
I stepped into the back, following the man that got me a couple of chests of gold. I did the same for him, but I couldn't help but smile, thinking about those gazes of pity. The two women looked at me with a lot of pity when he told me to come back. Either they thought I would be fleeced of my gold, or he was going to do something to me.

Honestly, I was hoping for him to do something to me. I was disgusted with his greasy face and a little bit of his stomach protruding from the bottom of his shirt. The man was an alpha, though. As long as he forced himself in some way, I would not resist. The thought made my pussy wet. The recent action for me had dried up. Ever since my baby daddy impregnated me, I have been in a dry spell. I hated it. I got the most important thing out of the way today. No matter how much that hurt, that pain was only that; Pain without satisfaction. It just fucking hurt and not pleasurable at all. It pissed me off how much it hurt.

My mind came back to the world as what's his name opened the door in the back. Inside was a large room that could fit many people with a bookshelf filled with large books. I ignored it as he pointed to one of the couches for me to sit. I sat down across from him, seeing his body jiggle as he sat. His smile grew, and his lecherous eyes took my body in.

"Miss Clarissa, You are an upcoming talent. I am happy to see you what brings you here to my fine shop." His yellow, teethed grin grew larger.

"I am looking for plants of all types. I want seeds or seedlings. I want as many as you can get your hands on of many different varieties." I stated, not beating around the bush.

"Blunt as always, I see. I like that about you, Clarissa. That I can do pretty easily, I can bring in seeds, although this will cost a lot, about one hundred thousand gold coins. This will be for the rare seeds as well. The seeds will all be properly labeled with the best-known uses for it. That is the cost." He said with that same yellow-toothed grin.

"How much without labels?" I asked, just curious.

His eyes narrowed. "That doesn't matter. I don't sell them without labels. That would be stupid to do. Ask better questions."

I smiled and shook my head. "Fine, I was thinking of having fun with it, but I will take them. You don't seem to be having any negotiations on your end. I see it in that gaze."

"Well... I am open to negotiation..." He trailed off, his yellow smile turning lecherous. His eyes roamed to my breasts and my short shorts down my legs and back up.

I looked at him, purposefully putting on a disgusted face. I was genuinely interested only if he forced me. I want an alpha to take me with force, not some beta with money. "Herold-" I was cut off.

"My name is Gerald." He cut in.

"Gerald," I started again, "I will tell you once, and this will depend on you for the rest of the negotiations. I do not like Beta males. I like Alpha men. Take what you want, and we can go from there." I said, and I rifted in a chest of gold before standing up. "Consider this a down payment if you cant take what you want." I stood up with hope in my eyes as I saw his confusion.

I opened the door to leave when I heard words out from behind me. "So your one of those types of Sluts." He said with a harsh tone. I paused at the door turning to him like I didn't know what he was talking about. His body filled my vision, though, as he grabbed me by the neck and slammed my head into the wall. I was dazed, and the pain was sudden. I was in shock as I felt my throat in his hands as he dragged me somewhere.

My eyes shone as the daze lifted quickly. I was dragged downstairs, where I heard the soft moaning of various women. I saw the stone walls of a sturdy foundation and was brought to a torture room. My excitement grew as he dropped me inside before heading back to the door. I heard it click shut, and he turned around, walking towards me. I faked a shiver of fear as He pushed me onto a table before with a token fight from myself. Soon my body was strapped down, and I could not move an inch.

"Now, Clarissa..." He trailed off as he walked somewhere in the room. I heard him pick up something as it scraped with a metal screech. I heard his footsteps coming back. "Sorry about that. Now that I have you here, Clarissa, I have some new friends I would like you to meet." He told me. "First, let's get those shorts off and that shirt. They look incredibly strained and could use a break." I heard the smirk in his voice. I happened to agree with him. I had a hard-on from his recent actions, and the shirt has a hard time containing my breasts.

I heard the sound of something being unsheathed, and a sharp edge dragged across my sensitive skin. The feeling gave me that vague sense of danger and thrill that I so desired as it cut into my shirt. I heard the sound of tearing as it cut through, releasing my ample breasts for him. "What a lewd set of breasts." He vaguely commented before that sharp edge changed directions slowly down my abs to my shorts. I felt shivers all over as the knife started to cut into the shorts. He used more strength and cut down the leg. It was then followed up quickly with the other leg being destroyed. The scraps of fabric no longer held back my erection now freed pointed towards the ceiling. "Oooh?" I heard from Gerald. "What's this unsightly thing?" He asked.

