First Fight

The Day of the tournament had arrived. I was inside a Carraige with Teacher who I still hadn't asked her name. She looked at me with contempt. Over the past days, she had strictly guided me in magic. I was beaten and punished every day without release. She told me I was not allowed until I was after the tournament. I wasn't dressed in a Robe, though. This was a fight I was completely unwilling to give up on. I wasn't about to wear stuffy robes. No, I was in shorts that stopped at the top of my thigh. My breasts had difficulty staying inside its shirt. I had candy on a stick to suck on. The teacher looked disgusted with me. It made me want her to abuse me more. I was a hopeless masochist, but my mind centered as the carriage came to a stop. My attention turned towards the door as I exited the Carriage.

In front of me was a Giant colosseum with cheers erupting from the inside with it echoing out loudly. I looked at the teacher, and she smiled. "You think our Academy is the only thing going on? There are light gladiator duels to entertain the crowds while they wait for the commotion. It is a great way to keep the nobility entertained while waiting to see kids kick the shit out of each other. I can definitely understand..." She stated as she looked at me. "You can die in these competitions if you don't pay attention." She warned, and I walked in with elders following us up behind me. I looked at them, and they frowned with dark expressions looking at me. I smiled and sucked on the candy like I would a cock. Their expressions turned even darker, but I knew one of the elders was hiding a stiffy. I smirked at him as I visibly looked at him than his cock. His expression turned even darker, and I laughed as we entered the colosseum. The elders went to the spectating seats while we went under the arena. The place was massive, and I wondered what the maximum compacity was.

What I learned about the competition made me excited. No one was supposed to know what the competition was but the King. He would announce the rules on his own choice if he wanted to play favorites, that was up to the ruler. The competition of talents was extremely important to the royal family, making them an important part of the competition. I was stoked. I hoped they pit me against many. I would love to get gang-raped by testosterone-fueled alpha males in front of an audience. The mere thought started to get me hard. I stopped myself from picturing it anymore. Otherwise, I would have a problem moving in these nice shorts.

The under area was surprisingly clean, but then I remembered the number of cleaning magics that I learned. They were all neutral magics that I was happy to learn. Over the brutal days with the teacher torturing me with love and indifference. I was even stronger at casting in combat. Well... In theory. I hadn't fought anyone. I just spent the last days running casting weight lifting while casting. Being beaten the entire time. The thought of the torture was amazing as we made our way deeper into the colosseum.

Eventually, we made it to a large space. I felt mana fluctuations all around, and I noted several enchantments all over the room. There was a section for our school off to the side. It was quite a large space for only me and the teacher. She had a wry smile, and I followed her into the empty space. The other academies started to fill other areas set aside for them in the large room.

Soon the room filled, and our academy stood out like a sore thumb as I sucked on the candy. I noticed long ago many eyes on me as I made a show of sucking on the candy. Many little beta boys watched with lustful expressions. The teacher was frowning as everyone else was garbed as their chosen job.

Warriors were clad in armor, while beast tamers had animals with them in leather outfits for agility. I looked at various setups from Swashbucklers to samurais. The diversity from the Main Warrior academy showed the various types. I looked at another large academy group to see suits of armor all around. Knight academy was handicapped in an arena battle, I thought, since much of their combat type uses horses for mobility.

The Beast tamers were lightly armored in thick leather to protect themselves. It was mostly from their own pets that armor was for. Since the Academy of Beasts was near a large forest, they were some of the 'too beat' since they were combat veterans. They had to tame their beasts out in that forest; otherwise, they couldn't graduate or pass classes. I looked at them with approval as the Beast tamers looked at me. Their eyes filled me with excitement. They were dark looks that some might even come over and pin me against the wall ripping off my shorts. My pussy was getting wet just thinking about it.

I received a swift hit to the back of my head from the teacher, bringing me back to the present. There were other schools of combat milling about, and I was about to keep inspecting them when a bell rang throughout the room. The stage at the front of the room suddenly had a throne on it, and a large man with a crown atop his head appeared in it. I was surprised since I didn't feel mana move when it happened. I looked with rapt attention as his cough reverberated around the room. The sound of the student's silence instantly.

"I am King Donald the fifteenth." The crowned man said, "Here in the Donald Kingdom, we bring our top academies to compete for the most funding to continue strengthening our kingdom." He said with a smile as the silence in the wake of him stating the obvious. "This will be an exciting year or a boring one as the Mage Academy brought only one talent this year," He said with a condescending voice. I could tell the man was angry. I sat there as his eyes bore down on me as I sucked on the candy.

