Finished Training Reward

The days were a flurry of unending pain and feasting. My body didn't change shape other than my stomach starting to show a baby bump. Still, I ran in the mornings while only more of those god-awful bracers weighed me down. They constantly tried to bury my face into the dirt as Scylar yelled at me and increased my training pace.

Soon I was also throwing fists with those weights attached to my arms. It didn't matter the method I did it to Scylar; it was the fact that I was working on my arm strength while she 'trained' me. My breathing was always with deep gasps trying to take in as much oxygen into my lungs as possible. Every day the amount of training in the morning only increased, as Scylar called it my 'light training.'

I moved through it, snarling each morning as my stomach started to become more and more ravenous by the time the morning routine finished. When done, there was a large feast prepared in front of me every day. I would spend less and less time devouring that feast. It disappeared as I tore into it, desperate for the calorie intake.

After the feast, Scylar would walk in front of me with that sadistic smile holding out a pill. She no longer had to force me as I took the pill into my hands, cursing my choices in the back of my head as I took it into my mouth and swallowed. Then Scylar would walk with me towards a door that I now realized was a different door with a different coloring that I didn't notice before since I was too busy resisting before to notice.

Each day though, I opened the door myself to see that pool of elemental mana. I hated these pools; they hurt in a way that could never be enjoyable, and my body was depressingly unable to access mana at the moment. It was like those pools cut off a sense of the world when you felt their elemental power enter you.

Still, I stepped forward even as my mind screamed at me to step away. I remained firm in the choice that I made previously and that I would escape with my Freedom from this kingdom in the end. I would go out and enjoy the various Alphas and beasts, maybe even insects in the world. All the while, I would get back to my research and do what I wanted.

With that promise in my head, I could finally bring myself to step into that pool instead of being thrown in. The fire mana entered every pour burning my skin every inch as I submerged myself till I floated in the pool of elemental Mana.

After an indeterminant amount of time, I could only keep track of the hell of pain I felt. I would hear Scylar yell, "Bath time done, skank," With that call, I swam to the edge with pain moving through my body. I could move on my own now, even with the excessive pain. With that, I got out and didn't even need to dress since my body wasn't wet. It was a surreal feeling at first, floating in mana and leaving as pain blasted your body—still, the lack of being wet after leaving felt weird even as the pain distracted me.

"The day is over," Scylar told me as I followed her out of the pool's room. "Just like every other day, you must rest with minimal activity after soaking as the mana is rampaging through your body. Remember that," She scoffed, "I will see you soon skank, Wash up in the shower before I get there. Get some sleep too," Scylar smiled as she walked off each night, and I would slowly walk back to the dorm.

Every day I would walk back, biting back screams of pain. I made it to my dorm room each night, holding back the screams of incredible pain, and made it to the shower. The water was a fresh hell I endured. I knew why I was doing it, but it was a fresh hell as I bit my lip with the incredible pain roaring through me.

Finally, after the shower each day, I would collapse on my bed. The one thing that was a relief was that I could now sleep right away, which I would do after the shower feeling mentally exhausted from keeping it together from the incredible pain from the various mana rampaging through my body.

My hypothesis on the reason why things were different after the first two weeks this time was that I had developed resistance to them. I was not sure, but there must be a reason for the break between the training times. I believed this was the reason why and now knowing that, I hoped the time dilation in the lab didn't ruin it.

I wasn't sure, though, since I also believed that Scylar was sadistic enough to do this just to watch me in agony. If it weren't for the fact that I found that incredibly sexy about her, I would probably cry in despair. I felt mentally challenged just to get out of bed, and I knew I was experiencing symptoms of depression from the treatment the last couple of weeks.

Still, I clung on to my saintly with knowing it was my choice and it kept me much more centered than when I was being thrown in, not even understanding why. I thought back to my mentality and the staring contest and felt a sudden and very painful shudder go through me.

What was I thinking that a roof was trying to stare at me? Then where did the logic come from that losing a staring contest to an inanimate object was the reason for the painful training. I knew that I was close to having a complete mental breakdown.

