
The dirt road stretched on as the sunsetted on this world. The moons started to show and I looked up in amazement. The two moons were the beautiful one being a green color showing life while the other was more of a silver. It made me want to enter onto them. I saw none of the telltale signs of modern civilization on the one with life. The other reminded me of my previous moon with many creators on it from meteor strikes.

I looked up as my feet carried me in a direction with one foot after another. My stomach grumbled harder begging for nourishment. I stayed firm and continued down the road well into the night. Dirt and random forestry were on my body making me look more like a homeless naked woman. My new novel pecker hung between my legs flaccid. I felt tired from the day of activity and thought to rest soon and continue in daylight when I finally saw walls. It was in the distance but I saw them.

The walls were small but I knew when I neared they would be towering. I should be close as the moonlight shone on it with multi-colored delight. It looked beautiful like a medieval fortress from this distance and the moonlight.

I sighed in happiness hoping they wouldn't question me too much. Thoughts ran through my head as I made it slowly to the gates and heard yelling from above. It was yelling but I had no idea what any of it meant. I realized I blundered with the two gods but shortly decided against it. The native tongue lashed out angrily at me from above on the wall.

I would need to learn to speak the language here as soon as possible. Good thing I had some experience with it. The gate of the walls opened and I saw a dozen armed human guards come out and shouted at me.

"I do not understand you," I told them calmy while raising my hands needlessly. I was naked dirty with a large cock hanging between my legs. The guards all carrying spears looked at me while I spoke not understanding me either. I just stood there while they discussed me and what they should do. I stood there in all my dirty glory as men around me talked discussing my fate.

I didn't notice but my mind went to the fantasy of these guards taking me back into their guard hutch and fucking my goddamn brains out. The thought pleased me and my cock started to harden. One guard exclaimed and the discussion became louder with a couple of expletives thrown my way. Fuck I knew they were insulting me and the humiliation just kinda fueled my fantasies even more.

Finally, one of the people pointed at me and used a commanding tone to the rest. A flurry of movement happened and the rest got orderly. A guard walked up to me and tangled his fingers into my dirty hair. He proceeded to pull me behind him with the one who commanded them taking the lead. The other guards stayed and closed the gate. The commotion died down as I was hauled behind the guard. The scalp hurts when someone pulls you by the hair and I was leaned down trying to reduce the pain. The treatment though turned me on even more and my cock grew to a thirteen-inch monster hard as a rock.

The guards didn't care how turned on I was they dragged me into the guardhouse where they proceeded to interrogate me. I tried several different languages but none worked. They didn't understand me and I did not understand them. I looked at the water on the table and pointed at it then towards myself. Trying other forms of communication I showed I wanted to wash. The commander guy finally nodded and said something to the other guard. I stopped them and pointed towards their armor then myself. The leader shook his head and then I pointed specifically at the cloth underneath. He slapped his forehead and realized what I meant. He nodded and I was escorted to the washbasin in their house.

I cleaned up and they threw me a cheap scratchy brown shirt and pants. I finally covered myself but the clothing was uncomfortably scratching my body. My sensitive body hated it and it rubbed me wrong. I knew I needed new clothing but I needed food more. My stomach growled loudly and they decided to give me food before placing me in a cell for the night. I sighed hoping they wouldn't treat me like this for a long time. This would not be the best for me.

Eventually, more guards piled in and after I cleaned up they started to notice that I was attractive. I smiled and hoped that I might get a little action tonight if they kept me here. The night rolled on and the shitty fabric made me just want to be naked. I couldn't sleep in it so I just took off the clothes and laid on the rock of a bed. I passed out shortly afterward.

I woke up to voices speaking in a tongue that I couldn't understand. I was still tired but it seemed it must have been morning. I was disappointed no one visited me in the night. I tried to fall back asleep putting my arm over my eyes to sleep.