He stared for about five seconds longer, noticing I was unfazed by his stare. "The Competition will be interesting as always. Soon the last bout will be done, so I decided on the first competition!" He announced to the crowd of silent combat students. He paused as students cheered for that, finally breaking the silence. I stood there, watching the king soak in the cheers before he coughed. The students instantly went silent, which I found interesting how they did it perfectly. "The first challenge will be an election of two groups in a Team fight! One academy against another!" He announced loudly, and the silence became deafening. Everyone noticed me by myself. The King must be very pissed off with the mage academy bringing few talents. Now I was a sacrifice with the king following it up.

"It will be a tournament of the academy on academy fights. We will start with the results of last year. The strongest against the weakest until they meet the middle. The first fight will be Mage Academy versus Warrior Academy!" The silence somehow grew deeper. "You have fifteen minutes to prepare yourselves!" With that, the man disappeared, followed by the throne. The teacher had a dark expression that I loved so much.

"The king is pissed. We suppressed the warrior Academy in last year's competition. They will be out for revenge, and you make a good kicking post. Remember the punishment if you are not in the top ten. They cant keep the entire competition like this. Prepare yourself mentally for the fight." Teacher finished. I just smiled, and since Mage academy was first last year, I get to go first.

"Where do I head out to the competition?" I asked.

The teacher pointed out a set of stairs, and I moved instantly with a couple of people trying to talk to me. I just sucked on my candy and headed up. I was ready to try and fight with everything I had learned in the past days. Warriors were going to be a joke, I think. I have the ability now to move through the rifts that I learned. I was going to be a thorn in their side. I was confident as I stood at the entrance looking out into a crowd of people. I could start to hear the announcer in the crowd with a magically enhanced voice echo out.

"Now, Ladies and Gentlemen, the Gladiators are done for today! Now what you have all been waiting for! The King has stated the First battle will be between full groups of academies before the individual competitions. Only those in the top eight will move on to individual competitions!" The announcer stated to a cheering crowd. Soon that gate opened, and I stood there alone.

The First academy to step onto the field is The Mage Academy of Donald Kingdom!" I started walking on sucking on the candy, looking amazing as the crowd went silent. "The Mages academy is often in the top three for centuries of competition. Now they have started the ultimate brag. One person against the academy they have always tried to suppress. Give it up for the Warrior Academy!" The Cheers rang out as I now stood in the center of large blood and sand-covered arena. It was completely opened as people cheered for the stands. I noticed enchantments stopping mana from leaving the arena to protect civilians and nobility alike. Now the warriors of the academy started to step out onto the field. Each looked menacing in their own right in various armors and weapons. They looked at me with a dark look promising pain. I smiled and waved as they stared me down.

Soon they filed themselves looking humiliated in some way that they had to fight a solo mage. But I could see anticipation. "The Mages are all cowards this year?" It was a shout from the warriors.

"Nah, Made them all fail like little beta boys and girls," I shouted back nonchalantly as if it was obvious. They were confused as I stood there without fear towards them. I started to count and came up with forty warriors of different types in front of me. They were drawing swords, bastard swords, and katanas. Some short, some were even dual-wielding. The number of swords facing me was over the forty that were against me.

The Announcers voice came through, "The Students are looking for a fight. It looks awfully one-sided at this point. I got a message saying the lone student from the Mages academy is the Gifted student Clarissa from a kingdom's backwater area. How will she do against forty of the Warriors academy's most gifted students?"

The crowd's anticipation grew as I stood there waiting for the start of the battle to be called out as the announcer called out bet rates. I yelled out when I heard the odds.

"The odds are one to one for the warrior academy and ten to one for Clarissa." The announcer stated. I turned my head and smiled, yelling out amplifying with neutral magic.

"I bet one hundred gold on myself!" This silenced the crowd for a second before the crowd erupted in cheers. The gambling den was having thousands of customers increase in seconds after. I saw a fat guy announce something back, "You owe me if you lose!" He yelled back. I looked at this man, and something spoke of power, and I gave him a thumbs up.

Soon the betting shops called an end to bets. "With the betting over, let's start the fight in...






"Fight!" The announcer yelled out. The warriors moved. None of them were slow as they catapulted themselves towards me in a wave. I stood there watching their idiotic rush. I smiled and popped the candy in my mouth, and let go of the stick. Soon a Rift opened behind me, and I stepped back into it. I disappeared as I came out behind the warriors, who were now confused, still charging forward. I mindlessly sent forward some void cutters. The world rends before them, traveling towards those warriors. The really talented ones noticed right away and dodged. That didn't stop two of the warriors from being caught, and severed limbs fell to the ground. Screams sounded out in the arena.