It was the last day of training this way, and when I finished, I collapsed onto the bed. I passed out only for the pain to erupt minutes after passing out.

I screamed with the sudden pain bringing back into the waking world. The sadistic smile made my cock harden without thought as I saw Scylar looking down at me. She didn't say anything as I saw that lust-filled, sadistic smile on her face brighten. Her hand collided with my face, and I realized that she was naked. Something in my core sung to me, and my pussy moistened as Scylar grabbed me by the neck, and I couldn't breathe.

It was only for a moment that she had me by the throat, and Scylar lifted me on the bed. As I was being slammed into something, and I heard Scylar, "Congratulations on making it to the end of the two weeks. Time for my reward!" She announced, and I shuddered with pain from the mana as I realized my head hit something soft.

A fresh shudder went through me as my mind woke up and took in the details around me. I slammed into some type of see-through box with a hole in it with a lid that filled the hole. Then I realized I was about to be trapped. I saw Scylar with that sadistic smile closing the lid on the box. It came down, and I felt something on my stomach and arms, locking them in place as the lid closed.

Then Scylar locked the lid shut with the lower half of my body on some table outside the box while my breasts to my head were locked in. There was something under me, and I had no idea what it was as I felt something moving through my hair now. I let out a squeak as I paid attention to whatever it was under me. I tried to turn my head when everything under me started to move. I heard Scylars voice then, "I just released the mana holding those guys back. Enjoy, Slut!" I then felt heat on my cock suddenly as I turned back and saw my cock deep in Scylars pussy.

I couldn't hear her anymore, and I had no more time to notice things when everything around me started to move in a dozen directions. The softness under me spread out from the back of my head, and I hit the soft transparent material that apparently made this box. I gasped in surprise and pain as everything caused it when the black critters attacked my body.

No, Not my body as I felt a dozen needles prick my breasts, then one of them came to my face, and I noticed the hand like critter. A memory sparked, and I remembered my entry to this world and the Critters that greeted me. Then heat blasted my breasts as they injected their aphrodisiac into my breasts, making me scream. Then the one covering my face pricked my tongue, seemingly by accident.

I cried out, and I wasn't sure what I wanted as I felt an orgasm ripple through my body with a fresh explosion of pain. I screamed as I tried to move my head to throw the critter off when my breasts erupted, and I had another orgasm ripple through my body as I erupted through my cock and pussy. My whole body erupted again, and I screamed, Isolated from the world.

I felt Scylar moving on me, and I knew she was getting off on me while watching me when the Critters seemingly stopped poking me with their needles. Then the one on my face started to extend its cock, and it forced it into my throat. I happily accepted my fate as I felt the critters move over my body as heat exploded all over my body. I could no longer scream. I could only see through the finger-like appendages as the critter fucked my mouth. Then as I felt Scyalr move on my cock I saw her looking at me from above with that sadistic smirk as I saw the lust and love in her eyes.

Scylar loved watching this as I felt something fresh as another painful orgasm was about to rip through me. The Critters had found the widened holes in my nipples from the tit poppers. Fresh hell and pleasure awoke when I felt my nipples were penetrated. I tried to scream out as a fresh, painful rippling orgasm erupted into another as I trusted up into my lover. Scylars sadistic smile somehow grew as she rode me like some bull. I could no longer help it as my hips bucked up as I felt thrusts into my nipples, releasing milk making my breasts feel like they were constantly ejaculating.

Meanwhile, my mouth was being thrust into by the critter, and I couldn't breathe. I pain and pleasure rippled my world constantly, and I blacked out.

I then reawoke back into the world as I felt something enter my pussy. Scylars sadistic smile greeted me back into the waking world as the critters fucked my mouth and breasts. The fresh pain and pleasure as oxygen seemed to be helping me breathe. I then noticed a cyan coming from somewhere behind me to my nose, and I felt the Critters release inside me, making me chain another orgasm.

My world was hell and heaven as Scylar rode me as I bucked and tried to shake her off.

I lost track of time as I orgasmed and orgasmed.

The last thing I remembered was Scylar's voice, "You should have never woken the sleeping beast."