
I slowly awoke with my head banging against itself. My mana was completely drained after the last fight. A headache pounded my head, and I slowly put my hand into the sand under me. I groaned and slowly got myself up. In the corner, I spotted Teacher looking at the enchantments on the wall studying them. I groaned louder as I got off the ground. Sand and dirt entered my shirt, and I took it off to get the majority out, making my breasts bounce with each swipe. I heard a cough, and I turned my attention. A smiling greasy face greeted me. The smile was much more lecherous as I turned to him. I ignored it and slowly stood up. I picked up my shirt on the floor while looking at Gerald. His smile didn't change as his eyes were on my breasts.

I couldn't care less as I continued to wipe the sand off my breasts and toned stomach. I was spared with my tight shorts that sand didn't enter my pants. "Well, My reward?" I asked him, calling attention from Gerald. He looked up with a smile.

"Not going to cover up?" He asked before looking at my perfect inverted nipples. I liked his blatant looking as this body was a perfect specimen of feminine beauty that I designed. It being appreciated was always nice.

"Doesn't matter; my breasts are perfect and look amazing. Why would I be angry with you looking at them? Beauty is meant to be appreciated. What use is a painting if no one sees it?" I asked back, and this time he looked up, and his eyes narrowed.

"You don't act like a young student, and your performance today shows how dangerous you are as a woman you are. Girl, who are you?" He asked in a much more serious tone.

"I am Clarissa, an Exobiologist from the borders of the kingdom. I was out in the forest and lost everything to my name before people learned that I am magically inclined then forced into the academy. That forest had some nice creatures." I smile, thinking about those hand like critters as they raped me. "I miss that forest," I said with a fond tone looking into the tiles of the ceiling. I looked back at him. "It is all a matter that can be looked up if you have the resources to find it."

"Whats an Exobiologist?" He asked me. This was the first time that anyone really asked or wanted to know the answer.

My smile grew as I started to wipe the dirt and sand off my shirt. "An Exobiologist is a far-ranging field of science ranging from plants to animals. It also touches base with viruses and parasites. There are many places in the field. It goes a different direction, though, from the study of healing like veterinarians or their growth like Botanists. No, it's more like the deliberate changes in them making a whole new species to suit a purpose that I specialize in. If a disease needs killing, I could make a parasite that feeds on it and introduce it into the person's system. It would only eat the virus or disease and would die once it is treated. Many applications and uses in it are an exciting and fascinating field of study that has interested me for decades." I finished as I finished cleaning the dirt off the shirt. I slipped it back over my head, taking about a minute while no one spoke in the room to get the shirt over my breasts. Finally, I got it back on, and it snuggly hugged my breasts, barely keeping them contained again.

I looked up, and Gerald was looking at me, confused. "I change animals and plants to my purposes and study the differences." I summed it up to an idiot.

"That sounds amazing." He stated, "Any way to make it worth my while. I like you, Clarissa, and I see a profit if we work together." He licked his lips while he looked down at my body again, taking it in with his eyes. The man was a pervert but not the raping type taking him out of my interest with ease.

"Depends," I started and walked over to the sole chair in the room, sitting down with my headache ready to start regenerating mana for the next day of fighting. "I need plants and animals to test on. I lost everything last time I was in the Forest, so I need new equipment as well. I will be using my gold for that. That brings me to my next point. Where is my gold?" I asked him,

He smiled and opened the door. Outside stood five servants. Each carried a chest and came inside. They showed no emotions as they set down all five chests in front of me. They opened them up, and chests filled with gold showed. "That is your winnings—fifty Thousand gold coins in there. The Colosseum is crying after our win. The cut from me next." He finished, and fifteen more emotionless servants came in with chests. "Each of these chests contains gold coins, around ten thousand gold coins each. You are now a rich woman. Made me a massive amount of gold; this is ten percent of it." He smiled.

"Regret taking only ten percent now?" He asked me with a lecherous smirk.

"Nah, Gold, Money, Power, They are all tools. I want to research. I couldn't care less about this small sum. I care more about the resources these things represent. Money flows to those who can utilize their resources to the best of their ability and away from those who waste it. These partly gold coins are nothing compared to the resources they represent." I stood up again and looked at them. I had no mana at the moment to move them into my lab. I could open the main doors to the lab through experimentation without mana but opening it somewhere inside the lab required mana. I looked at him and shut all the gold chests.

