
The following days of the tournament were capitol B Boring. Everyone I went against either lost almost instantly or surrendered. The shower of booing raining from the crowd upon my enemies grew boring to listen to. The only way I would have lost was that I didn't enter in the first place.

Each fight, I would step in, and if they were too stupid not to concede right away, I would rift beside them and cut them. Without a group of people to fight with you, they could not learn my abilities to fight correctly. It became a one-sided show for me. It also showed how strong a void mage was.

The Final fight was that Tamer with a rat that had a fucking crossbow. Over the days, with not much to do, my interest in that rat grew. I wanted to kill her and take the rat for myself. It would be a fantastic specimen to experiment on. My hopes were immediately destroyed when I entered the Arena to fight her, and she paled seeing me. She immediately conceded before the announcer even finished the count down.

The boos rained down yet again, and I took a victory without fighting. The crowd was disappointed, as was I. The one thing this tournament did instill in me was that I loved battle. It was thrilling, like sex with a good man. It could kill you in a second of inattention. When that sword comes at your face or fist hits your stomach. Mmm, That was a fantastic thrill. It was something that I grew fond of. I needed an incredible thrill here or there. I was always lamenting in more sexual energy after as well. Fortunately, this made Teacher more annoyed with me as I wasn't coming back bruised.

I watched as teacher seemed to be having an internal battle inside herself. Her hand hit my face many times. I smiled secretly inside myself each time she did so. The internal debate seemed to be unresolved as the ceremony for the Tournament came to an end. The king said some words towards the academy about the Mages Academy, raising such a fine woman. The Tamer Academy for raising great teammates or something. I wasn't paying much attention as my mind was on the test results that came out earlier.

The test results for my pups showed the worst. It wasn't salvageable by my research, but it was dark tidings. The physiology of that dog was not human-compatible. It was growing, but without direct intervention, nothing would grow properly. The babies would die in my womb, which was an unacceptable outcome for me.

I was pouring over the data in my head from the research. I needed to work quickly; otherwise, they would die. I found out through the tests I was going to have a litter of four furry little ones. I was happy with this news. I only had a month max to start working. Otherwise, there would be unfixable problems later.

I seemed to be elbowed in the ribs, making me come back to myself. I looked up, seeing the King in front of me with a stern look. I looked around to see my teacher guided me up to the stage with a chest of gold and a trophy. I was surprised, and I smiled. "Sorry, I was thinking of other things. What's happening?" I asked, confused. "Is the chest of gold for me and the trophy for the Academy?" I asked sincerely.

The king started to chuckle. The chuckle turned into a laugh that filled the area we were in. He verifiably lost his shit laughing so hard at my question. His large hand came down on my shoulder. "The Chest of gold and trophy is for you. The Tournament awards the Academy based on the best results and total results. You made the average of your Academy First place. They will receive generous funding. This trophy is yours to brag to others!" He announced to me with a smile. I looked at the chest of gold and the stupidly large trophy in my hands.

I looked at the trophy and the chest of gold. I shrugged. "Thanks!" I said, and I rifted both into the growing collection in the lab. The King's hand didn't move as he made a speech that I didn't listen to. That ended the tournament after some hours. Next came a carriage ride back to the Academy. I was alone with teacher as we were riding back when her fist hit my face.

"Are you fucking stupid?" She yelled, clearly pissed off. "That was the Fucking king!" Her punch hit my face while I was against the carriage side. Her punches rained down all across my body as she vented her fury. "You think you can do whatever you want? Huh? Is that it? You think just because you won a fucking tournament in the individuals; you are invincible? Can disrespect the King? Bitch, The tournaments are only for first-year students because there were too many casualties among the higher years! A second-year Monk would wreak your shit before you could do anything to them. You are fucking weak. So are all those tamers that beat you!" She screamed at me as she pummeled my body with more and more strength.

My body was under a barrage of attacks, and bruises were appearing faster and faster. I spat out blood and bled all over the carriage. I was enjoying the unhinged Teacher. My cock grew hard, and my pussy wet. I made sure to protect my stomach, though. She didn't notice in her rage as she beat me to a pulp.

