Void Walker

In front of me, now was a fat looking man. Teacher was behind me while I waited in the under area of the arena. I looked at the man who made a bet for me. He dropped the bag of gold coins in front of me. With a loud thunk and the clinging of gold coins hitting the floor. He had a bright smile. He looked disgusting to me at a closer distance as he did from a far distance. I still smiled with the reputation of this fat disgusting man. I looked at him, and I felt like I could see the grease on his face. He was a rich man, though. His belly appeared slightly under his stomach, looking like it needed a bra. He looked at my body without shame though earning my respect. This man looked disgusting, but he wasn't a beta male who couldn't look at the things in front of him. I leaned down, picking up the bag of gold coins. I showed off the canyon of my cleavage as I did so. He even looked while I was looking at his face instead of the coins. Without shame, I thought. I like this man.

"Amazing performance," He said with a smile and yellowing teeth. There were at least two gold teeth in his mouth as well. I leaned back with the gold in one hand and another candy stick in the other. I plopped it into my mouth, filling my mouth with sweetness. He looked at my amazing body even more. "I wonder how the next rounds are going to go?" He asked me with a yellow smile. I leaned back into the chair I was on. My breasts being emphasized. His eyes never left them either.

"They will go how they go, and I am just a magical student with no knowledge of the future," I stated back with a smile. Finally, he looked up to my face with that statement. He seemed to have a keen sense of things as he heard a weird tone from me.

"Just a student?" He asked back with a short high pitched laugh. "Yup, just a student who single-handedly took out this year's entire Warrior division into surrender. Most battles here don't end up with severed limbs and students shaking in their boots at the thought of a mage. Warriors are trained to be front liners. They are supposed to look into the eyes of their enemies and slit their throats. You did that. You beat them senseless like a monk then disappeared to change back into a ranged caster with frightening abilities." He stated with a serious face, "You are a normal talented student like I am a skinny poor man. We both know that these things are not true. Now, The next school, the mages school will go against is the Ranger school. I am wondering what you think of the girl?" His smile was business-like now, and he saw an opportunity.

"I will fight with my life on the line. Since no other schools were allowed to witness how I fought, they will not know what is going on with me, just as I will not know how they fight. The problem with rangers, though, is their weapons are Bows and daggers for close distance. That means long-range and mid-range are where they excel, where the close range is where they are weak. Then you have their daggers that they can throw if they are proficient. Or at extremely close range, they become deadly again. The problem will be if they spread out and trust each other to shoot at each other. I will not be able to dodge and weave through them as effectively. The biggest difference is I can't exhaust them like the warriors. I have a plan, though. Does that tell you what you would like?" I asked his smiling face.

"Yes," He said with a vicious smile, "Yes, indeed. You in for a deal?" He asked. My eyebrow shot up.

"I take it this deal is less than legal?"


"What is it?"

"Beat them within a minute. I want at least half them on the ground screaming in pain before the first minute is up." He said, looking to see if I could do it. I turned and looked at Teacher behind me. She looked as if everything in front of her wasn't happening. I took this as consent and smiled.

"What do I get?"

"Ten percent," I yawned at his offer. "Fifteen percent," I looked at my nails as if they were interesting. I noticed some blood under my nails and started to work it out with another nail. "Thirty percent." I looked up and smiled.

"How much are the odds?"

"Everyone thinks the only reason you pulled off what you did was that they were warriors, and you could escape. They don't think they will see a repeat of the performance yesterday. The odds of you winning later today's match after the others is seven to one. The rate, though, for you to win in less than a minute is fifty to one. Rarely does anyone take these bets since it has only happened once or twice in the history of the Academy trails with a monstrous group of talents all in the same year. The odds in those years only were twenty to one as well. Plus, if you don't win in under a minute, that money is lost. It is a giant risk. So what do you say, girl? Are you ready to win against the Rangers in under a minute?" His teeth showed in a giant yellow grin.

I thought about it, and I could do it... Maybe. It would be a risk, but how much gold did I have. I looked at the bag of gold in my hand. I tossed it to the fat man surprising him. "I will do it on Two conditions." His smile somehow grew more shrewd.

"I like you; what are the conditions?"

"I will take my cut of thirty percent of your winnings and A katana. I need a good one. That samurai pussy I kicked the shit out of earlier got her sword back. I need one. Take it out of my cut if we win. Second I want that gold bet the same way." I said with a giant toothy grin of my own, reflecting back, "I think we will get along really well." I finished as our faces were mirrors of each other, looking to scalp the scalpers.

"I knew you would ask for a sword since you didn't enter with one. I just so happen to have a piece of beauty with me for you." His hand glowed slightly, but his mana was weak and barely noticeable. No, he used it to activate enchantments and reached a hand into the pouch on his hip. Slowly a purplish-black katana started to be revealed. It looked menacing and downright intimidating as a pure black sword. It was at a length of a meter in a pure black scabbard. I took it into my hands and instantly loved the purplish-black handle and black scabbard. I pulled it out, and the entire sword was purplish-black. It felt haunting, and my eyes narrowed.

"This isn't a normal sword..." I said. His smile turned vicious.

"Lose, and it will be the sword that cuts your head off. Win, and it's yours since only Void walker mages can use it." It felt like a normal sword in my hand. No, it was a normal sword, but something about the visual spoke to me in a way that I couldn't understand. No, I looked at it more; it was more the lack of something that spoke to me. It felt like the abyss was in my hand. The metal was where it came from, and I was fascinated with it. It was that very lack of anything that spoke to me in a way that made it feel like a partner that has always been beside me. The very absence of anyone beside me over the years made it feel even more like a partner to it.

