Slave Market

Making it back to the academy wasn't much of an issue since I made sure to remember my way to Gerald's house of fun. I knew that I would be back in a couple of days, but I was already pleasantly surprised with what I received the first day I was there. With Gerald, I no longer solely had to rely on the teacher for all the fun. She came with a particular type of fun that I enjoyed, though.

Inside I took a round of tests to see if there was anything new and made a mental note to do one every day while I had these new babies. I would be putting them through the wringer afterward with tests. I wanted to have a baseline of DNA and other information. This was a world of magic, and I needed to start making a baseline of data. Starting with my babies would not be sufficient, but it was what I had. I wouldn't do it on all of them. I was already starting to think fondly of them, and I wanted to get some slaves to start a breeding farm. That was interesting, and I also wondered about the slaves in this world. I needed skilled ones that knew how to farm. I wondered where Gerald got his?

I set this aside as I finished wrapping up what I was doing in the labs and Rifted back onto the bed in my academy. Despite the length of time that I was in the lab, it didn't feel like much time passed in the world. I decided I needed to take a test to see if there was a time difference. It was something exciting. If there was a time difference, I could make excessive use of that. This placed a smile on my face, and I fell asleep with it plastered on my face.

The next day I stayed in my room to meditate. I started to gather mana. With most of the things needing to be done tomorrow, I settled in and accumulated as much mana as fast as possible, feeling my body continue to gather. What I noticed was an increase in pace. My whole body felt good today from releasing yesterday. Then a strange thought came into my head as night started to roll in, and I had a stage thought as I entered the cafeteria to eat.

What if I gathered mana while I was getting fucked?

The lessons we learned in mediation class said the optimal time to gather was when you were most relaxed. I always felt best while someone forced themself on me. It was a fantastic feeling I would recommend to anyone and everyone. I shiver in disgust that someone wants anything like consent. They were crazies after beta boys. The supremacy of the human race was built on alphas.

I stopped myself from going down this thought path and back to the original one. What if that was the optimal time for me to gather mana was when I was being forced? It would be both a tragedy and a luxury. I wonder if I could still feel everything if I did both. The focus to gather mana might be a bit hard.

My body seemed to sing in want, though, as I thought about being forced again. Gerald's little pet critters came to mind. Maybe, just maybe? The thought now that it entered my head couldn't be extinguished.

I was deep in thought when I heard something across from me. I looked up to see a muscular robed man across from me. He was smiling with a bright grin. "Hey, mind if I sit here?" He asked. My eyebrows shot up as I didn't recognize this beta boy. I then remembered that their were freshmen now. I decided that beta boy wasn't worth my attention and started to think about testing the lab's time dilation. I didn't have any good clocks around inside. It was remarkably void of them. Then I remembered that it was by design I did that back in my past world.

I fondly remember the reason behind it too. It was a bit of a sadistic touch to the union that was trying to develop. I had so many policies in place to make not only their lives easier but stable, but a small minority wanted to make one so that I couldn't do whatever I wanted. This was fair enough for them, but I wasn't someone who liked my freedom to be infringed unless it was an alpha fucking my brains out.

This happened just before one of the best orgasms that ended just before my life ended. I was in a fight, and to retaliate to some of their suggestions when it came to the time, I took away the clocks. They were trying to restrain me, so I took out the thing needed for that restraint. It would have been the next day that the meeting took place as well. Instead of showing up, they would get a message if they found my body that I was raped and killed. That would be an interesting meeting to look into if I became a ghost—this leads to a particular problem I was now facing. The mantis copied a lab without any clocks in it. This was not much of a predicament, just a slight annoyance.

As I was thinking of this, I heard a noise beside me to see that the beta boy was trying to converse with me. He was chatting away like I was caring about a single word he said. I decided to look around to see if he was talking to someone other than me since he continued to speak without pause.

