
A night of passion as I cried out under the Pigman's strong arms continued. My mouth was once again filled with the Pigmans thick tongue that invaded my throat without mercy. I gagged as my pussy spasmed while the saliva dripped into my mouth as he took me forcefully. I didn't care as that cock hit my cervix, spiraling around without entering. Sperm lubricated from previous ejaculations as he trusted into me again and again.

I choked on his tongue as he continued to invade me without rest, and I released my fluids onto his stomach. I no longer knew if it was my urine or me ejaculating from his strong thrusts. The frustration I didn't even know existed left my body as my legs shook around the fat-bellied waste of the Pigman clutching my body. His arms were around my waist, and his stomach lifted my breasts. When he thrust into me, my breasts would be lifted by his stomach, and my nipples hard and leaking milk was teased by his hard, curly chest that harshly dragged along them.

My voice moaned, and the long tongue-filled kiss with the pigman continued. I lost track of time, and my pussy dripped slimy semen as he thrust into me. My mind would blank at the pleasure and pain as his grip tightened on my strong body. My mind and body were in bliss as I felt the Pigman continue to try and breed me as his sow. When his tongue left my mouth, I would take in the air filled with his foul smell and the need of the sow bitch he was breeding. I couldn't contain my love of the situation and orgasm on the humiliation of the situation.

My body repeatedly erupted throughout the night while the Pigman bred me in various positions. I no longer cared for anything when the door burst open, and I heard a curse as I was getting fucked by the pigman. I was face-first on the floor again after a time of movement while the pigman was fucking me from behind. His stomach would sometimes even smack my ass as he thrust into me. I cried out and felt the semen lubricating our connection while I sucked in the stinky air without remorse.

I cried out, and I orgasmed as the pigman hit my ass, sending another pang of pain and pleasure into my pregnant womb. Without remorse, I orgasmed as he spanked me again and again when I felt my hair pulled on, lifting me from the floor.

"What a fucking disgusting slut." I heard that clear voice speak as I drooled while feeling that semen fill my vaginal canal. "You are disgusting, and I cannot wait to see you in more situations like this. But for now," That voice and face were blurry to me, but my eyes started to focus.

Scylar started to appear, and fresh thrusts from behind as the Pigman began to want to ejaculate made me moan in response. "Figures," Scylar said, and suddenly my pussy felt empty for the first time since I met the Pigman. I cried out, and then I heard a loud oink from behind from my new lover.

I had little energy or care as my legs buckled, no longer held up by the Pigman. It gave out various loud oinks of protest that its breeding Sow was taken. Those cries left my ears as the hands holding me turned a brighter Cyan as Scylar used her mana.

Soon, Scylar dragged me out of the bathroom into my dorm room. I had my clothes pushed in front of me. "This is going to be gross, but you are a fucking sow that needs proper training." Scylar took a swig of something and our lips connected. A liquid then ran down my throat that was like a burning flame through me.

As that liquid fire hit my stomach, I could feel it dissolve in my stomach, and I cried out. Then that fire spread through my body with an energy that coursed through my body. As I cried out, Scylar pushed filled my mouth with that bottle and closed my nose, forcing the rest into me. Each gulp pushed more of the liquid flame through my body, making me shake with unused energy.

When Scylar finished pouring the contents of the bottle down my throat, I felt a slap across my face making me focus on Scylar. "Good, You are back, and it is time to start training again." Scylar's smile was large as she told me the torture was about to restart. My body moved, though with incredible energy picking up my clothes. "Good, At least your body remembers," Scylar said.

"What are we doing for training this time?" I asked her with dread in my tone.

"This time, we are going for one last two-week burst of this training. You will feel no more effects from this type of torture after that. Although, The increase in resistance Training will be in other ways after this." Scylar replied, "Still, We cannot focus entirely on resistance Training. You will become a mage mostly. Just a good surprise for your enemies in the future if their spells barely work on you." Scylar said that smirk made me shiver as I put on my hot pants with pigman semen leaking out of my pussy.

I then pulled on my shirt, and my breasts pressed harshly against the fabric as Scylar watched with a small smile. I felt out of my element as I put on the shoes she tossed at me; then, her hand glowed, and I felt wind sweep my face and exposed parts, cleaning me off. I no longer had the sweat and the inevitable pigman semen from the night before.

With things covered up, Scylar pushed me out the door of the dorm room. "Move it slut!" Scylar shouted, and soon we were out on the field of the school again. It was sunny, and the heat outside was hotter than usual since I came to this world. "You were on easy mode last week," Scylar said, sounding intimidating. "The boys enjoyed the show, as did some of the women, though," Scylar admitted pointing at the windows.

Watching through the windows, you could see students blush, looking away from the windows as Scylar pointed them out to me. I smirked, seeing the beta boys and girls watching me only for a second. "Now, Now, bitch beta girl," Scylar scolded, making me turn to her with a snarl.

"I am not a bitch beta girl. I know exactly what I like and go for it." I told Scylar while energy that weird energy coursed through me. "I like what I like, and I dislike what I dislike. I am never some beta bitch boy or girl who can't take what they want. What I want is something different." I finished.

Scylar looked at me with that sadistic grin taking a step towards me as something flew into her hands as the glowed Cyan. "Oh, I sure you are," Scylar said, and I felt something clasp onto my arms before I almost fell from increased weight. "Meet your two new friends for your next part in the journey," Scylar said with a smirk. "They are two earth enchanted bracers that will help you become that Alpha you always talk about. They are about fifty pounds each." Scylar smirked. "Now start running, or I will increase your time in the elemental pools," Scylar said, her tone threatening.

"I will pass out from them anyways," I remarked with logic.

