything from the tomb and leaving without waiting for the beautiful demon lady to fully awaken.

"Oh that, I was not worried about that, plus I am sure she did not seem to have malice towards you... yet. I am talking about your modification to her appearance without her consent."

Once the demon spirit commenced to enter the body and establish a connection. She started to meditate and slowly tried to assimilate with her vessel. Aile took this opportunity to change the appearance of her new body. Her face was no longer symmetrical, one of her eyes was moved closer to the nose and a bit higher than the other. He made one of her face muscles shorter, pulling only one side of her mouth into a permanent half-smirk. Similarly, her bust and ass lost their symmetry by changing the length of a few muscles. Blemishes and other changes were done to make her look horrific. By the end of it, Aile did not want to look towards her any more than necessary.

Aile then left her a message saying that the new changes on her were a last-minute gift from Aile. She will be going to the demons weakened as it will take a while to utilize her body to the maximum, and her beautiful appearance would only bring her down. So Aile made her ugly, something a prideful person like her would not accept voluntarily. This way, Aile would be protecting his investment from lustful people, decreasing the danger she will face. He will also give one of his exit strategies a better chance to survive. She might not appreciate his invaluable help now, but who is to say what will happen by the time they meet again. Although with her new appearance, anyone who sees her would shout demon. So Aile was not sure if it was beneficial to her while she is at the human domain.

Plus, the more important person, the spirit kid had helped Aile modify her 'Uncle Blacky'. Aile knew that she was more influential and whatever she says the demon lady will have to follow.

Previously she had even given her the nickname 'Uncle Blacky' because of her outer shell, and all the demon lady could do is accept it. So with her involvement, she had to accept her new look. Aile did give her the hope and said in the letter that he will visit it her in at most 2 years and change her appearance back.

Knowing full well that she will be pissed off, Aile took the opportunity to leave after confirming that she would succeed in entering her vessel. Getting out of the foliage around the mountain Aile noticed groups of cultivators running away as quickly as possible.

Noticing the sudden anomaly, Aile and Hazel entered their stealth. As Hazel was not used to being in stealth, she was leaking out her energy and was not fully disguised. Aile had to hold her closer and extend the thin film of light and dark element in rotation around both of them to make them invisible.

The light and dark element coating hid them from sight, smell, and spiritual senses. Soon enough, Aile saw 3 people following the group that was running away, killing one and taking the rest of the group. The new people on the hunt were dressed in the White Clan's attire.

"Why do we have to take them alive, they are trash..."

Snort, "Who do you think is responsible for collecting the ores, energy crystals, herbs and other stuff from the mines and valleys... The more cattle we have, the more resources that will bleed to us after the people at the top are sated. Hehe, this will make you one step closer to the blade that leader has..."

Aile whispered to Hazel after they left and said, "It seems that White Clan's reinforcements arrived, and they are not happy. No wonder those idiots were smirking and easily allowed everyone to enter. But this will be their downfall."

Hazel looked at him perplexed, Aile just quickly headed out of the danger area not answering her, the barrier to keep them hidden was too draining.

Once they were freed from the gazes of teams and cultivators, and far away, Aile removed the barrier. After that, he shouted, "WICKED PEOPLE OF WHITE CLAN, YOUR SLAUGHTER OF ROYAL CLAN WILL NOT GO UNNOTICED. YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS... WITH MY LAST BREATH I BRING THIS TO LIGHT."


"WICKED ..."

Aile's voice echoed, and he smirked at Hazel. Anyone who heard that shout would spread the rumour. With the death of everyone at the tomb, it will be hard to deny it, this will hopefully be the last straw to break the balance and peace between the forces of the kingdom. Only when everywhere is chaotic will Aile be at the same playing field. As everyone will be each other's enemies.

Going back towards the cave where they stored their mounts, Aile and Hazel were careful as to not attract attention. It did not take them long to reach the hidden cave, and after entering, they saw that their mounts were fine. But an old lady was sitting in the cave. Aile tried to sense her level, but he could not. This was the first time something like this happened. Aile knew what it meant, she was far more powerful than them. Last time when Aile was a kid, he could at least know that Hazel was around the upper 6th level or 7th. But now he was completely blind. He was not showing any fear, and respectfully asked, "Hello, how can we help you?"

"Ah, you do not see respectful young people... anymore... Thank you, can you help this old lady... I can see you have strong mounts, I will appreciate it if you could take me in the direction of the sacred mountain to the east."

Aile was surprised by her quick answer and statement that sounded like a demand. Aile knew that the direction she was planning to go was Port Kiar, was this a coincidence or something else.

She had been waiting here in a hidden cavern, next to their mounts expecting to go in the direction they travel. Aile raised his guard further, but such a high-level person should not be questioned. Aile was wondering if she was part of the forces from above.

Are they here for him? He did not want to bring Hazel in the fold, or is he being too cautious? He looked at the lady in detail and examined her hoping to find a clue.

She was wearing a worn-out dress, but it looked like a royal antique. Her cane was carved beautifully, her wrinkly face was showing a genuine smile. But the wrinkles were proof that she had a lot of time to practice such a disarming smile.

Her movement with her hands was precise and without a doubt. Her eyes were calm, but one that has seen the vicissitudes of life.

Well, in the end, if such a person wants to come with them towards the direction they travel could he reject. In the off chance, she was not here for them was it worth the risk to invite her ire.

Aile gave her a smile and said, "Of course, we are heading in that area. Could you tell me how far you plan on going in that direction?"

With a calm voice, she replied, "I want to go to Kiar Peaks... Do you know its location?"

Aile, of course, knew where she was talking about. It was the mountain peak outside of Port Kiar and where Aile had a date with Leia. Hazel too had her guard raised high. It just seemed too coincidental for an old lady to pop in the middle of nowhere and wanting to go in the same direction as their destination.

Aile replied, "Yes, I know the way. We can leave now."

With that, Aile and Hazel shared one mount, while she was riding the spare one. The journey was a quiet one, Aile sent his conjectures to Hazel by transmitting it to her after holding her waist on the mount.

Knowing that she was an overpowered individual made both of them worried, and they started to walk on eggshells around her. Both of them came with ideas of why she was going there. The more they thought about it, the more they felt that things are not looking great for them. The options they narrowed their guess was down to four. Two of the options put them against her in direct confrontation, and the other two were not particularly advantageous either.