Lab Condition

I looked around and quickly found that I am an idiot. I barely know anything about this city or this world. I didn't even know where I could find a fucking beach or any local geography. This was an interesting dilemma, and I made my way back to the Academy. I needed to check out the local library to see if I could get my hands on a map.

I was never a person to realize the need for geography. I thanked the idiot in charge of my previous world's education system to teach everyone how to read maps and other things that became useless in my previous life. Why did I need it when google maps would just tell me right or left. I had a globe as well to know where everywhere in the world was.

I knew in the back of my head how important it was; I just never needed it myself. It was like math to the average person. They only needed to know the basics, but they taught everything for you to be able to protect yourself. In a healthy society, it was necessary, end of the story. I sighed as night fell when I came back to the academy grounds. I was embarrassingly out for too long wandering around aimlessly.

I knew the library would be closed at this time too. It was disappointing, but I went back to the dorm. I quickly found myself at a building under construction. It was heavily damaged at the roof, and I realized out of habit, I walked to the wrong dorm. I chuckled as I saw people and statues working to rebuild the roof and the holes in the floor from my staring contest.

I chuckled at the thought of everything that happened came from my contest with the roof. After the sexual release I had with Scylar, I felt more in control of my mind again. The staring contest was intense, but I wondered about the spell I created. How did it work? I wondered. I had only done it once, but I knew I could do it again. It was an intense feeling, and I could use it even when I didn't have access to my mana. It was mysterious to me. I questioned it myself, and I knew that I would be under interrogation for how it worked when I had fully rested up.

I could understand myself. The ceiling literally folded in on itself in defeat. Like a fucking beta boy, it gave up after its first loss. With that loss, it gave up forever, knowing that I was superior. I scoffed and left wondering about the statues now working on the roof of the Dorm. I am guessing they were some type of robot that could exist due to mana. Mages in this world make me question the technology level so much.

I wondered if I could use them in my factory? I thought to myself as I made my way back to my dorm. I laid in bed after arriving, and my mind entered sweet oblivion. The difference between sleep versus being knocked out due to extreme pain was completely different.

When I woke up in the morning, I had felt refreshed like never before. It was like waking up after a death march on term papers. I felt excellent, and I awoke with a smile on my face. I could even feel my mana. I was surprised that my mana even grew while I couldn't access it. It wasn't much, though, and I hit the cafeteria eating a meal after quickly dressing. My hunger was through the roof, and I went through a point list in my head over things needing to be done. I decided to go to the city first and pick up all the groceries I needed for the slaves in my lab. Then I would do a battery of tests after learning the situation inside the lab. I gave them all access to the food, but I wasn't sure if they found it. I was hoping I did so, but it would be a waste of gold if they died.

I headed out after a good meal inside the cafeteria. I loved the solitude too. I started to imagine how I would go about the mission for the gods. I needed to kill everyone or enough that humans would pass anyways? These were questions that I should have asked before I was thrown into this world. The idiot gods never specified, and with all the theatrics, I also think they meant something different than they asked.

Unfortunately, I genuinely think those two were fucking idiotic. I would fulfill the quest they set me on even if I did have to kill Scylar. It would be a pity, though, and I honestly didn't want to. Scylar was an amazing dom that suited me perfectly. I also believe I suited her perfectly. Her slaps of love across my face were a match made to be together, and our growing fondness of each other exemplified that. I wondered if keeping who I wanted in the lab would allow me to get away with Scylar?

I arrived at the grocer while I was lost in my thoughts. I entered inside and ordered another batch of food, and took it outside. My rift opened, and I placed it into the same place before entering myself. What I found was a startled noble girl as I stepped inside.

"Mistress, Your back! Thank heavens!" She exclaimed as I was surprised to see her when I entered. "I found all the slaves you have purchased Mistress after exploring. I was lost for a bit of time, and this place is wonderous but challenging to navigate. Nonetheless, MIstress, None of your slaves have perished, and I have made sure to keep the place tidy. Although there isn't much dirt, the kids have grown bored. They are clean, though as you have told me to do." She finished with a smile.

This girl was smart. She was making herself as helpful as possible. I then remembered that I forgot about the notebook to help them learn English. I nodded to myself before I spoke, "Okay, Good enough, I will get your preparations. Get the other slaves to put away the food, and I need to get some stuff done. I will be gone for extended periods. In the next three days let me know what you need. Tell me how many days have passed in here?" I asked her.

"I have completed thirty meals in total since you left, Mistress." She replied. I was happy and sad at the same time. I loved that time moved faster here than the outside world; it would help immensely in studies that take more time, but there were demerits like increased resource usage. I decided to open one of my botanical gardens for the exclusive use of food production.

