Mother and Father

I awoke with a fresh mind and a pressing weight on my chest. I looked down to see Scylar looking so innocent on my breasts it made me shudder. The brown-haired woman, while awake, was amazingly sadistic when awake. Her active mind could come up with exquisite tortures only the most sadistic minds could muster. The thought of her amazing plays made my pussy moisten, and my cock harden with just the thought of it all. Her sleeping face disguised her sadistic thoughts with an innocent veil that no other could hope to defeat. It was a stark contrast that I was helplessly falling for.

I tackled these feelings more than once as I considered the mission gods set me upon more than once. Should I start trying to kill all humanity in this world? I didn't care for it, but the magic and mana in this world made the problem much bigger than I initially thought it would be. The modifications to my body the gods allowed gave me more alternatives to consider, but that was it; only options.

When I accepted the task, I was thinking of modifying a sufficient virus that could transmit by air. I would then change it to be symptomless for the beginning stages of infection with a long incubation period and a short symptom time that kills once in full effect. This would allow for maximum spread while giving little time to react to the actual symptoms.

This became less of an opportunity, though, as I learned more about mana and the world I now inhabit. Some healing techniques and potions might heal the masses without me knowing about it. This easily increased the amount of time that I needed to research to come up with something suitable. That was disregarding the fact that I had to find and obtain a sample of something that would fit my purposes as I had no samples to start with.

The more I thought about it, looking at the deceptively innocent face under me, the more I worried about this mission. It was difficult, to say the least, and killing all humans would mean killing those that I would need to aid me in this service. Again I thought more about it.

My thoughts came to a stop when I noticed that innocent face was no longer sleeping but looking directly at me. Those eyes seemed to focus on something like a toy to them, and her grin turned wicked. "Ah," Scylar said thoughtlessly, "That active perverted mind comes to a halt in the active presence of me, I see," Scyalr continued. Her body turned onto her stomach, and her hands moved to grab my breasts even as her head used them as flesh pillows, "You seem to have some 'hard' body parts," Scylar said as my nipples hardened within her fingers and my morning wood was pointed out.

Her fingers took hold of my sensitive nipples, making me moan and my cock somehow hardening under her slight teasing. "You do have a presence that I fail to be able to withdraw from," I told her truthfully. Her crooked smirk as she pulled my nipples up past her ears, sending a shock of pain and pleasure that send shivers up to my brain while also down to my cock.

"You can say that for the both of us," Scylar replied with a crooked grin, "You seem to delight in my teasing and hitting like no other I have ever encountered," She continued as her hands let go of my breasts, felling them conform back to shape around her head as she peered up to me. "Still," She paused, "I think that your too slutty for me to hold to my own," She continued, "And I know another has your womb," She said before her mouth covered my nipple.

She began to suck hard, and my milk was already getting ready to escape as she forcefully sucked it out the rest of the way. I moaned loudly as I felt my nipple squirt into her mouth readily, and her other hand brought my other breast towards her mouth. Soon both my hardened nipples were inside her mouth, and she took my sweet breast milk into her mouth, forcing me to moan even louder as my sensitive nipples were milked.

She continued to suck harder in silence, and I reached out to grab her head without thought. Her hands intercepted my own and pinned them back to the bed. I could no longer follow my instincts and her mouth forced more milk from my breasts. My breasts no longer had that full feeling that I had grown used to as she did so before she lifted her head. Milk sprayed from my breasts, landing on her face and my body as she did so.

Scylar's hands landed on either side of me, then leaving me unpinned and got up. She mounted herself over my now rock-hard cock; her pussy juices were now dripping onto me, and she pushed her pussy onto my shaft, moistening it with her juices. "Ah, Such a good morning meal to start with," Scylar commented, "At least these perverted breasts prove to be useful for something other than attracting young boys," She said with contempt. Her hand, without warning, whipped out, smacking the side of my breasts, making it spill out milk at the same time, making me yelp in pain and pleasure.