His greasy face appeared in my vision as his hand harshly gripped my cock. "So you're an extremely Rare Futanari?" Gerald stated. "I haven't seen one before!" His yellow teeth showed as he smiled. "I have something special for you then!" He told me. The smile changed inconspicuously, sending a shiver up my spine. The anticipation was palpable for me. I heard him leave the room for a moment before he came back. He was gone no longer than a minute. When he came back, I heard small muffled screeches.

"I never thought I would get to use these little guys on a Futanari. Here I am, though." I could hear the smile behind that as he stuffed the cloth of my ruined shorts into my mouth. "Let us have some fun, shall we?" He said as I couldn't speak. He pulled something out in front of me. My eyes narrowed at a small worm-like insect in his hand. The worm-like thing had something on its edges that looked like it could move as well. He showed it with a large smile.

"You know what these are?" He asked me with a sadistic smile. I tried to shake my head. "Well, That is too bad. You will find out soon, though." He moved that worm below out of my sight. "Enjoy!" He announced as I felt that worm placed on the head of my fully erect cock. It was a weird feeling as it crawled around it, seemingly in confusion for a couple of seconds before it started to press the tip of my urethra. The stimulation that I felt was unique as the thing seemed to move based on the things on its side. Then it happened. The thing no longer pressed on the tip of my urethra. Instead, it pressed in, penetrating, and started to dive deeper. It was a feeling I never felt before as it scraped my sensitive shaft on the inside. The mix of pleasure and pain spiked in my head. I felt a slight numbing as it burrowed deeper as the rest of its body struggled to get inside.

Soon its entire body, all four inches, were inside, going deeper and deeper. I let out a muffled scream and moan as it burrowed deeper. It didn't take long for it to be deeper than my length and up into my prostate gland. I felt a huge urge to ejaculate now and orgasm. My strapped down hips tried to buck as it entered the ejaculation duct and began to travel to my testicles.

"This little critter is known as the bain to man. It usually is used in torture on men to fuck with their minds. It causes both pain and pleasure as it enters through the urethra into your testicles. That is where it lays its eggs!" He said with a large smile as he notices my look of understanding. I felt it slowly. go deeper and deeper that feeling of pain and pleasure increasing. "This little thing is quite interesting if you add a second one to it." He stated as he pulled out a second to show me. This one was slightly larger and thicker. He then placed it on the head of my dick.

The second didn't take long before it found my hole before it started to shove itself in. I tried to scream as the first one found my testicle and started to make itself at home. I squirmed as an even larger one was going down the shaft to find its friend. "When you have two inside, it numbs it with that pleasure and pain. It makes one want to ejaculate unbearably. There is a unique property after two, though." His face appeared above mine, and I started to feel that unbearable urge to ejaculate. My hips strained against the bindings. "It stops your ability to ejaculate. You can orgasm, but they will all be dry as they reproduce inside you!" He announced to me as the second reached my prostate gland and almost reached the second. I screamed in pleasure as I felt the first dry orgasm ripple through my body without the relief an ejaculation would bring. My head turned white temporarily as he reached down somewhere.

"Now, I have another gift for you, Clarissa, since you like the first one so much." He paused and looked at me. "You look amazing struggling on the table. Your beautiful struggles as these amazing creatures tease you. Your face a mix of pleasure and pain. I feel so hard!" Gerald stopped and said. It was like he was confessing his love with the expression on his face. His hand then showed something new. It was something new worm type. I didn't know how to feel as I saw it. He had two in his hands.

"These little beauties are Tit poppers. They go on the breast like so." He stated as he placed the two worm looking things when I felt a needle prick into my nipples. "Placed properly, they inject their venom, which is a light aphrodisiac before..." As he hesitated, something happened. The two worms no longer penetrated my inverted nipples with a needle. Instead, they pried open the needle spot and burrowed into my mammary glands. The pleasure spiked in my head as I didn't even feel pain as the Worms in my testicles joined. My balls felt full, and my breasts leaked milk as I had an orgasm from the burrowing into my sensitive breasts. I cried out into my destroyed shorts as the bugs sent my world asunder in another dry orgasm.

