Elder Council First Meeting

A day or so passed, and feasts were devoured into my stomach, feeding my increasing growth. My muscles grew as I continued to exercise. My runs each day increased my stamina, and I started to question why I focused on my speed in combination with my stamina instead of full power like in my arms. I had a fucking sword, and a shiver went up my spine as I thought about it.

Something told me that I didn't want to bring that up before Scylar mentioned it. My pussy moistened, thinking of Scylar as she said that she had something planned for me soon. I was excited just thinking about it since she even was out last night saying she was finding the last thing needed.

Today though, when I opened my eyes with my mana core becoming more robust, and I stood. I looked around the dreary room, and I rubbed my stomach and felt the babies growing inside me again. They were going to be cuties, and I hoped they all survived the birth. I had four little babies, and my latest tests show that they were most likely going to live. Hell, they were developing really well. I needed to do another ultrasound soon, but I loved how well things were developing. They were different from human babies, but they had enough to be considered developing in that direction. I still had a few months left before they were more or less fully developed, but the path they were taking was what I was hoping for.

I sighed and moved towards the door, my thighs brushing each other as I made my way there. I swear I wouldn't allow myself to waddle, and I wouldn't. When I had my son in the previous world, I had such high hopes like I do for my babies now. My successor, though, was a disappointment. I didn't want to repeat that with these babies, and I thought Scylar was an excellent choice of companion for that.

Maybe being a single mother with a fuck ton of money was a wrong decision for that in my past life. I shook my head as I headed outside, thinking about these problems. It was then that I saw in the corner of my eye cyan movement. Scylar flew down beside me and looked at me. "You are supposed to be meditating," Scylat told me.

"Cool, You were about to wake me up anyway, and I felt like getting up. Stop nagging; I know you are here for something." I said with a wry grin. I saw a flash of annoyance in Scylar's eyes. "You are annoying me on purpose," Scylar called me out, "Now isn't the time, though. The Elders are looking to talk to you now. Come," Scylar then started to lift me on cyan aura around me.

The world started to move around me as Scylar moved me towards a different part of the Academy. We started to move around the building with a swiftness that I could only surpass when I moved through the void. It was interesting as I thought about this as my lover was really quick as we were brought up to a large balcony with an open door, and we stopped at the edge of the balcony.

A guard stood by the door. "Mage Scylar and student, The Elders are expecting you." The guard said simply and continued keeping a watch, I guess. I walked in with Scylar, and I looked around as we entered the room.

The room was grand, with apparent luxuries all over the room that it overwhelmed. A painting of that king guy was on the wall decorated on each side of the painting at the head of the table in the center of the room. Around that table, a bunch of old fogies that I knew were the Elders were sitting there staring at Scylar and me.

"Mage, Scylar, I see you finally brought your student that you have been 'training,'" The Elder said that with apparent disapproval.

"Yes, Elder, I have brought Scylar for you to speak with," Scylar reported formally.

"Yes, we have heard your screams at Student Clarissa in the morning for months, Scylar. Incredible insults for hours on end as you make a pregnant student run all-out sprints until she collapses using the full-out stamina training made for monks and warriors. Not for the Mages that we are raising her at a MAGE ACADEMY!" The old man yelled, looking pissed at Scylar.

Scylar looked at a woman on the right-hand side of the head of the table. The Elder that yelled at us was on the left of the farthest end of the table. Scylar looked unimpressed from him, and I think I started to get things. There were fifteen elders around the table. At the head of the table, the old woman seemed to be the head of what I guessed was the Elder council. All the chairs around the table seemed simple, but I didn't believe that in such a grand room for some reason. The person that Scylar paid attention to had a small smile.

"Scylar, What are your plans to train this young, very pregnant woman," The head woman said, and the rest of the elders went quiet without even a breath sound anywhere in the room.

Scylar talked in that silence a minute later. "I have gone over with Clarissa and with her fighting in the tournament. Her style using a Katana with rifts in the void is something that makes her a Mage that can close the distance instantly," Scylar explained. "With this, I had decided that a mixture of Monk training increasing her body's resistance before training as a Mage was the correct choice with a Warrior's bodybuilding to make her a diverse mage with a strong foundation to build on in the future," Scylar said.

"What is your ultimate plan?" An elder at the left side of the farthest end from the head of the table.

"I plan on making this Student a powerhouse that can fight in close combat then far range, keeping her opponents off-center. With her instantaneous movement and cutting is both close and far range. She can also throw formations off since her rifts can use their spells against their teammates. Without special practice that I believe I have never even seen among our kingdom. They will have no idea how to deal with someone like Clarissa." Scylar grinned, and I shivered to see that grin. "I am making Clarissa an Anti group fighter!" Scylar declared with a large grin.

The room went silent with that declaration. The elders all looked at each other, and that one that outbursted before had a red blush under that wrinkled face. We waited in that silence, then the woman that I noticed Scylar looking at spoke up finally, "What have you started with in order to make this happen?" The elderly woman asked, her tone curious.

"I started with heavy running, and I did a double two-week rotation in the Elemental pools cycling through them all for an overall increase in resistance instead of focused," Scylar reported, and I saw winces on all their faces. "I did this with a warrior training regime that brought her close to the edge of her sanity. This is what happened to the dorm roof that I still don't understand. That was a miscalculation that I talked to Clarissa, and I helped her come back from." Scylar said, and I couldn't help but slightly raise an eyebrow at that.