The carriage eventually came to a stop, and her hands tangled in my hair and dragged me out of the Carriage. I was dragged out into the grounds, a bloody mess. I looked like a murder victim, I bet, as I was dragged across into a building I hadn't been in before.

"You like being disrespectful? Well, I know what to do with you!" She yelled and dragged me over a stone floor. I felt a sense of danger from whatever she was doing. I scrambled to get released from her. Something in my instinct just told me I would not like what she had planned. The smile on her face was one of anger. Like she knew whatever punishment she had planned would actually punish me. This was no reward. She was trying to teach me a lesson. I was dragged downstairs into a deeper dungeon when I realized that I knew what she would do. I was then shackled into a cell not long later. I didn't hear anyone else. Nothing else was in here.

"Teacher?!" I wasn't scared perse, but I really didn't like the thought of what she was about to do. Her enchanting pen came out and enchanted the shackles that now attached me to the wall. The enchantment wasn't one I knew, though.

"I finally get to see that atoning look!" She said, her mood clearly becoming better as I strained the shackles. I tried to rift out only for the rift to be blocked. "You think I am stupid enough to let you out? Do you think I wouldn't have come up with real punishment for you, Clarissa?! You love my beatings. You love the monsters. Now it's punishment time. You will only leave when your mana goes up a level. You will sit here doing the thing you hate the most. Practice! When you go up a level in mana density, I will free you! Hahaha, That's the expression I like to see! Your realization that you cant indulge in the pleasures of the flesh. Stupid Cunt! I will come to bring food and water. I want to see how long it will take for you to increase in level!" I knew my facial expression was dark. I didn't like this one bit. I was pissed. I could spend time to ejaculate or something like that. But I needed to get to work on my pups. This made my sense of urgency increase. I had only a few weeks.

There were stages in mana density and growth. Mana started with the filling of the body. This was done in three stages. Filling, Condensing, then shaping. This was the beginner stage of Mana, also known as Novice or level one. This applied to all types. First, you fill yourself with mana. When that was done, you condense it till your full throughout your body despite the condensation. Then you Shape it. Usually a sphere, this started the Second Stage of Mana. Filling Condensing and Shaping again. Each level was the same until the shape was no longer a liquid. That didn't happen till level ten. I was a level three mage. I just reached there. She told me I needed to be a level four before I could leave. I was already making remarkable progress before she told me this.

The problem was that I fucking hate meditation. I found it boring and a fucking waste of time. It wasn't, and I knew that, but I always felt that way. It wasn't until someone reached level ten that they were considered an apprentice. The teacher was a Full mage. I wasn't sure how strong that made her, but I was frustrated as I heard her leave laughing in hysterics. She was delighted with her choice to punish me. I knew I went too far this time.

"At least FUCK ME BRUTALLY BEFORE LEAVING!" I yelled after her, hoping to at least get a quickie. She knew how to make me cum quick when she put her mind to it. Her laughter echoes died down not too much longer, and no sound was made any longer as I was in a cell by myself.




I didn't give a single fuck about the kingdom's king. I couldn't give a single fuck about their trophy or their fucking kingdom. He fucking did nothing for me. FUCK! The shackles strained to the wall. I cursed up a storm letting rage out. FUCK! This wasn't something I liked. I only liked being tied up when things were being done to me. My freedom taken from me for no reason without any chance of rape or something pissed me off. If some deranged lunatic did so and fucked me or hurt me, I would have a raging boner at the moment. My pussy would be sopping wet and wanting. This was clearly to force me to practice my meditation.

I stopped, and my expression turned darker. This was a way to stop me from entering the Lab, as well. I needed to fix my babies, making myself calm down. I needed to meditate. That was it. All I could do and Trust the teacher to bring enough food for a prenatal start. I took another five more minutes to calm down.

I sat before letting out one more loud bellowing yell, "FUCK!" Before I calmed down and meditated, gathering mana as fast as I could. I was at the start of level three. I needed to be level four within two weeks to make sure the babies are okay.


Powerstone Ranking: 1265

Collections: 18

Thank you for all the support. I really appreciate it. I am Active on Discord if you would like to ask questions. Please Vote Comment and Review. I really appreciate it!