
I awoke coughing. Pain erupted from my lungs as I looked up into the eyes of an unknown man and woman. I felt hands all over my body with some sharp objects entering and exiting my body. The surprise on their faces showed when I awoke. "She's awake!" They soon had a bottle in front of my face. They shoved it in my mouth, and I swallowed it down as not to drown. After the contents went down my throat, my mana headache started. They promptly, though, stuffed another bottle into my mouth. I chugged that down as well to stop myself from drowning. The mana headache started to ease, as did the pain as they worked needles through my skin. I continued to cough, and the clot finally freed, and I coughed out the blood that had entered into my lungs.

The Uncaring hands continue to work on me as my lungs now felt free—those under those uncaring hands. A sense of itchiness erupted around my body. "The Regeneration potion is working." An emotionless voice spoke with other heads nodding as they were finishing tasks on my body. With my lungs now free of the clot, I could breathe easier, and the work those uncaring faces showed was finishing whatever work they were doing. They left me without a word as I started to tune into other noises around me of screams. It was like the world opened up, and more noises started to filter in. The cries for help and screams of pain as people spoke in monotones.

I then realized I was in the field hospital of the arena. I must have passed out after winning. I wanted to scratch all the itchy spots, but my hands were tied down. Then the stern look of the teacher loomed over me. "Good fight," She stated with a nod of approval.

"Really? Enough for a reward?" I asked with an incredulous smile.

The swift back of her hand hit my face, and pain exploded across my face. "No, It was a pathetic display to the Mages Academy. You are not a barbarian bitch. You are a fucking Mage." She started. "You are so fucking weak it's fucking pathetic. When this tournament is over, you will receive my special attention!" She exclaimed. The smile on her face sent shivers of excitement down my back. "You will be ready for the next bout with the next academy. That is good news. They also gave you a mana potion. You should be back at full mana by that time as well." She finished.

"I am surprised they didn't give me one after my performances the first day," I replied nonchalantly.

"They did; it is in my pouch. These things aren't cheap; I will make good use of it in a pinch. They make too much money for them not to make the students to not come out at full strength." I turned to Teacher with an incredulous face. "Oh? You want it to use?" She asked before her hand struck my face again. "Your face is a lot of fun to slap. I should do it again." She followed it up, and she slapped me again.

The way she treated me always got me so wet. I groaned as I wanted to scratch all the itches all over my body. I knew it was rapid healing since that was the only good explanation. "The restraints will be removed when your done healing. The entire stadium wants to see you fight. Your trash skills are apparently entertaining. They probably more love the amount of money they are making on the bets against you, in my opinion. That doesn't matter. This last round doesn't matter win or lose you," Teacher stated while rolling her eyes. "Win, and you might get a reward. I might change my mind, though. Lose, and nothing happens. The individual tournament will be tomorrow. Only the top eight academies have a right to compete in it. I look forward to it." She stated with a smile. With that, a hand lashed out, smacking my face as she turned with a final comment. "I really am getting addicted to hitting your face."

I could no longer see her as the last slap made me spit blood, and it forcefully turned my head. By the time I turned back, she was gone. My cock was hard, and I leaned down to look, realizing I was fully naked on the table. There my clothes were on the side clean in a neat pile. I grinned as I think my outfit became part of why the crowd loved me. They wanted to see my little outfit just as much as my violence. I smirked, thinking of all the beta boys that must be hard looking at me in the crowd. They probably went home to beat their meat, thinking of my perfect body. Maybe when I am on the streets, if there is an alpha, I will be abducted. The thought made my already hard cock twitch in excitement.

While I was stuck in restraints, my mind wondered about all the possibilities. From rape to abduction. Even a homeless, dirty hobo finding me. The thoughts kept me hard, and my memories of the Sporgraffe and how My last life ended. I badly wanted to give my cock and wet pussy attention when an emotionless man came up to me. He simply unbound me. "You're healed and free to go." He stated. "Please be ready to fight in thirty minutes." He finished walking away after the announcement.

I got up with no difficulty and looked at myself. I saw nothing out of place, and I started to check my body with my hands. My ribs were back in the proper spot and healing, and my face felt impeccable. I would need to see a mirror to make sure I still looked as perfect as always, but I nodded to myself after checking everything, including pussy balls and cock. I couldn't care less about what others thought in the room. I didn't have enough time to rub one out, and I started to pack up the goods. No one in this room apparently cared about me as the cries of pain and movement of emotionless workers moved around me. I took a minute or two to finally get my short shorts that barely contained my ass, and my Shirt struggled to contain my breasts. The struggle would continue again as I left the medical area only to be lost in the underground. I only looked both ways for a couple of seconds before I noticed Teacher on the other end of the hallway. I decided she was my best bet and walked towards her. Her eyes met mine, and she nodded. I just reached her, and she pointed at a hallway.

