
I groaned.

The world swam back into existence, and all felt... off.

I groaned again, and my eyes opened swimming. I looked at a wooden ceiling, not recalling where I was. Memories swam back into my head, and I smiled. Teacher was precisely what I thought she was. She was a Sadist. A hardcore one with a fucked up imagination. I wanted to kneel at her feet to lick them in appreciation. My thoughts ran wild, and my pussy became wet with those thoughts. I came back to myself, seeing that I was laid out a sopping mess around me. Semen had dried onto my body, but the sow and dog were missing. I noticed I was still in the bathroom that Teacher punished me in.

I got up slowly, feeling every movement I made with various degrees of both pleasure and pain. I had everything taken out of me last night. I felt something in my body begin to move in my testicles as well. I didn't know how to feel, knowing that my babies inside me might hatch soon. I needed to get somewhere safer so I could do something with them in peace. I also remembered some of the details and sighed, knowing that I didn't need to do anything right away. That was a relief, to say the least.

I finished getting up to my feet and saw a note pinned to the door. I smirked, knowing who it came from, and I stepped towards it on wobbly feet.

"To the Dumb Bitch this may concern,

You somehow made it through your breeding bitches without hollering out like the crazy sex slut you are. That does not mean you are out of the woods yet. I have taken your sow Girlfriend and Dog of a boyfriend out for a walk. If you are seen leaving, the extra punishments still stand.

P.S. I enchanted to windows shut.

Enjoy, Dumb slut!"

I read it over twice, having a feeling swell in my heart. I didn't care about what the feeling was and stumbled out the door after opening it. I found that she had stolen my clothes. The thrills this teacher frequently gave me made me tingle. I never had anyone in my life understand me as much as she did. She cared so little it ticked all my boxes without thought. I wonder if she wants to get married? I threw the idea aside and decided I would scout the parameter as I also checked my mana. I was still running low to the point I couldn't open a rift anywhere but the entrance to my lab. I threw that out of my mind, though.

I looked out the window and into the sky to see what time it was. I was both disappointed and happy. I was right around bedtime. This was the curfew that the Academy put in place for both sexes stating that it was to keep injuries lower. I ignored it, never caring about any punishment they lobbied against me. That was until Teacher upped her game. With a tingle through my spine, I started to walk down the hall covered in juices of my own and animals. I proceeded to the window that I came in through. I found that my fingers couldn't touch the window. Some invisible force stopped each attempt.

I quickly gave up and started to move down the stairs. A thrill of excitement was going through me as I went down the steps. No one was in my sight as I did so. I kept looking around as I descended the stairs. Still, I saw no one as I hit the bottom floor to my escape. This was too easy, I thought.

I was instantly correct when I made it onto the landing of the first floor. I started to hear the noise coming from a mass of boys. I peaked around the corner and found that some type of event was going on in the boy's dorm. The mass of them was looking towards their dorm head as he talked about something. I froze, knowing I couldn't get out this way. I quickly turned to head in the second direction. I ran up the stairs with wobbly legs, barely keeping up as I made it to the top floor. I started to try the windows there to learn that Teacher anticipated this course of action. I flushed red, thinking hard about an exit strategy. I looked around, almost ready to destroy a door to get out. When I found a hatch in the roof, I was about to look for another path when I heard Beta boys' sound coming up the stairs. I wouldn't trust a beta boy to fuck me properly, and I wouldn't trust them with information that might impede my freedom. I jumped up, moving the hatch with my hands as I hauled myself up. My breasts and ass both scraped along with the hatch as I pulled myself in. It wasn't a pleasant feeling as I was still sensitive.

I quickly closed the hatch as the beta boys arrived at the top floor. I sighed, knowing I hid properly temporarily. I looked around the area I was in, finding I was in an attic. I then noticed another window. I moved over, making sure to step lightly along the attic floor. I didn't know how much noise it made, but I could hear muffled conversations under me. I made it to the window and smiled as my hand could touch the window. It could even open!

