Mixed Breed Experimentation

Teacher threw me into the corner to meditate or sleep. After the excitement, I felt up my stomach. I really hoped my pups came out strong. I remembered the kid I raised a little. He was the failure of a son. I genetically enhanced him to be smarter than a normal human. I made him stronger and smarter. He was supposed to be so much more. After he finished university, he even joined my lab to do research. I didn't trust him, though. I failed to raise him, and he had grown up to be a beta male. It was disgusting to me. When he started to show what a beta he was, I gave up on him and sought my own pleasure. He used my contacts to do a bunch of good and various other things. The lab was what mattered to me. The countless hours of research I did, there was worth more than most could fathom. I wonder what he did with the lab back on earth? The lab was more important than him to me, and I heard many kids destroyed what mattered to their parents. I couldn't care less, though, what he did with my multi-billions worth of assets. It was his to deal with. I am sure he did something betas would do with it.

I threw my old son out of my mind with practiced ease as I laid there, slowly trying to bring myself to sleep. For some reason, something was nagging at the back of my head. I just couldn't get something out of my head. Everything related to my work in my previous life was bothering me. I feel like I forgot about something long term: there were so many projects that I was working on, and I had researchers working on it was a staggering number. I had many working on theory before implementing it to those on clinical trials. There were many things on my plate at the same time. I thrived in that environment.

I sat there thinking through projects when I remembered something. I sat up in my bed, and I smiled. I remembered this, and I was so happy that I did. I opened a portal into my lab without thought. I entered the main entrance forgoing the use of mana. I needed to get my mind straight while thinking about what I wanted to do.

The feeling I had when the dog mounted and inseminated me filled my mind. I was pregnant. My instinct told me so. It was like I felt the egg or eggs being pierced. For some reason, I was also certain that I was having more than one kid. What they came out to was still up for debate. That's what this old project came down to. It was the procreation of humans with another species. It was a slow-going process that didn't take too many resources. One of my personal pet projects was that I made sure that the government never got wind of.

In the early days of my career, I wondered if I could make a better human by impregnating an ovum with a dog to make them more loyal or better smellers. These lead to more and more questions with other animals. These were strictly frowned upon. So I got a couple of researchers that didn't mind being part of a black project. They had their own lab and setups in the depths of the research facility. There were other projects of this nature in my labs. Many were skirting the rules of international law. If I had investors, they would care. I didn't care, though. I owned my lab outright with all the patents that came with it. I funded the place from the ground up. No government had oversight over any non-government funded research. They paid me many times to research things since I found the results at the best cost ratio.

This project was lead by a bit of a perverted furry. He was very open about it as well. I told him as long as he didn't bring his things into the lab itself, I couldn't care less. This was acceptable to him. He had a team of two other researchers and a couple of assistants. They all were moved to tears on the thought of a breakthrough in this field. They had made many. The problem they came to though was that they couldn't make a pregnancy last to term. They were reaching closer and closer to the goal. The biggest problem laid in the final stages, where the mothers were never strong enough for the last two months.

The lead researcher's theory was that in the last months, the demand on the mother was too much, which snuffed the life of the mother. The problem was that this was a black project. I couldn't find many test subjects for them to work with it on.

That leads to the inevitable failure of the project. It was worth its weight in cash, though. We found throughout the procedures many ways to interact and modify during the process of pregnancy. I was in the elevator going down into the depths of my lab. My mind was spinning, thinking of the modifications that I wanted. I would need to do more than just modifications to start. I would need to take samples and get a baseline for the seed.

My mind was filled as I stepped out into the lab. Inside there were the computers for this particular project. I opened it up, and the largest smile on my face grew. I almost wanted to dance all over. When the insect god made this lab, he didn't want to program things, I guess. I could only imagine the headache that would entail. So he took the least resistance path and either took my original lab or took all the main equipment and copied it. This meant that I had all my data. I couldn't believe I never checked this yet. None of the labs had a real centralized data spot. This lab, though, had petabytes of information on the experiments. I smiled as I didn't have much to catch up on but the information in here.

I was thrilled as this housed decades of findings and research. The insect god must have realized this data was crucial in whatever tasks I had. I could go upstairs and start converting a virus or something if I choose to. That wasn't interesting, but I was thrilled with the thought of it. I could now modify the babies in my womb. I needed to start many tests. I started to dig deep into the information on the database here.

