Income Source

Waking up, I saw Teacher still sleeping on me. She seemed so lovely when asleep it disturbed me a little. She was much better a sadistic woman, and her calm, sleeping face sent a shiver down my spine—it like watching a sociopath acting friendly to someone. You knew what they really were, but they seemed so innocent. It was a stark contrast that confused the senses and disturbed your soul.

I wouldn't complain, though, as I felt that I could move my body now. The unique torture that she put me through last night made me feel centered. The pleasure and pain mixed together in a whole new world being opened up. What she had done was one of the tamest sexual acts that I have ever been apart of and enjoyed. The pain of the mana invading my cells and her sexual touches made my cock harden and my pussy wet even in memory of it.

Every time I think I have learned the depth of depravity she can reach, she astounds me again. The elemental pools were something that made me shudder in fear, thinking about it. The memories of her touch under the aftereffects of the mana invasion made me reconsider my involvement with them. Her beautiful, peaceful face with lightly closed eyes laid on my breasts, still restricting my breathing.

I was in an uncomfortable position, though, and as soon as I tried to move her, I heard her voice. "Oh, The bitch is awake?" She said groggily. "At least I learned a use for these stupidly large breasts." Teacher said offhandedly. She started to sit up and look around, "Fuck, you made a mess. Does everything you do have to make a mess?" She turned back to me, "It will take months to fix the roof of your dorm, you know. You somehow entirely ripped up the roof with your ceiling. Luckily you were on the top floor, Clarissa. Otherwise, things would not be looking good for the school or you. That being said..." She got off my body and turned with a smile.

Her hand lashed out, slapping me on the cheek. "I can't let something so fun disappear from my sight!" She exclaimed. Her smile turned wicked. "Clarissa... I think we need to lay some rules between us." She said as she clearly began thinking. "You are pregnant... So you are a slut, and I like you the way you are with a couple of restraints, though." She seemed to be talking to herself. Her casual demeaning comments intertwined in her speaking.

"Teacher..." My voice came out after my short recovery.

Her hand quickly came out and cut me off, slapping me across the face. "Slut, Did I say you could speak? I am thinking about something." I watched, and she turned to me. "Why do you always call me teacher?" She asked, now confused.

I blushed hard, and I felt in the spotlight. "I forgot your name, I do recall you telling the class at the time, but I do not care about names of beta's; you were acting like a beta. So eventually, I just forgot even though I thought you were hiding an alpha side to you," I explained; my cheeks were turning an even deeper red. It was knowing that I forgot an Alpha's name, which was almost sacrilegious for me.

She gave a burst of short contemptuous laughter before her face lovingly struck my face again. "Such a disrespectful, slut" She sighed before going into thinking again. I watched behind her, looking at her ass. She had a great one with a bit of cushion but was smaller than you would think from far away. It was something that now fascinated me as I watched her pace. My body started to regain more and more control of itself; I never even noticed that I hadn't regained my entire movement yet. I watched her well-proportioned breasts that were larger than you would think while she wore that disgusting cyan robe.

I was starting to guess her bra size in my head when she turned to me again. I was surprised at the lack of a strike from her hand as she did so. "I have decided. You will not talk about our relationship explicitly to the staff here. I like playing with you now, and all the urges I felt in the past; I can get with you. I will not ruin that, and since you were stupid enough to have me permanently assigned as your Teacher, I will continue to do so." She said, her smile growing. I nodded, acknowledging the simple rule. I never was going to tell on her anyways. She was one the most suitable Dom I have ever had in my lives. If I met someone like her before the stupid mantis and the weird woman, I would never have had to seek it out from known felons. Still, there was something extraordinary about that borderline death fuck that resides in my soul. I love them too much, and that danger makes my pussy wet so much I go crazy thinking about it.

"Second, I do not give a fuck about who you get pregnant with; You're a slut; but you're my slut. You will come when I command it and ignore everyone else. Do you understand that, Slut?"

"Yes, I am not stupid, Teacher. I am your Slut. I will listen to you," I said, making her smile larger.

"Good, Now I am Scylar Treefellow; I am your Mistress now. Do not forget, Slut. I know you think more about sex than anything else, but you will remember that. Otherwise, I will control your urges with chastity. That disrespect will not happen again understood, Bitch?" She finished saying, her voice stern, and it sent a shiver down my spine. I looked up to her standing above me. Her voice so strong so reassured even with the casual insults, I felt it to my core. If I confirmed this, something about us would change.

I smiled and nodded. "Yes, Mistress Scylar. You are my Mistress. I am your slut, Your Bitch." I confirmed. Her smile grew with my confirmation, and I took that time, and I guessed her breasts were just a bit smaller than mine. I thought just passing the border of Double D breasts.

"Good," She grabbed her robe from the ground that she discarded on the floor. Her hand glowed Cyan, and anything that touched it from the night before was taken off. It was tossed in the corner before she looked around the room. "Huh, Your mana will not be of use for at least one more day. You have a week's recovery from the last two weeks. Make sure you're ready this time. Make mental preparations this time, Slut. I will play with you for two weeks straight next week." She confirmed as she put the robe over herself, hiding that fantastic body. Her hand glowed, and the mess around the room came up into a whirlwind of mana and exited out the window seconds later.

Scylar said nothing else and left the room. I was about to weakly get up when her head poked into the room again. "Do not do whatever fucking spell you did last time on the ceiling, this time slut. Or else..." She trailed off and left without any more words.

I shivered at the promise in those words. I instantly turned my head to the ceiling, thinking about that promise. I shook my head, though. I was in enough trouble, and I needed to do things. The food in my Lab was about to run out, and I needed to gather some more. I needed to look into a potential income source, and I wasn't sure what to do on that. I so quickly got funding in my past life, and right now, I was in school on a scholarship from the kingdom.