I didn't think, and I opened up the window and started to climb down the brick. As my bare body scraped down the brick, I had to stop multiple times just in case of people looking out windows. Eventually, I made it to the ground with slightly sore muscles. I ran across the field towards the women's dorm and swiftly moved through, knowing this territory much better, avoiding the beta women all over campus. I made it to my room, sighing as I entered. My body was aflame with the need to masturbate at the thrill I just experienced. My pussy was wet, and my cock was harder than a rock. I encountered so many close calls as I exited the boy's dorm.

I took to the shower and washed as I felt movement in my balls. I knew If I stood in an X-ray machine, I would get pictures of what was happening. I woke up with that thought, and I washed all the grime that had been on me. I finished quickly, not taking the time I truly wanted before opening the entrance to the lab, and moved down into the depths of the lab.

I felt things in my body move as I went down the elevator, and I knew things were either hatching or about to. I felt excited, and I tapped my foot as I arrived in front of my storage area. I grabbed the supplies I would need before continuing to the labs on the floor. I then spent hours in front of machines that I had used thousands if not millions of times in my past life. I usually had technicians to use them, though. That did not mean I didn't know myself. I felt things hatch inside me, and I hoped that I got everything I wanted.

For The insect god knew how long I spent in my lab taking photos and tests. I felt things squirm inside me as I remembered the things Gerald told me. I then felt something hatch in my large intestines and inside my breasts around the same time. I moaned in delight as I felt things squirm inside me in all my sensitive places, and milk started to dribble down my breasts.

I excitedly started to gather things for testing and pulled out a tit popper. I was sad, pulling one out early from my breasts, knowing the little guy was going to pass. I felt sorrow, but I needed to start to chart my little babies to learn more about them. I would also need to set up a slave for a breeding pit. I needed to decide where I was going to do that as well.

After a couple more hours, I stepped back out into the bathroom, taking another shower. The night seemed to be coming to a close. I was surprised that It was still night time. I thought I spent enough time inside the lab that it should be day time. I frowned, thinking about it. Did the lab have a different time movement than the world? I thought to myself. It would explain some things. I needed to check this and put it up higher on my list of priorities.

I then laid on my bed, passing out as I moaned in the pleasure of feeling my babies move around inside me. My excitement made it hard to fall asleep, but I succeeded in passing out as the sun rose overhead.

Sleep brought peace when I felt wind over my body and my body firmly hit the wall. I coughed as my eyes opened wide to see Teacher smiling at me with a sadistic grin. My thoughts stopped when she started to talk. "Skipping out on your first day back to my training, I see." Her grin grew wider, and she almost appeared in front of me, her hand reaching out and hitting my face. Blood started to leak into my mouth from her hit.

"Get dressed slut. You have five minutes to be ready. It's time for your new Mage training!" She announced with great glee. "I had two weeks to come up with it. I know a slut like yourself will love it!" Her glee turned to laughter as she stepped outside the room. I was tired and took a couple of seconds to realize what was happening. I entered the lab quickly and grabbed my clothes, and was dressed in less than three minutes. I escaped back to the room and stepped out.

"Good, That was faster than usual!" She happily announces, "Now it's time to make you powerful slut. Your voracious appetite needs adequate training!" She announced as I felt I was being pulled along to the field. All the while, I felt my babies move around inside me. It was my only sense of happiness as my brain was tired, unable to entirely comprehend what was going on.

"Good, now we can start!" She said as the empty field was before us. Behind us, many late students ran to the main building for classes. Many looked at me with sympathy. I didn't know what was going on still when Teacher told me what my day was going to start with. "Now, I want fifty laps of the entire field, Your performance stamina in the tournament disappointed me. This will become a regular warm-up. Also, that's SRINTS SLUT!" She announced with loud glee. I was frozen when her hand came down. "If you fail one time to complete the course I set for you..." Her voice trailed off, and her face lit up like a girl seeing her favorite person of all time. "I will get to become your key holder!" She announced.

My face plummeted. HOW THE FUCK ARE THE ELDERS GIVING HER THIS MUCH FUCKING POWER!" I cursed in my mind as my legs started to sprint around the field, cursing the elders the entire way.



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I do have unfortunate news. I may be slowing down my public releases. I have changed to a new job and it cuts down the amount of time I have to write. I will be continuing to write at the best pace I can but the public releases may slow down because of it. This does not mean I am dropping the novels.

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