
I was looking at Scylar, and she did not look happy at all with my performance at the elder's council. She looked at me with hidden rage. "Do you know who you pissed off?" Scylar asked.

"Nope," I replied, "Why would I care even to remember such a beta male like him. He is beneath my notice as a male specimen." I told her with perfect sincerity.

Scylar started to laugh. "Okay, I cannot say that Elder Stevenson is my favorite elder. Hell, I wonder how he has made it to the elder council, to be honest. That doesn't mean that resentful old fool isn't going to come after you for this. He holds a grudge. He holds grudges close to his heart too. He will not lose his elder position, and you will have a bit of time before he comes back. Head Elder will make sure of that. But, You have most defiantly made an enemy among the elders."

"I understand that much!" I replied hotly, "You act like I am an Idiot Scylar!" I was angry since even though I might do things that others might consider stupid, I most definitely wasn't. Most would consider my very fetish foolish, but that didn't mean that I became stupid just on that fact alone. "Do you know why I did what I did?" I asked her frankly, "You think the elders didn't see what I did back to him when he was unprepared?" I asked her again. "You think I don't understand how people think?" I told her with anger in my tone.

"What did you want to happen then?" Scylar asked with curiosity in her tone, but that undertone of rage stayed.

"I wanted them to see me as a more valuable asset than they want." I told her, "I think they underestimate how useful someone like me is." I took a breath, and I smirked, "That fireball was something that I think they all realized was something most students of my power could never hope to deal with. Then it hit the back of the elder's head instead of the protection the headmistress provided me." I looked at her seriously, "You think that they won't think of that when they provide me with protection and resources for us to exploit?" I finished looking at her seriously.

Scylar seemed to pause, and I already had realized that Scylar was angry and didn't think about all the consequences and rewards that came with my actions. Her mind was active now, but I knew seconds later that she was annoyed again after thinking about it. "You will probably only get slightly more resources and probably not enough to set off the behavior you showed! You looked like an immature child lashing out at a superior!" Scylar said, getting worked up.

"Psh," I made a gesture of waving that off, "That is not a bad reputation to have in this world. They will take me less seriously when it comes to power if they think I am a brat in certain things. Hell, It will make me seem more malleable for them and more manipulatable and stupid. To be used for their ends." I continued, "I think you know how much success they will have down that line of thought." I finished.

Scylar's eyebrow started to twitch, and I felt her hand across my face, "You know what, I don't like your attitude right now," Scylar said with a wicked grin, "You have valid points. And maybe some of them are right, but you know what?" Scylar said, her grin somehow turning even more wicked, making me shudder, "I think it is about time for that punishment that I was explicitly ordered to dish out on you."

My pussy was already damp now with that grin, and my body shuddered in excitement. "Oh, I might not be able to go as hard on you as I would like. That doesn't mean that I don't have ways of playing with your naughty bitch pussy. No, Not your pussy today. I don't think I have played with that asshole myself yet. Maybe it was about time," It was that tone. That utter lack for me as she thought of ways to make me scream that made me so wet. That made me like this sadistic bitch so much, no matter how poorly she treated me. The love of smacking me hard enough to bleed despite my pregnancy. She knew what levers to hit literally to make my cock harden in my pants.

"I can see you no longer even wish to talk about how excited you have gotten already," Scylar said, closing the distance on me. This was our room, and no one would ever hear me scream with the Cyan around us making a sound barrier. No Scylar would delight in them and let no one else hear my screams of pain and joy. I shuddered visibly as Scylar's hand pressed in between my legs, finding my cock tucked inside my pants between my legs, now dripping with my pussy juices with every second.

"I have something else planned for you another day, but I have something for a naughty bitch like you for tonight. No, I might even delay what was going to be your 'reward' for being such a good bitch." Scylar told me, and I couldn't help but pout. Although I had known she might say something like that. I liked her rewards; they were creative and made me cry out in delight mixed with pain every time. I shudder just thinking of what she thought of not.

Scylar walked towards her dresser that she held here, filled with her own robes that she wore. Nothing other than Cyan robes which were disappointing. But I couldn't look inside it since each time, and her hand glowed Cyan before opening it. It was frustrating, to say the least, but she pulled out two boxes that I had not seen before. They were flat and only several inches tall, but one was tall and wide. I didn't hear any rustling inside of that box.

No, with her words, there would be no unique animals or anything tonight. Instead, they would be something that she can use personally. These were toys, not insects or animals. I shuddered, and I didn't know what to expect. My cock hardened even with that thought, and Scylar opened the box smiling.

"Yes, These will do, and I think I will enjoy some pleasure pleas and begging tonight. In fact, I think even a pregnant woman such as yourself will be able to endure the marathon that I plan to make you feel tonight. I don't think you will be sleeping either." Scylar seemed to make that last statement somehow a promise, and I shuddered again. It was like my body turned into a vibrator, and I had no idea what she had planned.

