
My eyes slowly fluttered open, and I groaned in habit as I wanted to go back to sleep. I felt something soft on my arm, and I turned my head without the mana pain that was blasting through my body in recent days.

My eyes widened, though, as I felt no more pain in my body. Instead, I could even feel the mana inside me was within reach. I couldn't help but smile, and I started to move when I felt my arm brush against soft skin. I turned, and I looked, seeing Scylar in the moonlight coming from the window. I was surprised only for a moment. I could see her innocent sleeping face in the twilight and felt a shiver go through me. It was like the ultimate disguise, and I couldn't help but feel more attracted to Scylar with how well she could keep her sadistic side hidden.

Scylar was the definition of a hidden predator in my old world. I think that even without me on the day, she would have lost her composure. She would have then found a target to play with joyfully and enjoyed their struggle in front of her. That much pent-up sadistic desire wasn't something someone normal could survive long-term. Even if Scylar kept them long-term, their mental health would break eventually. I would somehow need to put limits to what I allowed her to do to me.

That would be a challenge, especially with how Scylar quickly released more and more of her sadistic personality to me. It was something of a Trust that I wouldn't tell the elders either. If I probably went to them and told them what Scylar had been doing to me, they would have put an end to it without more thought put into it.

Instead, I didn't want Scylar to change at all. I loved her sadistic personality and her creativity in playing with me. My breasts still tingled with the heart from those palm critters that she played with me last night. I wasn't even sure if it was last night how much I had orgasmed to what she did to me. At the time, I felt my mind breaking, but now I only felt refreshed. I was a hopeless Masochist when and I was unapologetic about it.

Still, I needed to put some rules down that I could convince this amazingly sadistic woman to agree to. I also needed to put in a rule for what happens when I know she will break it. It was inevitable too. I also know at this point, if I tried to leave, Scylar wouldn't let me. I could see it in her eyes that the woman was a crazy person that I love. Scylar already admitted to getting addicted to doing things to me. I will also admit that I loved the things she did to me.

I felt my head start to loop into both wanting what Scylar did to me and wanting to put limitations on it. I continued to want what she brought to our twisted relationships with some controls that I didn't fully want either. I was for once getting into a completely emotional response that told me that I would drown in this if I kept it only to myself.

Logic told me that I needed to put some type of control into place to protect my sanity. Emotionally, I wanted my mind just as fucked with the subtraction of that unpleasurable pain that the elemental pools gave me. It was driving me crazy just thinking about it, though, and I knew I needed it.

I stopped myself just as I did when I came up with something I couldn't solve that night in research and decided to go back to sleep. I was still tired, and I wrapped my arm around the sleeping Scylar and pulled myself tight to her. Our breasts pressed together, and I wrapped a leg a little around her and closed my eyes again, hearing her breathe. My eyes shut, and I lapsed into unconsciousness without care that I took comfort in the tormentor with me.

It was the morning light that brought me back to the waking world. It was the sadistic smile of my love Scylar that greeted me, though when I opened my eyes again. I could help but smile while still quivering deep inside while feeling my cock harden and my pussy moisten. It was an instinctive reaction to that sadistic grin that I couldn't help. I knew I was a lost cause on it.

"It's time for me to start teaching you to be the best mage you can be," Scylar said, making me shiver. I had things to do, and I felt it not only in my bones that Scylar wasn't going to let me go soon. Her grin and her hand started to trail up my leg, reaching my thigh. I felt her hand slipped to my pussy, feeling her reach my clit. I moaned and shuddered. "This pussy and cock are no longer going to be idle. You are behind due to this training, and I will work that nice ass till you squeal for mercy. Then I will continue going till I get you in a proper routine for a slut like you," Scylar told me, and I knew there would be no escaping what she wanted. That grin was confirming that I needed to do something to regain some of the control before she went out of control.