That meant I have minimal business skills. I did know the basics. First, though, I needed to look at what products I could make in a short amount of time or a business partner that I could use to get a stable income.

Thought's whirled in my mind as I got dressed in my tight outfit, and I slowly went out of the old dorm they had us all living out of. The sunlight beating down on me outside let me know that storm ended at some point, and I had no idea when I thought about it.

I made my way into town and found the store of my favorite man. I stepped in, and one of the receptionists pointed me out to the other. Instantly the one went into the back after politely talking to the person she was helping. Not long later, she came back out with Gerald in tow. He summoned me with a single finger, and I smiled.

I went into the back and into the private room with him. "What do you want?" He asked rudely.

"Well, That wasn't very nice of you, Gerald. I had such a great time the first time you brought me here. I even had your babies. Can't you be a bit more polite to the woman that gave birth to your babies?" I asked him, my grin mischievous as I heard a gasp and the door finish shutting.

Gerald turned to the door and sighed, "You know that is going to become the new gossip, right?"

I smirked, "I don't give a fuck what beta's think. You should be the same, Gerald. All kidding aside, though. I found that I lack funds, Gerald. I need more gold, and I am not sure how to procure more funds at this point. So I have come to you to ask what you might think I could sell to make a business or where I can find a business partner." I turned serious as his expression turned incredulous. "I am not kidding, Gerald. I have things I want to research, and I need to make gold. I also need that income to continue without constant supervision." I told him.

He started to laugh. "What makes you think gold comes from nowhere? I didn't give you that tournament bet gold for nothing. You made me a boatload of gold coins, and I fairly compensated you. Then I made the regretful choice of making you a contact, hoping you become a powerful contact in the future. Instead, I got a woman that constantly annoys me when she needs something and gives my employees wrong ideas." He said, his tone becoming condescending.

"Now, Now, Gerald, words like that might hurt my feelings." I countered

Gerald cut me off for a second with a short peel of laughter. "Ya, I seriously doubt that."

"Well, I was saying is I used to fund all my own research, and people used to beg me to give me money. Just for access to my research. So I will offer you something here, Gerald. Become a funding source for me. You will have full access to my latest research, and I will make you money in the end. You will make gold later. You have my guarantee for that." I said, giving my best salesmen smile.

"I don't know who would be so stupid to do such a thing. Give me proof that you can make gold. I got a noblewoman who asked for something today. I have no idea how to fulfill her order. She wants something that can hit those 'special' spots inside her that her husband can't hit. Before you ask yes, a Sex toy, she wants something, not metal, and actually has flexibility." Gerald said with a grin. I looked at him in return like he was someone stupid.

What is the sex toy market here? I thought. Something so easy becomes something so complex in this world? I could make silicone here since it should be in abundance. If it wasn't, then I am sure I could concoct something, but I was never a materials scientist. It wasn't something I was keen on researching. Still, it amazed me the mix of technology in this world was so weird. I had seen rubber, and I decided to ask about it. "What about the material I have seen on some of the autonomous carriages I have seen. They have a flexible rubber on them. Why not use that?" I asked him seriously, and the look I received in return was like I was an idiot.

"That rubber is from a more uncommon tree that isn't native to this area. It is shipped in and is expensive. The only people who have that with them are the richer nobles." He said.

"Well, I have another material in mind. I am not sure if it can be produced easily, but I could start something fun up, I think." I told him with a smile. My smile grew as I could think of all the toys I could produce, but I knew I needed to get something in place and research what I needed to move forward. "Okay, You told me something you need, and I think I know a cheaper way than rubber to produce it. It will take me some time to come up with something since I will be busy next week. Give me some time, kay?" I finished.

"Look, You say you got something fine. I am not a fan of you, to be honest, but if you can get material like this for cheaper than rubber, I am on board. I will give you a chance since I believe you, Clarissa. How much gold do you need? How much time is needed? When can I reasonably graced with the product?" He stated, looking every bit the businessman he was.

"I am not sure. I do not require Gold at this very second as I still got some left. I am taking precautions since I do not have a flow of gold coming in at this moment. That is why I am talking to you, Gerald. I will tell you that I will have something more solid for you by the end of the week. Okay?"

Gerald was about to open his mouth, but I no longer cared. I needed to know if I could make it. Since it came from one of the most abundant materials on the planet, I think I could find a steady supply. I ignored whatever came out of Gerald's mouth since I probably had enough funding myself if what I was thinking was correct. I could create a sex toy industry with a new material here in the new world. I would be helping poor women get off all over the world!

It was a perfect business, and I wanted to take the lion's share of it. Clearly, I would have competitors, I thought as I left Gerald's store, thinking about where I would get such information. I had two options that came to mind right away. First was Scylar. I pushed that to the back of my head instantly, though. She was my MIstress and a new one at that. Business was business and had nothing to do with my pleasure. I needed to keep them separate. I saw all too many employees with messy divorces in the past. Nope, Not doing that in this new world.

The Second was that noble slave I got. I decided that tomorrow, I would look for her inside the lab along with the catalog of things I needed to get done inside the lab. I smiled and traveled to get a large amount of food when I realized that I couldn't put it in the lab and so decided against it.

I spent the rest of the day looking around town to see if I could find anything I would need for becoming a businesswoman in this world. I had a smile grow on my face as I found a goal to work towards and no longer looking around like an idiot. I headed to general stores and anything to see if I could get some other materials needed to make a forge. I prices are required to know if I can afford to make a factory.

"Hmmm, Maybe I will need Gerald after all..." I said under my breath as I went store to store researching.