I stood and felt how my mana flowed into it and made a test cut. My mana flowed freely through it, making a deep gouge into the wall as if it was always there and always been part of the building. The cut looked manufactured into the building as the enchantments started to close it up seconds later, regenerating off the sand in the floor. I was fascinated with the building's regeneration, but the Katana in my hand took more attention.

"Whats this Katana's name?" I asked the much better looking disgusting man in front of me.

"Void Walker," He stated. It was a simple name that suited it perfectly. It felt straight out of the void that I walked whenever I opened the rift—the very lack of feeling gave sent chills up my spine. I turned my attention to Teacher, who had an incredulous look on her face looking at that Katana.

Then someone entered the room after knocking.

"Your fight is next; you have max thirty minutes to be ready for the next fight Mages Academy. You will be facing the Rangers Academy. Currently, the Beast tamer Academy is facing off against Warlock Academy. Be prepared." The young man stated without emotion and left the room.

"I love the sword. On this, I will take my cut down to ten percent since I can tell how special this sword is. We will discuss this after my next fight. My name is Clarissa, by the way. Yours?" I asked the man.

"I am Gerald, of the Merchant house Hobbersons and sons. We will speak after your next fight, Clarissa." With that, the man left his stomach and chest breasts wiggling with each step. I didn't feel disgusted looking at the man any more of his greasy body. No, I saw him as an opportunity, just like he looked at me. This was the start of our cooperation that I felt will be very lucrative.

"Teacher, your expression speaks. What is it?" I asked her politely. I received a swift backhand since she now looked annoyed.

"You will learn it after the fight, pig. Win the fight, or you will be in a chastity belt the rest of your school life!" She turned and left the room as I spat a small amount of blood on the floor from her hit. My smile grew as I knew what I was going to do.

I slowly made my way to the entrance to the arena with a gate now in front of me. Soon it would be my turn. I heard the cheers and boos shower the current contestants. I put the katana in the scabbard and readied myself for the next fight. My hands were shaking as they used to when I would lure rapists to fuck my brains out. The nerves, whether today would be the time they lost themselves as they fucked my tight cunt. The thoughts would send thrills throughout my body as I got ready. I needed to keep my mind in the game. The cheers and boos were raining down from the crowd when the crowd erupted into even louder cheers. All I could hear were those cheers as the Kid from before walked up to me.

"You will be ready to enter the arena in two minutes after the last contestants leave." He spoke in that same monotone of someone clicked out of reality. I cared little for the kid as the shaking in my hands stopped. I stood tall and popped another candy into my mouth. The sweetness filled my mouth, and the gate started to open. I stepped forward into the cheers of a crowd.

"Ladies and Gentlemen For our next fight, we have the Mages Academy sole talent this year versus the Rangers talents! At the last Match, the Mages Academy's student showed us wowed us all. The Rangers are not any slouches either! The two sides are already eyeing each other as the fight is about to start!" The announcer's voice now boomed without the gate in the way. That gate must have blocked the mana powering his voice.

I stayed far away while the rangers spread out. I slowly drew my Katana, now still unfamiliar with it. I was ready, as my hand was stable and ready. I looked up, seeing knocked arrows pointing directly at me.







The arrows were let loose as the leather armored rangers let go at the same time. I smiled and simply opened a rift in front of me. What happened next sent silence throughout the crowd as thirty arrows punctured the lead ranger. His back was full of arrows instantly from himself and his friends. I instantly followed it up with a rift under my feet. I fell from above on the flank of the rangers, who were gasping in shock. I fell, cutting the arm of a ranger, hearing screams from the cute girl I cut. I didn't stop, though. I needed to kill their courage in seconds.

With that cut, I never even touched the ground as another rift opened, draining my mana quickly, and I appeared beside another Ranger who was just starting to realize what was happening. He couldn't react in time as I cut his right arm off, this time cleanly, before falling into another rift. What happened after was chaos as the Rangers didn't know where I would appear. Whenever I popped up in their vision, they would shoot at me without a thought if they could react in time. The problem was sometimes I calculated that, and the student behind me would be shot as I would just go into another rift.

In seconds the fight turned into a massacre of severed limbs and students shot with arrows. The medics responded as fast as possible, taking the more critically injured first as I was merciful and stayed myself from killing them all. More and more kids fell screaming, and I stood amidst blood and carnage in forty-five seconds. No Ranger stood around me as I sucked on my candy.

The Crowd was in shock at the carnage around me before erupting into cheers. "THE WINNER IS THE MAGES ACADEMY WITH A DOMINATING PERFORMANCE AGAINST ONE OF THEIR RIVALS! FIGHT WAS FINISHED IN FORTY-FIVE SECONDS! A NEW RECORD BEATING THE FOURTY SIX SECOND RECORD TWO HUNDRED YEARS AGO!" The announcer screamed with mana enhancement drowning out the other noise in his own excitement as combat medics circled the screaming and unconscious kids. I walked away, sucking on my candy out of the arena with a smile picking up the scabbard with a smile. I sheathed the katana entering into the underground facilities.

As I entered the area for Mages Academy, only Teacher was looking stern at me. I looked at her, smiled, took the candy out of my mouth. "I did it, No calls," I told her before I slowly started to fall face first, hitting the ground as I fell unconscious.