My cock twitched from the sudden action from her. Her hips continued to tease me as she rocked her moist pussy up and down my shaft giving me faint pleasure spiking to my head as she smiled down upon me. I let out a sigh of satisfaction, letting my lungs empty, and when I tried to breathe, they found no air to bring in. My eyes flicked to her hand as it glowed cyan. My hands instinctively tried to jump to my throat and remained where they were, hitting an invisible barrier.

My cock hardened as I tried to breathe in forcefully, and Scylar smiled at my distress. Her pussy moved slightly faster along my shaft as I struggled. "What's wrong?" She asked calmly as she rocked her hips along my shaft somewhat faster. My balls began to fuel my urethra with suitable ammunition as her other hand landed upon them. Her fingers seemed to pinch my tubes that were loading ammunition to expel with precision as I struggled to breathe.

My face turned red as I continued to struggle in silence, and Scylar smiled. My struggles made her smile became larger as my growing frustration and pain, coupled with the lack of air, made my face contort in pain more than pleasure. Still, her pussy stroked my shaft before stopping at the head as I became more desperate.

My lungs painfully tried to fill as I felt my cock slip inside her pussy, the warmth, and folds inside hugging me tightly. They welcomed my invasion and tightened even further as my cock dove into her depths. Her hand lashed out twice, hitting my breasts on one side, sending milk spraying out with my pain and pleasure before they were intercepted by her other hand, smacking them back the way they came. My mouth opened wordlessly as I couldn't breathe in wordless pain and pleasure as my cock erupted inside Scylar as her hand at some point released me to ejaculate.

The pleasure filled my head and air-filled my lungs suddenly. PLeasure spiked beyond what I could comprehend. My pussy gushed out as I felt my breasts spray out as well. My entire body seemed to erupt in bodily fluids that tore my brain apart, leaving me wordlessly gaping as I took deep breaths. My orgasm continued as I lost myself in pleasure and the relief of my lungs filling with the oxygen they so desperately needed. My cock continued to be wrung of its juices, and my eyes flashed black as the sensations overwhelmed me.

Soon though, my cock left those depths of Scylar's insides, and she chuckled standing above me. My sperm dripped from her pussy onto my body as she stepped off the bed. My body shuddered with the remembrance of the pain and pleasure of the quick fuck. "That was a good wake-up call," Scylar noted to herself within my earshot as I took in more air and coughing.

"Oh, and news, my little toy," Scylar said, looking back as she picked up her robe from my drawer. "I have your child in me," She spoke with a large smile, "Congratulations, daddy," Scylar laughed at my incredulous look as I struggled to catch my breath and left the room while putting on her robe. I was left confused and honestly still horny. The way she manipulated my body and body to seek her pleasure while simultaneously hurting and pleasuring my own made my cock twitch in satisfaction.

My mind was left blank, and I wasn't sure if this new information was accurate or not. Scylar was one to manipulate me mentally and physically, and it could all be something to toy with me later. So instead of worrying about it now, I finished regaining my breath and made my way to the shower to clean up inside my lab.

The clean white tiled floors inside my lab apartment met my feet seconds later once I rifted in. I turned on the shower and cleaned my body of still leaking milk from my breasts and Semen. I decided to ignore Scylar's assertion until I could tell that she was pregnant.

I did know, though, that there was a high likely hood if she was pregnant that I could be the father. It was an interesting conundrum since I have always been a mother. It was something knew from my previous life and reasonably as a woman my entire lives something I never thought would change. I threw the thought out of my mind, though with practiced ease.

Instead, my mind settled on creating a dictionary and textbook to teach English to the slaves in my employ here in the Lab. In fact, as soon as I cleaned my body, I rifted myself back into the seat that I originally started the textbook and began knowing that I was on the clock. My fingers began typing into the word processor as my mind became active in the translation of words.