Lab kids

I traveled around sucking on my candy. Every once in a while, I could feel lecherous eyes on me, but none willing to act upon it. I sighed at this fact but continued to look through the slaves. I looked at the boys and girls I saw in many cages, and I finally decided to pick up some. I looked for those that didn't look sick or too sick. I wanted ones no older than six. I noticed some places that even sold babies. These seemed to be popular places for the selling of kids. It made sense in a way that took too much time, though. Babies were easier to raise with loyalty. If they bonded with you from a young age, they would be more attached to you. I had babies of my own that would fill my time up soon. I didn't need anymore.

I looked through the cheap cages finding a little girl that looked at me with intuitive eyes. She also looked adorable even with the grime on her. I noticed a shrewd little girl. She wasn't cute. This girl, at this young age, understood what would get her the best placement. She needed to act cute to become a maid. Maids in this world took care of households along with butlers. They sometimes filled the beds of Beta boys, but that was better than whore houses when you are older. I decided to pick her up. I was buying her for fifty gold coins.

I moved on, picking up a couple more young boys and girls. I ended up with twenty boys and twenty-two girls. I pulled them into a mostly deserted alleyway and opened a rift to the lab entrance, so I didn't use mana. The boys and girls were scared, but I gave them no option as I forced them into the black rift.

I promptly followed them inside as I heard cries of astonishment from all of them except that first little girl. Her demeanor changed. She understood something fundamental. I could see it in her eyes, and I was surprised at her understanding. At the same time, all the other kids wowed at the amazing walls of the lab as I guided them into a full elevator, stuffing them all in with me. She, on the other hand, looked around as if she was looking at her new cage. The contrast was great, and I smiled seeing that intelligence.

These kids were about to have a chance to change their lives. Whether they could grab onto it was all up to them. I brought them to two rooms and let them inside. I separated them for now and let them run wild without thought. The boys were in one room while the girls were in another. I took a look around the rooms seeing there was nothing that was of importance. I locked them in those rooms. I needed to gather food for them and needed it to be sustainable. I wonder how much a large of food costs here?

I moved into a cleaner store to look at the slaves inside. I still had plenty of gold, but I couldn't spend too much. An attractive man with sharp features instantly greeted me as I entered the store.

"Welcome!" He stated brightly, guiding me to a couch. As he touched my arm, I almost felt repulsed by the slimy salesmen. He was a beta male disguised as an alpha. I hated my old sales force since the truly good ones were disguised, beta males. They would pretend they were something they were not in order to thrive on those weaker. It sickened me. I wanted a slave, though, so I sat down as the Salesmen sat across from me. "What can I help you with today, ma'am?" He said, looking at my eyes. I could see the pupils struggling not to look down into my cleavage. I sucked on my candy before answering.

"I want a motherly type maid to take care of young children," I stated, looking at the salesmen across from me. "I want he no older than twenty-five, and I want her able to cook, clean like a proper maid. Those are my requirements." I finished leaving my position there. There are many stores around I wasn't about to put everything in the first store I saw. The salesman pretended to look troubled.

"Hmmm," He said, propping his chin in his hand. "I think I might have the girl for you." He said, standing up. He walked over to a door and said something. I heard a confirmation grunt from beyond the door. He turned back to me and strode back to the couch. "The girl is a bit expensive. She is a rare educated girl from a fallen noble tribe to the south. She was owned once before in a noble house to take care of the kids. She took care of six kids for three years before being sold to us." He stated. "She is a smart lass that knows her place and is now twenty-two about to turn twenty-three. Her cooking is passable for people to eat, and although it isn't the best, it is something that can be worked on."

As he finished, a young woman was pushed into the room. She wore a basic shirt and skirt to cover her. She was an attractive woman that had mid-B cup breasts long tanned legs. Her muscles were defined but not the key feature. I looked at her soft tanned face and nodded, standing up. I strode towards her. Her gaze leveled at me, not aggressive but confident. I was surprised and nodded again. "How much?" I asked, looking at her.

"Three thousand." He told me.

"Two thousand five hundred." I haggled.

"Two thousand eight hundred," He countered.

"Deal," I said, not wanting to haggle anymore. She seemed to fit my needs. I rifted out gold with some of the little mana I had left. This startled the man, and I started to sign paperwork for her. The cheap slaves didn't have paperwork, but the ones inside stores did. This was because they were worth so much more.

With the paperwork done, the young fallen noble was now mine. I asked to see if they had any other girls or boys like her. The salesmen started showing me various slaves that meant nothing to me. They were all sub-par, and when I asked them questions, they showed no ability to adapt. I wasn't looking for people who were too deep in their woe be me mentality. I needed slaves that understood their situation and tried to make the most of it. Hell, they could even try to escape servitude were better than these deniers.

