
I slowly tried to get up. My body panged me with residual pleasure. I felt satisfied like I hadn't felt for a couple of days. The room was dark, and I knew that I was alone as my eyes opened. I was naked, still on the table. The pleasure was so much that I must have passed out. Rifted off the table and onto the floor. I hit the floor from the air with a bang. It only slightly hurt, and I stood up on weak legs. I stretched them out and realized where I was again. I felt around my body, realizing that the eggs were still inside me. I smiled at that, knowing I would have some more cute babies soon. I wondered what would happen with the testicle babies, though. I would have to talk to Gerald about that. My opinion of the man took a huge upswing. The man knew how to please a woman on a table. I was still shuddering in delight over the day's events. Was it still the same day? I don't even know he made me cum into unconsciousness; This was amazing, and I needed more next time we did deals. I wondered if he even had more critters that he could use on me.

I heard the door open behind me. I turned, looking at Gerald, who seemed surprised to see me on my feet. I smiled, genuinely happy with him. The attractive greasy face and, although detestable hanging out stomach didn't repulse me. Now I could feel my cock harden and pussy moisten looking at him. His eyes were wide looking at me.

"Gerald!" I said happily, striding over to his surprised body, "What day is it?" I asked with that same smile. He looked at me, confused.

"The night will fall only in a half hour or so, Miss Clarissa." He said clearly off-put.

"Oh, I didn't know since I was out and didn't see you. Please, I wish to know more about the critters used on me some time ago. Will they damage me? If I let them hatch inside me, are there any repercussions? What do they eat? I have so many questions that I would like to ask..." I said, thinking much to Gerald's surprise hanging on his attractive greasy face.

"Wait!" He said, looking towards me, stunned. "Wait, Wait, Wait, Please!" He seemed to take a moment or more like ten minutes before his demeanor changed. He seemed to grasp the situation or talked himself into something. His eyes shone at me. "You are into Entomophillia?" He asked.

I took a second to think what the term was. "That is the attraction to Insects being inside you? O wouldn't say I am, but I wouldn't say I am not. I love being forced!" I said with shining eyes. "So many beta boys and girls in this world simply don't do this to me. I love when being held down, restrained, and forced into things! The more danger, the better it feels! Your bugs inside me also interest me in more than sexual ways. They are unique to me. They breed in a unique and interesting me. I would love to know more about them. Do you have any more critters?"

"I do have various other ones," Gerald said, both looking disappointed and happy. He then pointed towards my balls. "The eggs inside your balls take three days before they hatch. They will become small little worms. They will move and feed on sperm. Since balls naturally reproduce them, they will feed inside until the next time you ejaculate. Simply cum once and out they will appear. If you give them two days, you will be able to feed them other things than cum. They also eat meat, but if you wait more than five days with them inside you..." He said looked away. "They will start feasting on your balls. Only after they grow larger than three inches, they want to get inside to lay their eggs." He stated. I was surprised at his sudden unleashing of information and started to file the information into my head under Important information. "They are called Ball biters. They only do so though if you don't deal with them quickly though. For your information as well, the antidote is needed to breed them safely without slaves." He finished.

"What's the antidote?" I asked. "That inhaler thing, right? What is it called, or how do I make it?"

"That will cost you!" He said, seeming to get a hold of himself. I smiled back.

"You will tell me all the information. I will not take a discount on the seeds as we said for the fun we had. Instead, you will tell me all the information that I want to know." I finished. My tone was final, and Gerald stood there thinking for a bit.

"Fine," Gerald stated, "The next critters are the Tit poppers. They will settle in making a nice little sensitive bed for themselves. The Antidote I gave you will make them uncomfortable. This will make them leave either through your milk or on their own. The eggs will stay inside for about five days before hatching. These little cuties tend to leave on their own anyway. They make a woman produce milk for when their eggs hatch. These things are quite common among poverty-stricken areas. Women with new babies and can barely produce milk use them to increase compacity. Their babies will hatch and have the unique ability after six days in there playing to hibernate after being pulled out. This makes them uniquely easy to trade. Just get them out, and they sell for a couple of copper coins each. They are cheap, but they will not pay a woman's rent. Some will consider their breasts breeding grounds in their breasts to supplement income. This is rare, though. There is too much supply and demand on these little cuties. The one downside that many women don't look at it as a downside is that they permanently leave your breasts more sensitive. The mammary glands will heal but not the sensitivity. You will always feel more pleasure from your nipples now." He finished on the second bugs. My eyebrows raised with this information. That wasn't a considerable downside, and some women would hate it. Without bras, this would be extremely annoying. If you wore a burlap shirt, I shudder to think of wearing it all day.

