
The slap resounded in the room, and blood came out of my mouth. The pain spread across my face as the teacher looked down on me. "Cast bitch while I beat your bitch face in. I want to see that Rift cutter as I beat that punchable face!" She commanded, and I tried to bring my attention to casting the Spell. I brought the mana up, and it was moving towards it as I felt her fist hit the pit of my stomach hard. I coughed out as the air exited my lungs and my cock was on the verge of ejaculating in my robe.

I pulled myself back up, ignoring the sweet treatment I was receiving, and concentrated. As I sent forward a cut through reality with the void from my lifted hand, I got hit in the stomach again. I coughed but the spell left from my hand hitting a target.

"Hmph, Lucky my hand didn't reach you first..." My favorite teacher scoffed at my performance. Her hand backhanded me, and I was on edge. This teacher, who I can't even remember the name of, just put me on edge. Her whole demeanor cared so little about me. Her demeanor since her entire class but I failed changed her. She changed so much for the better I couldn't get over it. I swear, at some points, I think I might be in love.

Love was just the urge to procreate with a person of the same species and written in books. If it weren't such a well-documented feeling, I would have written it off. This person's handling of me was hitting me in all the right places. I felt like some of those rape manga in my last world where I had hearts in my eyes.

My thoughts were cut short as a swift punch to my face woke me up. "Stop thinking about other things!" She yelled, "You have so made me train you, much to my own disappointment. The Academy Tournament is very important for our Academy! You have five more days to get ready for it! Now, Bitch I will give you three more hours to get used to my hitting you while you cast! I do not care if you cough up blood or piss it. I will keep hitting you till you can cast three of your void cutters in a row, hitting that target! If you don't pull it off..." She looked in thought about a punishment. "I will get a nice cage made for that cock!" I was horrified at the thought.

Hours passed, and I had barely pulled it off, casting three void cutters into the target dummies. She continued to beat the daylights out of me during it. I was so horny at this point. I looked battered and bruised, the robe I wore torn in many spots. I wanted her to take me back and treat me worse.

"Passable. The tournament will not just be against Mages, though. There are other professions. Our school is explicitly Mage, though, making us the leader in making Mage prodigies. Instead of Prodigies, we have a horny bitch this year..." She grabbed my hard cock in her hands, "That can't keep herself flaccid while training!" The teacher stared me down while looking into my eyes. Her eyes showed pure disdain for me.

I shivered under that look. It was the first to meet someone like this teacher in my lives. She just utterly disdained me. The loathing and perfect treatment made me want a tail to wag for her. I wanted her to step on me while insulting me. I wanted her to do things to me that even my imagination couldn't fathom—the crueler, the better.

A swift hand woke me from my delusions. "Fucking Horny, Bitch pay fucking attention!" She shouted.

"I am sorry, teacher. I love the treatment you are giving me. Please more!" I requested.

Her face looked dark before brightening. "We have finished the target training today. You will sprint fifteen times around the academy if you are done. I have a reward for you..." The smile on her face was indescribable. It was so vicious and promised so much to me. If my cock wasn't already hard and ready to cum I would be there now. I never knew a facial expression did so much for me. The promise in it was beautiful. Whatever reward she spoke of was something I wanted. I had no idea what sprinting had to do with magic, but I couldn't care less. I was out the door and through the campus to start the sprints. I heard over a mana message from her that she had a tracker on me.

I started the sprints. If I slowed down, I would hear a whisper that the lap didn't count. I ran and ran in the ugly dark purple robe while people watched as it stuck to my skin as sweat continued to pour down myself. I just kept thinking about that reward. That smile of reward. I continued running, keeping the academy to my right. It was large, and I didn't stop running as fast as I could. I was running in a robe, now getting heavier in my own sweat dripping down from exertion as I ran.

I lost track of how long I ran as all I could picture to keep me moving forward was that vicious, cruel reward that smile promised. I needed it. I was horny after the promise yesterday. The training today left me even hornier and on edge. I needed it.

More running and running as my enhanced legs and muscles cried out when I heard in my ear. "Last lap, Bitch!" Echoed in my ears. It startled me, and I felt like a second wind entered into me. I ran faster than before, thinking of the reward that she had planned. Nothing else in the world mattered. My nipples started to harden in the thought of what it could be.

Soon I heard the sweet words, "You have completed the required sprints. Come back to your dorm... Your reward is here, ready for you..." The ominous words were music to my ears. I didn't care how much pain my muscles were in; I sprinted back to my dorm. I ran up the stairs; the elevator was too slow at this point. I swiftly opened the door to see my teacher smiling at me. She looked me up and down.