"Good, The odds in the next two battles will be significantly lowered, no longer making betting worth the risk. I will look for you later after the tournament of Academies Gerald. I look forward to working with you." I said, clearly dismissing him from my room. Regardless of how powerful the man was, I needed to meditate and regain mana. I had a splitting headache that felt like it was splitting my head open. I want to grasp my head in the sheer amount of pain I felt moving through it.

Gerald took a final look at my long legs crossing to meditate. I closed my eyes, letting the mana sweep through me. I knew this wasn't the best way for me to gain mana. But I didn't really know what was best. I felt like I was missing something in this state. Still, it was the best way for me to meditate at this point. I started to feel less like an empty jar, and the headache started to calm. Time passed quickly, and I was filling my mana at a good speed. I started to be around three-quarters full when I was awoken with a firm slap across the face. I fell off the chair, spiraling onto the floor as I spat out blood as I bit my cheek. I looked up to see my favorite teacher looking down on me.

"Bitch. You are up next. Get these chests of gold into your hidey-hole before we leave the room." She started looking at my smiling bloody teeth looking up at her. I felt turned on with that contemptuous look on her face grow with more disgust. This Teacher played me like a book. With a simple expression, she had me ready. Still, I started to gather my thoughts blocking out the horniness within. I stood, and rifts open under each, dropping onto the floor of the vault in my lab. I used little mana, and I picked up my sheathed sword off the ground. I wiped the dirt and sand off it standing up. My back arched, and I stretched. My body from prolonged sitting still grew stiff. I started to exercise my muscles. I had no idea how much time passed in the underground room.

Soon the door opened, and an emotionless slave entered inside. "You have thirty minutes to prepare for the first match of the day against the Monk Academy." The slave said simply without emotion before exiting. I continued to stretch, knowing meditating further would be useless. I would have time between Academy battles but not enough for thirty minutes to matter.

I gathered my head thinking about Monks. They were what a lot of mages would call the Anti mage. They worked their body, putting them through various circumstances like fire, ice, and other elements building up resistance. They then added mana atop that to increase everything in their bodies. They would then have a specialty that included their mana type. If they were a wind monk, they could increase their speed. They would also have an increase in tolerance towards that type. I wasn't too worried since I had never heard of a void monk. They trained their bodies to the limits. Warriors increased strength to increase power while Monks focused on everything. They were agile and strong. They used no weapons as their body was their weapon. This shouldn't be an easy fight, as these guys were supposed to be disciplined. My hand was shaking in the excitement of the battle to come. These would not be like the pussy Warriors who gave up as soon as they learned they couldn't catch me. Or the Rangers that panicked at a foe that could move through their ranks with ease.

I wasn't a swordswoman. I was a mage with an enhanced body. I had no training on close combat that the monks were specialized in. This would be the fight of the tournament for me. The biggest challenge to overcome as Monks were from my reading, the worst thing for me to encounter. I didn't know how my Void cutter spell would work on them, and I could probably not beat them in hand to hand fight. That meant everything would come down to strategy depending on their resistance to my spells.

Monks were determined, and for them to pass the First year of the academy meant they were already talented. Most who had mana would go to the Mages academy if they had talent. If they didn't have the talent, they went to the Monks academy. The monk's academy tested for determination and hard work. They cared little about talent. If you could survive their training, you became a talent for them. All these things I read in the past made me shiver in excitement about meeting one. None of them would be stupid Beta males. These would be determined Alpha males who could pin me down and fill my holes if they choose to pin me down. The very thought brought drool to my mouth, and my shorts started to get tighter. I received another swift hit to my face bringing me back to reality.

"Get your shit together, Clarissa a Kid just came in here saying you have five minutes, and you didn't even notice, you slutty pig." Teacher told me, and my mind sobered up from the amazing thoughts I was having. I stood up again since I somehow made it to the floor. I spat out blood from my mouth and walked out of the room. I went up the stairs, and the gate just started to open.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, We are now into the first Academy fight of the day! It is the Mages Academy Versus the Monks Academy. Both look for the same type of people with largely different talents. We have the terrifying Mages Academy's pick versus the last twelve monks that can still stand in the Arena after their dual with the Knights Academy. We are looking forward to the fight today. The Odds of betting are one to one for the Mages Academy and two to one for the Monks Academy. Get your bets settled as the fight is about to begin!" The announcer's voice echoed out into the crowd as cheers rained down upon the arena. I slowly unsheathed my sword, looking at the students across from me. I looked at five women and seven men. They were of various heights with toned slim muscles. They were not towering peaks of muscles. They looked sculpted to perfection—each emphasized agility with strength. I felt the mana engines within.

