Three Realms

It was night as I rifted back into my bedroom, taking a deep breath as my feet hit the floor. With the time differences inside the rift, I wondered if I was wasting time by staying outside to sleep. No, I knew I was wasting time by not staying in the laboratories to sleep. That didn't matter, though, as I was still in the academy here. No one knew where I went, and the ability to move through the void allowed others to understand that it would be hard to keep track of me.

This was coupled with the fact that I showed myself in town from time to time. These were the things that made a reasonable probability that no one would question where I went. Or better assume I went to town. This might not be entirely true for everyone, but it was the best I could do. The slaves inside my lab were already given a lot of freedom, except for the two, who were now changed into breeding beds for small critters. I wondered how they would look after a month with them.

A smile of curiosity appeared on my face as I wondered what I would encounter after the next round of training. The thought of training, though, brought a frown of extreme displeasure to my face.

Tomorrow the training would resume, and I had no idea why I was being put through this pain. Although I loved the sadistic mind of Scylar, I needed to know why I was feeling it. Unfortunately, I didn't know how to get the information out of her. The thought of trying to get the information out of Scylar consumed my mind as I moved towards the bed. My nose flared, bringing in air, and I was about to lay down on the bed as I took off the clothes I was wearing when I heard something behind me. I turned suddenly and noticed Scylar sitting there with a smirk inside my dorm room.

"Well, You are back," Scylar said softly, "You know," The pause that followed was pregnant with something I couldn't identify as I was startled, "I have been trying to catch up with you. The interesting thing is that you are a void Mage. I am a wind mage, though, and if you were going into town, I would be able to catch up to you since your rift distance should be within eyesight. I might be wrong on that, but I find it curious that I couldn't find you all day," Scylar her tone was casual, Very casual in that tone. I could see something different now. It was that expression that made me realize that she was an Alpha. Scylar was one of the best Doms I have ever met and suited me in many ways.

That predatory stare she gave me sent shivers of lust to my core. The smile and facial expression spoke pain and pleasure to me; No, it was even more predatory than that. I was her prey at this moment, and she wanted something from me. It sent a shiver down to my core as I remembered the rapists that didn't know that I stalked them. They would hunt me down, not knowing that I hunted for them to give me the simple thrill that Scylar brought to me with that casual smile.

I shivered, and Scylar noticed each movement, "The thing is, although I feel movement in mana through your body when you rifted. I didn't feel enough for it to be a distance." Scylar said with that continued predatory smile. "Instead, I felt a distinct lack of mana to move far in the rift." The pause was pregnant with a new surprise for me.

"Here I am finding out my Baby Daddy has a secret that she isn't sharing with me." Scylar continued for a moment, still sitting in something in the corner of the room, staring at me as I was frozen in place by surprise and that stare. That stare pierces me pinning me in the spot sending a constant shiver of delight down to my core.

Her tone suddenly changed, "Did you know there are three worlds here?" Scylar's tone was educational now; in class, she used it a lot, but that stare was still predatory, "There is the weakest world we are on. Humans like us own most of it. We have taken the most resources here, and This is our world in most part while wild beasts with no minds own the wild." My confusion was starting to grow why she was educating me at this point, "This world is known as the lesser world. The mana in the atmosphere is the least, making it hard to grow and makes it easier for the weak to survive. Many weak humans live here like yourself or even like me. We might be stronger than average, but we are big fish in a very small pond. At night when you look in the sky, the Purple world is where the strong reside." Scylar described, "It is a world I have never been to. A simple Mage isn't strong enough to survive there. I am like a newborn babe in front of the giants of power that survive there. If I went there without becoming an Archmage, the mana would drown me. It would choke me to death like water that clogged the air I breathed."

"Then the Green world?" I asked meekly under that predatory stare, sounding like a beta. I hated sounding like that, but that gaze pinned me and made me feel weak, but my pussy moist with want with my cock hardening. My nose flared with lust as I listened to Scylar talk.

"That is where the gods reside. They do what they want and war often." Scylar said, "They have transcended the mana becoming laws of the world in their own right. But," Scylar paused, looking at me, "They never let us weaklings know what is there. Those on the green world could easily destroy even the strongest on the purple world. No one in this world knows what the other worlds are called. We do know we will learn when we ascend to them." Scylar paused, but her stare remained on me, and my confusion was growing.

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked, my tone sounding feeble for the reason that I didn't understand.

"Because the gods are mischievous. They send people's souls to this world. We have long learned these people come from places beyond the three realms. They bring things they know do not understand what they are and are also given ridiculous tasks with equally ridiculous reasons behind them." Scylar said with a biting tone that surprised me.