Time passed by, and I started a workup of tests so I would have information later. Once they all were started, I rifted back into the world to have a good sleep for the tournament tomorrow. I made sure everything was going properly before leaving. I rifted out directly from the lab into the room I was left in. I landed on the bed, closing my eyes, happy about finding out all my data was there. This was a gold mine of information that I could use in the future.

Sleep came swift, and waking up was even swifter. I was awoken to my sensitive breasts being slapped hard. I moaned in pleasurable pain to my teacher standing above me. "Bitch time to wake up. There is some food before the individual tournament starts. You need calories to make it far. The Elders have stated that two rewards will be given to you. One to be handed for me to give and one from the academy if you place first." Her eyebrow twitched in annoyance. "I don't think you deserve any of it. The Elders learn my rewards for some reason actually motivate you as theirs don't."

I smiled, rubbing my sensitive breasts that seem to be leaking milk a little in anticipation. "That's because teacher understands what a depraved pervert I am. The thought of being on edge," I paused and shivered, thinking of the man that killed me. "Sends tingles down my spine. You just treat me so well that I can't help but want your rewards." The teacher's look of contempt with a giant eye roll made her thoughts known. "Don't forget, Teacher. You might not like me, but I am the only outlet to your dark fantasies." I told her as I stood up, grabbing my sword. I turned and looked at her face. The surprise on her face was total.

"What? You think I don't get that how you treat me doesn't come naturally? Do you know how many sadists I have been with that don't like how far I like to go? You think that all sadists want to treat their masochists like literal dogs. With such contempt to their lives, they couldn't care less that their minds break?" I stepped up to her startled face. "No, Most cant go as far as you. You are far worse than most. You can go further to Teacher. You're still holding yourself back. You have dark urges that you have hidden your entire life that you have hidden from others. I want to see them. I want to experience them." The smile on my face grew as I called her out. "My pussy tingles thinking about your true urges. My cock hardens thinking of how you actually want to treat me. This is undeniable. You can control me even somewhat because I want to experience that passion you have hidden. That animalistic sadistic side that no other would accept. I can't wait for you to unleash it!" I exclaimed happily.

Her face was pale like a deer in headlights. She was stuck. Her mind was spinning. A woman like her, this was probably her deepest darkest secret. Humans fear a predator like her instinctively. They learn to act and hide their true self. They spend their entire lives honing their acting skills to the max not to be discovered. I loved that about her, though. I felt attached to this teacher because of it. I wanted to see that dark side. That primal energy she keeps so well hidden.

I could see the gears spinning in her head. Soon the color returned to her face. She sobered up, and a mask of contempt for me came back. The moment of weakness is gone. Her hand hit me harder than ever, and I felt a cut in my mouth. "Bitch, Stop projecting your fantasies on me," She told me before stepping out. I smiled and followed her with a bloody smile. Her anger was real when I called her out. I knew I was going to be in for a good reward later.

I remembered the darkness I felt in her classes when she taught. It was one I never felt on another before. I knew that I couldn't call it out with simple words. I had time, though. This Teacher would become a great person to keep around to continue to reward and punish me. She was so inventive and uncaring. It was what I always wanted in my Dom or Dominatrix. It wasn't something that could be taught. It was a personality trait.

I sat with teacher, who seemed to be deep in thought as we ate. She refused to acknowledge me, and so I stayed silent as I ate the shitty food of this arena. I was lost in thoughts of my own. The tests still needed a day or two before they would come back with results. I had to start two of each as well. This would make sure that I had a lower margin of error. I would probably start up another round after this one. I would need to do another round after that when I had time to watch the results.

More and more opened up in my mind about research and the countless possibilities. I needed more time to integrate more about the research as well. It was a failed experiment. They didn't have an enhanced woman, though, with a perfect body and womb; I didn't know the dog species either and its origins. I would be working on the seat of my pants, modifying my little cute pups. I didn't mind, though. If they passed before birth, it would just be a failed experiment on me. This body should be able to handle it. I should grab a couple of potions in this world, though. They make a great back up plans.

Without knowing it, the food in front of me disappeared into my stomach. I was lost in thought when I was pulled up by teacher. I came back to the world just as a slap landed on my face again. "You have ten minutes before your first bout. Stop thinking about stupid things, bitch." She finished. I looked around, and I was at the gate of the arena. I was surprised with the speed she guided me before leaving down the stairs. It was like she was running away. I knew that she wasn't running away from me, though, but the various thoughts inside her head. It brought a smile to my face.

It looks like today will be interesting, I thought as I readied myself for battle with a smile, wondering who the poor sap to go against me is.


Powerstone Ranking: 1327

Collections: 27

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