
I awoke to be strapped down with hands working on my face. When I came to someone with those emotionless hands shoved a bottle into my mouth, and I struggled to swallow it all before I drowned. My face became itchier after that, and I knew the process of healing had started.

I was strapped down for a couple of hours before the itchiness ended. Then a Medic emotionlessly unbound me and pointed towards a kid. I found my clothes and sword off to the side. I struggled to get the shirt over my breasts and my shorts over my perfect juicy ass. After that, I followed that kid into a room. When I entered, I found Teacher. She was looking stern with a disappointed look.

"Fucking disgusting performance out there. You clearly have a body made by the gods, and you are so fucking terrible at using it. Fucking stupid. After this fucking tournament, I will get you in proper shape worthy of being a student of mine." She continued to rant as I smiled. She just acknowledged how perfect my body was.

"You want to know the worst part?" She stopped her rant to say to me. My eyebrow popped up, and I swear I could see a vein pop in her forehead in anger. "The Elders have commanded me to reward you tonight with something that you like!" The smile on my face grew as I knew the rewards the Teacher gave me always were good. The Sporgraffe was an amazing night I will never forget, The feeling of being impregnated by those eggs inside me. It was spine chilling. The smile on my face could almost split my head.

"I will refuse to make it the original that I came up with, though. I know you don't care, though. The Elders ordered it. I know your mouth will fucking tell them if I don't, so I will." She finished begrudgingly. She stood looking at me. "Follow me; your reward is waiting for you." She said with a strange smirk on her face. I mindlessly followed her, a hard-on riding up my ass with my mind racing on what it was. This world was so new, and so many creatures appeared here.

My excitement grew as I was lead down hallway after hallway into the depths of the arena. When we encountered a Slave, this one had a different look than the rest. He had emotions on his face. His smile brought excited chills through my body. This man was a predator. My instinct knew it. His gaze on my body was chilling. The bulge in his pants grew as he looked at me. He was a man I used to seek out previously. I took note of him as Teacher's disgusted look at him made him frown.

"This is the girl I paid to be in there." She stated as a matter of fact. The Slaves eyes widen before smirking.

"Oh, He's going to love you!" He smiled wildly. He gestured for us to follow him, and a secret door opened up to a set of stairs. The thought of a torture dungeon set my pussy wet, soaking my hard cock, and started to drip onto my panties. I was trying to calm myself down not to get my hopes up too high.

Into the depths, we went and then a door. The Slave unlocked it with a key before entering into a hallway. Inside you could hear cries of men and beasts alike. This was a prison of misery. I looked into a cell, and when my gaze set upon a man smelling like shit, his eyes open seeing my perfect body. Those eyes instantly turned red, and he sprinted to the bars in fractions of a second. Only to be taken off his feet as he screamed in pain. His shoulder must have dislocated as his arm tore him back to the wall, ruthlessly by the shackles on his body. I looked down at the man with disdain. Idiot sees a woman and runs towards her? His genes are subpar. I will give him points, though, for motivation.

The deeper we went, the more prisoners and beasts I saw. These must be people used in arena fights. To gain freedom from this prison, they are used as chopping blocks. I grew interested even more in this world. I wonder if they sell these specimens? I could use them for genetic modification. In my past world, I had so many roadblocks to using human test subjects. My research speed would be so much faster if I could directly use humans.

The thought brought a smile to my face as I contemplated. Still, we moved deeper into the catacombs of the arena. The people became more mana charged now. No longer weak humans and beasts. These cells were reinforced with mana. Then no longer could you see inside with solid doors in the way. My anticipation became palpable.

We finally stopped at the door. The enchanted markings slightly glowed, showing their strength to us. The Slave looked with a smile. "This is something that has won ten arena fights. He is very... interested in females to the point that we had to stop pitting him against gladiators groups with females in them. This thing is exactly what you wanted for your student. Why you want to torture her so?" He asked Teacher while looking at my body.

"Bitch, got second she knows the punishment." Teacher stated for some reason clouding my masochistic tendencies.

"No matter. This is the Key. Do not let him out of the cage, or the boss man will learn of this." They both nodded to his words, and I couldn't care less.

"Be back in a couple of hours to collect the key. I will remain here." Teacher finished, and the man handed her a key before leaving.

The slave left, and Teacher remained silent till he left. I felt mana move around me, creating a bubble around us. "Can't let your proclivities become public knowledge. Now inside is something fun for you to play with for a couple of hours. I will remove you from it when the time is done, no matter how much a bitch you want to stay and be bred." The contempt and disgust on her face were apparent. Her hand then came out and hit me across the face. "I think I might be getting addicted to hitting a bitch like you." She finished before stepping up to the door. She turned at the door, "Strip, bitch, no need for your slut clothes to be destroyed." I took off my shirt and pants quickly, with the terrible shoes coming off as well.

My mind was spinning in happiness on what was on the other side. This teacher never failed to surprise me. The door creaked open, darkness on the other side. Mana from enchantments moved, and I felt Teachers mana move creating an invisible wall. It clearly stopped whatever was inside from escaping. She pushed me into the cage and the door shut behind me for only a second.

