Lab Apartment

I was basking in the afterglow of the fuck session and I was happy. The orgasm was amazing. I laid there not even trying to get up since if those critters came back I was totally okay with it. After some time though nothing came back. I was a little disappointed they hadn't stayed for another round. I licked some semen or whatever their ejaculate was and it tasted bitter. I know I shouldn't but I was loving this world all the more. I got up and after resting plus the critter gang bang the Concussion wasn't as being as harsh to me.

I got up and felt the crusted ejaculate on me drying. I just realized I did not know how to get into my lab. I decided to just request to enter it seeing if it work. "Enter Lab," I said out loud and a black portal opened in front of me. Simple and easy although I couldn't believe that I overlooked such a thing when negotiating. I stepped through and entered the black void.

After passing through I saw my Lab. Gone though were all the assistants, receptionists, and security plus janitors. It was surreal to see what used to be a building with thousands moving through it become empty. I walked past security that would even stop me from entering into it. The security was a must-have to check even me since one time some foreign entity tried to put a recording chip on me.

I started to remember some of the Ingenius methods people tried to steal from my company. It was amazing what ingenuity they tried and security was critical. Those security guards let slip information twice and I lost hundreds of millions of dollars on those occasions. They were even more strict after the first the second they had taken a higher up researcher's family hostage. They even killed two of his three children in the end. It was a brutal wake-up call. After that, anyone who had higher access also had twenty-four-hour security that was either ex black-ops marines or something along those lines. It was a mistake I never made again and it never happened again since the government took my enterprise seriously as well.

I lamented as I went into the 'underground' portion of my lab. This also had a bedroom for me and many others. There were about sixty full-time apartments here for those who didn't want to go home or had experiments that needed twenty-four-hour coverage. There was one though that stood out from the rest. This one was mine and about three times the size than everyone else's. It was my office as well though where I took care of the entire lab. It was my paradise inside my paradise when I needed to think.

The Elevator arrived at the first basement level and living areas the one to the very back was mine. I put it there since I needed extra steps. I chuckled to myself and moved towards it and pressed in the keypad password into the panel off to the side. Inside greeted a large foyer and I stumbled in. This was where I greeted guests and important people. It was a work area that just off to my right was the study. It was treated more like an office but I did a lot of my reading there. It should be with shelves and shelves of textbooks. These ranged from all topics and works.

Most of them went unread but every once and a while I needed things from them that I didn't know. I wanted to enter in and see if they were there but I didn't I moved to the area off to the left. This was the living area. The right was the business area and where I worked in here where the left was where I could relax. I made many exits here when I was raising my kid who didn't know that I didn't even know who his father was. He was an exceptional child but I left him to his own devices most of the time.

Every time though he reminded me of the thrill I got while one of his potential fathers did to me. I remember him fondly for that. I entered into the door off to the left of the greeting room and was in another much smaller foyer that was the entrance to an open concept apartment. A dining room and kitchen off to the right this time where the bathroom and bedroom were straight ahead. I moved towards the bedroom passing the dining and kitchen. One door in the front of the bedroom and a door to the right to the ensuite. I entered into the Ensuite and walked past the large bath with an attached jacuzzi. The shower was ahead and I entered into it and turned on the water. The cleaners though were not in here and I sighed. Thankfully I knew chemistry and could make some basic soaps and shampoos later. I made my own before and wouldn't hesitate to do it again. For now, though I just rinsed off everything.

It took some time but in the end, it came off with some effort. I sighed and felt cleaner. Amid my orgasms, I couldn't care less about how someone treated me but I loved being clean. The clean up after I was treated that way made me happy as well. It was something methodical and like going back to routines where I was a perfectionist. Me being treated like that was my other side where I let loose whereas this side was a professional woman that demanded respect. I was a professional and expected that from everyone else around me.

This was a sharp change for me but I couldn't care less what others do outside work even in my hires. They wanted to go out for a six-hour orgy and enter the next day with cum still inside them. That is their business as long as they kept up the sanitary levels needed and did proper professional work. If they couldn't they would be blacklisted from my company never to enter the corridors again.

That was a big problem for some. One of my employees I remember was a huge cheater. He had three family's I was impressed, to be honest. He kept his home life at home or outside the lab. One day all his families found out. They started to raise a stink and it made the news. I remember even my HR department felt some pressure from the media outrage on this man. He was amazing at what he did and never brought it to work before that. I got some backlash from my media department when I made this statement.

"What does his personal life have to do with his professional life? Am I a Church?" I went on like that neither defending him nor chastising him. I went out and tried to get myself raped often how could I judge someone who wanted more than one wife?

It went as well as my media department expected whenever I made statements. The thing is during the entire time though the accounting department saw a spike in sales increasing the money made. The guy continued to work in our laboratories with no further issue for decades. I remember the conversation I had with him.

We sat in the office that was on the other side of this apartment. Shelves of textbooks surrounded us and I sat in my large leather chair that was super comfortable. He sat in a matching one across from me. The desk between us and I looked every bit the professional I usually was.

"Look James, I can not say I am happy with you or mad at you," I told him after he sat down, "You brought your stuff to work James but not at your fault." I smiled at him, "I looked at your record with my company and I see no reason to fire you over your proclivities outside the company. What you do in your off time is your business," I told him to his surprise.

"Ma'am I will say that I am sorry for what this has brought on the company. My home life and company life are different. I take my work here as more important than any kids or wives. Tell me how you want to handle this and I will go by it." James was trying to get me to tell him what he should do.

"James take this off my doorstep. I don't give a single fuck about how many wives you have. I don't give a fuck about how many children you have. All I care about is when you enter into this company and your doing research that is all that is on your mind. Your wives, children, or family do not exist here. If that is a problem don't come back to work." I finished quickly and his face lit up.

"So I still have a job?" He asked simply expecting to be fired, "Thank you, Ma'am!"

The rest of the conversation turned to a cure we were trying to finish on Huntington's. That was a man that could sperate family and work. I remember him fondly.

I stepped out of the shower and took my time. I looked into the wardrobe and saw that it was empty. I sighed and noticed all my jewelry was gone as well. That made things annoying but not difficult I would just have to have something made. I left the bedroom and looked into the fridge in the kitchen too see it empty as well.

That sucks, I thought I was getting hungry and they left me with nothing to eat. I couldn't stay in the labs until I had food but I still had a slight concussion. I thought about it a bit and decided that staying was not possible. I wondered if I could just leave here or needed to go back to the lobby?

I tried the opposite of how I entered, "Exit Lab," Sure enough the black void reappeared in front of me.

I reappeared where I had left in the middle of the forest where I had been gangbanged by critters. I just walked away though knowing I would need to find a town or something soon. I looked up at the sun and saw it setting and choose the opposing direction. Slowly I moved forward trying not to agitate anything in the surroundings while looking for things that might be edible. I decided against it though since I saw so many new species of plants and small critters.

The walk was long until I was lucky enough to encounter a dirt road after hours of walking. I smiled while my stomach grumbled. The Dirt road was empty with nothing in sight but I saw some old footprints that looked like they were made on a rainy day.

I followed them into the distance hoping I choose the right direction.