
I laid out on the floor, taking deep breaths after a long day. My body buzzed with emotions and frustration that didn't seem to pass. Last night the torture didn't end. My cries echoed the entire night, and Scylar continued to punish me without ever letting me cum again. My body shuddered, thinking of the mild torturous pleasure that made my body quake thinking of it.

After hours and hours of it, when the sun returned to the sky, she put away those metal rods. Scylar then took off the blindfold, and I could see the pleasure she took over the night punishing me. The order to start the day without having that release was painful. I ran and ran even harder while Scylar laughed behind me, making sure that I was incentivized to continue running. The entire day I felt like my body was on fire with desire.

There was a problem, though, and there was no way that I would ever tell her in the end. After the feast, I gathered mana at an increased pace like never before. I then realized something as I neared a breakthrough. It was the largest surge of mana I had since I started meditating recently, and I was scared.

I didn't want to be fucking blue balled in order to get stronger faster. I lay on the dorm floor, not knowing if I should cry. Scylar was out at the moment, and I lay on the floor feeling more and more want even as my eyes felt heavy. The knowledge on my mind weighed heavy on my mind, though, and I cried out loudly in frustration. My cock was hard up against my stomach inside my pants, and my fist hit the floor.

My body groaned, and I felt a small kick inside me. It didn't fucking matter as tears started to stream down my face in frustration. I couldn't fucking believe my bad luck at finding out the thing that allowed me to gather mana faster was something that I considered pure torture. My cock was hard, and I wanted to have Scylar ride me as she teased my nipples or something. Have my baby's daddy ravage my pussy without care for me.

I didn't care; I wanted to release so god damn bad that I cried tears of frustration and desire. I had one thing in mind, though, at this point. There was no way I would ever let slip that I could gather mana faster in this frame of mind. It was pure torture, and my mind was made. I didn't care if it took me extra years to get stronger. I simply could not care less as my body cried out for stimulation, and with tears in my eyes, my hand slipped down to my cock. My fingers just touched it when the door opened, and Scylar entered.

"Oh," Scylar said, looking down at me lying on the floor, "Frustrated?" She asked.

"Yes," I said, looking up at her, "My cock is hard, and my pussy wants a cock rammed into it so hard! I want to get fucked! I want to be sadistically teased with a fucking release! I want to orgasm!" I complained my feelings were out of control with the revelation that I could increase my mana gathering by feeling excessively sexually frustrated.

"Good," Scylar said, looking at me, "You have been on my nerves and have been doing things that hurt my position all over the place. Things that make me look bad, and you even forced me to reveal my sadistic tendencies. I will never get an elder position after showing the elders what I have done with you. Still," Scylar paused, letting her own feelings out. "You are a good companion, and I like your masochism, and you love your punishments even as you hate them. It is good that I found something that is considered an actual punishment for you other than binding that Cock and pussy up to be left unused!" Scylar exclaimed, and I could see the anger on her face. "The faculty think of me much more poorly than before, and I still haven't recovered from having an entire year of students failing except one!" Scylar continued. "You are a selfish little pregnant bitch that is used to getting her way all the time. If not with your intellect, then with your body. Even if that is with getting someone so sexually frustrated, they force themselves on you. Not with me, Slut. You will become someone powerful, and you will become someone who can ascend with me despite your laziness!" Scylar looked like she was fuming, and I realized other than when she took me to the shed to rape me brutally. This was the first time in a while that I saw so much emotion on her face.

The realization took me out of my frustration for a moment, and I realized that although Scylar had done many things, I never took the time or empathy to realize what she was going through. Scylar was probably taking a lot of problems with the other teachers and faculty over my brutal treatment. Especially because I am very pregnant, this tends to make humans more emotional when they see a pregnant woman more or less being forced to run and treated brutally in front of them for weeks on end. Not even just that, but all the elders even looked surprised at the Elemental pool treatment that Scylar told them about in my training. The pain was brutal, and I almost lost my sanity to the point I thought that I could win a Staring contest with the ceiling. My mind now wonders, 'how the fuck did I win that Staring contest?' I hadn't tried staring at anything too long since then, and I wondered now If I could do it again.

"I see that look in your eyes, and I know your brain is actually thinking now," Scylar said, bringing me back to the world. "You are a smart woman, Hell, Smartest person from the common folk in this world, but that makes sense since those gods sent you. But Fuck woman, You need to stop only thinking with your pussy and dick half the fucking time and actually think about how you make me look sometimes. I have no control over you, and that makes me look bad!" Scylar finished and let out a huff before she gathered herself again.

My thoughts blanked as I did realize some of the things I did probably made her look bad. On the other hand, some of them were not my fault, and I slowly got back up to my feet. I moved till my stomach pressed up against her slowly swelling stomach, and I had a darker look on my face. "Not all of that is my fault," I replied easily after a little thought. "My moves yesterday were my fault, and I know that. I also got things in return that I think is more positive than negative both in the short term and the long term. But you training a pregnant woman to what essentially looks like torture?" I said, using my tone to make it sound like a question. "That is because you ARE!" I said, poking her in the breast. "You are essentially torturing me each and every day in front of the public, working me half to death every day. Only when I insist on taking care of things does anything else HAPPEN!" I exclaimed, getting worked up myself, "So, Yeah! I make mistakes and make you look bad. The students, though? The ones that failed your class because they were too fucking horny to listen to your words instead of looking down my cleavage?! That has nothing to do with me. I can dress however I fucking want, and other people can do what they will with that. That isn't my fucking issue, and I couldn't give a shit about beta kid's feelings on that front. Yeah, We both have things to improve. But not all your problems are my fault. Some of them are, in fact, Surprise Surprise, Your fucking fault!" I finished yelling in her face.

Scylar looked at me a little surprised, then her face darkened. "Okay," Scylar said, then repeated herself, "Okay." My instincts started to warn me as her hand started to glow cyan. "I think you might be right, but," Her grin turned vicious, "I think I want to hear you crying and begging now," Scylar continued, and my cock hardened. "I will be repeating last night Since I think you need to remember who is in charge. And strangely, I think you got a lot of work done today being frustrated." I paled, and I tried to fight the wind that was trapping me.

"Oh, No," Scylar said as I tried to escape. "I think you are mine again tonight. Although, I will be fair," Scylar grinned, "I will let you cum twice again tonight. Let you release some of that pent-up frustration." Her grin would make preditors pale as she started to bind me for the night.

I tried to escape, Scylar didn't allow me, and I begged throughout the night as the previous evening repeated itself.