
The Disgusted look of the teacher was the first thing I saw when I awoke. I woke with a full feeling throughout my body. I felt so full. My brain caught up quickly, and the full feeling was joined with a satisfying feeling. The feeling overwhelmed me.

The slap to my face brought my attention back to the world around me. "Fucking awake yet?!" The teacher demanded. She didn't wait for the answer as she watched my eye focus on her. "Good, Clean yourself up and shit out your babies. They won't eat you, but if you don't deal with them, I will... I am interested in what you will do, Freak." She finished and went to the corner of the room, watching me with a smirk. I turned onto my side, and I felt my belly jiggle. I looked down, and my stomach looked like it was pregnant with triplets or something. I moaned slowly, bringing myself to the side of the bed and lifting myself up. My ass felt so fucking full, and my stomach did as well. My pussy even felt full.

I missed that Sporgaffe already. That was an amazing fuck. I hobbled slowly over to the bathroom and away from the eyes of my amazing teacher. Inside I opened the portal to my lab. I instantly passed through. The contrast of modern from fantasy was... Difficult for a second to get used to. I didn't stop hobbling down to the lab. I went into one of the chambers for genetically changed animals, birthing areas. This was an important laboratory. This place contained equipment from all walks of medical science. This was set up better than most hospitals. There were thirty of these areas. All of which in my previous world were for various teams. This made my research compacity massive. Absolutely massive for anywhere in the world.

This was one of the many reasons my laboratory was hailed worldwide as the place for research. If you needed something, it was almost always available. I had three labs sectioned off, almost always empty in case of emergency. The times all of them were full were rare but happened twice. That made maintaining empty labs all worth it. I opened the doors wobbling in with a massive pregnant stomach into the room. These facilities were not meant for humans, but they would do...

I felt movement started in my body as I entered. These eggs shouldn't hatch soon, but I wasn't knowledgeable about this world yet. I got specimen containers and everything ready. My body no longer wanted to remain full. My stomach roared with things starting in full, and I felt my body start to move the eggs. I grunted loudly as I was reminded of all the times a mistress or master would make me expel anal beads.

I Groaned as it started, and I felt my cock hardening under pressure in my anal cavity, pressing against a well-placed prostate. I moaned and groaned as I felt my ass open wider and wider. I pushed out the first egg. I moaned loudly into the empty room. I cried out loudly as I started to feel another passing my prostate, and my cock twitched as it did so.

My ass expanded, and another large egg was secreted out into another sample. Then it happened. My stomach garbled and I was no longer moving slowly. I cried out loudly as egg after egg fell into the sample bin I had set up as I cried out in pleasure and pain. My ass kept expanding and closing after each for a while until it didn't anymore. I ejaculated, excreting the eggs into the sample bin as they rapidly left my body. My sperm dropped onto the excreted eggs as my body vacated the rest from my ass. My breathing was ragged as I did so. My sweet moans and groans continued to the end.

It was an amazing experience as I laid there after expelling the eggs from my rectal cavity for a time. I looked down at my still pregnant looking belly. It now looked like it was only nine months pregnant. This was a considerable improvement, but I was unsure what would happen if the eggs inside me hatched. I got up on wobbly legs. The post-orgasm feelings were still in my body. The Eggs inside my womb were not coming out. This must be what Teacher the beautiful woman meant. I was also taking a long time in the 'Bathroom' at this point. I gathered up the bucket of eggs now also covered in my sperm. I took it to a sample fridge and hoped they survived. I did not have time to stay and make sure. The laboratory was too important to reveal to anyone. This place should not exist in the world I inhabit at the moment.

I looked at the eggs fondly, knowing that I would breed these little guys. They made great pets, I think, and I would need to incubate them properly. The fact that they were in the early stages of fertilization meant that I could keep them in storage... I hope. I needed to keep in mind that my previous world's knowledge didn't make it a fact here. I was still learning magic and fucking alchemy.

These were arch enemies to a lot of my previous chemistry experience, along with physics. I needed to learn more to do that. It is why I never left the boring academy till this point. Finding Teacher was a cherry on top. I smiled, thinking about her as I wobbled my pregnant ass back, exiting back to the bathroom.

I didn't know if she entered or not, but regardless I would ignore anything she asked. If she demanded answers, I would deflect or refuse to answer simple as that. The lab was just too important for someone as weak as me to have. I stepped out, looking a lot smaller than when I went in. The teacher looked at me with a cold stare.

"Already excrete the kids you lovingly made with your lover?" She was perfectly condescending. I loved it.

"Yes, Mistress, I orgasmed at least five times while I did so!" I announced as I acknowledged her.

Her eyes narrowed. I knew I messed up but kept a happy expression on my face and cut off her next words. "Teacher, I can't get the eggs in my womb out, though, and I don't think I can practice magic effectively under your generous care with them inside." The cold look on her face turned happy for a second.

"These eggs cannot leave the academy, so I have just the solution to your problem..." She trailed off with a vicious smile. "One, I punch you in the stomach until the eggs are broken..." I frowned now, not wanting these amazing little creatures to die. It would be an enjoyable experience under her hand, but I wanted to keep the specimens. "The second you remove them through the void idiot. You can make a void cutter; making a rift should be easier." She finished.

I was surprised that I didn't think of making a rift going from point A to point B. This was a simple and elegant solution. I wouldn't get the thrilling experience of birthing the little cuties myself, but I would be able to preserve them. Maybe I could put them, right into the sample fridge? Maybe an incubator. So many possibilities presented themselves.

The teacher looked me up and down. "You have one hour to rift them out, or I will abort you with my fist. I am sure you would enjoy that, though like the freak you are." She glared at me, and I had to admit I was motivated by both. It was a win-win situation for me. I started to practice making a rift in front of me. It was easier than I thought as I concentrated my mana, making it simply a door. This door could lead anyplace with mana. It took me a half-hour to get it down to the point that I was comfortable that I could open one inside myself. Then I needed to find out if I could do it in the laboratory. When I learned that I could do it anywhere in the labs instead of the entrance, I was elated. I practiced until I knew exactly where I wanted the eggs.

I opened a rift in my womb, and the eggs left my womb. That didn't mean I wasn't screaming in sheer pain. The rift opening in my body felt like a pain, unlike any other in my life. I felt no pleasure in it at all. As the rift came into being, it was as if my body was being dematerialized. My scream erupted in the room. As the rift closed, it was like my body was being rematerialized back into existence. It was a pain that had no pleasure in it in any way. My breathing turned ragged as I saved my little babies. My hands hit the floor as I was also on my knees. My body slowly righted itself from the absence of the eggs Teacher walked up to me.

Her foot fell, and my head was not on the floor flat. "Did that feel good?" She asked me as she stomped on my face. I was coming back to myself, and my body recovering from the pain. "One of the few things mages know about void mages creating rifts inside their body is it fucking hurts. It was truly a pleasure to watch you enjoy it!" She told me and walked to the door of my dorm. "You have twenty minutes to get down to the practice area for learning to use rifts in combat bitch." With that, she left.

My mind took a full minute to catch up before I could pick myself up. My thoughts started to gather as I started to pick myself up slowly. The pain I felt came with no pleasure, and it was the first time I have ever felt that in my life. I didn't like it, but I realized it could be an important tool in the future and should practice it. I groaned as I got to my feet with my cock hard and pussy wet. I wanted to have more fun with the teacher, and I had another lesson.

My smile as I picked up my robe, slipping it on, was ear to ear. Regardless I will have new playmates in the future and an amazing teacher I can learn from.

The Academy was way more fun than I expected.