The door quickly opened again and with a smile said, "So you know what's about to happen!" She exclaimed as neutral magic flared inside as the door closed again. This time the invisible wall came down as well with my gasp.

On the other side, with a drooling mouth and razor-sharp teeth and tongue hanging out, panting stood a five-foot-tall dog. Its cock long with a knot at the end. I gasped as it stared at me with palpable lust. It saw me like a bitch to be bred. The words in my mind repeated what the Slave had said. It loved to rape women.

My cock was at full mast, my pussy wet dripping down my thighs instantly. The dog didn't attack instantly, slowly stalking forward. The hunt in the small room excited it, and it grew longer, ready to breed me. I was speechless in my excitement. The teacher never failed to understand me. The dog no longer waited and pounced onto me.

Its front legs instantly pinned me to the ground as it snarled in my face. The tongue lashed out, licking my face, and invaded my mouth. I yelped in surprise when that paw instantly flipped me over. I flipped over twice before landing on my face. My surprise was total as I couldn't help but spread my legs and lift my ass up for the dog. Its tongue lapped at my pussy. I moaned loudly as I was excited. I still had a question in my head. "Could I bare its pups?"

The question left my mind went I felt the fur on my back as the dog mounted me. Its body laid atop mine, its paws around my stomach. Then its large cock missed the mark a couple of times before stretching my tight pussy out. I yelled in pain and pleasure at the sudden invasion. I loved every second as it madly started to hump me as it howled in dominance. I felt it deepen itself inside me deeper with each thrust of its legs. I moaned loudly as the milk started to trickle out of my breasts.

My moans only increased in volume in the small cell as my cervix was penetrated. I loudly moaned in pain and pleasure as that amazing cock entered me. I felt its hips continue to hump me, and I cried out in pleasure, hoping for it to continue to breed me. I came to a conclusion in my mind. If I get impregnated, I would have the pups. The thrill in my mind only grew as I came to this conclusion. If it was possible, I wanted it. If I had to hide it, I would, but I loved this feeling. I moaned louder as the dog howled loudly, reverberating in the room, making my sensitive ears ring as I came on its cock. It pushed itself even deeper in me, the knot of its cock pushing itself deep.

The dog then let go of my body, turning itself around like a normal dog would, leaving its knotted cock in me and directly ejaculated into my womb. I cried out as my uterus expanded with the cum filling me. Then a feeling swept through me. It was an unknown feeling. My mind only knew one thing, though. I just got pregnant with this dog's pups. The feeling came with a round of excitement and pleasure that made my cock ejaculate on the feeling alone. My pussy tightened and sucked out even more cum from the dog's cock. Soon the dog's cock became flaccid inside me. I felt regret as it left me, and I crawled under the unfeeling dog.

I noticed the cock receding inside itself and grew discontent. My mouth instantly started to work his cock. The dog panted above me with drool dripping onto my ass. My effort paid off when the cock started to grow harder again. I smiled at the hard work growing happier with my baby daddy getting excited again. I started to subconsciously measure my pup's daddy's cock. I was happy to see it lengthen to a size of fifteen inches before the knot. When he became fully hard, he no longer stood there panting. He wrapped me up in its furry legs. Tossing me back onto my face. I lifted my ass again, ready when he pounced on me again.

The cock only missed its mark once when he found my pussy that was dripping with his cum. I moaned loudly cumming instantly when he entered into me again. I screamed in delight as he raided my womb again. I loved every second of it. My screams of delight rang throughout the room for hours as I continued to instigate him to enter me again and again. I came delightfully for hours filled again and again. I lost track of time before the door banged open.

"Fucking disgusting!" Rang throughout the room as I was was in the midst of an orgasm. The dog was pushed off me by an invisible force, and I was dragged out of the room. The father of my pups remained inside the cage blue balled.

Teacher stood above me with my body looking pregnant from the amount of jizz left inside me slowly leaking out. Her disgusted face loomed above me, and her foot came down on my stomach hard as I orgasmed again to the cum retreating from my body quickly. I moaned in the pain and pleasure cock ejaculating to the treatment. "You always amaze me," She stated with contempt. "The lows you reach go deeper and deeper. You're a bitch by definition; how do you feel?" She asked, contempt dripping out.

"Amazing, Thank you!" I told her sincerely.

She snorted in disdain and regretted it with my smell now. Her mana moved, and my body was cleaned of dog ejaculate covering me. "Get fucking dressed. We need to leave," She told me. I struggled to get up after such a good time. After ten minutes, my clothes were back in place. A smile remained on my face when the slave returned, and he noticed a pile of dog ejaculate on the floor near the door.

"I see the services were made use of..." His voice trailed off with a hand outstretched. Teacher took a handful of gold coins, placing them in his hand along with the key. He checked the door nodding before we left. I struggled to walk straight as we left. That smile never left my face. The elders were going to get a rave review if they asked about my reward.


Powerstone Ranking: 1318

Collections: 24

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