
I was thrilled with the progress of my little babies, and the smile on my face reflected that happiness. It was so much that they were surviving the first term, especially with the amount of stress and the abuse that I was taking through the initial period. This was a designer body, though, that I created with those 'gods.'

I didn't know still what my take on those gods was. If they allowed me to create a body in front of me with every dynamic, who was I to say they weren't gods? I mean, sufficiently large enough would make the ignorant think that people were gods even in my last world. It was just that you lacked the knowledge behind it that you could understand what you were seeing.

This was the best argument that made me think that Scylar was correct and they were not, in fact, gods. Plus, their interaction while I was in their space was weird, like a poor theatre. I didn't want to contemplate it, though, and I thought about how I was going to move forward in the short term.

Scylar was obsessed with getting me stronger, and I had to agree that if I wanted to complete my objective in this world, then I would have to get stronger. This wasn't a question in my head but a certainty that I knew moving forward. That wasn't all I needed, though, and I knew that gold was just as important.

Money was never a problem for me in my last world as investors tripped over themselves to work with me. My reputation alone brought the money to me instead of me even needing to ask for it. It was a shame that the same wasn't true here since I hadn't created a name for myself. I also didn't think that I would be able to repeat the same thing in this world as I did in my world.

I needed to get that work for Gerald done; otherwise, I don't think I would have another easy in. With things being as they are in this world with mixed technology, I had to get into the market soon so I could have the purchasing power I needed.

My mind settled that I would have to work on both forms of power moving forward as one. If I was going to become equal with Scylar, I could bring her in on it too. This would be a risk, but at this point, with her obsession, I knew that I wouldn't have the time all the time for the business moving forward.

I would also have to set up some protection against her too. Scylar was a ruthless sadist that loved my pain, and I couldn't be happier for it. I still needed to keep control of my power, though, in this relationship moving forward.

I stopped thinking about it at this point, though. I could worry myself for hours on Scylar, and I wouldn't get any farther in what needed to be done. I had to make a choice whether I would include her in the business moving forward, hoping to act as true partners or not. Scylar has noticed that if she wants to be with me, even as she restrains me, she needs to let me be free. It was odd hypocrisy of mine that I didn't care to fix.

I want what I want, and I will continue to live life the way I want, just as I expect others to do the same.

I decided that it was time to go back into the world after cleaning up the living corpse in the breeding pit. I didn't want the corpse to stink up the place even as I started to wonder where to place him and if I should spend the effort to finish him off to end his misery. It was a binary question with no difference. It didn't matter to me, and I decided that I would kill the corpse the rest of the way before putting him in the compost pile later. I eventually wanted the place to run on its own, and I wondered if the sewage facility in the maintenance area was functioning. It probably was, and I knew that I would need to ensure that someone was maintaining it eventually.

I sighed, and I wondered if the gods were bullshit again. I tried to conjure gold into my hand, and nothing happened. So it doesn't appear that intentions work on it. I wondered if the printers were working with what was supposed to be an unlimited supply of materials or just what was left when I got moved here. I sighed and looked up towards the clocks only to curse when I remembered that I had taken them out just before I died again.

I sighed even louder this time, and I moved back to the breeding pit, not caring about the female slave as she watched me walk into the breeding pit and use a void cutter to cut him open without pausing. The male slave screamed, and a second void cutter cut open his throat, shutting him up forever.

I didn't even engage with the now terrified slave as I cut off the infected genitals and rifted to the lab, where I started to extract various ball-biter eggs and specimens until I got a pile of them. I kept the eggs off to the side to see if I could recreate the environment in the lab that could incubate them after freezing them. With that, I rifted back and picked up the corpse rifting into the particularly full compost area. I couldn't help but grin, seeing that I wouldn't need to introduce this world's microorganisms into this environment, and I dumped the body into the compost.

With that, I was done with the body parts of it, only to remember to incinerate the leftover genitals. I needed to keep the place clean while I was still trying to recruit more people.

About an hour later, I finished cleaning up the mess and incinerated the genitals. I smirked and looked at how dirty I got. I rifted back into my apartment and cleaned myself up before I would go back to the world. One thing I had to admit as a Void mage was that Rifts were fucking convenient. I could move around, saving myself so much time that it was ridiculous.

I finally rifted back into the world and took a deep breath, knowing that as I looked up into the sky with the sun almost over the horizon that I would need to talk to Scylar. I already got a lot out of Scylar bit I knew that I would need to keep pushing at this point. If I didn't, we wouldn't be true equals.

I made it back to the dorm, and I opened the door. Inside, Scylar was looking at me with a smirk that showed that she had something prepared. That added with the mysterious box on the dresser spoke volumes that she had something planned that could fit into a small box. What was inside said box was a mystery to me, but I was already tempted to find out.

