
Chapter 164 - Ambivalence and the unknown

The most straightforward guess was that she was here for Aile or less likely Hazel. Fighting her would be inevitable in this case.

The other assumption being that she was going to Port Kiar in support of the royal or White Clan's side. This would weaken them in Port Kiar not to mention that she alone could just take everything they built, and with her level, no one could reject. The more Aile travelled with her, the more he felt a sense of suppression. Something he had not felt before, it was on the same level as The Voice. In such a case, Aile decided to leave everything in Port Kiar to her and leave with his people.

His life and the people around him were far more essential than wealth. He might level Port Kiar with the hidden spirit fire gathering runes everywhere that he had placed if there is no profit to be gained there. He had no intention of fighting.

The other option was that there is something on Kiar Peaks. This would be the best case as she will not cross his path in any way. But will she let him leave after reaching there?

The last option is that she too was attracted to Port Kiar because of the same thing that made the White Clan and Royal Clan interested there. Her interference will bring the White Clan and royals together and turn the area into a battlefield. This would be the situation which would have the least impact on him. But chances are, it will attract more people there, and losing his influence in Port Kiar will become very likely. Not to mention that the constant interference to start a fight between the White Clan and royals would fail when they join forces against her.

With the occasional glances and after travelling for a day, Aile got a bit of useful information from her body language. She had not looked or even cared about Hazel's presence. This made Aile reject the low chance that she was here for her. With this information on the second day, while they were eating, Aile forced Hazel to leave. Sending her to Port Kiar to get everything ready. She was reluctant to leave Aile alone. But she also knew that going away will give Aile a peace of mind. She will be safe, and she can go and make some preparation if they had to escape Port Kiar.

Hazel also knew that when it came to escaping and hiding tracks, Aile was superior to her. If she stays, she would be a burden, as her aid in fighting will not amount to much against the old lady, and her lack of stealth will become a huge disadvantage.

She with her restored power yet again was useless, and she was not needed, Hazel was wondering what she was bringing to him. So far, with the problems of Port Kiar, her soul, Duke White and the King, she has been nothing but a burden.

Entering the self-deprecating mindset, she was immediately pulled out of it, when Aile hugged and kissed her, "Take care of yourself and see you soon. Too bad our other plan was disturbed, but I have not forgotten." Just those word, spoken with care, brought a smile on her face with an ever reddening blush. She knew Aile only wanted to cheer her up, but she was embarrassed to continue and with a resolve to meet again soon she left. The last words had a lot of impact on her, and she was radiating a shy-happiness with her smile, the same as young girls whos marriage dates were approaching.

She daydreamed as she passed the horizon, not turning her face back to meet Aile's gaze out of embarrassment.

After finding the cure to his uncontrolled urges was an intimate relationship, Hazel and Aile came to an agreement to end this fruitful trip with romance. Site seeing the natural wonders, visiting beautiful sceneries, hot springs and solidifying their relationship by taking that final step. As they have spent so much time with each other, their relationship had already established a solid foundation, and sleeping together was the next natural step. The cure for his dark soul's antics was just a lever to provide both of them with an adequate reason for continuing onwards.

The disappointment of a missed opportunity along with the possible dangerous situation escorting this old powerhouse pushed Aile's smile and cheerful nature back. Gloomily Aile accepted the humiliation of running after her mount. He knew she was somewhat annoyed after not finding Hazel, and it was easily seen in her expression. Therefore Aile did not want to ride with her. Even without her annoyed expression, it was too risky a situation. Possibly she was here to get rid of him, so sitting next to her would be counterintuitive.

Aile had told her that Hazel was gone after she got an urgent call. The journey continued, it was only another half a day to the destination. With each step Aile took, the feeling of the unknown and possible danger intensified in his mind. What surprised him was the fact that his eyes of fate were not triggered.

Nonetheless like a lower-class peasant, Aile ran after the mount until it came to a stop.

"Cold, distant, calculative, you are indeed suited to thrive in such a world. Tell me, why do you endure such humiliation?" said the old lady in an elongated tone pausing at points to elaborate or enrage him.

Aile looked at her perplexedly and was in guard, this is the time for his fate to be decided.

The old lady continued as she had her hands in the open to show she was disarmed and eyes closed to make Aile feel at ease. "You do not need to worry. I am not interested in your origin or any other secret you own." Aile was surprised when she mentioned his origin, did she know something? Was she really from up there? While this did fluster him, he kept his cool and asked, "Why then?"

"I wanted to meet you and read you?" Her response did really make sense to him.

Aile looked even more confused and said, "Surely you want something? No one at your level would just ride a slow mount for no reason and converse with someone weaker for days." Aile was thinking there must be a reason for putting him in this situation of running after the mount. It can not be just a joke, after all, if anything, her time too was wasted.

"Indeed... I am interested in a necklace, Sheridan's Blessing, I believe you retrieved it from the tomb."

Aile was unsure of how to answer. If he gives it to her, he would admit to taking something from the tomb, and she could be annoyed that he disturbed the tomb. The item Sheridan's Blessing did not seem unique or special, so it could only mean that the necklace had a different reason of importance to her. If he does not tell her, he would be lying, and she could find out. He was bewildered of which option was the best to take.

"I do not want it now, but I want to trade it with something you will need, and I will provide notice about something you are searching for. Find me when you have no place left to go, and then we can trade. I can tell that you need some important information, I can give it to you... and here is a small preview to show the worth of my information.... you can get this for free and in advance... Make sure to travel north, the next day after you reach your destination of Port Kiar. If you find this information valuable, then you can decide to trade for more after you confirm it. Perhaps it could help your girlfriend that left not long ago or some other problem. Use this to get in contact with me. FUFUFUF." She then vibrated and faded out as a talisman floated and sat on Aile's hand.

Aile was surprised that she disappeared like she never was here, even the indentation that was deeper because she was riding the mount, lifted.

It seemed like she never was here and only the mount travelled the muddy path. Such a level of power surprised Aile, her impact on the surrounding disappeared with her departure. This could only be achieved if someone interfered with world laws. Even Aile's memory of her was of an old woman without much distinction, her voice becoming harder to remember. Perhaps without his concentration to keep the information about her, it too would have faded.

If she wanted to take anything from him she could have, possibly he would not even notice. So does she have another goal? She also mentioned that Aile needs to go north from Port Kiar that would be Fort Bot. Aile was wondering if there was a problem with what Emily and Fiona found.