My hands shook with anticipation as I suppressed fantasies. I didn't need to worry about the Punishment if I lost this since I was qualified to the individuals, but I was ready for a good fight. They looked at me with anticipation as I had done a dominating performance to make it here. They wouldn't know the exact details, but they were not idiots. These were determined men and women, and I couldn't get over that as my smile showed.

"Get ready, Ladies and Gentlemen, as the fight starts in Five!"


My sheath hit the ground, and I was prepared as the trembling in my hands stopped.





The monks sprang out in different directions, all while moving closer to me. I threw a void splitter as one propelled themselves forward. They leaned down using a hand to try and dodge, and it cut their hand. My eyes narrowed as it only cut him. It didn't sever a limb. It was a deep cut, though, so my spell wasn't worthless. I didn't have much time to think as I cut towards a fist coming for my face as a Female monk was atop me. My sword met her fist, and it gave her a cut but deflected my sword. I learned many things in that interaction with this woman as her fist hit my stomach hard. I sandbagged myself and increased the momentum by jumping with it. I flew back and away from the woman, startling her as I coughed out the air in my lungs. I spun in the air and used a hand to send a void cutter towards an incoming monk. The movement startled him and put a deep cut across his chest. Instead of stopping, he moved towards me with blood oozing out of the large cut in his clothes.

Things were not going well for me as I looked to the other side and saw that three of them were closing distance with me. My feet finally hit the sand, and I slowed to a halt sending another void cutter with my sword towards the woman in the front. That would slow her down regardless, and I turned to the one coming from my left. The Man's fist was like a meteor in my vision, heading towards my face. Using my enhanced reflexes, I somehow moved out of the way, startling him, and brought my sword up, cutting across his left leg to his right arm. The man gritted his teeth but passed out as blood spurted out, and Medics came to whisk him away. I spent no time as the other two were atop me and dropped through a rift to the arena's exact opposite side without checking.

This proved a bad decision as I was met with a fist to my face as I exited. I spun head over feet as my face crunched, and I rolled back through the sand and dirt. I rolled back onto my feet as blood dripped down my face to be met with a smiling female monk as her fist closed to my face. I had no time to think, and instead of dodging, I jumped towards her. Surprising both of us, I tackled her to the ground, and my fist with a sword still in it hit her face while the other one hit her stomach. I then tried to escape by jumping off of her. The other monks were on the other side of the arena, still making their way over. The Female monk looked at me with a large smile and a broken nose. She recovered quickly and charged at me. I didn't have any more time to look at the situation as I dodged her fist. Then my legs were swept out from under me, and I dropped into a rift. I then landed on the sand a couple of feet away. I coughed but rose to my feet in time, and her fist met my sword.

I felt a sense of deja vu when I was sent flying as my stomach received a sharp punch. Then something spoke to me as I was flipping around, I saw a man smiling at me upside down with a fist coming towards my face. Instinct was right that I should be worried as that fist pounded me into the ground as I felt pain spike throughout my entire body. It was the second fist clamming into my stomach, making me vomit out acid into the air as I opened a rift under me, escaping their grasp yet again. I fell to the ground again as the eleven Monks ran towards my position. I could count the lucky favors that no one was waiting for me over here. I stood on shaky legs as I still had more fight in me. I coughed out more stomach acid and blood as I felt pain all over. I stood tall again as the closest Male monk reached me. None of them underestimated me as I dodged his fist with my better reflexes, and I ducked and twisted around his kick. My sword met the back of his heel, cutting it open, and the monk fell to the ground uselessly.

Two, I thought to myself as two monks arrived together. I didn't have time as the other dropped to the ground just milliseconds before. My sword met one fist while I cast a void cutter at the other monk. The sword was deflected, but I got a lucky hit on the other cutting up his one arm. He was still in the fight but weaker as his arm hung uselessly. My sword deflected, and my other hand was occupied; another fist traveled towards my chest. He hit me just under my breasts and broke a rib. It was surprising to me, but I kept my ground, and I turned my head with gritted teeth doing what they wouldn't expect. My head hit his head with all my enhanced strength. My world turned white for a moment, and silence rang for a second before my vision came back just as another fucking punch hit me square in the stomach from the guy with the useless arm. I was sent flying as I finished vomiting out the last of the acid in my stomach and blood only remained.

I rifted out, and I purposefully used my body like a cannonball when I exited the rift into a surprised Monk. I slammed into her and rolled off onto my shaky feet before I brought my foot down while she was on her hands and knees getting up. My foot landed on her head with all my enhanced strength. Her face scrunched into the ground, and a pool of blood started to form. I don't even remember the last time I had a chance to think when someone hit me in the kidney.

