
Chapter 187 - Halfway 

Holding Aile more tightly, yet very carefully, Guang rested her head on his back, allowing him to lead them to safety. Xue too being more immune to these illusions followed them, as this was not the first time she traversed the forest. Of course, focusing on her own safety, this was not the time to gaze at Aile and Guang. With most of her problem resolved, she faced almost no dilemma in the miasma.

The calm was followed by the storm, Xue's mother and other people shrouded by darkness appeared around her and beckoned Xue to follow them. She knew what those shadows represented, they were the possible family that abandoned her. She knew that in front of her was the choice between Aile and them.

She smiled and waved them goodbye, as she followed Aile. Xue had come up with a resolution before which had been strengthened by Aile not long ago. Her family abandoned her, and she would have been used by Jack Oxe and alone. Aile saved her and ever since then offered money, protected, supported and allowed her to have a team when she needed it. Now he was also there for her personally, making her happy and at ease mentally. Why would she need to think too much? Perhaps her mother had her reasons and troubles, but it does not change the facts or what happened and who knows if she will ever come back.

She still feels some apprehension for what Aile did isolating her. However, after the conversation with him, she knew it was done with good intention. He also kept an eye on her, protected and supported her without her knowledge. He had sent Fiona close to her, supporting and encouraging her. Forgetting the negative aspects of Fiona due to circumstances, she now knew that she had her own family, one that stood by her and protected her.

Aile did not experience many hallucinations based on his memories, thoughts and people around him. Mostly they took shape in different dangers that he ignored. The only thing that caused his heart to beat without rhythm for a few seconds was a representation. It was of Hazel that was growing smaller behind him and one of Sara that was getting larger as he headed towards her. Aile did not fall for it and ignored it. But it had an impact deep in his heart.

Soon enough, they reached the 60 percent mark and saw a circular enclosure that had light descending from the canopy of the forest. Surprisingly the trees did not shroud this area. With the mounts that were starting to show signs of disobedience, they reached the enclosure.

Seeing the area, Aile thought of two possibilities for it being free from the poisonous miasma. Either it has some natural barrier preventing the impure air from entering it, or perhaps the descending light removes it. There is also the possibility of both situations happening at the same time.

Seeing the wooden barrier and a distinct marking on it, Aile observed it closer and figured out what they were, arrows pointing to the gate. Aile and the others followed the drawn arrows on the barrier, pointing to the entrance of the fortress. The gate would open with a specific token that one buys before coming here. Entering through the gate, everyone let out a breath of relief.

Walking became less restricted, and fine control over motor skills was gained back. The most notable difference was the area was not dark and creepy, it was filled with light. The mounts, as well as, Aile, Guang and Xue, were relieved breathing the uncontaminated air and getting out of the gloomy forest. One can endure so much random stuff appearing and continuously keep his concentration heightened.

Aile first observed the surrounding and after confirming that no one was there, he was calm but not surprised. This was to be expected, rarely do people meet here. The next thing he noticed was the warm curvaceous body of Guang pressed behind him. She was holding him tightly, making him feel the different textures and shapes of her body parts as they were squished against him. As everyone tested their motor skills, Aile realized that two soft hands were roaming his body in an attempt to check how much control is gained back. Aile's confusion increased, Guang has been adamant to keep her distance from him and yet she was clearly provoking him now. Aile feeling the ever braver actions of her hands decided to stop it before things escalate and he is tempted to do something.

After all, he has been teased by Hazel in the morning already. Although his dark part of the soul stabilized after dual cultivating with Hazel. The current situation could get him back on the level, where Aile is tempted and guided by his sense of lust and greed. Especially since he has not acted greedily, unlike his lust seed, which has successfully become subdued.

Aile thought that taking 'Guang would satisfy both his lust and greed seeds.' Noticing that his mentality was shifting in that direction already, he decided to put a stop to it. Aile simply placed his hands on top of hers and squeezed them, and asked, "How is it, has the feeling and control in your hands returned?"

Guang gave Aile a serious look followed by a nod before the facade crumbled. A smile and blushed formed on her face as she shyly descended with Aile's help from the mount. Aile too dismounted and helped Xue. After that, he fed the medicine to the mounts, to get them clear-headed and get ready for the next leg of the journey. The original plan was a 10-minute break here. However, seeing the condition of the mounts and everyone he decided to extend it to a 20-minute break.

Aile had been used to little luxuries. Therefore, he did not forget to treat himself, Aile unfurled a wolf pelt that has now been fully treated and could be used as a soft carpet. Placing it on the floor to rest for a few more minutes, and only when Aile felt that the toxins were out of his system, he would take his next step.

After detox, he would move around to discover the source and reason this area remained unaffected by the miasma. If he manages to find it, then perhaps it could be reverse-engineered into a business opportunity or an ace for his merchant union.

Seeing the comfortable place to relax, Xue and Guang arrived close to him but did not sit down next to him immediately, they were looking around acting cooly. Observing them act aloof, Aile chuckled and invited them to sit and rest with him. They did not think twice about it, and they huddled next to him, slowly leaning to him and each other for support and more comfort. Aile told them that he decided the rest time was doubled, making them both happy. Xue seemed to want to say something, and soon Aile found out she was hungry. He got three metal boxes and handed to her. They were covered by soot, they were lunch boxes that would be placed in the remnants of fire or coal to heat up what is inside. It was decided that in a while, Aile would be looking for the source of what makes this area unique, Xue would heat the food and Guang happily offered to make tea. After a short rest, Aile got up and started to look around.

Since there is circular protection around the fort, it would mean that there is a source at the centre creating the phenomenon, this reduced Aile's search parameter. Walking towards the centre, Aile noticed that somehow the area is more detoxified. Apart from that, he could not find out any other thing special. Since he could not find the treasure here easily, Aile simply tried enhancing his senses. First making his skin and nose sensitive to narrow down the area with most clean air. Then using his hearing and sight to find an anomaly.

Once the area was narrowed down, Aile enhanced both his hearing and sight in the field. Initially finding nothing, then suddenly he heard the movement of water. There was the sound of trickling water underground. Not finding any other unusual thing, the most likely cause of the purified air was narrowed down to the trickling sound that came from the underground.

Slowly removing the dirt-covered roof of a hollowed cave, a small spring could be seen. It created a little fountain of water, expelling water in short intervals. Perhaps a more accurate description would be a small geyser squirting water. The water was unique as it soon started to dissipate into water vapours that cleansed the air. The scope of its dissipation is the parameter of the safe haven. However, Aile found out that the range of its dispersal was controlled by a formation. Not only that, a portion of it was absorbed and turned into a concentrated solid blob that could be extracted and taken away.