"Well, That was an incident that we looked into and talked upon. Tell us more about your training," The Elderly woman that Scylar looked at asked for her to continue.

"Well, At this point, after the second rotation in the elemental pools, Student Clarissa got an overall resistance to all the elemental pools. With that, I started to get her to focus on improving her overall power. She is still behind due to her relative dislike for meditation, But," Scylar shrugged, "I am finding ways to motivate her and will continue to do so." Scylar finished.

The elders were all nodding as if they understood her problem. "Motivating students will always be a bane in our existence," An elder in the middle commented, his voice gravelly, "The next more important thing, though," The Elder continued, "Your pregnancy." The Elder said simply.

"Yup, I got a bunch of little babies growing inside of me," I told them without shame.

"Well, we all know that," The Elder at the head of the table with an amused tone, "What are you planning on doing when you have them?" The Elder asked, her tone becoming more severe.

"Well, I plan to continue to increase my power," I told them as if it was apparent, "I was wondering if you had some program for talented promiscuous women like myself?" I asked with a sly grin.

"So you want to continue down the road of being a Mage?" That outraged Elder asked, "You have talent but no drive; why should we waste our resources or a slut like yourself?" The Elder continued his anger apparent.

"Well, I am not slut enough to allow a little bitch Elder like you inside me. Scared of the stronghold, your power over the weak." I mocked him, making his anger flush red. He hadn't even said much, but I knew that he was the weakest Elder in the room as I saw the Elder Scylar kept looking towards cover her mouth. "No, I will use your resources to start raising my babies and become a powerhouse that as soon as I can fight you," I continued looking at him, "Will immediately begin to fear like a weak ass beta boy!" I continued to mock him while declaring my intentions. "I want to grow strong in my own way and pave a path for my growing family and me. For now, I need you for that at this point. If you turn me down on this, I will find another route. But I will not offer it again to your Academy again after today." I finished, and I started to rub my stomach.

The Elders looked surprised, and one was glowering in anger, looking at me. The silence only reigned for a couple of minutes. Then the Elder at the head of the table started to laugh, "I like you!" The Elder exclaimed, "You realize you have only a small amount of bargaining power here and have used it to the maximum effectiveness!" The Elder continued to laugh, "I am the Head Elder and Mage of our Academy; I am Bo Minute." The Elder said, introducing herself with a fond smile, "You realize that if we provide for you and our family," Her voice trailed off for a moment, "You will have responsibilities for some time to our Academy till you pay us back."

"I understand, and I will be here for some time anyway since I need to raise our children till they can fend for themselves," I told them, and Head Elder Bo raised an eyebrow, "In the meantime, I will focus until I can do more," I finished.

Head Elder Bo watched me for a time, and I smiled, "I want things in return, though, I want my Freedom, I want someone to help me raise my kids into Alpha personalities that take control and not stupid Beta boys like that Elder," I said pointing at the Elder that was pissed off.

That made him explode, standing up, "YOU FUCKING LITTLE SLUT!" The Elder roared with anger. A Deep red aura started to come from him as a fire began to appear in his hand. In seconds the fire concentrated at the center, and I noticed a yellow glow coming from Head Elder Bo, but I did something just as the Elder sent that fireball at me in anger. I opened a rift in front of his hand and behind his back.

Earth erupted in front of me just as a scream of pain erupted from the Elder that attacked me. "What?" Head Elder Bo said, looking at the now on fire Elder.

"Just because you are powerful, Elder, doesn't mean you can lose yourself to anger!" I cursed at him as the fire died down as another Elder quickly doused him in water to save him from his own flames. "You are a bitch boy that can't do shit!" I roared in anger as the Elder just tried to attack me. "You are a fucking shame! I cannot believe someone as weak as you are among the Elders of this Academy, and I am now wondering If I shouldn't go elsewhere!" I yelled at him, and the room went silent.

"You. Fucking. Slut!" The Elder roared.

"FUCK YOU!" I roared back.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Head Elder Bo Roared into the room. Her body was radiating yellow and an earthen shell instantly wrapped around the Elder screaming at me. The Head Elder jumped up onto the table somehow as if she was taking a simple stride forward and walked past all the other Elders.

The Elder that attacked me paled visibly, and Head Elder Bo was in front of him in seconds, "You attacked a student. You will be punished and will take a large research cut; In fact, I think I know what to do with your funding cut, Elder Brody. I think the 'Slut' You hate so much might have a few applications for it. You are an Elder, and you know the responsibilities that come with it." Head Elder Bo told him severely, "You," then turned to look at me. "You clearly provoked him, but that counter deserves to be praised. You will respect our office from now on. Including this idiot!" The Elder told me severely.

I nodded, "Yes, Head Elder Bo, I will not do it again." I told her solemnly.

"I don't believe you," The Head Elder then turned to Scylar. "Punish her with some more training later enough to make her feel the need to Respect us in the Future, Mage Scylar." The Head Elder told her.

"Yes, Head Elder!" Scylar exclaimed and looked at me. I shivered, and I blanked out. My pussy moistened at the facial expression that she showed me. "I will be doing that," Scylar finished.

"Good," The Head Elder finished, "Now, Go; we will discuss more details closer to the due date of your child."

"Thank you, Head Elder," I said, and she scoffed.

I started to walk out with Scylar bowing before leaving.

With Cyan surrounding us, we departed from the way we came in, heading towards the Dorms. Then I heard Scylar's voice, "That could have gone worse," Scylar commented, and I chuckled.

What an interesting system. I wonder how the Second meeting will go in a few months.