Instead, I walked over to the bed crossing the small room, and turned to Scylar. "I need to talk to you about something before I learn what is inside that box," I said, still looking at that box as I heard a small thump erupt from it.

"Well, That is interesting. You already got me making a lot more concessions than I would have liked for our relationship, and you are trying to make me do more?" Scylar said, her tone neutral, but I shivered, knowing that she thought I was trying to take a mile with an inch.

"Nope," I replied bluntly, and I noticed an eyebrow twitch on Scylar's face. "In fact, I was going to increase the scope of our relationship in another way," I said, noticing Scylars face change to curiosity.

"Oh, and what is that?" Scylar asked.

"I know that in the coming future, things are going to get busy for me, and you will be one of the driving forces in that," I told her and received a knowing smirk in return. "I want to start a business with the creation of a material known in my previous world as Silicone. It was very abundant in my previous world, and I am hoping that it is here. The material can be used for many things, but the main one I am thinking of is Sex toys. There will be a large business since these could be cheap toys that we can create on mass if we do it properly. If you want, then we can try and make gold coin together forty sixty on the profits, with me on the sixty." I finished with a grin.

It only took a second for Scylar to return, "Why me on the forty?"

"Because I need the controlling share," I replied, "Scylar, it hasn't taken much for me to notice that this is a world of magic and science in various ways. I may be ignorant of many of these things, but If I wanted to put many of my plans on hold for later, I could take one hundred percent of this cut, and I would give you the gold I choose to in the future. I know that you wouldn't accept that, though." I said, standing up, making sure that Scylar understood things. "This forty percent share of the profits is free to defend the business from people that would take it, and part of it is for research. I need even more gold for something, and I don't know what you need yours for. But the problem resides in that if I take fifty-fifty with you, you will probably walk all over me. Tempt me in other ways to give your decisions more weight. But I need them to be my decisions at the end of the day, or I am not interested in the business."

Scylar watched me for a time in silence, then surprised me, "Okay," She replied, "I will even go further and say the business will be separate from our sexual life together. Otherwise, we may destroy ourselves fighting each other in the bedroom." Scylar paused before finishing with, "I know that this seems to mean a lot to you, so I will take a step back here."

I was astonished all that psyching myself up for no battle. I felt like I shot my load into the air. It was satisfying but maybe not as much as if I shot my load with a little push back from a pussy.

Scylar smirked at my reaction, "Did you think I would react differently?" She asked, "Of course you are. You're are not the first woman I have been with. Hell, I have been with men too." She paused and noticed that I didn't react hard to that. "Of course, I wouldn't want to mix business with our relationship. I think that is one of the ways that would ruin our relationship in the long run if we did. Although," Her demeanor changed, "You will take my advice into consideration."

That last statement I nodded to. "I will take your advice into consideration. To be honest, in my previous world, I never even did business, really. Money or gold in this world just followed me. If I needed it, I would just ask, and people would fall all over themselves to give it to me."

Scylar sat up, looking at me with that statement. "Fascinating." She said, "Why?" She quickly asked.

"Well, Because they would be able to use my ideas or product with a small fee afterward if the results went somewhere." I smirked, "The reason it followed me was that more often than not, the people who gave me that money made even more money in the end with the product or patent I created in the end." I smirked, thinking back to how much money my lab made.

"So wait," Scylar held up her hand thinking, "So they would give you this money," I nodded, "Then you would research something and create something from it." I nodded again, "Then you would charge them a small fee to use the thing you created from the money you used to research it?" Her tone made it a question.

"YUP!" I announced with a large smile and a giggle seeing Scylars reaction. "It was a sweet deal, and I had so many people working under me that were really good in their own right. I had black projects that were funded through those proceeds, so I always required more income. So they kept bringing me more money in the end." I shook my head, "That doesn't mean I don't know the business side of things; otherwise, I would never have created a system like that for myself."

Scylar looked dazed.

Moments passed, and I waited for her to recover. When she finally did, she looked at me, "I will no longer think about how that twisted system works how you can use other people's money as such to make money for yourself since they have to give you more money for something they already paid for. Just saying it makes my head hurt more, and I am not a weak mage." Scylar said, and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Instead, I will show you something interesting I picked up for tonight to hear you scream and moan tonight," Scylar said, picking up the box. With her picking it up, I heard it thud softly several times. Scylar looked down at it with a sharp smirk that made my heart thud.

Scylar had already given in to all the demands I asked of her, and that Soft thud inside the box meant that she had something new to treat me with. Her comment on screams and moans already got me excited, thinking that I could cum to pain and pleasure. Scylar has never disappointed me, and my cock was already hardening without even knowing what was coming.

"This little thing is called a Pleasure screamer. It is a fascinating bug that no one knows if some lonely mage created it in the wilderness or even someone more sadistic. Hell, if Nature conceived this little rascal, then we would be in awe how it came to what it is today." Scylar said, looking at the small box.