Inside the cafeteria, no one sat beside me. The boys from last year looked at him with pity and jealousy that he was talking to me. Some of the girls had that look as well. This didn't matter to me. This kid was just annoying me now. Some little beta boy wasn't about to grab me by the neck or slam my head against the table before raping me before the whole room. So why would I give a fuck about him! Let me think in peace!

His mouth continued to chatter on and on about classes with the teacher. When I finally placed a finger on his lips. "Shut the fuck up," I stated. His face was surprised, and more looks of sympathy were shown around the room. "I don't give a flying fuck about a beta boy like you. You are annoying me." I saw his face turn red from embarrassment as he looked around the room. "Now, Like a good beta boy, Fuck Off!" I loudly yelled, notifying the rest of the room of my words.

I was right; he was a beta boy as his original flushed face turned crimson, and he picked up his food, leaving me in peace. With that being done, I went back to my thoughts uninterrupted as I ate my food. I finished and left thinking about what my little babies were going to do when they hatch tomorrow. I was thrilled as I reached my room. I entered inside the rift to count the gold coins for the exchange tomorrow with Gerald. I was looking forward to getting some plants from this world to start up my large botany labs.

That was the end of my day in relative peace. The next day I awoke with a smile. I left my room after getting dressed in a robe. When I went out today, I would visit a tailor to get myself some more sexy clothes. I needed to incite an alpha male or two. Hopefully, a couple at the same time. Maybe even an Alpha couple? They were rare, but in my last world, they were often seen in the BDSM scene. Where both liked to dominate someone together, they still were not that common, but it was fun when both wanted to dominate you in different ways.

The thought of two Alphas forcing themselves on me got me a little hard as I headed out of the academy. I quickly made my way to town, arriving at Geralds and talking to the receptionist, who seemed surprised to see me.

After telling her I was here to see Gerald, she got him, and he brought me to a warehouse. Inside there were crates a top of containers. I could see hundreds of labels on each of them.

"This is why I said only with labels. There are more varieties than you think, Clarissa. I don't know why you wanted them all, but here they all are." Gerald said with a smirk like he won something. When he noticed my smiling face his turned to a frown.

"Thanks!" I told him as I started to use my mana to rift the warehouse contents into the warehouse in my lab where chemicals used to be brought in all the time. It didn't even take long, but my mana was low when I finished emptying the contents.

When I finished, I turned to him with a grin. "So... you have any more fun critters on you?" I asked. I wanted to feel some more, and for the first time In a while, I felt like begging. He frowned.

"Not now, The little babies inside you are about to hatch." He finished, seemingly disapproving of my want. I deflated, feeling sad. I perked up with the thought of the little babies supposed to hatch today.

"Fine. I will see you in a couple of days. I also have other business to attend to..." I trailed off about to leave when I remembered something else I wanted to ask. "Oh ya! Before I forget, Gerald. Where do you get slaves in this town?" I asked, "I have many projects, and I will probably start my own breeding farm, and I wouldn't mind a couple of slaves of my own to try watching their reactions to my little babies." I finished with a sadistic smile. I wanted my kids to grow up in the ideal environment. I wondered how that would be?

Gerald seemed surprised. "You go to the slave market. There are constantly new poor kids sold to slavery or debtors selling themselves there." He said. I was surprised that I thought they would get rid of the debtor system with the level of technology.

I simply shrugged and asked for directions. Gerald happily obliged, and I felt that he didn't want me around at the moment. His greasy face left my vision, and I forgot about him. I never owned a person in my past life. I treated my employees with respect, but I was happy that I would be able to purchase people legally. There was a market in my past world. I remember a conversation with a less than above board person in my past life. He was selling people for about a hundred thousand per person. I was tempted at the time as the FDA was a pain in my ass. I decided against it, though. I didn't need it. I had too much to lose if I lost government spending on specific projects. The legal Identity was worth too much as well. If I were forced into the shadows all around, I would lose too many talents to do my bidding. There was a much better slavery tactic. I called it employment. People would slave away for you with enough benefits. They will even be happy while doing it and be more productive while doing it. They will go out of their way to improve themselves also when you hang the incentive of promotion with a raise. Why would I want to lose such an effective system?