I walked to several slave shops only to leave in disappointment. I then went to the dirt-cheap outside slave market, where I bought the kids looking from some decently healthy adults. I moved through the crowd and picked out six men that were looking weak from malnourishment. I then picked out five women that also looked malnourished. I nodded and took the clean slave with the dirty ones. I found someone following me. I couldn't care less, though, as I opened a rift into my lab. I stepped inside with the slaves first.

They were a bit more resistant to the order to enter what looked like a black void. I just forced them inside. The person was watching though jumped inside as I entered. I was startled at the sudden emergence of a teenage kid. He looked victorious before he took in the sight of the lab around us. He turned and screamed at me to give his brother back.

I was quite startled. The look in this kid's eyes reminded me of the kid not too long ago with intense Alpha eyes. The dirt on him didn't detract from his presence. This was the type of kid that I wanted when I was shopping. I started to giggle at his actions. All the slaves were no longer looking at the lab, but the scene as this kid attacked my well-muscled legs. I wasn't hurt in the least as I watched him for a couple of seconds.

The scream continued showing off strong lungs when I plunged a bucket of water over his head with simple words. "Who is your brother?" I asked in a monotone, honestly not knowing his brother. That made the kid that looked to be about thirteen to sober up a bit from his anger.

That look of hate and determination sent a shiver down my spine. I smiled at the face. "My brother is Gregory! You purchased him today! I will buy him back!" He shouted with determination. I laughed in response.

"Look around you, kid. You think I will let you out alive?" I asked back frankly.

The kid's eyes widen as he started to look around. "Where are we? What is this?!" He asked the question the slaves now realized. I began to laugh again.

"Welcome to my lab! None of you will be leaving! Hahaha!" I started to laugh, and my hand shot out. My hand tangled into the surprised kid's hair as my other followed up with a swift and calculated blow to his neck. The kid fell limp as I started to drag him towards the elevator. I commanded the slaves to follow me inside. They all reluctantly followed me inside.

Soon we arrived on the floor with the kids. I then gave a card to the only clean slave. I had forgotten her name. Did they even mention it? Now that I thought about it, I couldn't care less.

"You the expensive one slave," I called out. The clean girl stepped up. "You have been purchased to make all the previous kids I purchased study. You will learn the things alongside them. If you are lucky and learn fast enough, I will not dispose of you. The more you learn and be useful to me, the more likely you will live. There are other slaves. No one will leave this building alive without my express permission. You will take this object and swipe it across these boxes. If it gives access, you may enter. If it doesn't, then don't try to open it. You will not be able to, no matter how much you try. Do you understand?" I asked her.

She rapidly nodded. "Yes, Mistress!" She said loudly, earning my frown. I was not a Mistress, but I had to stay about the slaves. I would think about a title later. I left, not letting any of the adults know that they were not there to take care of the kids. The only one that would be left with that at this point would be the fallen noble girl,

I left towards the treasury and gathered a large amount of gold. This lab would become an independent world when I get a chance. One of the things I didn't come across that I wanted was a botanist. I really would have loved to find someone who wanted to learn more and more about plants. They were instrumental in the study of Exobiology. I could do it myself, but there are only so many hours in the day. I still needed to use some neutral magic to make some textbooks for... the... kids... How was I going to do that?

The translation is only spoken, and I just realized that there was a hole in my plans. As I was going up the elevator, I realized I would need to spend some time on this. The kids needed education in English as well. Most of my textbooks were in English, and all the computers and keyboards were the same. This put me in a conundrum that I needed to fix. I decided that the easiest route was the best taken. I had a couple of English textbooks in the labs for overseas researchers for whom English wasn't their first language. It ranged from elementary to advanced. I would translate one of them into the common trade tongue of this world and force her to teach both to the kids. After I give them this textbook, I will give them three years at a maximum before they lose status.

As I stepped out into the lobby, I already started to plan a structure in the lab. They would need status inside to stay alive. If they were not useful, they would become lab rats. Slowly as I hatched details out exiting the lab through the front rift, I planned the kid's future to make them useful.


Bonus Chapter! Plus an Announcement:

Hey guys,

I want to thank you all for the support. I truly thank you all. I have two things coming up and I would like to announce to you guys issues personally happening to me that might affect my chapter production.

In my life the contract that I am currently working on ends at the end of the month. I work as a security guard that allows me to work so much at my writing. I am fighting to continue working where I work so I can continue working on this. This brings me to this post. I truly enjoy writing. I really love it to be honest and I love all the support and appreciation on my works. I realized more that I want to make this my full-time job at some point in the future if I can.

So have created a P*atreon only book that I will eventually intend to publish on Amazon. This book is called Life of a Dominant Futanari. I am still in the creation of it and It will become a book series. I will not be publishing it on this site at this point.

I wanted to give you an update though on my situation and this will not affect the current releases of my web novels. Thanks for all the support, Comments, Votes, And reviews I appreciate it.