"Third door to you right down that hall, then up the stairs." She told me before passing me my sword. "Don't forget this Pervert." With that, she left in a different direction. I watched her go and thought about what that reward might be. She understood me really well. I am sure if she does, it will be excellent. Drool started to seep out of my mouth with the thoughts of the Sporgraffe. I decided after this tournament I would incubate, maybe even carry one to term. The thought just made me even harder. I now had my cock riding my ass, and I tried to calm down as I was now ascending the stairs. I found myself at the gate without a single thought towards the next battle in my head. I found myself hornier after every bout.

I started to calm myself. Or tried to. I never even heard the kid behind me announce the five-minute mark, and the gate started to open in front of me. It startled me, but I stepped forward into the arena.

Cheers rained down, and the announcer spoke, "Ladies and gentlemen. We bring about the Finals of the Academy Duels. We have the Woman stunning us all with her amazing performance throughout the duels. Give it up for the Mages Academy!" The cheers increased, pouring down on me as I stopped walking deeper into the arena. I rifted out candy from my lab and stuffed it into my mouth, and smiled. The gate across from me then opened. "Next, we have the Academy that worked there way here with their amazing teamwork with their companions. Give it up to the Beast tamers Academy!" The Cheers were not as pronounced for the Beast tamers as they came out with their beasts. My smile died as they came out.

There were ten left in total. Many students were weeded out from the initial rounds. Some took too much damage to be healed in time for the next competition. The fact that ten Beast tamers with various pets came out wasn't good news to me. The other useless competitors didn't wean them down more.

I looked out at them. The creatures were going to be key. I saw a Falcon or some type of eagle on a boy's shoulder. There was a Jaguar beside a girl. A fucking tiny lion that was only two feet tall, but something scared me about it. The one that brought me the most questions in my mind was the rat. The fucking rat had a damn crossbow in its claws. The thing looked to wind up or something mechanically. It even had a fucking magazine. It took my attention for literal seconds. The Rate stared me down. I locked eyes with it, and although I couldn't say for sure, the fucking thing smirked at my incredulous look.

I quickly gathered my wits. I continued to look at the rest of the beasts and their trainers. The Boys and Girls all had different weapons and the massive dog by one of their feet. I decided to make a list of trainers with their animals in my head.

Girl with short sword and shield. Pet Rat with a fucking crossbow.

Girl with Longsword and a Monkey as a pet.

Girl with Bow and a jaguar as a pet.

Girl with a whip and a tiny jade lion as a pet.

Boy with a bow, Hawk or eagle thing as a pet.

Boy with a set of daggers and a dog as a pet.

Boy with Short sword and shield, and I could not see the pet.

Boy with a bow again, and another pet I couldn't see.

Boy with a golden set of daggers and a large wolf that seemed to fade into his shadow.

Boy with an unknown weapon and an unknown pet.

Things were grim, and I couldn't get all the information just from a look. The announcer was telling everyone the betting odds. I couldn't care less as I unsheathed my sword, preparing for the fight ahead. My hands started to shake, and I focused on what I should be doing. I should strategize something, but I had little information on how they would attack. They had a mix of range and close-range fighters. They could just stick as a group stopping me from singling them out. There was an overwhelming amount of things against me. My attention turned mostly to that jade tiger and the fucking armed rat.

The Jade tiger gave me a sense of danger while... It was a fucking rat with a fucking crossbow. Did it have intelligence? Could it actually fire an arrow? How do you train a rat to shoot a crossbow? My natural curiosity towards animals started to spark, and more questions entered my head.


My ears perked, and I heard the countdown about to end when I clued back in. I was completely startled.



I felt danger as the announcer finished his countdown. Three arrows came for my face and one for my stomach. I opened a rift in front of my face while sidestepping the one for my stomach quickly. Things were in moving quickly. The boys and girls of the beast tamer academy split off into two teams. I opened the other side of the rift to one of the boys with a bow. I was elated that I took one boy out easily as three arrows hit the center mass of his body as he was jumping back.

The hawk thing came a moment later without realizing it as the dog finished closing the distance with me. The tamers seemed to have a strat for attacking me or feeling me out. It didn't matter as my fist came down on the skull of the dog while my other hand cast a void cutter towards the bird.

The bird had good instincts and dodged the spell, barely calling off its dive towards my face. The dog wasn't so lucky as I had a foot raised, putting my body weight into the punch. The dog's head hit the ground. My fist continued as I crushed the dog's skull with brain matter and blood spilling in a small circle around the point of impact. The dog was surprisingly weak as I heard the cry of a beta boy. There was no whine from the dog as it instantly died under my fist.