"Oh, No, you won't. Not this time," Scylar said, making me pale. "I promise you are going to love the next two weeks!" Scylar exclaimed, and my instincts shuddered in fear of her as she started to chuckle in a way I never heard her do before.

I started to run even as my arms tried to pull me towards the earth without thought as I ran from Scylar. I was now rethinking my life choices and kinks all over again, making my cock harden in the review of the Pigman I enjoyed last night.

I was a pervert, and I liked what I like. I had to admit it to myself even as my sadistic lover drove me to the brink of breaking my sanity yet again. I was a lost cause ever since that man raped me in my prior life.

I was an addict, and now my lover and teacher is a sadistic bitch that I couldn't help but love.

Even still, I hated her, and I loved her as I ran from her. Her voice was calling me obscenities whipping me with some wind as she forced me to run faster as those weights tried to bring me to the dirt. I continued to run without any more extra thoughts as that wind-whipped me from behind. Soon though, after running around the field five or six times, we came to a halt, and that extra energy continued to flow through me.

"Good, Day one of the physical side of your training complete. That energy should still be flowing through you." Scylar said as I huffed out, falling on my back in large deep breaths. I needed more air as I collapsed, and once I was there, the bracers pinned me to the dirt. "This will be your morning run for the rest of your career here in the academy," Scylar said, standing above me. Her Cyan robe draped over my eyes, allowing me to see her pussy that had was dripping wet.

I felt my cock twitch thinking of the memories I had with her as she treated me just the way I liked. Scylar is seemingly perfectly in control of my sexual pleasure. "Now, we will get to the point that will stop in two weeks, although first time to eat."

Scylar pulled me off the ground and started to pull me into the basement that I knew the Elemental pools were in. I couldn't even fight back as she guided me down those stone steps, and I entered a room with a large table of food again.

"You need to eat as much as you can," Scylar said, "The calorie intake you will need these next weeks are insane. That is only compounded with the fact that you are pregnant," Scylar sighed, "After these two weeks, we will be decreasing the Stress you have to make sure the rest of your pregnancy goes better, though and," Scylar smirked as I looked up at her incredulous, "I want your mind still intact." Scylars grin turned larger, "Where else will I ever find a slut like you to play with?" She asked. "I was forever holding back my urges till your slutty body came into my classroom. Every day was teasing all those little brats. I was constantly on edge as you were just asking to be taken by one of them. The distraction they all went through dropping my grades pissed me off till no end." Scylar snarled at the end.

Scylar stopped ranting as she sat me on the chair, "Seriously, Eat," Scylar change the topic. "Eat till you think you will explode with one more bite. This is not only for you but the babies in your skank womb." Scylar grabbed a bowl of soup and some bread as I looked at the food.

I felt like I was at a crossroads now as I sat there. Scylar was no longer forcing me to eat, and I could now control myself reaching this point. "What happens if I don't?" I asked, staring at the large feast in front of me.

Scylar sighed, "You noticed, didn't you?" She asked.

"I can control myself here and now," I replied, "Instincts no longer drive me, and that wasn't true last time." I finished.

Scylar sighed again, "This time, if you choose not to, I can no longer train you to be the juggernaut we want you to be." Scylar replied, her tone serious, "You will go back to be training as just a mage. Not a close distance, Mage like we wanted to train you as." Scylar seemed almost sad to say that, "You will become an ordinary Void mage as we try to do the best we can with you. But in our records, we have no information on how best to train you except a very old book stolen from an enemy kingdom on a Mage that moved to the next realm." Scylar finished, "We are training you from the book of that legend."

I looked at her, and I laughed. It was stupid, All so fucking stupid. Instead of bringing this to me and trying to come up with a method to learn, they found an old book of a legend from their fucking enemies. It might not even be true, and it was just so dumb.

But, would I make that suffering from the weeks before meaningless? Was it meaningless? Would I regret giving up now? I don't remember any true regrets I had in my lives. It was like I was standing in those crossroads, and one was a treacherous path that might make me strong. On the other road was another path that might make me strong.

Both paths were leading to something that I didn't truly ever want. No, I was here because a dom I was living with after learning I was a void caster sold me out. I was perfectly happy learning of the world to gather supplies to build my laboratory up slowly. I would have soon walked out into the forest with the pheromones protecting me regardless of some fun times with insects and beasts. I would capture them in the lab after some fun times and research to my heart's content.

The reason I was here now was that I took no direct action of my own. I was living with the flow and making no choices myself. Here was a moment like back in my past life after high school. It was time for me to choose a direction for myself. The academy wanted to train me no matter what. They wanted a void Magic caster regardless of my will.

If I wanted my freedom back, I needed the power to take it. I had allowed them to take my freedom for a long time, and I would have to continue to do so. But here, I had a choice. A choice that Scylar was giving me. It was a close distance fighting Void mage that seemed to tie in with the abilities I knew of the magic type I used. Hell, I knew most mages liked to keep distance as only warrior types didn't. This would put me in a unique category in this world.

My mind came to a decision seconds later, and I dipped some bread in some soup, and my teeth ripped into it. I barely chewed and swallowed it almost intact. I started to feast, watching Scylar smiled proudly at me.

"I will become a Close Combat Void Mage," I declared to Scylar as I watched her smile broaden somehow, "Not for you, Not for this fucking Kingdom, But to do as I wish again!" I almost yelled the last sentence at her.

Scylar looked at me, surprised, "Whoever said I like this kingdom either?" Scylar replied. "Now eat slut; I have to 'train' you some more." Her smile was a mix of sadistic and pride.

It still made me shiver even as my cock hardened and pussy moistened.