"Scylar," I said as her fingers teased the entrance of my pussy, making me shudder as my cock twitched with want. "I love the sweet torture, and I love many of the things you do to me," I admitted to her, making Scylar smile for a second before frowning as she realized I was about to say something that she wouldn't like. "I have things to do other than just training and being sexually Tortured. I am my own person, and I cannot be your toy twenty-four-seven as you wish I were." I told her sternly.

I could see her face darken. "I do not want all of this to stop," I told her, knowing I was admitting a lot less than was true. I would regret it if I ever lost Scylar as she was the perfect Dom for me. She teased me and controlled me in ways I never knew were possible. Her mere smile sent shivers of pleasure and dread through me that I didn't think was possible. "I am not a sex toy that you can play with every moment and torture me with that sweet pleasure. I love doing other things too!" I exclaimed as I started to get riled up while Scylar's face seemed to darken. I wouldn't be cowed into submission.

I might be a masochist, but I was not some fucking beta bitch that wouldn't fight back. "I need to grow in strength just as you want me to. I also have other important affairs to take care of and make gold for the Future. I also love research, and I will never give up all my curiosity for pure pleasure. I am a Maschoist, and we both know it, but I am not some Beta bitch that you can do whatever you want to." I took a deep breath and continued, "I know I need training, and I will continue it, but I need a time out of it to take care of other affairs. I also need time to relax and keep my mind intact after your tortures. Although some of them I might enjoy. It also stresses my body, and I need time to recover from some of the more serious plays that you do to my body!" I finished, and Scylar's facial expression was one of rage and anger.

As I finished, I yelped as Scylar pinched then twisted my clit, making me squeal as I felt her anger through the simple move. My body jumped up as I felt the mana around me swirl as Scylar started to glow Cyan. The wind in the room whipped into a rage, and the window opened. I could feel the pure anger she was feeling, and a new sensation came into.

I couldn't help it, and I moaned in pleasure and pain as I was penetrated by the wind whipping into me. It was painful and created a new pleasure as her hand landed on my cock, hitting it with her hand before gripping it tightly. I groaned and moaned as she started to give me a hand job while It felt like the wind was both entering and exiting me. I couldn't contain myself at the fresh explosion of pain and pleasure that was unique in a brand new way that I never felt before.

Instead of letting me cum, though, Scylar stopped it all at once. She let go of my cock and emptied my pussy canal of all that wind. The room calmed down, and the window closed. I realized that I turned away from Scylar without knowing it, and I turned back. She was no longer glowing Cyan, and I could see her contain her anger.

I looked at the dorm wall behind Scylar, and I found several deep cuts into the wall. There were large gashes into it, showing how strong the wind came in and even became attack spells without me realizing it. Her anger was truly high, and I watched her calm down. Every second felt like minutes before those seconds turned to minutes as I watched her composure returned.

After what felt like an eternity, her face returned to what I first remembered in class; A careful school facade that hid the depths of her sadistic nature. Then she sighed, "You are correct," Scylar said, and I could see her sadistic side coming back after regaining her composure quickly. "You are my masochistic slut, but I have no want to remain on this world. I doubt I will ever find a sexual partner ever again in this world or the next I plan to ascend to. Instead, I will have to do my best to bring my slut with me. That means that I have to take your wants into consideration."

The logic seemed to have taken over Scylars mind, and I could see it reinstate itself as the controlling part of her mind even as the sadistic side was still showing me the want to see me crying out in agony. It sent a shudder in me how I could feel it instinctually and even worse. I wanted that sadistic side to come out and give me that sweet pleasurable pain. I wanted it more than she knew, but I had to remain in control as I looked at the predator in front of me.

Scylar took another deep breath, and her expression became stern, "On one condition, will I allow this to continue." Scylar surprised me as she seemed to change. "I know for our relationship to thrive, I need to give you space. I also know that you will do something stupid as a fooled one if I let you have too much freedom. Those 'gods' have given you one of the stupider tasks that I have heard of lately. Still, I want to see the 'Gift' or 'Gifts' they have given you. I want us to become a true team together." Scylar said, and it seemed like her face was melting from composure to something more surprising.

