
I closed the rift after half an hour of work. I had opened a rift in an alleyway to move box after box of grain. Many looked at me with an odd expression as I left. No one knew where the food I moved was. Inside the lab, it stayed, though. I moved towards somewhere less out in the open again. I was inside the lab, where I gathered the adult slaves and made them move the food. It took two trips, but the food should last a month or two with fridges. It wasn't a perfect solution, but it was the one I had. I couldn't leave campus too often when Teacher got her hands on me. I knew it was only because of the Elders she didn't come find me to punish me.

I was happy with that thought. Knowing Teacher, she would find something sadistic to do to me. She would come up with something I would never expect, and that made me shiver in excitement. I knew the new year of schooling would be grueling, to say the least. I also needed to come up with a source of constant gold. I had an unlimited supply inside the Lab, but that wasn't allowed in the world.

I needed to invent something or create a business. I would love to do something with potions since that is slightly interesting, but I wanted to see that. It would also need a lot of starting capital, and I only had so much to do many things. I needed to do some research into this. I dropped about fifty gold coins into the food. My slaves costed more than two months' worth of food. It was weird to think about. How was the economy in this world?

In my past world, the bedrock of the economy was agriculture. If no one could eat, it didn't matter that a computer cost less or more; You were fucking hungry. That might not be the case in a world filled with magic. The training I had received in the Academy didn't touch upon things like the economy or making gold. This seemed like an oversight. Maybe they expected parents to teach it?

I left the lab with questions on my mind moving back towards the Academy. The Eggs should be hatching tonight or tomorrow, and I was looking forward to the feelings that would bring. My excitement was palpable when my mind centered upon that. I quickly moved back down the road through the city.

About an hour later, I was back in the academy, walking towards the cafeteria. I was strolling through when I was stopped. I instantly had a sour expression on my face. In front of me was a Beta boy. He looked weak and servile. His face red with the glow of embarrassment, he passed me a letter. He turned and ran away like the little bitch he was. I looked at him with disgust as he ran away. I decided that it should be suitable reading material as I ate some food.

I sat down with some food and started to read due to boredom.

"Dear Slut.

You Busty bitch showing your breasts to everyone out there. How can we men not be turned on all the time with that body? Are you looking for attention, Bitch?

No, you are looking for attention from superior men. Like the slut you are, after you finish your meal, you will come to the men's dorm. Make sure your slut face isn't seen and arrive at the third-floor room 302."

I was paused with a fork halfway to my mouth. I was genuinely intrigued. Was it an act? Was he the one who sent the letter? Was he an alpha male disgusting himself as a Beta male? I had so many questions and no answers. I knew one thing for sure. I knew exactly where I was going after this meal.

I finished my food, hoping for some action tonight. I knew there was a chance that the eggs would open up inside me too. The thrill of it set me on edge. Would this Beta boy be an actual Alpha? Would it be him? So many questions! I was so curious. I moved to the boy's dorm seeing beta boys enter and exit. I was supposed not to be seen. I circled the building to see that there was a way to climb from the outside. The buildings were made of brick, and some missing motor from aging made it convenient to climb. I hopped up on the wall only to realize a mistake I made.

Which room was it? There are many windows, so I climbed to look in through one. I continued to climb until I found a hallway. My arms were starting to strain, and my breasts were sore from the contact to a brick wall. I opened the window that luckily wasn't locked and struggled to get inside. I wished a dozen times that I didn't use all my mana today. My mana was next to empty, and the next rift I did would bring me to unconsciousness.

Finally, I got my breasts and ass through the window. I was lucky that no one was around. I pulled myself in, falling on my face before I stood up with a smile. I moved forward-looking at the dorm doors. Finally, I came to one with the correct number. I knocked on it, curiosity killing me.

I didn't wait long, and I froze, startled at who opened the door. I couldn't believe it, and I didn't know how to react as their hand grabbed me pulled me inside quickly. My surprise was complete as I was drawn into an immaculately clean room with no personal items. The person holding me was looking at me with a sadistic grin that made my pussy grow moist quickly. Her expression was one that showed that she put some effort into catching her prey.

"The elders wouldn't let me get my hands on you," She stated as her hand collided with my face hard. I tasted blood in my mouth as I heard her, "Ah, I needed to hit you. I have grown addicted." She stated to herself as she looked at her hand. "Waiting two more days wasn't soon enough. You have a punishment I am sure you will like," She said with a smile. She looked beautiful with that smile. It looked like pure happiness.

I realized that whatever she had in mind was something I wouldn't like... Or would.

I didn't know.

The thrill sent shivers up my spine looking at her.

I couldn't move. I was enchanted as she smiled at me.

"I can see you can't wait. Don't worry bitch I have something perfect for you. Now, Strip!" She commanded me and my hands went to work before my brain did. I was out of my short shorts and my tight t-shirt before I had a conscious thought. I saw her enchanting smile grow brighter as she closed the distance to me.

"Such a fucking pervert all the time I see," She stated. Her hands, I now noticed, were gloved reached down, grabbing me by the balls. Her eyes stared into mine as she talked. "You will like this," She held up a jar with a blue liquid inside. "This is something I had prepared just for you," She opened the jar after letting go of my balls. My cock twitched in the excitement of the unknown.