"They also give those people something to give them a boost or a chance to fulfill those stupid tasks. One of those people was given a fucking ball of light and told to shine the light of the gods upon people. There is now the Church of light in the north that has rejected any other form of mana other than light. They will kill anyone who doesn't follow the light due to that person following the gods." My breath rode in my throat as that look leveled on me, "There are more instances of this. Some of those people even talk about how they used to be men or women. Some talk about the things in the other world before our world destroys them before they can create mischief."

"I-" I was at a loss of words.

"What did they give you?" Scylar asked, her tone and smile turning even more predatory. "What was your task?"

The questions hung in the air, and I felt out of depth. I didn't have the information to know if she was speaking the truth. Scylar's predatory look made much more sense now, and I realized that she had been watching me closer than I thought.

"My lab," I told her flatly, "They gave me my laboratory," I repeated.

"Another world's laboratory!?" Scylar stood up with intense interest, "What was the task?! They usually give a harsh task with a large gift like that!" Scylar continued.

"Exterminate the humans," I said, only to hear a laugh from Scylar.

The laughter rang out with charm from her. It surprised her, but she couldn't contain it. The laugh was completely loose as it filled the room, and she held her sides. "That one again?!" Scylar said with a chuckle continuing in her voice. "The last fifty or so they sent had the same task. We do not know why but the Gods have no power in the lesser worlds. Once someone ascends from this world to the next, they must leave everything they have gained but their bodies from this world. Nothing from their worlds can enter this one. Nothing from our world but our bodies may enter the next." Scylar said with the chuckle in her voice dying down. "The gods may send souls and things they create from other worlds down here, though as they will have no power. They send them here since if you had stayed in their world without their power to protect you, you would have died instantly." Scylar explained only with the amusement was still in her tone. "I don't nor does anyone here know what the gods want. But, They do have valid threats. Whatever they threatened you with, I hear is possible." Scylar said, her tone serious.

My eyes widened, "Like what?" I asked curiously.

"There is an immortal." Scylar said, her smile turning predatory again, "I don't know what the god told him to do. No one does, Or what timeline or task to do. The punishment is something we all know." She paused, and when I opened my mouth to ask, Scylar continued, "His punishment was becoming living stone. So indestructible, nothing can break him or mold him. The man has long gone crazy at Mount Craze more; you can still hear him talk gibberish in a tongue no one can understand, even with mana. But that was his punishment for failing his task." Scylar finished.

"As long as I don't die, then I don't fail my task then," I thought. Instead, I thought about it, and I realized there was no time limit. If what Scylar was saying is true. Then as long as I become a god myself, I could negate any punishment!"

"Oh, What is the punishment you have, Slut?" Scylar asked me.

I then realized something, and my mind blanked. Why was I talking so much? I might love what Scylar does to me, but that didn't mean I should tell her everything. Hell, To my surprise, I realized I was taking everything at face value. Why was I so forthcoming. Something isn't right. I took a sniff and looked towards the wall just behind Scylar. Smoke rose in a small drift.

"You drugged me," I said, "Why do I feel so normal? Why am I talking out loud as I think this?" I thought.

"Oh, You noticed, well, Nothing you can do about it," Scylar said, "But, I can see it, you might like being my pain bitch. But, You will hide your secrets. I have learned enough for the night, though. I knew you were the one of the Fooled. I can't blame the Fooled, though. I mean, without context, someone that powerful will always seem like a god. Only your understanding is lacking." Her chuckle was harsh.

"Fuck," I thought, "I fucking said too much, You have never dealt with this before, and her predatory smile makes you so fucking wet to the core." My pussy was wet, and I saw a smile appear on Scylar's face.

"You are saying everything you think, Slut. I know you love the touch of pain and humiliation. I wasn't lying before. I really do love hitting you." Scylar told me, her hands reaching down, grabbing fabric pulling it over her head. "Time to show my Baby daddy a little love till morning."

"Oh, God yes, That smile, that predatory smirk that promises pain and the pleasure she will force from me. My cock is hard, and pussy is drenched," My lustful thoughts roared as the smoke continued to drift into the air of the dorm room. "Oh, Fuck," I thought, "Something is coming. Would it be as pleasurable as all those other times?"

"Oh, Slut," Scylar said, her hand hitting me across my face making blood fill my mouth once again, "You are saying everything that comes to mind now!" Her smirk was full of promises for the night to come.

I couldn't help but lick my lips, seeing that promise, "What comes next?" I thought while those lips were moistened by my tongue. My mind was an open book for her to read.


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