Wasted Slave

I got away from Scylar in the afternoon. Scylar wasn't happy about it, but when I told her I would be back later, she got a sudden grin. I could see sadistic glee in her expression, and she told me to enjoy my day out. I shuddered to see that expression and made sure to leave before my horny body got it into my mind to enter that trap.

That was what Scylar was; a Beautiful trap that would eat me alive. I sighed, went into town, took the register of the things I needed in the lab, and shopped. I also gathered the supplies needed to make some silicone for the toys I planned to make for Gerald. It was something I wondered if I could create a factory for in this world. The only problem with that plan was that it would give me roots somewhere.

Did I want to make this kingdom where my roots were?

I had to ask myself this question. From my conversation with Scylar, she couldn't care less about the kingdom. Scylar was here because she needed gold. This was something that I couldn't understand at this moment. I knew why I needed gold. It was for supplies and convenience. But the Mana was in the world around us, and I hadn't found anything that made it imperative to get gold in large supplies.

That didn't mean that I didn't believe Scylar that gold was something important in this world. One thing I could understand about my world, and this one, was why gold was so valuable. It was an easy currency to make, and the only other one that came close was Platinum, which was less common than gold. Well, that and the fact that platinum had a higher point of melting.

I could appreciate the good reasons why things stayed the same even in different worlds. I moved through the crowds and started to spend on more food supplies and once I was in a more deserted area placed them in the lab. I hoped to get the lab self-sufficient, and I grinned, thinking about the subjects in the lab.

I had a question in my mind as I thought about it. Where was my access to all those supplies the 'gods' told me I had? I never once found a way to access those unlimited supplies I was supposed to have. This was the one thing that made me think that they weren't gods and that I didn't have to kill everybody.

Still, I liked that Scylar was willing to follow me on that, or at least she said she was. It was something that I could easily see Scylar enjoying aspects of doing it, though. It wasn't like she exactly cared about the students she used to teach. One thing I learned about Scylar over the last couple of weeks is that she wasn't a sociopath or even a psychopath. Scylar was purely sadistic with the social graces to understand and empathize with the person she tortured. Otherwise, when I tried to give myself more freedom, she wouldn't have given it.

It still remained to be seen if Scylar would keep her word on being equals. But that didn't matter to me as I finished putting away the supplies needed to feed the slaves inside the Lab. I finished up and started to look around for the things needed to make silicone or plastics. I finally decided that I would make the silicone, and I would use iron or clay to make the molds. It would probably be better to use steel, but I wasn't sure of the ability or cost of such things in this world. I hadn't seen anything to show that they had plastics in this world.

As I wandered around, I finally gave up after already getting the food needed and made a commitment that I didn't know if it was a good idea. I would ask my... Girlfriend? Lover? Partner? My mind seemed to stumble upon the term that I should use to describe my relationship with Scylar.

It was a stumbling block that I didn't know how to get over at this point. Scylar was just that. If anything, she was more like my manager. She seemed to manage my body with my wants and needs. My stomach growled as I walked back to the academy while contemplating the choices I have made in this world.

As I started to near the academy, I had two choices, and I decided to go to the cafeteria to eat before heading somewhere to enter my lab. I felt my stomach grumble again before I reached the Cafeteria. When I arrived, I saw the other students walking in for lunch as I arrived. I instantly went to the place and got about six helpings of food before I decided that it looked like enough food.

I headed to a table in the cafeteria and immediately set to work with a berzerk style of eating that started to leave a mess all around the table, just as I did when I feasted during the training. I felt like the food would run away almost, and I paused before I took another mouthful, realizing that I was acting like a barbarian with zero class. It didn't matter that much at the moment, but I felt like I needed calories and nutrients in my body.

I took a deep breath, and I realized I had also been eating with my hands. I started to slow down and picked up my fork and knife that I did bring and slowed my pace down. With that thought, I took more time in the cafeteria, but I felt more like myself as well.

I finished my food and left; even though it took a bit more time, I was glad that I slowed down. I moved out of sight of anyone and entered the portal to my Lab. I was happy seeing the familiar walls, and I moved went to see what the slaves were up to.

When I entered, the Kids looked at the noble slave that I put in charge of as they spoke broken English. It was very rudimentary, but I was impressed nonetheless by it. "Wow," I said, walking into the room where they spoke, and all attention turned to me, and I noticed hate-filled eyes at me.

The boy stared at me with intense hate that spoke volumes, and I remembered that he was the boy that came for his brother or something like that. The noble maid I left in charge seemed to be paying special attention to the boy as he looked a little malnourished. I shrugged, though, and I pointed at the noble maid girl that I swore I heard her name but just forgot.

"Follow me," I ordered, stepping out of the room with her in tow. When I exited, she was right behind me at a respectable distance. "So, How are the lessons going?" I asked her.