I passed the slave girl heading for the door. "You will find the other adult slaves have them here in a couple of hours at the latest, and I will give them a task," I told her.

"Yes, Mistress!" She exclaimed, happy to have orders instead of staring at walls.

I moved down to the labs to check my babies. Arriving, I found the bladder poppers didn't have enough food and passed away. I was sad about it, and I moved to the others. They were all still good. They were looking pretty big, and I knew I would need to implant them into a slave soon to breed them. I needed someone who was educated to help me with this. They needed to be some beta I could control if I went this way. The foul thought of having a beta boy or girl in my lab left a sour taste. The problem was that they would be the best to take over these types of tasks. The only other thought was the kids. It was one or the other. I had no more choices, and that wasn't very pleasant in itself.

Finally, I concluded that another researcher that was from the world outside wouldn't help much. I needed someone educated with my previous world's knowledge. I had computers that had more knowledge than most would need. This was a blessing, and I thanked God for printers as well.

I finished in this lab, thanking god my little babies were still good. I then moved to the laboratories to run a battery of tests. After a couple of hours, I finished with a sigh, knowing tomorrow I would know what condition my little puppy babies were at. I was still in the early stages of pregnancy, and I was on schedule for another round of torture. Scylar told me what was happening was beneficial to my babies, but I didn't know in what way.

I contemplated it before opening a rift back out into the world. I instantly asked some beta who looked down my chest blatantly to my pleasant surprise and got directions to a seed store that sold to farmers. I found the jackpot and purchased seeds only for food growth in great quantity. The seeds I got before mainly were for alchemy, although knowing Gerald, I got some more mass-produced ones as well. Still, I needed more time for those, so I purchased these in bulk.

The gold cost of these seeds price was meager, though, and I purchased them with a smile. I received five boxes of seeds, one box of each for cultivation. I brought it out to an alley, not caring anymore, and brought it into the most extensive garden I had. Stepping out, I placed the boxes in the lab portion of it. I sighed, looking out into the empty field inside my lab. This used to be full of experimental plants that brought in millions of dollars a year. The profit margins were insane. I didn't even need to produce more than test results, and companies went crazy for it.

I sighed, knowing my current cash problem was only going to grow instead of decrease at this point. I stared out into the field before opening the rift and stepping into where I initially opened the rift today. The helpful girl was ready with a smile.

"Mistress, These are the slaves you requested," she said, and I looked at them. I couldn't care less. They all looked like betas, though. With a sigh, I pointed at two men and a woman.

"You three will follow me," I told them and started to take them to the elevator. They followed me, happy to be given something to do for me. I brought them to what would become the farm and opened the compartment. The lights shining down on the soil still were on, and I sighed. Thank god I didn't have to pay for electricity.

"You will plant seeds in the dirt here. You have three days to put it in the soil here properly and plant them correctly. Do it right, and I won't use you as insect breeding grounds. Do a bad job, and I might have even worse experiments for you." I told their paling faces. "Get started now." I opened a rift and collected cards allowing them access to the farm and the rooms below to live. I rifted back and gave the details to them on how to use the card. I then finished with the same line as the helpful girl downstairs. "If you don't have access, you do not need to be there." I rifted back to the world and headed back to the academy with plenty of time remaining.

I smiled as I walked home, heading towards the library. I noticed a paper shop, and I headed inside, remembering my need to make a translation book. I then walked outside since I remembered there was paper inside the lab. At a hundred gold for paper, I balked at the purchase.

I headed back to the academy, and I decided on my priorities. I thought all along the way and came to a decision. I would start my translations. I moved to my dorms, and with no one inside my room, I entered the rift only to find no paper in the machines. Nothing I had the textbooks but not loose paper. My eyelid twitched in serious annoyment that I never believed was possible. Then I remembered I had access to all materials inside my lab. I just never used them. I jumped onto a computer and printed off a blank paper. Out came paper, and I exclaimed in happiness.

I almost blew up in anger with needing to pay that much for the paper. I would then need to make genuine textbooks. I shivered at the sheer expense that would bring. With my excitement over, I started to type the difference between this world's language and English. It was going to be messy, but I started on the task. I knew as soon as I started that it would be bad and a lot of work. So I started a bit of research to see how my previous world did it for other languages.

After hours of that, I started on my Common speak to English textbook that instantly made me want to cry. I typed for god knows long until my eye became weary, and I rifted out to my Dorm room. I sighed that it was empty and laid on the bed. My mind shut down for blissful sleep.



So I forgot to make the announcement that I have Published the First Book of Life of a Dominant Futanari Week 1: Promises.

I also decided to show a Sneak peek on Webnovel so you can check it out before to see it is up your alley. Thanks for all your wonderful support and Enjoy.