"Your pussy must be lonely. Same with your ass! Don't worry; I have some friends to keep them company as well!" He announced to me as I had a hard time concentrating as the Worms inside my balls started to wrap around my testicles and lay small eggs inside. I groaned and moaned as the worms inside my breasts started to prick the inside my breasts. Suddenly they started to feel more and more sensitive. I could feel every movement, and it brought me closer to an orgasm. My dick wanted to cum so badly, and I couldn't either. My world was a want of orgasming while orgasming. My hips were already exhausted, and my body was in this weird state from the insects.

"This is a bladder raper. It is a special bug that loves acidic warm environments. It likes it so much that its eggs must be in a slightly acidic environment that is submerged in liquid most of the time. Therefore It loves women bladders. These creatures are almost extinct due to this. Please Enjoy Clarissa." He said he showed the bug to me. This wasn't a worm. The structure of it was more like a centipede. It had as many legs, and I couldn't look at it anymore as the sensations rocked my body as I felt my breasts start to fill with eggs as well. The pleasure sent me over again in another earth-shattering orgasm raked my body, only making me want to ejaculate even more. I screamed at all the overwhelming sensations rocking my body. I didn't even notice when he placed the creature on my pussy lips.

A second later, I learned what it would feel like, though, when the creature broke through my urethra to travel into my bladder. It made short work of it as well when I felt the urge to pee. I unleashed the contents in my bladder quickly as it felt over full when it suddenly stopped. My body felt the urge to continue pissing but was blocked from doing so. My body was acting on its own again as I strained against the bindings. The mess of feelings swirled as all these sensations continued to fill my head. It was then I saw something large enter my vision.

"This is a cousin of the Sporgraffe the Miragraffe. It only likes dirty areas with toxins. It feeds off them and lays eggs for their young. They will hatch in one or two days stopping all bodily functions to build it up those toxins. This is something you can enjoy for a couple of days!" He announced as he let go of what I noticed was a tentacle. It moved swiftly, and before I knew it, it had penetrated my ass with force. The mix of all the pains and pleasures sent me over the edge. To my dread, I felt my body nearing the threshold of chain orgasms. I shook under pressure as my body, begging to ejaculate, had another dry orgasm. The Miragraffe went further and further inside me. My screams continued.

I felt so full all over. I felt the bumpy eggs inside my testicles. Inside my breasts, I felt more eggs as the worms moved about milk was sprayed out. Inside my urethra, I felt more eggs being laid as my body wanted to piss. Inside, my ass was being raided. Areas I had never felt before felt the invasion of the tentacle dive deeper and deeper. It apparently didn't need sperm like the Sporgraffe as all of a sudden I felt the inflation as it started to bring in its eggs as I felt a needle penetrate deep inside me, almost at my intestines. I orgasmed again and again as it did so. I couldn't understand what was happening anymore as I started to chain orgasms. My world turn white as I had a dry orgasm after dry orgasm. My brain felt like it was overloading in pleasure as there was no longer even room in my nervous system to send pain.

I saw Gerald speak but could not comprehend his words when I saw his large bumpy cock. It was eleven inches with large artificial bumps on it. My eyes could only widen as, and he took out the destroyed shards of my shorts. My mouth opens wordlessly as the nerves continued to send signals to my brain without a response. He then left my vision again when I felt him penetrate my pussy. Even more, pleasure-filled my head as I orgasmed again and again. I couldn't even comprehend the environment anymore as the world turned to just lust and the need to ejaculate. I wanted to cum. I orgasm without cumming. My body just continued to strain as I could only feel the slight sensations as he used me like a toy. My mouth opened and closed.

Suddenly Gerald held something out to me. It was inhaler looking thing. He placed it in my mouth then forced all other air pathways closed. I could only breathe in the inhaler. He pulled it out after I took in its contents. Nothing happened as my world was barely registering when it all happened at once. My voice came back, and I screamed in the pleasure and pain I was feeling. The slight numbing around my testicles and dick lifted. The creature in my bladder forcefully ran out of my urethra, and the worms in my breasts left. All this happened at the same time.

My scream continued as everything left my body as I finally ejaculated. The cum bubbled inside my testicles; the eggs were smooth and didn't move, but the worms were slowly shoved out of their new home back down the track of my urethra, and I pushed them out with the largest orgasm in this short life. My breasts sprayed milk as I felt Gerald coat my uterus entrance with his sperm. I then pissed and squirted all at the same time. My world shattered over and over as I screamed continuously. I shook as I continued to orgasm until my brain shut down to protect itself. I fell unconscious with the world shattered to me.


Powerstone Ranking: 1417

Collections: 26

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