
Chapter 186 –  Entering the forest

Hence entering the Shifting Forest makes one feel lost. On many occasions, people that entered it would go in circles, some going towards the centre to never return. The centre, unlike the outskirts of the forest, has beasts and other deadly poisonous plants.

The things that were blamed by those that managed to return safely were the same claim by many, the trees shifting and confusing them. However, the alchemy association investigated it and found the truth. They announced that due to the growth of different poisonous plants, mushrooms and mutated beast at the centre of the forest, the disorientation is felt. The pheromones are the reason for a field of misdirection as it drifts to the outskirts of the forest. Of course, this announcement came with pills that would resist the disorientation, sold by them.

Even with the pills, traversing it would require a lot of preparation. The first step is to rest and ingest the medicine and also make the mounts eat them. Followed by a waiting period for it to circulate in the bloodstream. With the pill's effect, one would not be overwhelmed by the disorientation, until reaching an outpost at the centre of the path. The path is a trading route that crosses the edge of the shifting forest.

The outpost was cleared at the centre location of the route to Fort Bot by the trading caravans to rest and be safe. As this shortcut saves 3 hours and 40 minutes of journey time. It also has a middle resting area, making it safer. It allows for the mounts and caravan to restore their senses.

The question that had made Aile curious is why did they just make one location to rest at 60 percent of the way? Why not create a path in the forest? or multiple resting places?

He was going to get his answer soon when they reach and rest in the outpost at the centre of the route. The next step is traversing the last leg of the journey out of the forest. On the other side is an outpost, to resting and wait for the removal of the residual effect of the noxious gasses. A similar outpost is in their side of the forest tending to those that come through the other side. Of course, Aile can visit it too and buy the anti-disorientation and anti-hallucination pill. However, Aile came prepared and had not a reason to waste time there.

Reaching this stage Aile, Xue and Guang dismounted and ingested the pills themselves and fed the mounts. With these, they had to wait and pay attention, as the next part of the journey required one to be focused, entering the Shifting Forest.

Aile was the first to get on the mount, and surprisingly Guang jumped behind him. Xue did not mind it, she just made a mental note to be quicker on the other side of the forest to get on his mount with him.

After all, cutting through the forest is not long. The whole journey would not take a long time. Xue's mount was tied to Aile's to not separate, even though to cross the forest one only needed to go on a straight path. However, the disorientation and mild hallucinogenic effect can lead one astray in the forest. A physical connection was far more reliable in this case compared to the use of one's senses.

With the mounts and Aile, Xue and Guang ready and prepared to face the troubles of the Shifting Forest, they entered the dark woods devoid of sounds, apart from the croak of a frog from time to time. The start of the journey was alright as nothing happened. However, a few minutes into the forest, everything seemed harder to do. The interaction with the world became harder. It was as if seeing oneself and the world through a mirror. One's action of going left might just result in the opposite, one would know that they made the wrong turn, however correcting it could be counterintuitive. The simple analogy of seeing the world through a mirror might be simplistic. The best way to describe it would be to see the world through a black and white mirror and painting the correct path with correct colours. While with the care and utter focus, it was possible, the confusion of trying to go right when the world shift left remained.

The first hurdle, even with the help of medicines was hard to deal with. One's own mentality making one very confused, and the loss of effective motor control left one vulnerable. Thankfully, the mounts were not easily affected, and the forest did not have many beasts at its outskirts. They journeyed in deeper while maintaining their route in the marked path with red "X"s on trees. The marks kept people in the correct pathway, a few minutes in, Aile started to see Duke White, Sara, Laila guiding him deeper into the forest. Knowing full well that the next part of affliction by the forest affected him. The mild hallucination affected people differently and based on their mental strength. Aile continued ahead, but it was not easy at all. The constant murmur and attraction of people not present was easy to ignore. But the sudden appearance of a lake, a fire tornado, hounds' with spider legs and other creatures were harder to ignore while maintaining the correct path. Nonetheless, the initial shock of such things was temporarily surprising. But after a few scenarios, it was easier to identify them as fakes.

The fire tornado, having no suction or heat, the lake, having trees grown out of it marked X with red paint and the animals, only shaking in the same motions as the branches of trees. While their unrealistic nature was easily identified, the distraction of them made guiding the mount harder.

As they journeyed deeper, Aile now being more fond of Xue, could not help but keep on looking back to ensure that she was behind him.

After some more time, Aile was hugged very closely by Guang as she rubbed her cheeks on his back, while her body also rubbed against him. Her hand snaked around him tightly, and she whimpered, "I am sorry, Aunt, I am sorry, Heian. I cannot be selfish anymore... I - I promise to solve everything for both of you... I will give up my future, strength, everything... Please forgive me..." Feeling the wet patch that did not seem illusory, Aile felt sad too, hearing her whimpering cries. The more apprehensions one has, the harder to resist the effect of the hallucination. Being held on very tightly, he could not turn back, so he lifted his hand over his shoulder and patted her head.

"Everything is fine, it is just a hallucination." With the disorientation his pats landed on her face, hair, nose and lips, she finally calmed down a bit. She became quieter but soon enough asked, "Do you hate me, Aile?"

Getting surprised, Aile responded to her, "No, we had our differences, but I never hated the both of you. If I had, I would not tolerate the both of you and had you replaced. I never cared for the rumours about dark elves either." Since Aile had not been gentle to her and treated her emotionlessly, he tried to cheer her up, feeling responsible for a few of those tears.

She was quiet, and after a while, a somewhat cheerful voice of her was heard, "Thank you, for not hating me."

"What is there to hate, you are beautiful and smart. I am sure many would fall in love with you, given enough time." Aile said unconvincingly.

She giggled, "Thanks, but I have no such intentions people around me are destined to face difficulty and have sorrowful lives. I will leave after giving you the full control of the dark elf medallion and the way to utilize it by the time we reach the town. I hope you keep your promise to keep my sister safe."

Aile realized that she sounded like she was saying her goodbyes, "Are you planning to leave somewhere?"

"Hm, I do not want to bring you bad luck or make my sister's life more miserable than it has already become because of me. I will be leaving soon. Do not worry about the runes you can learn it from Heian and I will come back to see you off to the moon lake in a year if you want me to be there by then. I would also like to make a final trade before I leave, I hope you accept it when the time comes."

Aile did find the conversation unusual but just linked it to the effect of the forest. Although she stopped her emotional fit, she did not let go of his waist.

Aile not having enough of luxury to dwell on what she said, returned his focus to the surrounding, and the X marked trees. While a contented smile plaster on Guang's face, hiding the deeply rooted melancholy. It seems that hallucinations to an extent provided answers to her problems and worries.