I looked at the box, and it was roughly thirteen inches by thirteen inches while only three inches tall. It was a small rectangular box and the soft thuds inside continued as my heart continued to beat harder. "This little rascal is something I wanted to try on a little masochist slut, but none had the tolerances that you have." Scylar put the box back on the dresser and stood up.

"I can't wait to see your reaction to this little guy when it enters you," Scylar said, and I could help but dry swallow feeling nervous. "Strip slut, I want you ready and naked by the time I turn around." Scylar's voice made me feel like I couldn't disobey, and I didn't. My clothing felt like it teleported off my body onto the floor within seconds as I heard Scylar grunt hard like she was in pain. "Fuck, this little rascal hurts. But I know it will feel good soon." Scylar told herself.

I gulped, and I knew something was coming soon, and when Scylar turned around to look at me, she had a large smirk on her face. What was happening down below on her clit, though, was where my attention turned. It was a thin long clit at first glance, but I knew it wasn't with a second look as there were groves in it that seemed to be hiding something. It was thin though no more than a half-inch diameter.

Scylar stepped toward me with that thin clit cock, and I noticed that it was around thirteen inches long. I gulped, not knowing what was coming next, when Scylar pointed to the bed, "Lay down slut on your back and spread your legs; I have a rascal to introduce to you. I am about to make sure you get really acquainted with him." That smirk on Scylar's face made me shiver.

I didn't speak, and I didn't want to; Stopping what was coming was something I didn't want. I pulled and laid back onto the bed, and Scylar lined up the clit cock looking thing to my pussy and pushed it in without trouble. To be honest, I felt slightly disappointed with the insertion.

"Don't worry, Slut; You will enjoy this soon," Scylar said, making it known to me my disappointment showed.

Scylar got on top of me, though, letting that thing sit inside me for a moment; her breasts pressed up against mine, then I noticed that the room around us turned cyan, showing that Scylar was using her mana from somewhere.

Scylar's face was inches from my own, and her hair let loose, draped around her face covering all sight but her face to me. She didn't speak as she started to move, and I heard her start softly and grunted out seconds later, "Fuck, that is sensitive," I opened my mouth to ask when I felt something curious in my pussy.

Her clit cock, or whatever it was, started to expand, and I started to feel it inside me. I moaned slightly even as Scylar looked like she was about to cum. It was a stark contrast from what I was used to when I felt that clit cock expand even more rapidly, and I moaned when it reached two inches thick inside me. The pleasure was different from what I was used to, and I moaned louder while noticing Scylar cum.

Her body twitched only a little, and I felt her juices wet the bed a little even as my cock rubbed against her stomach. I moaned for a moment as Scylar seemed to recover for a moment before I no longer gave a fuck about Scylar. That fucking clit cock pressed against my vaginal walls all over with fucking spikes suddenly. I knew that's what they were, and Scylar pulled out, and I moaned loudly.

The spikes weren't sharp, but they dug into my pussy's walls making sure every spot in my pussy felt pleasure. I moaned loudly in response, and I came as the pleasure suddenly spiked through my head. My mind only had a moment, though, as those spikes grew in length inside me, and I cried out.

Scylar though at this moment, recovered and started to pull out, swaying her hips before thrusting back into me. Those spikes dragged everywhere inside me, and I loudly moaned in pleasure as I rapidly started to reach another orgasm with just a single movement of in and out. Scylar repeated the movement, and my world turned white again as my pussy spasmed on those spikes. I screamed as it hurt and felt so good when those spikes grew even larger inside of me. "FUCK!" I screamed out in pain and pleasure, and Scylar's face showed a large smirk.

"Welcome to a world of pleasure and pain, my slut. Enjoy, I will not stop till I am satisfied. Pass out if you want. I'm not stopping." Scylar promised.

I couldn't care what Scylar said, though, at that moment as she thrust her hips back into me, the spikes dragging all over inside of me with their blunt edges. I cried out in pain and pleasure, and my pussy betrayed me by spasming, and I came all over that spiked cock. I screamed and screamed as Scyalr moved back and forth. My pussy didn't stop spasming as I entered a world that seemed white with red spots of pain as those spikes grew and stopped at an inch and a half. I couldn't comprehend the pleasure and pain.

I FUCKING LOVED IT. My mind passed out, and the darkness overtook me only for a second till that white world pulled me in again, and I came all over Scylar's spiked clit cock. I screamed till my voice turned the horse, and I passed out.

I came back like I was pulled from heaven into the world of pain and pleasure. I didn't know what was happening as I felt my cock and pussy erupt. My legs tightened around the comfort of the person torturing me as I barely felt a tongue lick up to my eye.

"I love your tears, Slut!" I heard in some part of my mind just as the world turned black. Then the world turned white as I felt pleasure rock my world again with darkness greeting me.

Seconds later, the pleasure rocked my world before blackness in a cycle that felt like it lasted till the end of time.