The pale faces of the warriors as mana scooped out the injured students and their limbs. The Medics or doctors, or whatever they are called in this world, move into action as the crowd goes silent. The Warriors realize that I am an actual threat and not a pushover. They spread apart and charged towards me. This was all they could think of without more team effort. I sent more casual Void cutters at them. Marks in the sand showed as the void cut into the ground as they moved forward. Changing the landscape of the battlefield. Soon a warrior reached a distance I thought I was safe from when he leaped into the air. I was surprised when his speed picked up from that leap. He arrived almost instantly in front of me before I could react. I leaped backward, summoning another void cutter that he dodged. His sword cut towards my torso, and I dodged before I sent a fist into his stomach. The warrior was surprised at my dodge and counterattack. The wind escaped his lungs as my fist met his armored stomach.

I wasn't done with a single hit, though, as the other warriors were almost here. He was recovering when my fist hit his jaw, dislocating it. Then my other fist hit the opposite temple knocking him out instantly, taking out the leaping warrior that could close the distance from the fight. The others were now atop me. I had a swashbuckler with a small round shield, and a rapier takes the front. His shield covered my vision as his sword went for my legs. I was in a bad spot and decided to run.

A rift opened behind me that I leaped back into. That brave swashbuckler discovered the weakness as when I leaped into the rift; they tackled me. Now we were on the other side of the arena with that person following me in as we rolled together into the wall. The person was right to tackle me but dropped their weapon to do so. They tried to pin me on the ground, but I was stronger and beat them unconscious as more warriors started to arrive as they chased me. I decided that it was time to get serious and thought of something with a smile. I looked at a Female samurai. She was behind the group waiting in a defensive stance. She was ready for anything and the only one not wasting stamina chasing me around the arena.

I opened a rift, and the warriors cried out to be ready for anything. I appeared behind that samurai. Her body turned, and the sword came down almost instantly as I opened another rift appearing what used to be in front of her and punched the back of the head. The clear cheap shot took her off balance, but her armor saved her from being rendered unconscious. The others were near, but I think I had enough time to test a theory I questioned. Since I was behind her and struggled to get free of my attacks as I pummeled her from behind without mercy, she eventually was beaten unconscious. Her fellow warriors were there, and I quickly grabbed her katana from her.

I was right about one thing as I dodged an attack from greatsword. I questioned what they used to move faster and stronger. It was all mana. The only reason I was stronger at this point than some of these kids as I was an enhanced human—the pinnacle of the race with a perfect womanly body structure. I could make maximum use of every muscle without the limiter the brain has. I took it out of my body when I designed it.

They were definitely using a type of mana to fuel their power, as I was surprised when another warrior closed the distance. This was a dual shortsword user. His attacks rained down with the greatsword asshole trying to hit me with the flat of his blade. It would fucking hurt me badly if I were hit by five-hundred pounds moving that fast. My body showed my power and flexibility as I moved through narrow margins as their fellow students started to surround me. As another joined in, the dual wielder and the greatswords ass hole left me an opening where they let the third join in with their swords as I was almost surrounded. I took the opportunity, and I send a void cutter at the dual wielder. He wasn't expecting it and his torso disconnected from his legs as he screamed out. This opened up the greatsword user as blood from the dual wielder sprayed his face blinding him. I closed the distance as he swiped at his face, and I sent a series of punches into his stomach and face. I sent a void cutter at the third as I left an opening, making the third kid dodge. Screams echoed on the battlefield as they lost their best opportunity as I rifted out to the other side of the arena.

Despair was painted on the warrior's faces as I smiled at them with blood only landing on my arm that entire interaction. It was a very close call for me. I now had a katana in my hand and tried something I hadn't tried before. I covered the katana in void cutter mana and swiped horizontally at the warriors. The void was stronger than I had ever seen before as It moved towards them and grew in size. The warriors all dodged since I was so far away, but I clearly just amped up my game to them. I smiled as I realized I could increase my void cutters' damage and size with a sword of my own.

That was when I heard boos gaining my attention as the announcer called the fight. "The Winner is the Mage academy as the Warrior academy threw in the towel due to injuries!" The announcer called out. I looked at the scared kids that clearly lost the will to fight me as I stood there with a katana in my blood-soaked right hand with a vicious smile and a stick of candy.