"Slut, From now on until you start training tomorrow, I will allow you to cum as much as you want," Scylar said, her grin maliciously happy. "In fact, I wonder how many orgasms you are going to have as I play with you?" Scylar asked rhetorically. I shuddered again, and I couldn't help but feel even more like towards my lover or captor. Either worked according to how she treated me, and I was a willing subject most of the time.

I still didn't know what was in those boxes, and it seems I wouldn't say as she pulled out a cloth from one of them. I had seen those in my previous world, and it brought me some sense of satisfaction to see them in this world. They were simple cloth blindfolds, and I shuddered, knowing that I wouldn't be able to see a thing of what was coming.

Scylar walked up to me and smiled, "Since you cannot lay on your stomach at the moment, you will have to be bound on your back. I would much rather surprise my naughty little slut so that you will wear this," Scylar said, not making it a question. "Before that, though, Strip Slut," Scylar ordered.

I lost my shirt, and my breasts bounced out, freed from the confines of my tight shirt that I always kept on tight. Then I took off my pants and the panties that contained the juices that I was secreting. My cock dripped with my own vaginal fluids that showed my want and need. Then Scylar made me put that cloth on, and it turned the world black, and I was alone in the darkness, broken only by the light chuckle of Scylar as she thought her sadistic thoughts.

I followed as Scylar brought me over to the bed blind and sat me on it before I laid back. I could feel Scylar's eyes as she asked me, "How are you so obedient now? But never when I am not about to play with you slut?"

I was lying on my back, and I heard her move in the room, steps away from me, and I felt her hand touch mine. It sent a shudder through me as I felt soft cloth in her hand, and she started to tie it around my wrist. Then she grabbed my leg on the same side, and I felt the cloth wrap around my ankle, and I knew what was coming as I could no longer move that side. I didn't try to break the binding as that would ruin things, and I knew that the punishment that Scylar would give would be much worse. I felt her repeat this same action leaving my legs and arms partially in the air bound together, leaving me helpless. I could feel her breath soon near my cock.

"Well, my little slut, I don't think we will be using this tonight," Scylar said with an amused tone, and my body shuddered as she flicked the head of my cock. It was slightly painful as my cock touched my stomach swinging, and I wanted to yelp. It was surprising, and I didn't know what was coming next as I heard metal clanging together as Scylar prepared something. "You know, It is always a shame that we don't have more space to do these things," Scylar commented, and I did yelp this time as cold metal touched my vagina. "You know what? These are getting in the way," Scylar commented, and I yelped again as something rougher started to string around my cock and balls.

It took me a moment, but then I realized it was string as she tied my balls up tightly to my cock before pushing them away from my pussy. It was uncomfortable but not painful at this point, but that cold metal started to move my pussy apart, showing the inside of me to Scylar, I presumed.

The metal moved my pussy wider and wider, and I only felt slight discomfort. Still, Scylar stretched my hole open to see inside, and once I felt open, and I could feel her breath slightly coming into me, she blew. The light breeze inside of me felt weird but not a bad kind of weird. I didn't know how to explain it as my insides almost felt tickled by it. "That about does it for your not so little pussy," Scylar commented, and I felt like blushing. I felt wide open and exposed in a way I had never felt before as I heard more metal moving.

This time she came to form my ass which felt sensitive as she began to push it open. I moaned as she penetrated me with cold metal, and I realized that these might be this world's versions of a speculum. I blushed as my ass was opened, and my sphincter moved aside just as much as my pussy was one-eighth of an inch at a time. My body shuddered, and my cock throbbed as feelings I wasn't familiar with went through my head at the exposure I was feeling.

"Ah, Your face is a little red slut," Scylar commented, "Finally feeling embarrassed for the first time?"

I didn't want to respond since I wasn't sure. I had felt embarrassment before, just not in this way, if she was correct, as she finally stopped pushing my sphincter apart after a couple more moments. I felt open and exposed, and my body shuddered as I heard more metal clink together as Scylar moved. My world being black, I hinged on each sound that came through as I listened to a jar being hit by metal multiple times. I was left in the dark world listening to Scylar's breathing not far away.

"That about does it," Scylar said, and I could feel her breath near me again. I shuddered, knowing things were about to start, and I didn't know how to feel about that. "I cannot wait to see how you react!" Scylar exclaimed, then I felt it. A small ball touches the inside of my vagina. I moaned as it slowly caressed a small portion of my insides. Scylar moved it along the wall of my canal, teasing me lightly, and I moaned sometimes, but all I wanted at this point was more. I wanted more contact and for her to be rougher.

"Oh, Scylar be a bit rougher, please," I asked.

