Speaking my Mind

"Fuck, she is so fucking sexy with that sadistic look making my pussy quiver in anticipation!" My mind yelled out loud. My words continued to spill out as I thought them without regard or filter.

Scylar smiled, knowing that I was avoiding topics after she explained more of the world I inhabited. Now that she knows my defenses are up, she planned to do something to me, and my cock was already hard thinking of the things that she might do to me. My imagination wanted to run wild, and I was having trouble keeping it contained.

"Will she put me in a precarious situation?!" My voice said with a tone of wistful want, "Maybe those critters like Gerald used? Or maybe something like my Baby daddy and toss me in a pen of animals that will ravish my holes?" My voice continued, with my tone sounding hopeful. "Fuck, Just that gaze! That Gaze!"

Scylar reached me, her finger touching the line of my jaw. "I knew you were a hopeless pervert, Clarissa." Scylar began as I felt a liquid dripping down my chin. Her finger swiped across it, gathering the drool on my mouth. "I seemed to have underappreciated how much a pervert you actually are. I do have a surprise for you. As a reward for being fooled by me so easily." Scylar smirked as my expression turned dark.

"I don't even know if what you said is true. Although I was fooled to be drugged like this without the ability to contain my words," My voice said, and I scoffed. "Mistress Scylar is sexy, and I love your sadistic side. But I am not an easily fooled person and not a person to take lightly." I thought, letting the drug take effect, making my voice talk, "You will do good to remember that I enjoy the temporary loss of freedom. Not the total loss." My voice, like the voice in my mind, was firm, making Scylar look surprised.

"I never realized even a pervert like you has a place where they are not willing to go past," Scylar scoffed, "But I already understood that. The torture you endured in those pools just shows that you don't enjoy pain for the feeling of pain. You enjoy it in the heat of the moment; Part of the temporary loss of freedom. You hate that loss of freedom. Such a hypocritical part of yourself that seems ingrained. So interesting. One of the most interesting qualities about you." Scylar returned to my inability to control my tongue.

"The most interesting thing about you is that you can come up with all sorts of interesting sadistic things and scenarios that play right into my kinks." My voice replied. "Fuck!"

I cursed as Scylar chuckled. The smoke in the air was affecting me while the Wind mag in front of me could easily filter that smoke so that it didn't affect her in the least. That teal of mana seemed to be missing as she closed the distance. Her finger poked my breast feeling it push deeper in.

"You, Are a fucking pervert who will love everything I do to you. I do understand, though, that even you have your limits. I have no idea how you bypassed and did what you did to the rood of the dorms. What I do know, though, is that you almost went crazy. In fact," Scylar paused and looked me up and down, "It almost broke your mind. During your time out of the training, the Elders decided to talk to me. I was too harsh on you, they said," Scylar scoffed, "They fucking don't know you as I know you. But they were right on one of the things they said." Scylar paused, looking at me like a piece of meat. "You need to understand why you are undergoing the elemental pools. I agree with that, Although I did enjoy your insane screams. Some of the actions you did too were hilarious." Scylar chuckled.

Her chuckle soon turned to a laugh, and I waited it out, "Why did you try so hard to seduce me?" Scylar suddenly asked, "Why did you bring out the Sadistic side that I tried for so long to hide?" Scylar looked me over and smiled that lovingly Sadistic Smile. "It doesn't matter. In order to reward you, because we all know this will be a reward, I have found something to suit your tastes for you to enjoy. It is in the bathroom waiting for something to do." Scylar's sadistic smile grew, "But Training will restart tomorrow, and I need first to explain why I am doing what I am doing to you."

"I wonder what the reward is," My voice said.

Scyalrs eyes rolled and ignored my words, "You are being trained like this since I decided to give you the best training. First of all, elemental pools are usually used to power certain spell circles and things like that. It is a good source of enchantment power that some old guy figure out years ago. I will tell you who later. That doesn't matter for this since we start first thing in the morning." Scylar took another breath, pausing as she looked at me. "You have a great ability to move forward, and I see that you can become much more powerful if you start applying your ability into becoming a stronger mage. You have shown an utter lack of giving a single fuck other than getting fucked when it comes to magic."

"I really can't fault that. In the world I came from, I was much better at science, and I was never about getting stronger myself. I worked out and things like that only to increase my attractiveness and keep my body healthy," That voice of mine said, interrupting Scylar.

"Be that as it may," Scylar continued looking annoyed, "I decided that I am going to make you a mixed Mage. You will find it harder to get stronger without pain. That pain you are receiving now will save you more in fights in the future. What I am doing with those mana pools is increasing your resistance to Mana attacks. Pure elemental pools try to distill anything other than that elemental mana into itself. It will first enter the object and 'purify' that object. That purification is a type of attack that helps increase resistance to that type of mana. Your body adapts to something, not of its own and creates a natural resistance to it." Scylar told me. "This is how monks train. They spend more and more time inside these pools of elemental mana to increase resistance to it. That is why they are very good anti-mages."

"I am making you a close-ranged Mage with your void magic. You can close the distance and kill with a sword first though you need to develop some resistance before moving forward with your mana training. The earlier your body takes these rampant attacks, the better. This will also help the children inside you develop and can only be done by people with small amounts of mana. I am sad that I cant do this for my child," Scylar actually sounded remorseful about that, "You, on the other hand, can, and it makes the babies more resistant to attacks of those types. It also increases their sensitivity to each type that you are exposed to. This gives them a better chance of becoming mages in the future." Scylar watched me for reactions. When I gave her none, she was surprised.