Gerald was on a roll of information. I could tell that these insects were his passion. His entire body was engaged as he talked about the next critter, "The next insect is the Bladder centipede. They like slightly acidic water. They mainly don't grow in bladders. It's just that the bladder of a human is an environment they enjoy. They also can reach it on both a man and woman. Therefore They force their way up into theirs. If the acidic water tries to leave, they will actively try to block the flow. They originally come from the desert wastes where they grow naturally in the slightly acidic water there. They eat meat as well, so after they lay their eggs, you need to remove them pretty quickly, or they will start to eat you. The Babies, when hatched, will eat their eggs then you will need to remove them. Otherwise, they will try to eat their way out. As a void mage, though, I am sure you can deal with this. You can deal with them with the antidote; it will make them leave quickly. I was surprised that I found a couple of months back that these three all seemed to react to the same thing. It is a mix of antidote with poison. It enters your lungs, and something must enter your body they hate, and for the ball biters, tit poppers, and the Bladder centipedes, they all hate it. I haven't found one for every insect, but these ones all react to it immediately. I do not know why it works, though. I came across it randomly while playing the other day." He finished.

"Now, the last one is the MIragraffe. It is..." He seemed to trail off for a couple of seconds before he went back to it. "These things are bottom feeders. They live of toxins and are distant cousins of the Sporgraffe. They are darker than them and only use their other tentacles to move around or hold someone down. They only like to lay their eggs in a person's ass. This is making them progressively rarer since people tend not to like that. They release an agent into you when injecting their eggs that stop you from expelling waste from your anus. When the eggs hatch in two days, they will eat the built-up toxins before leaving you. They are creatures that eat the toxins of other creatures and are very disliked." Gerald finished. I had the distinct impression he was hiding something about the Miragraffe. Like a trade secret or something.

"That is fine. Now the recipe for the antidote?" I asked. Gerald looked at me, surprised.

"What makes you think I am giving you the recipe? The formula is mine to use as I wish. Come purchase it off me." He said with a smirk. I sighed and thought about it. Gerald was a bug enthusiast. He liked watching and breeding these bugs. Despite his large cock he got hard watching women sweetly tortured by bugs. This was an exciting kink that I immensely enjoyed. I thought about it and nodded.

"Okay. I want fifty doses to start. Do they have a shelf life? Is there a proper way of storing them?"

"Okay, that will be one hundred gold, and store them somewhere cold if you can. They can be stored at room temperature for three months before you will get sick after usage. They will only make you vomit but will still have the intended effect. If you cool them around the ice, they will last almost indefinitely, to my knowledge. I am not sure when they stop working since I never tested that. I am not an alchemist; I am a merchant with a hobby. I only stumbled upon this by accident." Gerald said with a smile.

"Fantastic. Please give me the dosages, and I will pay you when I get the seeds." I came back with. I needed a couple of doses for the babies I was about to have. I would be busy the next couple of days with my new kiddies learning all I can if I messed up though I knew where I could get more. The smile on my face grew as I thought about all the experiments to come.

With a nod of consent from Gerald, the deal was done. He left to grab the doses, and I rifted out a Robe. I slipped it on over my head while I could hear the soft moan of forgotten slaves in the silence. I decided while I waited to think about this world. It was so unique. There were science and technology. Sometimes in harmony, others not at all. The inhaler looked like an asthma inhaler from my previous world. Maybe I wasn't the first to be moved here? The technology was all over the place, though with the separation of the classes being distinct. I hadn't been to many poor areas in this world yet, but slaves were treated like fodder for the strong. The Arena made them husks of humans, only doing the tasks dictated to them.

Not too long later, Gerald returned with the Inhalers, and I thanked him before leaving his shop. I rifted out to find a quick way back to the Academy. I would be back in a couple of days for those seeds. For now, I am off to meditate while my new babies grow.


Powerstone Ranking: 1435

Collections: 18

Thank you for all the support. If you help me get this story above rank Five hundred I will release a Second chapter over the week. Thanks again.