I don't know if I ever been directly hit in the kidney in my life before this moment. What I did know now from the experience that it REALLY FUCKING HURT! A scream escaped my mouth as I was lifted off the ground slightly when their fist came out of nowhere, hitting me in the kidney. My sword hand reacted first as I sent the sword at his face. A fist blocked it as my feet hit the ground while I ground my perfect teeth. That fist was followed up with another fist towards my face. I dropped my sword to reduce the time needed as I used my hands to make two void cutters directly at his stomach as I dodged his fists. He screamed as the void cutters exited his body on the other side as I picked up my sword.

My mana was low, and I had taken out five monks. Still, the determination of the monks was not a joke as the last seven ran towards me. Two were injured, and the one with a cut across the chest fell unconscious as he ran towards me, needing medical attention. Six were left, two women and four men. They were closing the distance, and I needed to split them up. I then did something none of them expected. I rifted beside them. My sword fell on the rightmost Monk. The cut was backed up with a point-blank void cutter taking off his arm, and I was sprayed with his blood. The others responded instantly as I backed off, jumping back as Medics swarmed down. The other monks paid no attention as five of them closed on me. I gritted my teeth, and I met a fist with my sword, knowing it was going to be deflected. Instead, I let go, and then the fist hit the sword; it went flying off somewhere in the arena. I had no time for it as I closed the distance using some of the last of my mana to cut open the monk's stomach. I then rifted out while jumping away as a kick, and three fists almost hit me.

I rolled on the other side, lungs begging for oxygen. My legs shook like leaves in a gale as I stood. My sword lost in the arena. I slowly made it back to my feet with a grin on my face. I took some mana and brought out candy from my lab, and the blood in my mouth tasted sweet as I sucked on it. The candy brought focus to my hazy mind as the world felt like it was in the water. Three determined monks were running towards me, and I was no longer armed with a weapon. I was low on mana with no more than four Mana cutters left in me. There was no more rifting at this point to escape. I was staring down three bloodshot eyed monks as they closed the distance. I smiled with candy in my mouth and let out a primal scream of excitement as they closed.

My scream ended as they arrived at me at the same time. Two kicked at either side while a fist came towards my face. I didn't dodge. I didn't run. I stood there with a bloody smile and candy in my mouth. Both kicks hit me at the same time, and the fist hit me in the chest—all at the same time. My body reacted, though. A fist met that monk woman's chin with strength. Her world went white as I moved forward as blood drooled out of my mouth. I sent a Void cutter directly at her stomach. I took a punch across my face, and my hand felt my attacker's stomach, and I sent another Void cutter into their stomach as blood erupted from my face. A kick sent me off my feet, barreling into the side of the arena, and I started to get back onto my feet as I saw a kick slam into my face sending me back against the arena wall again. A punch to my stomach, and I vomited blood. I looked up to the last Monk, and I sent a void cutter from my tongue into his neck, killing him.

I stood there last person standing among the carnage as medics sought to save as many as they could. I huffed with a broken, bleeding body feeling faint. My mana was basically drained. The candy stayed in my mouth, and with the remaining oxygen in my lungs, I roared to my victory as the monks were whisked away by the medical teams. My world went black as I stood there with bloody candy in my mouth, tasting the sweetness of victory, leaning against the arena wall.



Hey guys, I wish to thank everyone for the support and love you have shown my novels. I am sure you may have noticed since December, I have slowed down the number of chapters I produce. This was because I almost burnt out. I was working a full-time job and putting around 70 hours a week into writing. This didn't bother me for the longest time since there was some overlap. This didn't stop me from almost burning out.

I will admit I may have overdone it with 4 books producing chapters on. I honestly was not expecting the popularity of the fourth novel. This doesn't change the fact that I still try to produce around 6 chapters a week. That brings me to the point of this announcement.

Every week that a book reaches above 500 on the power stone ratings or more than 300 people joining the collections, I will bring out a second chapter. If there is more than 500, I will bring out a third. If the book that week makes it over 200 in power stone ratings, I will bring out a third in that week.

Thank you for all the support and love for my books, and I hope you continue to enjoy my novels are quickly growing into a passion of mine. Thank you again, and please, vote, comment, Review, and if you want to share with like-minded people.

P.S. This is the discord link.

P.P.S. There is now an illustration of Clarissa with the Sporgraffe on the P*atreon for those interested.