Elders 'Request'

My body twitched as I heard huffing above me. It was distinctly feminine and seemed distressed. My eyes fluttered open, and I felt a sense of satisfaction I hadn't had in months. Small spikes of pain from bruising made me groan as I completely woke up. The Teacher in front of me turned and looked at me. I didn't notice any distress on her face or in her voice when she talked to me.

"Bitch, you finally have awakened..." She trailed off, looking at me. I looked at my body, seeing some light bruising and two fish hooks in my breasts still. I brought my hand down and pulled them out with a grunt and sensitive spikes of pain, groaning loudly. I felt my body start to heal, and already the damage to my nipples was closing. The teacher looked at me with surprise.

"That was refreshing!" I said, feeling more satisfied than I had in a long time. I cracked my neck with my hand and groaned as I got to my feet. I looked at the Teacher with a new fondness. I always knew there was a darker personality there looking to burst out.

The teacher was looking at me incredulously. I could see the questions on her face, and I slowly approached her, swaying my perfect body. "Well, that was fun, wasn't it?" I asked her. She looked at me with dark eyes as if an extra shadow appeared over them. I felt a tingle down my spine, looking at her. "Yes, You enjoyed yourself... You are barely holding yourself together now, though. Talk to me later, Miss teacher. I am sure you want some more of me anyway..."

I walked out of the room with the teacher that was beside herself in the little shed. My clothes were in shreds, and I couldn't care less. I made my way naked into the dorms passing students as I walked by. I had a satisfied smile on my face as I made it to my dorm room. I didn't even dress as I made my way to the bed and started to stroke my shaft masturbating to the residual energy. My pussy moistened, and cock hardened, both begging for attention. I started to stroke my shaft harder and harder while fingering my pussy until I ejaculated hard. I melted in pleasure, sighing on my bed as my semen landed on my breasts. I lounged for a couple of seconds before showering, washing the grime and dirt off me along with my fresh semen.

As I was finishing my shower, I heard loud noises and almost yelling outside my dorm room. I got out of the shower and walked into my room as I heard hurried knocking on my door. I decided since they are in such a rush, I should answer the door quickly. I smiled in thought and walked to the door. I opened it to see a bunch of old men and women in robes of various colors. I was naked in front of them, and I smiled, walking back into my room. "What's the rush?" I asked, walking away. I reached into the lowest drawer I had, looking for some socks. I showed off my perfect beautiful ass. I hadn't heard a word from them till an older feminine voice came from behind me.

"For the love of God, Dress, young lady!" She shouted in my room. I turned around with a smile on my face. I turned to her, making sure to make my breasts bounce. I held up the socks.

"I am..." I sat on the edge of the bed, lifting my sexy legs that still had some marks on them, sliding on the socks giving these old men and women a show as I then proceeded to do the same with my second sock. I saw some of the old men gulp down saliva, watching me.

I then saw the old woman take out a pouch, pull a new Robe with the colors representing my magic type, and toss it covering my body. I was disappointed by this turn of events. I sighed and covered up using the robe since it deemed this group of elders really wanted to talk about something. I slipped on the boring robe letting it all down to my ankles. What trash clothing. Nothing to tease with...

"Finally, your half-decent Clarrisa." That same old woman annoyingly said. I rolled my eyes and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Well, what is it? You came in here after I had a good fap session and shower. Knocked on my door like madmen, then made me dress... What do you want to talk about?" I finished annoyed with these robes the more I looked at them.

They did not look happy with the way I described things. They took a half-second, then responded. "We have two things we want to talk to you about." The old woman that tossed me the robe started. "First, Why did you walk back to your room naked with bruises?" She asked.

I smiled in the memory of the teacher's abuse. "Well, I was raped and brutally beaten then almost choked to death. It was amazing..." I finished with longing in my voice. "Afterwards, I had to masturbate to the memory. If I am honest, I was planning another masturbation once I finished my shower you so rudely interrupted."

My words made them speechless as I told the truth. Their mouths opened only to close before that old woman got a hold of herself. "What!? Who raped you?" She yelled.

"Why would I tell you? I want them to come back for another round... If I told you, You might stop them from being able to. That would be a travesty that I am not willing to have happen. Let's move on from small things. What was the second thing you wished to talk about, old woman?" I asked.

The flush on the faces of these elder Mages was a sight to behold. They had to calm down visibly. It was interesting. "I am Head Mistress Swallow, and you will give me respect."

I watched her and sighed. "Head Mistress Swallow. Please tell me the second thing you are here for." I came back relenting to get them to leave me alone.

The woman could clearly tell I didn't care about her or her title. She pinched the bridge of her nose. "We are about to have a Mages Competition. You are the ONLY graduate of our top class, and we would be grateful if you could make a showing in the Academy tournament. This affects many things, and we want you to go..." She trailed off, clearly exasperated with their predicament. Then I realized why that teacher was so pissed and snapped at me. The whole class failed? Ha! They were so busy not being able to touch me; they forgot their coarse work?! What little bitches. I am surprised that happened with the girls as well.

I started to laugh. I laughed loudly and protected it with my diaphragm filling the room with my hearty laughter. I laughed at them for a long time. It was genuinely hilarious for me that they had this problem. I knew I was a distraction, but those kids were supposed to be talents. I ruined a year of their work.