"I wonder what the reward is?" My voice said, "Fuck!" I cursed, not needing my voice to say it for me. I was, in fact, interested in what Scylar was talking about. "I am interested in this. It's just that I really am hoping for an amazing reward. I get that the pain is something I need to endure. It sucks like cock rocks out a dick. But that doesn't change the fact that I hate that type of pain," My voice said for me as I learned to adapt to thinking out loud.

Scylar sighed audibly, "You are helpless, But I got the gist I needed. You are going to become a close-range Mage. Your stare is something I never expected, and I do not understand how it works. I never met a Void user, though. They are too rare, and no one shares information." Scylar told me, looking resigned.

"Well, That is stupid," My voice said.

"Well, It's not like all the Nations get along in this world." Scylar mocked, "Keeping general information weakens your enemies, so of course, they wouldn't share information." The scorn in her voice made my pussy wet, and my cock twitched in excitement. "Still, I will give you over to your reward," Scylar said with a wicked grin. "Come here," She said, pointing at the ground before her.

I thoughtlessly stepped in front of her, following her directions, looking forward to the Reward that I so deserved for the torture of the last weeks. "Yay! Reward!" My voice spoke for me, and I could hear a girlish tone that almost made me wince. Still, Scylar always brought good rewards, and I felt wind lift the robe I was wearing. It came off my body as the teal glowed, showing my hot body off to Scylar.

Scylar then moved her hand to my chest, taking in hand full of my breast harshly gripping it, "What fucking useless cow udders. Good for smacking, though," Scylar said as I felt her hand smack it loudly. I tipped in pain, and my cock twitched in excitement. Scylar then moved me towards the bathroom. She opened the door and pushed me in.

Scylar then immediately closed the door, and I heard something cover the door. Like she was barricading it. That was unusual, to say the least, until I looked at what was in the bathroom. I didn't realize that I had been turned around when I was pushed inside.

When I did see, I gasped in excitement. I heard a snort of something sounding like a pig. In the bathroom, I didn't have time to react when a hand reached out for me. It snorted, and I took in what I was seeing as it pulled me towards it. This wasn't an animal. It was an ugly pig monster or something. Standing on its two trotters. I gasped when its snout snorted again, opening its mouth as it pulled me closer.

My mind was revulsed as It pulled me close, and my cock twitched in excitement at the same time. I didn't know how to feel as that large mouth opened, and its tongue invaded my mouth. Instinctually I pulled back, pushing on it with as much force as I could muster only to find that strength was inadequate. I was startled with that realization and my pussy burned with wanted as that large tongue not only filled my mouth but plunged deeper into my throat like a large cock. It filled my throat, choking off my ability to breathe.

The snorts started to sound louder, and It filled the room with a nasty smell. I realized only now because Scylar must have been using mana to clean the room. The smell was disgusting, and the snorts from the pig monster continued. It wrapped its arms around me, smothering me with its kiss.

It didn't last too much longer, and that tongue left the depths of my throat. I took a gasp of air, and the Pig monster pulled me up easily with strong muscles that I couldn't fight. I then looked down to see a twisted corkscrew appendage pointed up in a curl. It was hard and soft at the same time, and I realized what was about to come.

The Pig monster dropped me on its corkscrew cock, pushing inside me. I gasped as my burning pussy filled with pleasure. "Oh God, Yes!" My voice cried out. "I fucking Needed this!" IT continued, "Make me your sow, you fucking Pig," The voice continued.

The pig monster seemed egged on and Pushed me against the bathroom wall, and started to mess me with that corkscrew cock entering deeper into me with each thrust as the Pig started to get more and more excited as I cried out and gasped in pleasure. The drug never let me contain my words as I cried out for the pig to fuck me harder. Its big pig cock pushed on my womb but couldn't push through. Instead, it coiled around my cervix, and I cried out in sensitive pleasure and pain as my Cock erupted. I was against the wall cumming on the Pig monster's fat stomach as it took me with its strong arms. I was forced up and down on that cock, and I felt my pussy spasm and my world turn white as I cried out in orgasm.

The Pig monster then snorted even louder and quicker. It pushed me up and down on its cock as it teased my cervix with each thrust before a large Oink came out, and I felt a liquid fill my pussy. I cried out as I realized the pig tried to impregnate me. I spasmed again in the humiliation of becoming a pig fucker for the second time. The Pig monster then retook my mouth, stifling my cry of pleasure as It continued to pump more of its seed into my pregnant pussy.

The kiss with the pig monster ended faster than the first time as it finished filling my pregnant pussy with its semen. It lifted me off its cock as I gasped for more air wondering why a pig monster. I was a pig fucker now twice in my life, and I didn't know how to feel about that. My mind was a mess as I felt my body being moved. I came back to myself, and I gasped in surprise as I felt that fat pig stomach on my back. My face was smashed into tile, and the pig seemed to have forced my ass up into the air. Then it came down on all four's and mounted my pussy.

It pushed in, and I cried out with my voice, asking Scylar, my goddess, what I did do deserve such a humiliating reward as my cock blasted more semen onto the floor while that corkscrew cock fucked my mind into emptiness.