I put my hand on the ground propelling myself away from the spot I was at as three arrows were now filling the space I was in seconds ago. I rolled and got back to my feet. The arena turned to a stalemate after that. The Beast tamers realized I wasn't above killing their pets. The little beta boy with twin normal daggers was glaring at me with bloodshot eyes. He wanted revenge as tears streamed down his face. I hit him in a spot that hurt, apparently. No medic even tried to come to save the dog. I felt the sweet taste of candy in my mouth, and I smiled at them,

"That's it?" I asked as they had loaded up their arrows, ready to shoot again. They seemed to be thinking. I wasn't inclined to let them. The boy with twin normal daggers yelled and ran towards me. The fight started in earnest as the boy broke ranks. During the 'break,' I noticed that both groups had two bow users, one with a sword and shield. A person with a mid-range weapon, I guessed as the whip girl, was with one while the unknown weapon was with the other. Then there were the dual dagger kids for close range. It was a balanced group.

The stalemate was broken. I jumped out of the way of arrows only to be struck in the arm by a fucking bolt. FUCKING RAT! The kid with the dual daggers was upon me, and I smiled viciously. Now your team will pay for your mistakes, I thought. I dropped into a rift, and my sword came down on the group. This was the group of boys since the golden dagger kid was with the group of girls.

The boy turned around and paled as my sword came down at his arm. I heard a clang, though, as if hitting armor. I was startled as I saw a turtle all of a sudden. My surprise was complete, and the kid was their shield kid. He turned and smacked me in the face as my brain was still catching up with the turtle coming out of nowhere. A smack to the face made me spit out blood, but that was nothing to me.

The group responded quickly, and a different rat came out of nowhere with a rope in its mouth. It was wrapping around my legs. It was just about to tighten when I jumped out of the loop. That left me vulnerable as a sword was coming down on my enhanced body.

My mind spun as the sword came down, and my enhanced reflexes had my sword in place before my brain caught up. The sword smacked me away, and I took the opportunity as I was falling to the ground to rift out. I fell through the rift, appearing a distance away from the group. I fell to the ground and recovered back to my feet. The surprise of that turtle ruined my reactions and followed up on my attacks. They now also knew my ability to enter and exit with ease.

A new stalemate came up. "That's it?" A cocky boy's mouth said. I looked towards the golden dagger kid. He had an arrogant smile on his face as he taunted me back with my own words. I wasn't angry, though. My smile grew, and all shaking of my body stopped.

My smile grew wide, and I dodged. I noticed a missing wolf, and it came out of my shadow. The cocky beta boy's smile disappeared as I grabbed the wolf around the neck. The whine of the wolf echoed out as I put a void cutter down the length of its stomach to punish its ambush. I let it drop to the ground, bleeding as medics came down to take it away.

I took the candy out of my mouth for a second. "Coordinate with your team next time, Beta boy," I told him, a useful hint. Now both dagger boy's eyes turned bloodshot as I took out their pets.

I angered both by killing or maiming their pets, and the stalemate ended again. Any stalemate was in my favor as the bow kids started to take turns shooting at me. The battle turned weird as I just kept dodging. The fucking rat, though, was a fucking psychic or something as it came close to killing me a couple of times. I dodged, and I used rifts to engage with them. The battle became one of wits where I had to keep my distance. The void cutters were dodged easily, and their arrows needed to be dodged. The arrows I sent back put us in another fucking stalemate. They didn't want their pets hurt, so they were afraid to use them.

Time passed, and the fighting came to a stop. I looked at them as they stared me down. I was watching them as they were me. Then it happened. I never saw a couple of their pets. I was watching for the rat trying to bind me. What I didn't expect was I got blindsided by a fucking monkey. I was grabbed around my neck from nowhere. I was startled, and I took an arrow as I rifted out with the monkey still on my neck. I was fighting the monkey as the Beast tamers no longer were split in two but working together attacking me. I took two more arrows, thankfully hitting me on bones, fracturing them but saving me from fatal injuries. I had two in my ribs, and one hit my fucking funny bone. I screamed as the monkey was tearing my face. It kept dodging my hands when I tried something I never tried before, and I opened a rift in front of me and behind me at the same time. I reached out with my arm and grabbed the monkey by surprise. I had my hand around its neck, and with my enhanced strength, I tore it off my back. It was pulled back through the rift, and I slammed it towards the ground before I instead drop kicked it. It left a trail of blood as it went away from me.

I no longer paid attention to it as the falcon followed the monkey up. Its claws tore into me. A scream escaped my mouth as the claws did the damage. It was then followed up with a shield in the gut as I flew into the air. I landed on the ground, and another batch of arrows hit me with no chance to dodge.

I laid on the ground, no longer able to fight as I started to bleed out. The medics responded, and I felt hands grabbing me as I lost consciousness.


Powerstone Ranking: 1116

Collection Growth: 52

Thank you for all your support!