"Nah," Scylar replied as that ball started to seek out new portions of my canal, checking each spot. I suddenly loudly moaned as she brushed past a random point. I heard her chuckle, "Oh, Found a little weak point here right at the start of your naughty little pussy," Scylar commented, and I couldn't help but moan as a much more minor point pressed against that spot, making me shiver even as it pressed aginst it more. I moaned louder as she pressed against it, "This little spot needs to be teased; it seems as your pussy is showing much more activity as I play with it slut," Scylar continued, and I moaned as she played with it. It was sending shivers of pleasure up my spine.

The teasing was good and bad at the same time giving me small minor tremors of pleasure constantly up my spine while the larger ball continued to tease the rest of my pussy as I knew now that my pussy was spasming lightly over the small amount of teasing coming from her. I felt both good and bad as she played with my pussy. I wanted so badly to feel more just as that much larger ball found another much deeper, sensitive point, and I cried out, "Harder! More! Please! This is MADDENING!" I cried out without thought.

"What a bad little pussy," Scylar commented as my small comment voice my truth. The teasing didn't stop as Scylar then started to rub that point flushing my head with much more mild pleasure as she continued to tease me with just not enough pleasure to bring me to the edge of orgasm. It was maddening.

"Scylar, Mistress, God, PLEASE!" I begged as she continued to tease me lightly on these pleasure points. Then the large ball moved on, and I couldn't help but whimper as less pleasure came up my spine as the other much smaller rod or ball or whatever continued to pleasure me very lightly. I whined as I started to come down from that pleasure, even as I still continued to be teased. I felt myself both wanting more and wanting this to end at the same time as I wanted a cock or something deep inside me. Still, Scylar continued to explore, finding pleasure points all over my pussy but never bringing me even to the edge of orgasming as she continued her infuriating teasing of every inch of my cunt.

My pussy tried to increase the pleasure to make me feel more as she continued to tease me all over with reckless abandon. I started to realize how much I both loved and hated what she was doing to me right now. I hated that I felt this soft pleasure, but the sadistic glee that she took in making me beg and moan was something that turned me on even more, and I took more pleasure in the light teasing but still never enough to make me cum. Her exploration continued for over an hour at the least, but minutes started to feel longer and longer as I lay there being teased helplessly.

"Please, Please! PLEASE!" I begged her with no reply as she finally found my cervix making my head that I didn't even realize tilted forward to see nothing spring back. I moaned loudly as my head hit the bed hard; my pleasure both spiked with that small amount of pain as she explored the unopened entrance where my babies were.

"I wonder if I should say hello while I am here?" Scylar asked herself as my head spiked white as that large ball started to circle inside me. I had no idea how to explain the pleasure with the small amount of pain I felt, and I cried out. My words were unintelligible as Scylar said, "Orgasm to your baby room, Bitch." My pussy tightened in a useless attempt to block the unimaginable pleasure and pain I felt at that moment as she continued to rub in a clockwise motion around my cervix, protecting my unborn children.

I cried out, and my words jumbled, and I felt my cock throb, and my world shattered in the darkness as fresh fluids released into the air from my cock landing on my stomach. My pussy, I had no idea where the fluids sprayed, but I bet it was all over Scylar as she continued to tease my cervix. My moans became louder as she continued to tease my cervix, and I built up quickly.

"Cum again, Slut, Cum like your mistress orders you too!" Scylar exclaimed, and I couldn't help it as my cock just throbbed this time as my pussy sprayed another round of fluids to her relentless teasing of my cervix.

I huffed as she pulled out those rods or whatever they were, and I took in whatever air I could. I needed it as I felt like my pussy had just been put through the wringer. I wanted that pleasure back and to stay as far away as it could as it felt like a forbidden fruit that I didn't know what lay on the other side. I felt helpless all over again, and my pussy wanted to tighten as it secreted more fluids at how turned on I was.

This is why I liked her. Scylar was so good at hitting these points, and the sadistic glee that she took putting me in this position made me moan as I heard more glass being clinked as she let me rest with my thoughts for the moment. My breathing was heavy, though, as that sound continued to almost reverberate in my head.

"It seems that I found something fun with your pussy," Scylar commented, and I didn't know how to respond, "It is okay; I only found a fun weakness inside your pussy." Scylar paused, and I could feel the smirk as she continued, "I will use that against you later; don't worry."

I shuddered to think what she would come up with later to tease me. I didn't have much time to think, though, as I felt that ball enter my wide-open anal canal. I instantly shuddered as I didn't know what was to come as that large ball started to tease my soft anal canal. I immediately moaned as I felt so sensitive from before as she began to tease the walls of my ass. I cried out and whimpered after those two shattering orgasms, and she started to tease my ass relentlessly.

I lost track of time as she teased those walls, sometimes finding sensitive points that she seemed to comment on but continued on without giving me that same pleasure that she did with my pussy. I whined, begged, and cried to deaf ears.