Her hand scooped out the contents. I watched as she lowers her hand smiling at me with that look. It promised so much, and it had always delivered. I was borderline trembling in excitement. Her hand landed on my cock. The liquid that seemed like a jelly touched with a cold feeling. She didn't give me time to react as she thoroughly lathered my cock and balls with it. Her grin turned sadistic.

"Clarissa, When will you learn that just because it's exciting, you shouldn't do it." She made that comment as she took off the glove before putting on another, holding up a jar with a purple liquid. She wasn't slow this time. "Now, this is your punishment." She said mysteriously as the cool jell covered my pussy, and she fingered me, getting the jell inside.

I then realized I maybe made a mistake here. She pulled her hand back with that grin sending shivers down my back. "Make sure not to yell too loudly. This room has very thin walls. Anything more than an ordinary voice will be very well heard. The boys are here too. That is why you need to keep quiet," She stated as I started to feel funny. "You really don't want to be heard. If you do... The punishment will be pretty harsh. Not in the harsh that I do to you either. No, the Elders will probably force you to study in a room that you cannot go out into the world." She said, her smile bright on her face as my face started to turn to horror. "I'm not done telling you the last consequence. I will recommend to the elders to put you into a chastity cage. I will become the keyholder. You will not get out until you are finished school," She said, her smile somehow still growing.

That was when I started to feel the heat. My nipples began to grow hard, and I was incredibly turned on to my horror. I fell into a trap that was so sweet. I knew this Teacher was horrible. She was so amazing. The consequences were so dire that I felt the urge to cry out. I couldn't, though. I had babies to take care of. My lab just started to take off, and I needed freedom. I would have to hold in my urges. Tears began to well in my eyes as I began to yearn for pussy. I wanted to fuck something. I realized I had been drugged. That jelly was something that I should not have let touch me. The whole situation was unique in that I didn't need the drug to be turned on. Now I couldn't control myself. I needed to fuck. I NEED TO FUCK SOMETHING!

I started to turn to my teacher, feeling overwhelmed by how hot my cock was, and something else joined it. My pussy started to burn, realizing I was under the effect of two drugs. My eyes widen, and my vision narrowed.

"Feeling needy, Clarissa?" Teacher asked. "No worries, I have something perfect for you in here." She opened the door and pushed me inside the bathroom. I then found what she meant. Inside there was a pig. A fat female pig that was just hanging out. I turned to the door choosing Teacher instead, only to realize that the door couldn't be touched. She had enchanted the door, making it impossible for me to leave.

I turned to the docile pig feeling my loins yearn. Fuck it! I overpowered the fat pig of at least two hundred pounds. Despite the sow's protests, I had it on its back in seconds. I then forced the sows mouth shut as I slipped my cock into its vagina. Feeling the temporary relief that it caused. The warm insides and juices welcomed me and tightened on me. I suppressed the moan that wanted to leave me as the heat in my loins temporarily calmed down. It didn't stop, and I started to hump the sow, stopping my cries as I felt amazing. The whole situation jumped straight to my head, painting my world white at the humiliation and pleasure I felt. The world turned white as I ignored my surroundings when I felt something crawl onto my back. I was about to turn when I felt something invade my pussy.

I held my arm against the Sows jar and cried out into my elbow, trying hard to suppress my cries of pleasure. I turned as I felt the member invade as I saw another big dog on me. My eyes opened large as I saw Teacher staring at me with contempt.

"Bitch, This is your punishment. Make sure not to make it a bigger punishment next time." She closed the door.

I stared as I felt pleasure peak in my brain. My balls started to squirm as I felt an ejaculation coming on. I didn't know what to do. My brain haywired, but I bit my lip crying out as I unleashed a load into the sow under me without my hips stopping. The dog was inside me continued to hump me, and I felt my pussy squeeze. I orgasmed twice, only for a third to follow it up just from the mental humiliation and domination. My body erupted almost all in a steady stream. My cum inside as sow my pussy onto a dog and my breasts all over the pig and floor. I held back the scream I wanted to do.

I couldn't process things anymore; everything felt so good. I wanted to moan and scream. Why couldn't I?

Why can't I?

Why can't I?

Why can't I?

Why can't I?

Why can't I?

Why can't I?

Why can't I?

My mind kept repeating as I orgasmed again in wave after wave.

My mind turned into a storm. The only thought being left behind.

Be Quiet!

Be Quiet!

Be Quiet!

Be Quiet!

Be Quiet!

Be Quiet!

Be Quiet!

Be Quiet!

I humped while being humped. I fucked while being fucked. My arm stayed against the pig chin shutting it up while my body quaked in orgasm after orgasm. I felt atop the world while entirely under it. I did not know how to describe what I was feeling. My brain didn't let me stop as I continued to pour unnatural lust into the pig. The dog would shove its knot into me release before mounting and fucking my brains out again and again.

The world started to feel hazy as my brain started to crash. I cut off one last moan before the world went black.