The sweet mercy of sleep did not happen though as someone knocked loudly on the bars of the cell. I startled at the noise since I was close to passing out.

"Huh?" The man looked at me with some type of condescending look. He pointed at the clothes and said more words that I didn't understand. This was getting old fast. I sat up and looked at him when a glow left his hand. I looked at his hand then turned to him with a weird look.

"Doing some type of magic trick now?" I asked incredulously.

"That was indeed magic," He stated in a matter of fact tone. My eyes widened in surprise.

"So someone does know English here. Can you speak Spanish? French? Dutch? Mandarin?" I was curious since he spoke without an accent.

"I do not speak these languages nor yours. Now shut up and answer my questions," I sat there waiting for him to ask a question.

The Silence roamed for a couple of seconds while I sat there naked. He was an older gentleman with a clean shave but a little stubble showing. His greying hair betrayed his age even though he looked young based on skin.

"Well?" I start, "You going to ask a question?"

He coughed realizing I was waiting on him while he was waiting for me to acknowledge what he said. "Yes, Yes, First question, Who are you?"

"I am Clarissa, Clarissa Frankford," I answered simply, "I am a scientist in the field of Exobiology if you are interested."

He looked at me and nodded, "Okay that's two questions answered although I am not sure what you mean by Exobiology we will come back to that. The second question is why are you naked?" I laughed and smiled at him.

"Hoping for a nice strong man to rape me?" I teased and told a partial truth. His face turned grave though and I shook my head, "My clothing was destroyed by creatures in the forest while I was researching them. I lost my pack when they attack but made it out alive. The blood-soaked rags were even worse for hygiene then letting myself be butt naked. So I took them off, Simple." I filled my story with half-truths.

"Fair enough, I take it your study has to do with your job?"

"Yup, Exobiology is the study of animals in various ways. I take it to the subatomic level along with genetics seeing if we can modify them to be more useful to humankind. Humans are in my study range as well."

His eyebrows sunk and looked at me more deeply. "When was the last time you were in civilization?" I looked at him and I told the complete truth.

"No Idea, Could be a week could be years or even decades. Simply could not tell you sir since I do not know." I smiled without worries. If I wanted to I could just enter my lab and wait till they opened the cage and escape then. Hell, I hadn't tested this body's strength either.

"Okay Clarissa, We here at Fort Rivermile have no idea who you are except what you say. The Nearest civilian town is the other way down the road. You clearly have a problem with clothing as well," He pointed at me and I giggled, "Plus you have extra equipment while being well equipped..." He trailed off and I stood up and walked to the edge of the bars.

"If you want to be extremely rough I wouldn't mind a round or two with you if that's what you're asking?" He looked horrified and I felt my disappointment climb to a new level.

"Ma'am I am a Professional Army Mage. I refuse to harm civilians!" I just frowned and sat back down annoyed but used to it. I just sighed and looked back at him.

"Boring! Oh, well the reason I have taken off those trash of clothing is that I cant wear it. It scratches my skin and gives me a rash. I legit prefer to show my beautiful body to everyone then wear that... Sack." I told him simply ignoring him properly while on the stone bed.

He frowned at me, "What do you expect from a Fort? A professionally tailored uniform?" His eyes narrowing on me as if expecting something.

"Nope, I expect to find some food maybe some seeds, I don't know. Maybe a tailor I could do some physical labor for? Didn't plan that far. I mean think of it like this. I am in the middle of the forest, Lost, Hungry, and alone. I picked a direction and walk. I encounter a dirt road after hours of walking. I pick a direction and end up here. I do not understand the guards and they don't understand me. That is what happened to do with me as you will. I will admit though I could use a good gangbang if anyone is interested in being rough." I smile at the end and the man looks horrified. Ever since I entered into this world and got my brains fucked out I wanted it to happen again. My sex drive was crying out and was wanting more.

The man stopped talking for a bit and just walked away. I sighed and laid back onto the hard bed waiting for whatever they decided.