"Mistress, They are going well, although some of the children are struggling over some of the words. I have no idea where this language is used, but I wonder if there are any picture books or something of that effect that I could use to help them?" The girl asked, and I wondered myself if I had children's books. I did have labs here, but none contained children at any point in my recent memory.

"Hmm," I said, thinking, "If I don't have one, I can always make one if you think it would help," I said after thinking for a couple of moments, wanting the kids to move onto something more related to the sciences.

"Mistress," The maid said, looking like she was selecting her words carefully, "Although it isn't essential, I think it would increase the speed many of the children are learning at. Otherwise, it might take more time for the children to learn with the current tools available to me." The maid finished, and I nodded, recognizing her point.

My biggest problem with getting this place up and running was the fact that I would need people educated in my previous world's language to learn. That was then increased with the need to educate them to a higher level of learning before I would trust them with some of these machines.

Hell, even recording information on experiments required knowing what they were looking at and the event's significance. If they blindly just wrote whatever they see, they might miss something they smelt or felt. This, at first, didn't sound very bad, but it could lead to the misuse or waste of materials in long-term experimentation.

That would be unacceptable!

I sighed and nodded. "Fine, How are the breeding slaves downstairs?" I asked the maid that was proving to be invaluable.

"Mistress, Their distress is quite noticeable and..." The maid's expression was filled with disgust before she shook her head, "I fed them like you ordered and believe they are alive." The maid looked like she no longer wanted to talk about it, and I nodded.

"Fine," I replied, my tone curt, "Get back in there then," I finished letting her go back to teaching the kids. I moved towards the elevators with a smile on my face. Soon I was moving down to my breeding lab, where I would get to see the effects of the parasites left long term in the slaves.

The Tit poppers were not what I was looking forward to, though. It was the ball biters that I was looking forward to seeing the effect of. After being left for a long time, I expected these little guys to castrate the male slaves, leaving them in agony. I wondered if they would pass away or if the infection would take place.

Whether the slaves lived or died didn't matter, though. It was the process that they went through when it happened and the spawn that they created along the way.

I soon arrived at the lab, and I entered inside to see the male slave looking miserable and groaning as he strained against the restraints. On the other hand, the woman looked like she had milk dripping from her breasts at an increased rate. I saw a pile of hibernating little tit poppers laying in her lap that I proceeded to collect; while looking at the male slave, I realized that if I wanted to breed the Ball biters, it wouldn't be like I did this time.

The dirty slave was a mess, and his groans were constant, and it was like he couldn't see me. His genitals, though, were disgusting and definitely infected. I frowned, looking at him, and I knew I messed up by the numbers. This man was a groaning dead man that just didn't know it. The place that the infection was coming from was already in the blood, and he wouldn't survive another couple of days. In the end, this man was useless to me, and I decided whether I should harvest as many of those cute Ball biters as I could.

I could see some of them squirming inside of him through his scrotum, and I shrugged. I wasted the gold this man was worth, but that didn't mean that these little guys lost their value, and I wondered how I would do it. I didn't want to jerk off this infected mess looking at him. I decided just to kill him and then harvest it from his dead body before destroying it later. It was the cheapest solution since the slave trade in this world was vast with a ton of replaceable people.

I would mark this as a slight failure, and I went to look at the footage the cameras gained before I would continue to other things.

Watching the footage didn't bring much other than the cries the man emitted. On the other hand, the woman showed the Tit poppers coming out multiple times to hibernate afterward immediately. It was interesting as they left about five days from her body without outside help needed before almost looking like a stone on the floor. It showed how these things spread before human intervention.

I left the breeding Ground, deciding I would clean the man up later to go look at the test results from my last check-up with my babies. I opened a rift and started to look at the report, only to have a smile grow on my face.

It was amazing!

All my babies were growing, and I pulled an ultrasound machine to see already some slight differences I hadn't seen before among human babies. The genetic modification seemed to work in all of them with slight differences. This was like hitting the lottery just making it this far!

I could see the early stages developing along the right track without the finer details with the ultrasound. One baby, though, looked like the ears were going to be developing in a different location than the others. Fascinating in its own way and I felt a sense of pride that I hadn't felt before. I was about to be the mother of four fascinating lab projects that might fulfill something that we never achieved in my last world!

Fuck that useless kid that probably had all the wealth I left behind in the old world. These little four cuties were going to be much better than him. I promised myself this as I looked at them in the ultrasound before I got up and did another full battery of tests.

A grin was spread across my face as I got to work hoping for the best for my little babies.


I have released the Second book of Life of a Dominant Futanari.

You can Support me at www.Pa*treon.com/Madjic or you can find my First book at


Or my Second at