It seemed like Scylar looked more vulnerable as she continued, "I want us to become more than lovers, and I want to ascend with you to the next world. You are younger than me, but ever since you walked into my classroom on your first day in the academy," Scylar paused, and I could hear a growl in her voice. "I wanted to fucking torture it. You were fucking asking for it as all those useless little boys and girls around you just gawked. I wanted to smash you into submission. Your personality is interesting, and I can't understand how a fucking slutty Maschist like you exists. You both are a beta and an alpha in the same package. You want what you want, and you plainly show what a fucking slut you are. You want people to attack you, but I can see the resentment you had when I tried to lock you up. It builds quickly too." This time she did growl in frustration, it sounded like.

If Scylar was acting, she was amazing. I completely believed every single word as she continued to speak, "You are MY FUCKING SLUT!" She yelled in my face, and I could see the possession that she felt from that statement. "I want this to work since it will be a pain in the ass to chase you around if you break free from my grasp. I don't want to dead bitch to be my toy either. I love your agony and love the pleasure you take from it. I love that stupid personality that you have regardless of how much it frustrates me!" I could see raw emotions moving through her, and I could feel the sadism wanting to burst out of her as she wanted to do things to my naked body.

She licked her lips and grabbed my breasts. It was a rough grip as she looked into my eyes. "I do not want this to end. That means a relationship of equals regardless of how much I want you to be under my fucking pussy bleeding from fresh torture as you cum like the pain slut you are." Scylar went quiet, and I knew more than the confessions before this was the moment that would define our relationship in the future.

It was raw what she said, and I could feel it. More than ever, I wanted just to take the deal. But with deals, I needed clarification, and I moved my hands, landing on either side of her vulnerable head. Scylar watched while just tightly gripping my breasts. I put my hands on either side of her face and replied, "I am a Slut," I began, "I will do things with others as my love of freedom allows. I love letting things force me. That is what I love about you. You don't ask; you take. Ruthlessly you take, and I love as you take my pleasure to new heights with new tortures using animals and others without a care for my consent." I confessed, "I want that in my life as I want you in my life." I paused before shaking my head, "No, I need you in my life. I never had someone dominant me as you do. I need someone like you in my life, or I will get myself killed doing the same stupid shit as before."

"My previous life, I got killed chasing after the pleasure you give me so easily," I confessed, no longer giving a shit if this was all a ploy. If it was, then this woman deserved to sadistically torture me for the rest of my life with the knowledge I was giving her. I couldn't believe the emotions this woman invoked in me. I barely knew her, and I could only melt under her vulnerable confession, "I want to be partners, and so I want you to both guide me but understand that our sex life and our relationship are different. I don't care when or where you feel the need to give me that amazing pain and pleasure." I started to give her a blank check only to pull back a little, "Except when it is a pain for the sake of pain. Pain needs to be followed up with pleasure. Otherwise, I hate it. Like those fucking elemental pools!" I cursed with fervor.

I paused again for a couple of moments, "I don't know what ascension is," I told her, "If that means going to a new world with you..." My voice trailed off, and I thought about all the research to do in this world and the things to discover. "Only after I satisfy my curiosity and learn what I can. I need to see things through here. And maybe," I felt a grin of my own, "Let us burn this world to the ground on our way out!" I exclaimed, "Who gives a fuck what we leave behind if we go to a new world. I want to learn what I can, then take what I want from it and ascend together. So, I agree to your terms as long as we are equals and show me all of yours. I will reciprocate and show you all of me." I said much more calmly.

I could only see Scylar smile with a broad grin. "You are a slut who wants what she wants and doesn't care what others think. You want other people's cakes and your own too. I don't know how to say it exactly. In your own way, you are even more sadistic than me!" She exclaimed with a broad grin. "Fine, you may be fooled, but let's do it slut. We will be true partners and ascend from this world as equals to become gods that will make the Tree Realms quiver in fear."

Our lips met without any more words spoken, and we began to have amazing sex that made our emotions resonate together.