I slowly calmed down with some slight giggles. "Let me make things clear. I am not wearing this trashy robe when If I go. I will wear something I like. I refuse to cover this perfect body completely." I smiled as I finished that, and then I thought of something. "Also, Since that teacher had to flunk her entire class of useless people, make her my personal teacher to learn more. You can make this a punishment for her since she did a bad job. I get something I want, and everyone happy." I finished with a smile.

The elders in my room looked at me with a glower but still thoughtful. The head Mistress was the one to answer. "Fine. You get your personal teacher, but! You must rank in the top ten, or I will take away any privileges and have you confined in a room with only a library. I will then put a guard to stop you from having any sexual pleasure of any sort!" She announced. The old men around her looked at her, shocked. I paled at the sheer threat. That sounded like a hell that I didn't want to be in.

They hit my spot at the core. I glowered and nodded. "Fine. I know you will force me to go regardless and my only way out of punishment is through this stupid tournament." I wasn't stupid and called them out before I was told. This time the Head Mistress smiled, learning my weakness.

It wasn't like I made it a secret that my biggest weakness was the lack of sexual pleasure. I had been bored and complained about it many times in public. It still sucked to have someone catch on and be in a position to use it.

I pointed at the door. "Well, Leave unless one of you wants to take my cock or pussy for a ride?" I asked, and they all left. I puffed my cheeks, disappointed. I then sighed, leaning back on my bed. This wasn't very pleasant. This competition wasn't something I wanted to take part in. I knew, though, that I was screwed to do this either way. The punishment that they came up with was probably made on the spot. That didn't mean that their threats were empty to me.

No, If I declined, people's interests would be threatened, and I knew those bad things would happen when interests were threatened. Hell, I did somethings when my interests were threatened in my past life. I held onto a vaccine while negotiating with the government in a pandemic. People died, but who cared. I had the cure, and I wanted to have looser regulations on one of my drugs. Those regulations were impeding my work. It wasn't like they didn't win in the end either. I made three new cures to genetic diseases afterwords.

I was fairly tame, though, when it came to my interests. I cared more about research than power or money. It was also why I kept control of my company instead of some profit-driven dumbass. What is the difference between five billion in profits and seven billion? I will tell you the RESEARCH MONEY. I didn't even need that much research money, so I was willing to bring in less money if it meant that I could cut red tape for my institute. It didn't work so well in my home country, but it brought me a lot of latitude in other countries.

That brought me back to what interests were in play here. I think it was the Academy's interest. This probably had something to do with reputation or funding. Otherwise, so many elders wouldn't have shown themselves. I started to deduce more into it when I heard another knock on the door. I sighed, getting up from my bed walking over to the door. I opened it to see the Teacher. My frown turned into a smile when I saw her.

"Well, If it isn't my favorite teacher!" I said loudly before leaving the doorway, inviting her in. She stepped inside promptly before turning to me. I felt mana flow covering the room in a film of wind magic. Her hand slammed the door. Then her hand stuck across my face.

"What did you say to the Academy Elders!" She yelled at me. I smiled.

"Nothing about how you brutally raped me, Beat me, Choked me, Pierced me," I said slowly, and I couldn't stifle the moan that came with the memory. "You were amazing!" I told her honestly, and her hand struck me again. She was clearly angry.

"I heard from the Elders I am now your personal Teacher till you graduate to make up for my failed students this year!" She slapped me again, "What!" This time she slapped my hidden breast under the robe. "THE!" She slapped my face again. "FUCK!" This time she punched my stomach, and I coughed, falling to my knees. "DID!" This time she kicked me in the stomach, and I coughed up a little blood. "YOU!" Her hand twisted into my hair, forcing me to look at her. "SAY!" She finished yelling and beating me more. My cock was hard as a rock by now, my pussy so wet it was dripping down my thigh.

I looked up with lust at her. "I told them for the competition I would only go if they didn't force me into robes and if you became my personal teacher. This way, you don't get a harsh punishment, and you can do what you want to me," I told her truthfully. That cold dark look in her eyes that looked at me like scum was turning me on so much.

The look on her face turned to one of disgust. It didn't remain long; as I regained my breath, she started to nod to herself. "Good then. Your walk didn't bring any attention?" She asked this time.

"Of course it did. My body is a perfect specimen of humanity and deserves to be worshiped by any who witnesses it. Little boys and girls got wet and hard just looking at my bruised and battered naked body as I returned. I will tell no one, though, as you are the only person who has the courage to put me in my place."

She looked at me with a disgusted look at how truthful I was being. She seemed in thought before she nodded to herself. "Good bitch. Keep it that way. Now I will be your Mistress and your my Slave. I will get some things for you tomorrow. Now no touching yourself tonight. You will want to wait till tomorrow." She finished with a smile. I started to stand up, and her knee hit my balls. I coughed at the sudden gut-wrenching pain. "I never told you to stand up bitch," I hit the floor, holding myself.

"See you tomorrow..." With that, the mana in the room ended, and she exited. I smiled as I crawled to my bed, excited for tomorrow with pain wracking my body.



An extra chapter. I hope you all have had a Happy Christmas and will have an even happier New year. Since Fuck 2020. Thanks for all your support this year see you in the new one.