With these thoughts in my head, I started to plan what I would do. I had plenty of room in my lab for slaves. The apartment complex was going to come into use if I did my job right. I only had one big issue that kept coming into my head. I had no teachers to create an education system. The best I could develop is to use the books in my labs to force information down their throat and then test them on it. It was a flawed system without a teacher guiding them, but If I pulled it off properly, I could use them to teach more kids. This would be for the best, I guess. I needed kids, though. Since they were being sold, I wouldn't hold back and start to get my lab up and educating kids in science.

I made my way to the tailoring store and requested the clothing I wanted. The man looked miffed until I put gold in his face. An hour later, I walked out in short black shorts, barely squeezing my ass in it and a tight shirt close to bursting with my breasts. I plopped a candy in my mouth, enjoying the eyes that were on me. The tailor was annoyed, but the patterns didn't take long. The man was a professional, and he, with five others, made my outfits quickly. I was impressed with their speed but put it out of my mind as I walked down towards the Slave merchants.

When I finished walking, I was surprised to see a bustling street with cages all over. Many people were inside looking at various clean and dirty people inside those cages. Various sized people were selling and purchasing people. I was both impressed and discussed. There were many slave shops with multiple kinds of sellers. I quickly learned that the lower level sellers wouldn't even clean their slaves. Many of those slaves were sick without even the basics. That was in stark contrast to the Slave traders inside shops that slaves collared where showing muscles or their barely covered breasts trying to attract customers.

There were a lot of customers as well going into various shops. This was a robust slave market, and I started to contemplate where I wanted to purchase. For test subjects for my little babies, I did not wish to buy sick goods. That would make my little babies sick. That was unacceptable. I looked around and saw a kid. While I was looking around, I noticed him and that look in his eyes. This kid would grow up to be an Alpha male. My instinct told me so. His eyes looked intelligent and sharp. He looked at others, and his eyes fell upon me. It sent a lovely shiver up my spine. This kid has got it. He was dirty now and enslaved, probably from his parents. I went to the seller, who looked about to beat him for his misdemeanor of looking untamable.

I went to the seller and talked to him about the purchase of the kid. The seller was surprised at the want to purchase from me. He started to upsell him while I haggled him down. I made the kid watch as I haggled over his price with the man selling him. At that time, I got the story of the kid. Apparently, his father was a decently respected blacksmith who lost his shop due to a monster attack. They lost everything, and he, along with his wife, decided to sell their kid to make enough to make a shop in the next town.

I was surprised at the callousness of this world. The seller finished his story, and we finally agreed upon a price. The seller probably lost gold and just wanted the kid gone. The look, no matter how much the slaver beat him, wouldn't lose his spine. He only stood stronger. I laughed internally that such a beta male thought they could tame an Alpha. This kid had the backbone of an alpha. Thirty gold poorer, I left with the kid on a leash. He glowered at me as I walked away with him. I decided I would put him in an apartment and deal with him later.

I heard a yelp of surprise as I rifted him and myself into my lab. The kid was scared for the first time as I arrived at the lab apartment. I left him with a shower going and rifted with a limited amount of mana a bar of soap.

"Clean yourself up," I commanded, pointing at the shower. The kid's confusion made him obey as he stripped himself and entered. I put the room on lockdown, making sure the kid couldn't leave and wander around the lab. I then rifted back out to the street to continue my hunt.

It seemed no one noticed my departure and return in the bustling environment. I moved on, looking to see if I could find more slaves that I could use.

I smiled, looking at the merchandise.


Powerstone Ranking: 1300

Collections: 36

Thank you for all the support. If you help me get this story above rank Five hundred I will release a Second chapter over the week. Thanks again.