"Congrats on the thirty laps of sprints..." I looked up, surprised.

"You forgot to count, dumb bitch! Do you think when your running, you can be mindless? You are a mage you have to think even if your running for your life. But you completed it, so I have a reward for a mindless dumb bitch you are..." She opened the door, and I heard something sliding around inside. I looked at her.

"What's in there?" I asked, not sure how to feel.

"Take off that fucking robe and go inside. You can find out inside!" She said before she forcefully took off my robe and tossed me inside haphazardly. I looked at the organism inside, confused. It didn't react the same way. The mass immediately pounced on me. The thing had tentacles all over, squirming all over my body. My sweat-soaked body let the tentacles slide along with ease before it gripped me tightly.

Soon my exhausted body caught up to what was happening. Soon everywhere, those tentacles brushed turned sensitive. Then the teacher spoke up. "Meet the fear of men and women in the wild. This is a Sporgaffe. It loves the sweat of humans and feeds mostly off the water. It loves saltwater as well, mainly by oceans. They have almost become extinct. They have a nerve toxin that makes people sensitive to touch. They love finding every hole in a person, including the nose... I have put a spell on your nose to your lungs with wind magic. This is your reward... Have a good night bitch." With that, the door closed behind her. My eyes were open wide, as my surprise was eclipsing. The tentacles had already worked their way under my bra as I heard it snap. Another appendage wrapped around my legs, then one around my cock. I hardened under it all.

My mind was still processing as I was being groped. A smile grew on my face. I opened my mouth to say something when another appendage entered my mouth. It went deep, filling my mouth, and worked its way into my throat. It started to thrust inside. Nothing about what the teacher said told me what I was in for. My cock was hardening, and my already sensitive body was growing more sensitive. I orgasmed quickly.

When my sperm hit the floor, everything changed. That's when it happened. Everything stopped, and it all retreated off me. The center of the tentacles all jumped on my ejaculate. It cleaned up the bathroom floor of my cum. That's when I smiled brightly. I saw two black beads turn to me on the mass, and the center attached itself to the end of my cock. The tentacles wrapped around my arms, pinning me, and I fell to the floor. I squealed in delight as the suction on my cock started. It was giving me a blow job, and that tentacles started to explore my body. I moaned as it filled my mouth, starting to thrust down my throat.

The tentacles then found my ass and pussy. They thrust inside my body, sliding inside deeper than any cock could. I cried out in ecstasy as I was raped without remorse by this monster. I orgasmed my dick spewing cum into the awaiting creature's mouth. When I heard a voice through the door. "Forgot to mention one thing, Clarissa." She paused as I was having my brains fucked out. "Don't ejaculate if you can. They love sperm for their eggs and harvest as much as they can. They will then put the fertilized eggs into the creature they collected it from. Regardless of if they have a place for it or not. Good luck!" I heard the door of my dorm close.

I didn't even have a second to process as my brian reached a peak of pleasure orgasming again into the mouth of the creature. The tentacles in my pussy and mouth started to get larger. That's when I realized what was happening. They continued to expand, traveling in each of my penetrated orifices deeper into me. I moaned loudly as I orgasmed again. More of that expansion traveled deeper and more expansions came into me. When it would reach the end, it would drop a round object into me. I moaned and choked, but it didn't stop as magic kept me with oxygen in my lungs.

I orgasmed and orgasmed chained together. If I fell asleep, I awoke to another orgasm seconds later. Hours passed, the time elapsed as I was in orgasm heaven. I lost track as I was feeling full as more and more eggs entered inside me.

It was daylight outside when the bathroom door opened. The Teacher stood there with a disgusted look on her face. The Sporgraffe had its way with me the entire night. Wind in the room swirled, and the creature was forcefully taken off me. I spewed an ejaculation into the open air as my breasts slowly leaked milk. My body twitched from the constant pleasure ending. Her look of disdain was palpable.

"How was your night?" She asked.

I twitched, looking up, unable to move. She sighed, looking me over. "You must have cum a lot last night... You look pregnant." I could only look up missing the creature already. She reached down and literally tossed me into the shower. She turned on the water, and it was hot. She turned it hotter, earning a groan from me.

"You are pregnant with monsters, kids. Did you enjoy your reward?" She asked with that smile. That smile promised so much. It took effort, but I looked at her, and I nodded. Taking up the last of my energy, and I passed out.



There is now an illustration of this scene on Patreon for those interested. Thanks, and please enjoy!